View Full Version : Guide: Is my <insert rogue skill> high enough? *New*

04-14-2008, 05:21 PM
**** this thread is no longer being updated. the latest high watermarks are found in the Compendium/wiki at http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Is_my_(insert_rogue_skill)_high_enough *****

Guide: Key Rogue Skills

Welcome to the Continueing Rogue Skill Guide. As CForce takes a Break from the game, I'll be maintaining this guide. Just as before, If you have confirmed information, or just a question, feel free to post it here or send me a PM. I hope to maintain this list as well as CForce did.

Most of you know me as a Cleric. Many also know my second choice has always been Rogue. I was a consistant contributor to the original list and love tinkering with game mechanics and optimizing builds for specific tasks.

The Original Guide can be Found Here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=51829)

If your having trouble hitting the marks you want, then check this thread http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=1764688#post1764688 for a list of how to optomize all your ROgue Skills!

This guide is a consolidation of answers to some frequently asked questions about the 'big 4' rogue skills (Disable/Open/Search/Spot), including:
- How can I boost my skills?
- How high do Trap/Secret Door/Lock DC's go?
...and other assorted questions that frequently come up in the rogue forum. What I *won't* try to do here is exhaustively document the DC of every trap, door, and lock at different difficulty levels; that's simply too hard to keep up-to-date when those values occasionally change!
I try to keep most of what is presented here as 'just the facts', but will include a few editorial comments, which I will call out to distinguish from the factual data. Editorial comments will be in italics.

I won't get into build recommendations too much here, but I will give this one -- if you're a pure rogue, keep max ranks in Disable Device, Open Locks, Search, and Spot (level+3 ranks). If you're a multiclass, you may be doing some optimization and let a few skills lag behind, but I'd recommend trying to keep close to maxed as a multi-class, too. When people let one of these four skills fall behind, it is typically Spot that is the first to go -- with repeated runs through quests, rote memorization of trap locations can sometimes (but not always!) be substituted for a high Spot score.
Impaqt's Note: While Spot is a Reasonable skill to let slide a bit, I prefer Open Lock. The Open Lock Marks in the game can easily be acheived without max ranks. Especially on a High Dex Build.

Current max ranks for lvl 16 character: 19.

Note: Only the highest item bonus of a particular type will apply amongst items you have equipped.
Randomly generated items give +1/3/5/7/10/11/13/15 to any skill. Some named items also give a small "Luck" bonus, which will stack with an item bonus. +17 RR items should be able to drop as well, but no one has reported any at this time.

See This Thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=121279) for a detailed inventory of known static/unique items in the game, and where they can be found.
Some Highlights from that thread for rogues would be:
Stone of Good Luck: +1 Luck Bonus to all Skills
Head of Good Fortune: +2 Luck Bonus to all Skills
Ventilated Bracers: +3 to Disable Device (Stacks with other items)

It's reasonable to assume that you can find/buy a +13 item for nearly any skill on your way to level 14, with sufficient time spent browsing the auction house. So, for those following along at home, we've got a base of 32 points -- 19 ranks + 13 item bonus -- that will be relatively achievable by nearly any rogue build. Even many of the multiclasses with only a few levels of rogue can usually find a way to get in this neighborhood.

I advocate working on your Free Agents favor early, as the purchasable tools give you a *significant* guaranteed boost to Disable Device and Open Lock.

Rusty Theives' Tools: no bonus
Theives' Tools: +1 Open and Disable**
Masterwork Thieves' Tools: +2 Open and Disable**
+1 Thieves' Tools: +3 Open and Disable***
+2 Thieves' Tools: +4 Open and Disable***
+3 Thieves' Tools: +5 Open and Disable****
+4 Thieves' Tools: +6 Open and Disable****
+5 Thieves' Tools: +7 Open and Disable

** - purchasable from a vendor
*** - purchasable from Free Agents rep at first rank
**** - purchasable from Free Agents rep at second rank

So long as you make sure to hit Free Agents quests on your way to 14, you're now tracking to a 'guaranteed' total of +38 for Disable and Open rolls, and 32 for Search and Spot, before making any significant build decisions. Add in an unlimited supply of Heroism potions (easy enough to afford by level 16), and you're working with a base of 40/34 before making build decisions.

Here's where things start getting interesting, with different builds going in different directions. Simply having max ranks, upgrading your equipment when you can, and getting Free Agent Favor/Heroism potions will enable you to be sucessful with 90% of the game's content on Normal. To expect to have success on Elite, some additional investment will need to be made in the form of feats, enhancements, good ability scores, and buffs from other players.

All feats stack.
Nimble Fingers - +2 Open, +2 Disable
Alertness - +2 Spot (and Listen)
Skill Focus: "*" - +3 to * (Disable/Open/Search/Spot)
Lesser Mark of Warding: Race Required-Dwarf. +2 Search + Opens up Dwarven Search Enhancments

Class Enhancements stack with Race enhancements, but not with other Class enhancements. In fact, you generally can't take similar enhancements from two different classes - for example, the Rogue Skill Seach enhancement, when taken, will prevent you from selecting the Ranger Skill Search enhancement.

Rogue/Skill [Disable/Open/Search/Spot] I/II/III/IV - +1/2/3/4 to Disable, Open, Search, or Spot
Rogue/Skill Boost I/II/III/IV - +2/3/4/5 to all skills (but unlikely to be used for Spot), 20 seconds, 5/rest(Does Not stack with Human Versatility)
Rogue/Way of the Mechanic - +2 to Disable/Open/Search/Spot (and Repair)

Ranger/Skill [Search/Spot] I/II/III/IV - +1/2/3/4 to Spot or Search
Ranger/Skill Boost I/II/III/IV - +2/3/4/5 to all skills (but unlikely to be used for Spot), 20 seconds, 5/rest

Drow/Skill [Search/Spot] I/II/III/IV - +1/2/3/4 to Search and/or Spot
Dwarf/Skill Search I/II/III/IV - +1/2/3/4 to Search
Elf/Skill [Search/Spot] I/II/III/IV - +1/2/3/4 to Search and/or Spot
Human/Human Versatility I/II/III/IV - +2/3/4/5 to all skills (but unlikely to be used for Spot), 20 seconds, 5/rest(DOes not stack with Rogue Skill Boost)

Int modifier: +modifier to Disable, Search
Dex modifier: +modifier to Open
Wis modifier: +modifier to Spot

Innate Racial Bonuses
Drow: +2 Search and Spot
Elf: +2 Search and Spot
Dwarf: +2 Search

(In most cases these will come from outside sources.)
Competence bonus:
Bard/Inspire Competence: +2 all skills (never self-applicable)
Morale bonuses (do not stack with each other):
Heroism/Good Hope: +2 all skills (note that Heroism is 'assumed' above form a potion as a starting base)
Greater Heroism: +4 all skills
Luck Bonus:
Cleric/ Prayer Spell. Does Not Stack w/ Other Luck bonus' Also Available Via Scroll.

High Water Marks
How high do DC's go? This frequently changes, and all the numbers here should be taken as "what the community currently thinks they are", and not absolute gospel. While I keep track of new observations that folks post on the forums (as well as my own experiences), there's no guarantee that some of these haven't been changed, nor that people haven't occasionally made mistakes while gathering data. But, to my knowledge, it represents the best data the community has on the different values.

*Cabal Trap*
Editorial: This trap guards a single chest, and has DCs on Elite that are silly-high enough that your party won't expect you to be able to disarm it -- all they lose is a chest, and the DCs are simply too high for all but the most trap-optimized builds to achieve.
Disable Device:75-76 DC.
Search: <= 56 DC Has been found after recent update with as low as a 56 Search, but may be yet lower.

*Everything Else*
Disable Device: somewhere greater than a 57 modifier for 0% chance of blowing traps. Foundation of Discord trap with DC at least 62, possibly higher.*** Confirmed FAILURE on Rainbow in the Dard ELite Lightning Traps by the Optional Chest on a Roll of 65 (64+1)***
Open Locks: +39-48 modifier. Locked door in Fleshmaker's Lab, has been failed on a total 58, and succeeded on a total 68.
Search<44? (traps)/ 45-48 (secret doors) VoN 4 secret door has been reported as 45-48 DC on Elite. Second highest trap (after Cabal) in Gianthold has not been discussed veyr much, but SableShadow has been steadily pushing the envelope and hasn't run into trouble with a Search of 44.
Spot: >>39 39 Was not enough to spot traps in Rainbow in the Dark on Hard.

* - I use 'modifier' rather than 'skill' on Open and Disable because the Tools contribution will not be reflected on your character sheet when you look at your skill tab, but will only be added into the modifier at the time of the die roll. Note that also due to the die rolls, I've cited modifiers below the DC's -- in the case of open locks, you can reroll until you get a 20. In the case of disable device, you can reroll until you get (DC - 5) or lower, at which point the trap blows, so a modifier 5 under the DC will always get you the trap eventually. Slightly off-topic, but important to know: you will use whichever tools are "first" - ie, top left corner, first inventory tab is your 'first inventory slot'.

CForce's Editorial: Must you meet all of these DC's with your build? No. These numbers are listed more as a reference to know when to quit raising a score!

Can you decide to try and build with getting 100% success on all these DCs? It's certainly possible with some builds, but requires a heavy feat and enhancement commitment. Like every build decision, it's a trade-off. What I'd suggest is to look for which ways you can most efficiently raise your scores with enhancements. The most action-point-efficient ways are with Rogue Skills Boost and Way of the Mechanic. (Although Way of the Mechanic comes with a fair amount of prereqs -- you may be taking most of them already!) Early levels of skill-specific enhancements are cheap, but by the time you get to level IV, getting another +1 to all 4 scores requires 16 AP, a *huge* cost! As with any build, decide what your goals are, and what tradeoffs you want to make to achieve those goals.

A common refrain on the Rogue forums is, "you should build your rogue with at least 14 INT," but I disagree with conventional wisdom on this point. I'd certainly recommend building your rogue to have good skills relative to the "Everything Else" DCs listed above. Higher INT is *one* way to do that, but not the only way! For example, I can imagine a hypothetical Dwarven Rogue who start with (gasp) INT 8! He takes 17 ranks of the 'big 4', Skill Focus: Search, Skill Focus: Disable, Nimble Fingers, Rogue Skill Search IV, Rogue Skill Disable IV, Rogue Skill Boost IV, Way of the Mechanic, and Dwarven Skill Search IV. For search, starting with the 30 'assumed' from above, he's got an additional +17 (counting the boost, and the -1 INT penalty) for 47 total. For disable, he's got the 38 'assumed' from above, and an additional +15 (again, counting the boost and the -1 INT penalty), for +53 total. Only a Greater Heroism and Rabbit Gloves away from safely handling all content except the Cabal Trap, with an INT of 8? Now, would I want to play a build like this? Nope. Point is, don't simply start with a high INT because folks say you should; start with the combination of INT, feats, and enhancements you need to be comfortable with your skills.

Hopefully this information has been helpful. If you see anything missing or incorrect, either post to this thread or send me a PM, and I'll take a look and make additions and corrections. Happy tinkering!

04-14-2008, 05:24 PM

04-16-2008, 04:38 AM
maybe i missed it but,
buffs: find traps scroll for +1 search, or spell for cleric level/2 to search

04-16-2008, 05:16 AM
Might I suggest a Save DC section for traps?

Something along the lines of max trap DCs on norm, hard, elite for quests of lvl 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, at cap.

04-21-2008, 04:15 PM
Actually, a short section on what Difficulty Checks are, and what die/dice you have to roll, what modifiers and bonuses there are, and how they all stack up might also be handy for those new to the game and trying to understand the mechanics of traps, locks, evasion, and the like.

04-21-2008, 05:08 PM
Actually, a short section on what Difficulty Checks are, and what die/dice you have to roll, what modifiers and bonuses there are, and how they all stack up might also be handy for those new to the game and trying to understand the mechanics of traps, locks, evasion, and the like.

ANy DC info right now will be going out the window with Mod 7. Once we get the DC's settled, I can start tracking those.

Reflex saves on Traps are quite easy fundamentally..
You Take the DC of the Trap and COmpare it against

Reflex Save + Trap Sense(Both Class Granted and Enhancments Purchased) +D20

04-22-2008, 11:07 AM
ANy DC info right now will be going out the window with Mod 7. Once we get the DC's settled, I can start tracking those.

Reflex saves on Traps are quite easy fundamentally..
You Take the DC of the Trap and COmpare it against

Reflex Save + Trap Sense(Both Class Granted and Enhancments Purchased) +D20

My apologies for the lack of accuracy in my comment. What I meant is that it would be useful to explain how a character's skills are calculated in order to compare against Difficulty Checks.

It's one thing for a player to know that, for example, at the moment, the locked door leading to the lever/valve room at the top of Prisoner of the Planes has a Difficulty Check of 50+ on Normal, but it's another thing for a player to know what they have to do to their character's skill to overcome that Difficulty Check.

Perhaps a short explanation of how total skill values are calculated for each of the "Big 4" skills, Disable Device, Open Lock, Search and Spot. You know, something along the lines of the following:

Disable Device:
d20 + Intelligence Modifier + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs + Tools

Open Lock:
d20 + Dexterity Modifier + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs + Tools

Intelligence + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs
No die roll involved. If Intelligence is high enough, always succeed, otherwise, always fail.

Wisdom + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs
No die roll involved. If Wisdom is high enough, always succeed, otherwise, always fail.
But, please, verify my attempt at the formulas. I'm sure I've missed something somewhere. Also, a note about what Enhancements *do* stack together and which Items or Buff stack together might be helpful.

04-22-2008, 11:21 AM
My apologies for the lack of accuracy in my comment. What I meant is that it would be useful to explain how a character's skills are calculated in order to compare against Difficulty Checks.

It's one thing for a player to know that, for example, at the moment, the locked door leading to the lever/valve room at the top of Prisoner of the Planes has a Difficulty Check of 50+ on Normal, but it's another thing for a player to know what they have to do to their character's skill to overcome that Difficulty Check.

Perhaps a short explanation of how total skill values are calculated for each of the "Big 4" skills, Disable Device, Open Lock, Search and Spot. You know, something along the lines of the following:

Disable Device:
d20 + Intelligence Modifier + ranks + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs + Tools

Open Lock:
d20 + Dexterity Modifier + ranks + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs + Tools

Intelligence Modifier + ranks + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs
No die roll involved. If SKill is high enough, always succeed, otherwise, always fail.

Wisdom Modifier + ranks + Feats + Enhancements + Items + Buffs
No die roll involved. If SKill is high enough, always succeed, otherwise, always fail.
But, please, verify my attempt at the formulas. I'm sure I've missed something somewhere. Also, a note about what Enhancements *do* stack together and which Items or Buff stack together might be helpful.

Its also Important to Note that some Items do not stack with Buffs.(IE Prayer doesnt stack with a Luck item)

04-22-2008, 11:56 AM
Its also Important to Note that some Items do not stack with Buffs.(IE Prayer doesnt stack with a Luck item)

As you noted in your mark-up of my suggested formulas, I'd left Ranks out of the equations. And, by this, it's useful to know that Ranks is the number of ranks associated with the character level, seen at the bottom of the screen on the XP bar, or noted by the number of Action Points the character has earned. But, thank you for reviewing the formulas. I've never seen them listed in any reference, by Turbine or otherwise.

04-22-2008, 11:58 AM
As you noted in your mark-up of my suggested formulas, I'd left Ranks out of the equations. And, by this, it's useful to know that Ranks is the number of ranks associated with the character level, seen at the bottom of the screen on the XP bar, or noted by the number of Action Points the character has earned. But, thank you for reviewing the formulas. I've never seen them listed in any reference, by Turbine or otherwise.

To clarify that, would that be the total Ranks for the character, or just those Ranks for the Rogue Class?

04-22-2008, 12:44 PM
To clarify that, would that be the total Ranks for the character, or just those Ranks for the Rogue Class?

Skill ranks. Nothing to do with Character Level or Progression Ranks.

Skill ranks is how many points you put into your ROgue Skills. Limited to Level +3 (Current Max = 19 (L16+3)

04-22-2008, 01:15 PM
Skill ranks. Nothing to do with Character Level or Progression Ranks.

Skill ranks is how many points you put into your ROgue Skills. Limited to Level +3 (Current Max = 19 (L16+3)

Oops! Dunno what I was thinking the first time around. But, I realized what you call Ranks is what I call Skill Points; the points that you spend on your character each time you level. That was my misunderstanding. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused anyone.

04-22-2008, 01:19 PM
You could also mention the Rabbit Gloves out of Threnal. But glove are an important slot for rogues, so it might be not be so desirable.

04-22-2008, 01:28 PM
Oops! Dunno what I was thinking the first time around. But, I realized what you call Ranks is what I call Skill Points; the points that you spend on your character each time you level. That was my misunderstanding. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused anyone.

SKill Points are what they are BEFORE they become Ranks. a SKill Point can be put anywhere.

06-04-2008, 03:49 PM
GOt a Confirend FAILURE of 64+1 on the Rainbow in the Dark Elite Lightning trap Box by the Optional Chest (Where the Random puzzle is)

06-11-2008, 07:38 PM
Hey man, found the VoD traps last night on hard with a 49 (which is unimpressive I know, but just wanted to let people know what the min might be) and disabled on a roll of 1 with an unboosted 54.

Also a tip and I won't disclose how I learned it, put your armor bracers back on after you use your ventilated bracers, things from there on will be much smoother :P

BTW thanks for keeping this thread up and the UMD one, I used them a lot in preparing my build.

06-17-2008, 08:48 PM
Ventilated Bracers: +3 to Disable Device
Is this an incite bonus?
Will it stack with green steel item with +3 int skills?

06-17-2008, 08:59 PM
Ventilated Bracers: +3 to Disable Device
Is this an incite bonus?
Will it stack with green steel item with +3 int skills?

its actually an Enhancement Bonus. Yes, Absolutely stacks.

09-18-2008, 08:20 PM
VoD traps, on normal, have a DC < (less than) 60. Been taking items off as I've been running it to slowly lower my overall skill....lowest successful trap disarm so far was a roll of '3' with a +57 bonus. No failures yet, so the DC is probably much lower.

09-18-2008, 09:18 PM
VoD traps, on normal, have a DC < 60. Been taking items off as I've been running it to slowly lower my overall skill....lowest successful trap disarm so far was a roll of '3' with a +57 bonus. No failures yet.

Hmmm.. I find that hard to believe.. Normal? I know my STR ROgue has done those traps many times and her disable roll is in the low 50's if I remeber to equipt everything.... I usually dont.....

09-18-2008, 10:27 PM
Hmmm.. I find that hard to believe.. Normal? I know my STR ROgue has done those traps many times and her disable roll is in the low 50's if I remeber to equipt everything.... I usually dont.....

Someone was telling me it was 52, but I don't have first hand experience to verify that...I'm just reporting my low roll. Yah, Normal.

09-18-2008, 10:45 PM
Someone was telling me it was 52, but I don't have first hand experience to verify that...I'm just reporting my low roll. Yah, Normal.

ok, My bad, I get that whole Less than, greater than thing mixed up sometimes.....

Pretty sure they are actually inthe 40's to disable.... Nowhere near high water mark territory.

09-18-2008, 10:56 PM
ok, My bad, I get that whole Less than, greater than thing mixed up sometimes.....

Pretty sure they are actually inthe 40's to disable.... Nowhere near high water mark territory.

Good to know. Guess I've been away too long. O.O

*Follow up: VoD Elite, 1+59=Success.

01-18-2009, 02:32 PM
>>Search: <= 56 DC Has been found after recent update with as low as a 56 Search, but may be yet lower.

Tried it today with my bard rouge. Was able to search out the high-water trap on elite with a 53 search. DD self buffed of 60; rolled 6 twice on that trap...blew it both times. ;P

02-05-2009, 07:15 AM
Ah, the other thread I was looking for...

02-05-2009, 11:57 PM
Update... Found the elite Cabal trap box tonight with a search of 52...

I disabled with a roll of 19... disable skill is 64 - so total was 83... unfortunately, that doesn't tell us much...

02-16-2009, 06:13 PM
ANyone interested in Taking over this list? I PM'd CForce to see if he wants it back, but just in case, looking for volunteers.

The whole High Water mark trap thing just doesnt do it for me anymore.. I'm deleting my trap speced rogue tonight so that will leave me with my STR based Rogue who has decent skills, but not great, and my Splash Cleric who again, can get most traps, but its not a focus.

02-08-2010, 07:12 PM
Update... Found the elite Cabal trap box tonight with a search of 52...

I disabled with a roll of 19... disable skill is 64 - so total was 83... unfortunately, that doesn't tell us much...

That trap is low to mid 70's if i remember right.

03-11-2010, 03:41 PM
BUMP and a vote for a forum sticky. Anyone know how to contact a forum moderator to do that?

Question: Trap Sense - we all know by now not all mechanisms are where you would like them to be. some are in the middle of the traps and others are at the far end. That requires trap evasion in order to get to those mechanisms alive. Especially on elite. And we also know that after level 18 you aren't just going to "outgrow" elite run trap damage.

The info for this says you get the feat every 3rd level starting at level 3. At level 18 a rogue has taken this class feat 6 times. Now if I read correctly, we get 1 trap evasion for the taking the feat, plus 1 more every 3rd level of rogue, making a total of 7 evasion for each feat at level 18, correct? And this would be stacked for each of the 6 feats taken at level 18 giving a total of 42 trap evasion at level 18 rogue.

Am I incorrect, or is it only a total of 7 points at level 18. One for the first time taken then 1 for each of the 6 feats as I was corrected by people when I tried to point out the advantage of this feat. 7 trap evasion just seems terribly low for elite traps at level 20 on elite and in epics.

Again, let's get a moderator to sticky this post to the rogue forum please.

03-11-2010, 03:49 PM
BUMP and a vote for a forum sticky. Anyone know how to contact a forum moderator to do that?

Question: Trap Sense - we all know by now not all mechanisms are where you would like them to be. some are in the middle of the traps and others are at the far end. That requires trap evasion in order to get to those mechanisms alive. Especially on elite. And we also know that after level 18 you aren't just going to "outgrow" elite run trap damage.

The info for this says you get the feat every 3rd level starting at level 3. At level 18 a rogue has taken this class feat 6 times. Now if I read correctly, we get 1 trap evasion for the taking the feat, plus 1 more every 3rd level of rogue, making a total of 7 evasion for each feat at level 18, correct? And this would be stacked for each of the 6 feats taken at level 18 giving a total of 42 trap evasion at level 18 rogue.

Am I incorrect, or is it only a total of 7 points at level 18. One for the first time taken then 1 for each of the 6 feats as I was corrected by people when I tried to point out the advantage of this feat. 7 trap evasion just seems terribly low for elite traps at level 20 on elite and in epics.

Again, let's get a moderator to sticky this post to the rogue forum please.

First, this thread is no longer being updated. the latest high watermarks are found in the Compendium/wiki at http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Is_my_(insert_rogue_skill)_high_enough

that being said, I have no idea what you are talking about. You have something very confused.

ROgues get Evasion at Level 2. They can Select Improved Evasion at Level 10,13,16 or 19 as one of their Special Ability feats.

Evasion does not change.
Without Evasion: Save for Half Damage, Fail a save and take full damage.
With Evasion: Save for No Damage, Fail for Full Damage
With Improved Evasion: Save for No damage, Fail a save and take half damage.

Trap sense adds to your reflex saves against traps.