04-17-2008, 11:29 AM
WANTED: Rogue (if you are a couple then please by all means feel free to contact me)
If you want to melee/range attack then go for it. All we ask is that somewhere in the rogue build you have the ability to handle traps on normal - elite difficulty quests. (dodging them really bites sometimes)
Here is our current situation:
The wife and I play and currently have 2 children under the age of 1. My brother also plays and has 2 children as well. With that being said we sometimes go AFK, have child emergencies, etc. We have capped characters, and several low level alts. Currently our group is running a mix of the following:
Level 9's: WF Barbarian / WF Bard / WF Wizard 'n Rogue
Level 7's: Dwarven Barb / Dwarven Battlecleric Build / WF Wizard
Level 5's: Drow Sorc / Dwarven Ranger (these get played when the brother isnt around to kind of stay at the same levels)
The group is mildly twinked (32 point builds, we don't mind the 28 pointers tho :). We don't sit there and brag about our uber loot, or how awesome our character is. Everyonce in awhile you'll hear a Holy s@#t I just nailed this guy for X amount of damage. Yes there is cursing from time to time. We typically pick one quest a night and try to run it on a difficulty setting we havent done yet. If the quest is short (Like redwillow) we'd do normal, hard, and elite and zerg the snot out of it just to do it and milk it for the experience.
We're currently playing the two dwarfs and wf wizzie and are looking for another person to join our group. It is important to understand that we are all family, goof off, sometimes zerg, sometimes zerg w/ all the optionals and sometimes dungeon crawl it.
Our characters are mostly self sufficient while each having our moments to shine and we all stick together. We are also all on the east coast and probably play from about 9pm ish to 12ish. If you are interested in having a semi static group, are a decent person (I can't stress this enough the three of us definately have it easy enough in the game, if you come along and are a jerk none of us will have an issue of saying goodbye)
If interested:
All in all if you are in a similar situation where you find yourself wanting to group but fear having to go AFK, or just randomly disconnect due to a child waking up or an emergency of sorts then please feel free to shoot me a pm and we'll get in contact in game. If this does sound appealing to you but you do not have a rogue and would like to try one out then please also feel free to shoot a pm. I'd be more than happy to help give suggestions on a build :) We're really just looking to open up our group a little more.
If you want to melee/range attack then go for it. All we ask is that somewhere in the rogue build you have the ability to handle traps on normal - elite difficulty quests. (dodging them really bites sometimes)
Here is our current situation:
The wife and I play and currently have 2 children under the age of 1. My brother also plays and has 2 children as well. With that being said we sometimes go AFK, have child emergencies, etc. We have capped characters, and several low level alts. Currently our group is running a mix of the following:
Level 9's: WF Barbarian / WF Bard / WF Wizard 'n Rogue
Level 7's: Dwarven Barb / Dwarven Battlecleric Build / WF Wizard
Level 5's: Drow Sorc / Dwarven Ranger (these get played when the brother isnt around to kind of stay at the same levels)
The group is mildly twinked (32 point builds, we don't mind the 28 pointers tho :). We don't sit there and brag about our uber loot, or how awesome our character is. Everyonce in awhile you'll hear a Holy s@#t I just nailed this guy for X amount of damage. Yes there is cursing from time to time. We typically pick one quest a night and try to run it on a difficulty setting we havent done yet. If the quest is short (Like redwillow) we'd do normal, hard, and elite and zerg the snot out of it just to do it and milk it for the experience.
We're currently playing the two dwarfs and wf wizzie and are looking for another person to join our group. It is important to understand that we are all family, goof off, sometimes zerg, sometimes zerg w/ all the optionals and sometimes dungeon crawl it.
Our characters are mostly self sufficient while each having our moments to shine and we all stick together. We are also all on the east coast and probably play from about 9pm ish to 12ish. If you are interested in having a semi static group, are a decent person (I can't stress this enough the three of us definately have it easy enough in the game, if you come along and are a jerk none of us will have an issue of saying goodbye)
If interested:
All in all if you are in a similar situation where you find yourself wanting to group but fear having to go AFK, or just randomly disconnect due to a child waking up or an emergency of sorts then please feel free to shoot me a pm and we'll get in contact in game. If this does sound appealing to you but you do not have a rogue and would like to try one out then please also feel free to shoot a pm. I'd be more than happy to help give suggestions on a build :) We're really just looking to open up our group a little more.