View Full Version : 32-point Human Monk

04-24-2008, 11:08 PM
I think I'll roll up a pure Monk to play the class and feel it out. I have access to 32-point builds and was thinking of these starting stats...

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 14
WIS 16

not sure what ability enahancements the monks will get, probably Wisdom, possibly Dexterity ala the Cleric Charisma line. I'll definately use Human Adapt. Dex and Greater Human Adapt. Wis. Put level ups into Dexterity and take Weapon Finesse (I have a bank full of kamas) and Two Weapon Fighting line.

what do you think?

05-04-2008, 01:48 PM
32-point Human Monk

Stength 14
Dexterity 16 + 5 level + 2 Monk Dex + 1 human adaptability = 24 + item
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 16 + 3 Monk Wis + 1 human adaptability + 2 favor tome = 22 + item
Charisma 8

Monk 1 Dodge, Mobility, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist

Monk 2 Evasion, Deflect Arrows

Monk 3 Weapon Finesse, Still Mind

Monk 4 Ki Strike (Magic), Slow Fall 20 ft

Monk 5 Purity of Body, +1 AC

Monk 6 Spring Attack, Slow Fall 30 ft, Improved Trip

Monk 7 Wholeness of Body

Monk 8 Slow Fall 40ft

Monk 9 Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Evasion

Monk 10 Ki Strike (Lawful), Slow Fall 50 ft, +2 AC

Monk 11 Dialmond Body, Greater Flurry

Monk 12 Improved Critical: Slashing, Abundant Step, Slow Fall 60 ft

Monk 13 Diamond Soul

Monk 14 Slow Fall 70 ft

Monk 15 Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Quivering Palm, +3 AC

Monk 16 Ki Strike (Adamantine), Slow Fall 80 ft

Monk 17 Timeless Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon

Monk 18 Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Slow Fall 90 ft

Monk 19 Empty Body

Monk 20 Perfect Self, Slow Fall >90 ft, +4 AC