View Full Version : Non damaging AOE spells ~vs~ the AGRO they beget...a little common sense...PLEASE

04-30-2008, 09:31 AM
Ok...we all know it,
effect ~vs~ hate
web = agro..
Web > 1/2 MOB's HP dealt by mele
DD mele < web
web = teh uber

All mele wishing to generate unrelenting-unstoppable hate/agro should carry web clickies...as it is guaranteed to get the MOBs disinterest in the squishies?

One creature that walks through a single web placement and saves will chase the caster for longer than the spell lasts, ignoring the fact that the mele who have reduced his HP by half...

WEB...is evil to the evil.

Should this spell generate this much hate after a save?...

Can we get the IN THE KNOW to buzz in?

04-30-2008, 09:35 AM
Dude, all I have to say is...have you ever walked through a spider web? I can't think of too many other things in RL that get me more agro'd other than the opposite sex (good thing they don't have summon Wife/Girlfried or casters would be toast).

04-30-2008, 09:35 AM
Personally I think intelligent mobs should recognise the mage that tried to hit them with a Phantasmal Killer, Flesh to Stone or so-on as the #1 threat, the one that made them dance in Otto's Portable Disco the #2 threat, and the fighter dealing 6% of their HP in damage per second as the #3 threat.

04-30-2008, 09:37 AM
Personally I think intelligent mobs should recognise the mage that tried to hit them with a Phantasmal Killer, Flesh to Stone or so-on as the #1 threat, the one that made them dance in Otto's Portable Disco the #2 threat, and the fighter dealing 6% of their HP in damage per second as the #3 threat.

You mean kind of like we do?

04-30-2008, 09:59 AM
I know...but if someone was throwing sticky stuff at me that didnt hurt me I would keep an eye on them...

but pay more attention to the chick that just took 60hp away from me...and I am now at 1/4 health...

not continue to chase the fleeing sorc...

That crazy chick in light armor poking me with a big flashy +2 weapon is waaaaaay more dangerous than the sticky stuff.

/crazy on

um...what is the command to turn crzy off?

04-30-2008, 12:06 PM
I know...but if someone was throwing sticky stuff at me that didnt hurt me I would keep an eye on them...

but pay more attention to the chick that just took 60hp away from me...and I am now at 1/4 health...

not continue to chase the fleeing sorc...

That crazy chick in light armor poking me with a big flashy +2 weapon is waaaaaay more dangerous than the sticky stuff.

Nope, that guy throwing sticky stuff that prevents me from fighting back is the number one priority. Most parties I run with take a 'kill the casters first' mentality as well... why shouldn't the mobs?

04-30-2008, 12:30 PM
As Grond pointed out, WE take the 'kill all casters first' approach, why wouldn't the mobs, especially the ones with an Int over 4? Intelligent mobs should definately take the casters as their highest priority targets, after all, they can insta-kill, unlike those silly twerps in the tin cans swinging those toothpicks.

04-30-2008, 01:51 PM
It might make sense to target casters first intially, but there comes a point when any 'intelligent' mob would realize the fighter killing him is far more important than the guy who cast web once and then had to run for his life.

The aggro generated by web is ludicrous

04-30-2008, 01:59 PM
On the other hand, dumb-as-a-brick zombies and skeletons should really just attack whatever's closest.

Substitute Sound Burst for the OP's Web spell, same result...even if the mob in question is stun-immune. Sound Burst does 6 damage, mob takes 50 more damage trying to chase cleric/bard down, how does this make sense?

04-30-2008, 02:09 PM
You mean kind of like we do?

I mean exactly like we do.

Think POP, running it under-level where the corridor fights are non-trivial. The Clerics are first to get attacked, because of their crowd control spells (Greater Command). Then we kill the nuker mages, then finally we hit the melees that have been slashing away at us for 15-25 damage a hit for 6 hits.

PCs are much more afraid of crowd controllers than we are of melee mobs, except for Orthons and Wheeps. I'd expect mobs that have 10 times our HP to be even more concerned about CC.

04-30-2008, 02:19 PM
The mobs that run after web/soundburst casters are brilliant. They know they can't be hit by that DPS melee running after them. It makes great sense! Once the current random aggro AI gets sorted out and/or the lag goes away, then we'll have to figure out how to make melee characters valuable again because they won't be hitting constantly moving mobs. :rolleyes:

04-30-2008, 03:06 PM
Two words the OP should learn:



'nuff said.

04-30-2008, 04:10 PM
It might make sense to target casters first intially, but there comes a point when any 'intelligent' mob would realize the fighter killing him is far more important than the guy who cast web once and then had to run for his life.

The aggro generated by web is ludicrous

We don't. We focus on the casters until they're dead, then worry about the melee. Why shouldn't the mobs?

04-30-2008, 06:26 PM
Nope, that guy throwing sticky stuff that prevents me from fighting back is the number one priority. Most parties I run with take a 'kill the casters first' mentality as well... why shouldn't the mobs?

Exactly. Any caster who has been stuck in a web or any barb hit with a hold person knows those precious seconds are the seconds your teammates are getting killed because you're helpless. Same for mobs. The sorc compromising my ability to fight back is actually pretty high on my list of guys to doof over!

04-30-2008, 06:50 PM
It can be used to your advantage when creatures ignore the melee types. They are usually dispatched while looking the wrong way. :)

05-01-2008, 02:07 AM
Monsters must have a special intuition that can determine your full spell points and automatically target the player with highest spell point total.

Kobold Thrower shouts, "He's gotta a big blue bar. Get the guy with the blue bar."

05-01-2008, 07:29 AM
Well, it's called "hate" for a reason. There's nothing players hate more than being hit with something that prevents them from acting (witness all the lag hate this past week). No reason monsters should be any different, even if the attempt to stop them in their tracks failed.

05-01-2008, 09:27 AM
We go after MOB casters...
for several reasons.

1.) They start spamming spells the second they see us.
2.) They have unlimited casting ability--can cast spells long after any PC spellcaster would have run out of SP
3.) The have a higher HD then the MOBs in party with them
4.) They are more resistant to spells than the MOBs around them
5.) They have a similar AC to the MOBs around them
6.) They have HPs equal to or greater than the thoughest MOB in party with them
7.) Their spells are always maximized
8.) If you chase them they run away, moving after them causes you to be isolated from the other MOBs

MOBs kill our casters first because...
1.) They are pretty...Blue is prettier than red. I could never understand why a sit back cleric/buff only wizard would be more attractive than a greataxe weilding warforged.
2.) They are easier to kill... Almost no AC and almost no HP means 1-3 hits and the caster is dead. Not the reason...they are but the MOB doesnt care about this.
3.) They have similar resistance to spells as the party they are in...unless they are clerics...or sorcerers with force of personality. Resistances to energy spells is highly random in any given party...all, none, some. Resistances to charm, fear different...especially due to min maxing.