View Full Version : /self pat on back....because i need it...lol.

04-29-2008, 01:07 AM
Water Works...
That vile smelling home of the worm cloak clan...
Bane and goal of all newbie characters...

Often well prepared parties wipe before part 1 is complete...

Should I solo it, I ask myself? Sure, on my fighter/barb/pali/cleric at level 2/2/3/3.

On a squishie bard?

till today.

Today, Boomshakalak Ashakalakashakalaka got her drow favor....
<dramatic pause>
And Milctoaste, Miscreant of Musica was born...
<tah duh!!!>
She toured exclusively in the harbor today...Sharing the joy of fighting to theme music...
<lute solo>
And picked up her first fan...a new to the game player...who she introduced to multi-classing, VC, hot-bars, PvP, buffs, and more...and even showed him Ron's planner...

Unparalleled was her humble generosity that after a hard day of coaching...she decided to take a dip in the stink that is WW...

First half is complete...solo, level 2 pure bard...with twinking applied...just normal stuff you can buy in the market...

So smile, squishy bard..and venture where you would not dare to before...
<cue patriotic music>
Do it for your fans!

Do it for yourself!

Do it...because you can!
<end with a drum roll and trumpets blaring>

04-29-2008, 01:13 AM
Why do I feel I need to do a "Real Men of Genius" bit here?

And where's the BowChicka WowWow PC anyway?

04-29-2008, 01:35 AM
Great! Just what Stormreach needed... A bard with groupies...

04-29-2008, 01:44 AM
Personally I find bards the best solo class at low level - you can fight - OK, not as well as a tank, but.. You have the best lowbie soloing spell, Charm Person.

Bring along Resist Elements potions, and you are golden.

04-29-2008, 10:03 AM
I am not teh uber...
I died on the last part and was unable to get back to the quest before it reset..
I hates dem...

oh well, it was approaching midnight..had to log...try again in a few hours...

04-29-2008, 10:12 PM
...wait...I finished it?....
wonder what else I should try...hmmm.
all 4 parts, 1 death...no recalling for mana...except between quests...
see...bards can tank too!

Don't REALLY try to tank on your bards...It reeks of disaster!

05-02-2008, 01:19 AM
I decided to give her 2 levels of barbarian...I know...bard... barbarian...drow...
The comments I got last night when people were given the honor of being invited to our guild group...:eek:


And then the kill counts(they complained! I wouldn't have even looked if 3 people hadn't started in with the comments...and the laughter...I was trying to kill things and remember to ==>)
...and healing responsibilities(they barely noticed...lol...me chasing them around with a wand...taking breaks from the slaying)
...only level 4 so far.
...I do not know yet if it is a viable build past level 6.

When the three of us guildies decided to let others join us in STK.... we were.

When I thought about it I wouldn't want to join us...not a single cleric in our final party...much humor was found in this.


But we had just the three of us finished a hard course through WW at level 2...so we thought...what the heck?!

05-02-2008, 01:40 AM
When the three of us guildies decided to let others join us in STK.... we were.

Looks like one of our guild's groups. I like the questions we get about our "gimped" builds. "Gimped" FTW !!!! :)

/pats Yvonne on the back