View Full Version : Turbine Financial News
05-01-2008, 05:19 PM
By Earnest Cavalli EmailMay 01, 2008 | 2:52:09 PM
Turbine Inc., creators of Lord of the Rings: Online and Dungeons & Dragons: Online, has been awarded $40 million in venture capital funding, according to an online report created by investment site Private Equity Hub.
This latest infusion of cash brings Turbine's total venture funding to $88 million.
Turbine spokesman Adam Mersky has promised to reveal information on the company's future plans within the next two weeks.
While we won't know exactly what Turbine has planned until it sheds more light on things, I would like to point out a few things that we do know.
Both LotRO and D&DO are reasonably successful and are presumably running under their own self-propagating revenue streams. There's no need for Turbine to use this new cash on either of those games.
Turbine is a company with a history of creating massively multiplayer online games, and only massively multiplayer online games. It's unlikely that the company would suddenly opt to create a first-person shooter or a historical strategy title.
Turbine, in general, tends to create games based on existing IP. Asheron's Call was the last original MMO the company created, and that was nine years ago.
So, Turbine suddenly has a lot more cash, is well-versed in creating MMOs, and may need an existing IP to work with.
Other companies have already covered essential geek fodder like Star Wars and Warhammer, so what's left? Thundercats? Buffy The Vampire Slayer?
The curiosity might kill us.
05-01-2008, 05:22 PM
Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms? :)
05-01-2008, 05:28 PM
As a side from our usual PnP D&D game, we often delve into the world of WhiteWolf (aka Vampre: The Masquerade). This is a brilliant RPG for those with a little less imagination that we D&D nuts.
I've often thought "what if this game was an MMORPG?" I know there are others of you out there that think this idea may have merit, and I'm sure only a small portion of that $40m would be required to secure the licensing.
Any other ideas??
__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Shahharim - Clr13 - Thelanis
Jensam - Rog2 - Thelanis
Warriors of Greystoke.
05-01-2008, 05:31 PM
Would love to see someone pull off a good Post-Apocalyptic multi-player game, Autoduel and/or Fallout like. Auto Assault didn't quite pull it off...
05-01-2008, 05:32 PM
Hmm ... its interesting to read the various articles.
In this article ( - from Venturebeat (Http://, who writes about venture capital issues, they interviewed Turbine's head honcho Jim Crowley.
The interviewer concluded (in part) that:
Turbine also wants to fund the expansion of properties like Dungeons & Dragons Online, which on its own isn’t generating enough revenue to fund expansion.
The CEO, Mr. Crowley, specifically said in the interview that:
The Dungeons & Dragons Online is not the size of a world as Lord of the Rings Online. But there is a tremendous amount of activity and growth curve and we have interesting news to come out with. I suspect there is a very long and enjoyable and most importantly fun-filled future for everything around Dungeons & Dragons Online.
In fairness, he also talked alot about expanding LOTRO's overseas distribution, so ....
There was also another article on the funding, although less insightful (IMO), at IGN.COM (
I think we're in for some big news.
05-01-2008, 05:41 PM
More D&D. Re-skin DDO add a ton of new classes, prestige classes, races, feats, content, enemies, areas all at once and sell a Platinum Editon Box with the whole map/miniature/etc and throw in an in-game exclusive item so uber that even we will be forced to buy it, again. Lets get far away from Stormreach while we're at it Eberron is pretty big I hear.
05-01-2008, 05:43 PM
Would love to see someone pull off a good Post-Apocalyptic multi-player game, Autoduel and/or Fallout like. Auto Assault didn't quite pull it off...
I loved Fallout:Tactics. Something like that could be a great MMO although I wouldnt leave DDO for that setting. Great gallows humor in that game, it was a lot of fun.
05-01-2008, 06:23 PM
If I had to complain about the game, it would be only that its ....small.
One of the things I liked about EQII was the ability to travel long distances, monsters based on levels etc.
I k now a lot of people don't like the travel time, which is one thing I DO like about DDO.
But I think the idea of expanding to be able to reach a different city or forest or something would be very cool.
05-01-2008, 06:42 PM
Hmm, maybe they can get started on a Rifts MMO! Good bye DDO, hello mutants, mech pilots and aliens and ley line casters!
05-01-2008, 07:27 PM
I think Turbine should spend money randomizing DDO just how it was meant to be. And while ur at it wheres my grappling hook...!!!!
05-01-2008, 07:44 PM
Hmm, maybe they can get started on a Rifts MMO! Good bye DDO, hello mutants, mech pilots and aliens and ley line casters!
A Rifts MMO would be VERY cool... as long as they did not stay too close to the rules. The Rifts rules were very unbalanced if transferred directly to the MMO setting - and I could only recommend significant departure from that to make it work. World-wise, though, Rifts would ROCK :D
05-01-2008, 07:47 PM
Gamma World FTW !!
05-03-2008, 04:55 PM
Would love to see someone pull off a good Post-Apocalyptic multi-player game, Autoduel and/or Fallout like. Auto Assault didn't quite pull it off...
Just for idle speculation, isn't the D&D 4E premier setting a post-apocalyptic version of Forgotten Realms? I thought I read it described as the FR setting, 200 years after a "spell-plague" leaving civilization as "points of light" in a wilderness of desolation.
05-03-2008, 05:04 PM
Just for idle speculation, isn't the D&D 4E premier setting a post-apocalyptic version of Forgotten Realms? I thought I read it described as the FR setting, 200 years after a "spell-plague" leaving civilization as "points of light" in a wilderness of desolation.
Yeah but I also read somewhere that 4e rules from WotC would be eliminating Gnomes as a playable race and Bards as a playable class. :(
05-03-2008, 05:12 PM
As a side from our usual PnP D&D game, we often delve into the world of WhiteWolf (aka Vampre: The Masquerade). This is a brilliant RPG for those with a little less imagination that we D&D nuts.
I've often thought "what if this game was an MMORPG?" I know there are others of you out there that think this idea may have merit, and I'm sure only a small portion of that $40m would be required to secure the licensing.
Any other ideas??
CCP - creators of Eve Online has teamed up with White Wolf North America already.
So you may see a Masquerade MMO on the horizon. ;)
05-03-2008, 05:33 PM
Turbine is a company with a history of creating massively multiplayer online games, and only massively multiplayer online games. It's unlikely that the company would suddenly opt to create a first-person shooter or a historical strategy title.
Turbine, in general, tends to create games based on existing IP. Asheron's Call was the last original MMO the company created, and that was nine years ago.
So, Turbine suddenly has a lot more cash, is well-versed in creating MMOs, and may need an existing IP to work with.
Other companies have already covered essential geek fodder like Star Wars and Warhammer, so what's left? Thundercats? Buffy The Vampire Slayer?
The curiosity might kill us.
Well lets see...
Talks of the Marvel MMO have fizzled, so maybe a new company needs to take the helm.
The Star Trek Online MMO seems to be dead in the water for whatever reason, perhaps they need someone who will respect the source material.
Joss Whedon likes to branch out, see X-men comic creative talent, so maybe a Buffy/Angel MMO isn't out of the questions. But, a Serenity MMO might work better. Yes?
And as long as we are talking space MMOs, why not consider a Battlestar Galactica MMO?
And how many of us wouldn't play a new Star Wars MMO? Lets face it SOE killed the franchise and SWG is all but dead. Of course, I've heard BioWare might be going in that direction.
And lets not forget an entertainment powerhouse... the Terminator series. Movies, TV, games, toys... why not a MMO set after judgement day?
Lastly, since Michael Biehn ( is one of my favorite actors, why not segway from terminator to Aliens? Could be a mix of space and survival horror MMO all in one.
Fix this poor excuse for an MMORPG. There are so many bugs, glitches and screwups that it's becoming unplayable. But then again, why spend money when only a few people notice the shoddy workmanship?
05-03-2008, 07:04 PM
Well lets see...
Joss Whedon likes to branch out, see X-men comic creative talent, so maybe a Buffy/Angel MMO isn't out of the questions. But, a Serenity MMO might work better. Yes?
You had me at "Hello"...:rolleyes:
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