View Full Version : I want to report an exploiter

05-16-2008, 06:31 AM
KK, i wish to report turbine for exploiting. mobs are using terrain to their advantage causing us to be unable to do anything, hence unresponsive

check out what Sagrata did in shroud part 2 :eek:


05-16-2008, 07:43 AM
BAN that raskily Devil. Perma BAN. We shouold not have to deal with Exploiting Devils like that. It is totaly unfair. Wait, nope. Never mind, it says account holders are succeptable to this treatment. Sagrata doesn't have a paying account, I believe he is on a trial one, grrrrr. So close.

05-16-2008, 07:52 AM
I remember before they removed the penalty box from part 2, Sagrata killed someone, then followed their ghost to the penalty box and sat there.

05-16-2008, 08:10 AM
On an unrelated note.. Nice HP/MP on cleric there. Been tryin to figure out how to get my 28pt cleric more hp and just failing miserably... (prolly outta reroll as 32)

05-16-2008, 08:38 AM
Dimz? Oh wait, nevermind....

05-16-2008, 10:56 AM
Its a bug when they game exploits, its an exploit when a player uses a bug.

In this case you can get him down with a AOE type spell such as Otto's Dancing Sphere. The AI of teleporting mobs seems to be off. I've noticed this problem in 3 quest thus far.

05-16-2008, 11:00 AM
Uh should I mention the kobalds wh levitate from the ledges....:D

05-16-2008, 11:03 AM
Its a bug when they game exploits, its an exploit when a player uses a bug.

In this case you can get him down with a AOE type spell such as Otto's Dancing Sphere. The AI of teleporting mobs seems to be off. I've noticed this problem in 3 quest thus far.

we tried every spell in the arsenal of the casters, clerics, ranged abilities of players......... have u done shroud and it bugs?

05-16-2008, 11:08 AM
we tried every spell in the arsenal of the casters, clerics, ranged abilities of players......... have u done shroud and it bugs?

Can't ranged him because he's blocked, and yes I've had this happen atleast 3 times in the last 2 days. On a caster I have no problem getting him down. Last night however the cleric was the one who pulled him down with a blade barrier as I was on my ranger. You have to manualy target the area and drop a spell.

05-16-2008, 11:20 AM
normally dropping a blade barrier in the tree that he's teleported behind will get him down

05-16-2008, 11:33 AM
not this time. he was just out of range of all the AOE spells :(

05-16-2008, 02:59 PM
Ranger with Precise Shot?

05-16-2008, 08:14 PM
Ranger with Precise Shot?

precise shot allow you to hit thru mobs not inanimate objects

05-16-2008, 09:46 PM
On an unrelated note.. Nice HP/MP on cleric there. Been tryin to figure out how to get my 28pt cleric more hp and just failing miserably... (prolly outta reroll as 32)

my cleric has 256hp after doing nothing really and around 1600 sp..... hes human.

the character above looks like a dwarf, with the dwarven toughness line he could hit 300 easy and if he puts his wisdom to 30 or better, his sp will be fine.

05-16-2008, 09:49 PM
I would suggest poking him with a Festival Twig.

I have many of them if you need one. Only 25k pp each.:D

05-17-2008, 03:45 PM
On an unrelated note.. Nice HP/MP on cleric there. Been tryin to figure out how to get my 28pt cleric more hp and just failing miserably... (prolly outta reroll as 32)

Dwarves have Dwarven Toughness and Dwarven Faith,
that's how Dwarves are born to be a good cleric :)

05-17-2008, 04:03 PM

We've had him do this a couple of times and were able to get him back by moving away from the corner he was at. Any which way whether he comes back or not, it sucks when this happens. Don't exploiters get banned? :D


Dwarves have Dwarven Toughness and Dwarven Faith,
that's how Dwarves are born to be a good cleric :)

Too bad we're all starting to look like Papa Smurf. :eek:


05-17-2008, 06:06 PM
On an unrelated note.. Nice HP/MP on cleric there. Been tryin to figure out how to get my 28pt cleric more hp and just failing miserably... (prolly outta reroll as 32)

I have a "Turbine defaults" 28pt Human Cleric I created the day I joined up, which means 10 CON at start.
Minos Legens, a IFL or GFL item, +2 or +3 CON tome, toughness, and a +6 CON belt= 270HP

Also, with 30 WIS, Wizardry VI and +50 special SP bonus from my greensteel item, 1615 SP

..and, no, I have no plans to re-roll. :)

05-17-2008, 06:21 PM
The other day a gnoll cleric kited me through his blade barriers! he just kept running me back and forth through them I had no choice but to follow his path blindly through it over and over again? What exploit!! I reported him for this cheesy tactic and nothing has been done!

05-17-2008, 07:34 PM
The other day a gnoll cleric kited me through his blade barriers! he just kept running me back and forth through them I had no choice but to follow his path blindly through it over and over again? What exploit!! I reported him for this cheesy tactic and nothing has been done!


I tend to do this in enemy firewalls. It takes me awhile sometimes to figure out where that burning flesh smell is comming from.

05-17-2008, 09:41 PM
This happened to one of my shroud groups
Finally we all gathered in the tree to kill the trog instead and he suddenly decided it was a good time to join in the fun.
Only guess is he was agrooed on someone not in the area
Might have been me I spent a good 20 minutes toying with the trog while the party tried to hit him up there

05-18-2008, 02:16 AM
i got the ortho down from behind the tree last night with a well placed cometfall (untargeted)

its not too difficult to get them down, but it's annoying

05-18-2008, 02:23 AM
I remember before they removed the penalty box from part 2, Sagrata killed someone, then followed their ghost to the penalty box and sat there.

One time not so long ago, I was doing Shroud elite and we killed the crystal in part two right as the devil respawned. We decided to just leave him and head into part 3...

He followed us in, and proceeded to teleport into each individual room as we were trying to do the puzzles and kill the players one by one. :eek:

05-18-2008, 08:44 PM
One time not so long ago, I was doing Shroud elite and we killed the crystal in part two right as the devil respawned. We decided to just leave him and head into part 3...

He followed us in, and proceeded to teleport into each individual room as we were trying to do the puzzles and kill the players one by one. :eek:

wow, uh, wow.

Now that's one MEAN devil.:eek: Very...devilish of him. Sure he can't take out the entire group, but one at a time...