View Full Version : Paragon template?

05-13-2008, 12:05 PM
Running the shroud the other day, when examining the kobold, couldnt avoid surprise when I saw the race: Paragon Kobold.

Does this mean we'll be getting this template or line of enhancements available?

Is this happens, it will be really cool :)

05-13-2008, 12:30 PM
Running the shroud the other day, when examining the kobold, couldnt avoid surprise when I saw the race: Paragon Kobold.

Does this mean we'll be getting this template or line of enhancements available?
Paragon is not something for player characters.

The Paragon template's function in D&D is to boost the power of a weak monster or normal animal to the point where it can survive some combat with a level 20 party.

PS. The Paragon template is buggy in DDO because it grants DR/Epic. By the rules, the DR on the Paragon Kobold can be beaten by a +2 Greater Reptile Bane weapon (Or a +4 Bane or +5 Lesser Bane). Any of those would have an effective total enhancement of +6, meaning it should beat DR/Epic.

05-13-2008, 01:12 PM
I believe he's referring to the Paragon presitge class from Unearthed Arcana. But your sense of Paragon is the correct one in this context. I think that's what they intended as well.

05-13-2008, 01:15 PM
I believe he's referring to the Paragon presitge class from Unearthed Arcana.
The effects of the paragon UA classes are already included in DDO, in the form of race-only enhancement choices.

05-13-2008, 01:17 PM
The effects of the paragon UA classes are already included in DDO, in the form of race-only enhancement choices.

Indeed they are.

05-13-2008, 02:32 PM
PS. The Paragon template is buggy in DDO because it grants DR/Epic. By the rules, the DR on the Paragon Kobold can be beaten by a +2 Greater Reptile Bane weapon (Or a +4 Bane or +5 Lesser Bane). Any of those would have an effective total enhancement of +6, meaning it should beat DR/Epic.
I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to my books, but I've looked at d20srd.org. The way I read DR #/epic is that you have to have a weapon with at least a +6 enhancement bonus to hit and damage, not a weapon with +6 worth of special abilities. If I remember correctly, the magic weapon charts in the DMG allow for up to +10 equivalent non-epic weapons so long as the bonus to hit and damage is not more than +5. Like I said, I can't look at my books right now, but am I wrong here? :confused:

05-13-2008, 03:01 PM
I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to my books, but I've looked at d20srd.org. The way I read DR #/epic is that you have to have a weapon with at least a +6 enhancement bonus to hit and damage, not a weapon with +6 worth of special abilities. If I remember correctly, the magic weapon charts in the DMG allow for up to +10 equivalent non-epic weapons so long as the bonus to hit and damage is not more than +5. Like I said, I can't look at my books right now, but am I wrong here?
No, you are correct.

The listed weapons should be beating his DR because they have an enhancement bonus of exactly +6. +2 Greater Reptile Bane is the simplest way to get a +6 enhancement bonus on a weapon.

05-13-2008, 03:57 PM
I believe he's referring to the Paragon presitge class from Unearthed Arcana. But your sense of Paragon is the correct one in this context. I think that's what they intended as well.

Ya. That's Paragon Prestige. A lot of the Paragon Prestige abilities have already been accounted for in race-progression stat adjustments and resistances, etc. When spending enhancement points on racial bonuses, this is pretty much the same thing as what the paragon level was meant to do for races. The nicest thing about this is we're not spending points on paragon itself, so we're focusing only in levels of class.

The downsides is I think the natural saving throw bonuses for most paragon races have not been added to the enhancement system. I really haven't been looking for them either, so they could be there and I always have gleaned over them.

05-13-2008, 06:56 PM
No, you are correct.

The listed weapons should be beating his DR because they have an enhancement bonus of exactly +6. +2 Greater Reptile Bane is the simplest way to get a +6 enhancement bonus on a weapon.
Ah, got it now. :o I never thought of that way to make a non-epic weapon beat epic DR. Guess you learn something every day!

05-13-2008, 07:07 PM
I asked for a paragon elf build in the request a build thread. I still need to tweak it and I want to unlock 32pt before I attempt to build.