View Full Version : Monk vs AOC?

04-14-2008, 01:04 PM
well with AOC about a month away. I was just wondering if a class is going to hold you back from playing AOC... I think almost everyone is planning on making a monk but after 3 weeks give or take will the monk satisfy the wait. I'm just curious because from what i hear AOC is soppose to I guess take over? I personally will take about a month break from DDO just to see if AOC lives up to the hype. I just want to hear your guys opinion on this feel free to say whatever you want.

PS recruiting for AOC free for all server Fear The Plague!!!! Muahahaha

04-14-2008, 01:07 PM
People will always.... and I mean always, come back to this game. Nothing else can even touch it.

I for one will be playing AoC but just for the novelty, and when I get back here I will love it all the more.

Even the Salties came back here, and when we left them in vanguard they were grinding 24/7

04-14-2008, 01:19 PM
Yeah bro I see what you mean I think even though this game lacks in some areas DDO separates itself from the rest of the games. I love DDO and I'm happy I chose this game as my first MMO.. I think the best qualities about the game is the combat system and the graphics are sweet. This game is probably best for those players that have been gone for over a year. There's alot of content they haven't seen.

04-14-2008, 01:27 PM
No AoC is going to keep me from playing AoC just dont like what they have done. All I am gonna say on that matter

04-14-2008, 01:33 PM
- If I want to look at t'n'a I'll just alt-tab to a porn site
- I can still get drunk in real life and make my character behave erractically

04-14-2008, 01:37 PM
I'll be giving AoC a try. The main reason is that I want my rogue to be a rogue and not a trap monkey.

04-14-2008, 01:45 PM
yeah dude a rogue is considered a DPS class in AOC and I hear the combat system is pretty sweet with the fatalities and actual heads rolling of I just hope parents knows its rated for adults shoulnt be any kids running around.

04-14-2008, 02:15 PM
Monk Monk Monk Monk. It will be the best time ever to play a cleric... you can charge to heal the parties of 5 monks.

As to AoC... I already did the beta leg-work for DDO.... think I'll let AoC get playtested and fixed at release by others the first few months and then see if it's a playable game or goes the Vanguard way. More interested in Warhammer despite the delays. Though do any MMO's not get delayed these days? AoC's at least 18 months past their original "initial release" date.

I can't see that head-chopping and a mature rating keeps the kids away. I would even guess it means more in their teenage years. Given the game is also slated for 360, it seems there's definitely a play towards the GTA, snuck-into-a-rated-R movie, f-bomb dropping crowd. You'll probably have less toddlers (hopefully). How long will the gore-thrill last I wonder?

04-14-2008, 02:23 PM
yeah dude a rogue is considered a DPS class in AOC and I hear the combat system is pretty sweet with the fatalities and actual heads rolling of I just hope parents knows its rated for adults shoulnt be any kids running around.

Rogue is a DPS class in this game dude...

If you guys are still thinking you need to be confined to trap monkey you should check out some of the builds in the rogue forums.
I will not however be giving you mine. ;)

04-14-2008, 02:37 PM
AoC is just the new shiny toy that will lose it's luster quickly. I for one will not be playing it. The combat system is still close to an auto attack you just have different combos. DDO still has the best combat system and character development out there. And yes Rogues in DDO can be DPS not just trap monkeys.

Anyway best of luck to the ones that leave, we'll keep your spot open.

04-14-2008, 02:41 PM
Rogue is a DPS class in this game dude...

If you guys are still thinking you need to be confined to trap monkey you should check out some of the builds in the rogue forums.
I will not however be giving you mine. ;)

That's ok. Everyone can PM Goodwin in game if you'd like Accelerando's DPS Rogue build.

04-14-2008, 02:55 PM
Rogue is a DPS class in this game dude...

If you guys are still thinking you need to be confined to trap monkey you should check out some of the builds in the rogue forums.
I will not however be giving you mine. ;)

I doubt it bro I know some really good rogues that can outkill tanks but a rogue cannot do anywhere from 180-200+ damage in 1 swing like a barb can. The few rogues that can call themselves a battle rogue are more like tanks to me high ac good to hit. Also its way easier to play a barb most of the time only way a rogue can be good is with nice gear as for a barb all you gave to do is gave a high con high STR and take the right enhancements and your good to go.

04-14-2008, 02:56 PM
I have very little interest in AoC, so even without the Monk class, I'd still be here. :P

04-14-2008, 03:01 PM
well with AOC about a month away. I was just wondering if a class is going to hold you back from playing AOC... I think almost everyone is planning on making a monk but after 3 weeks give or take will the monk satisfy the wait. I'm just curious because from what i hear AOC is soppose to I guess take over? I personally will take about a month break from DDO just to see if AOC lives up to the hype. I just want to hear your guys opinion on this feel free to say whatever you want.

PS recruiting for AOC free for all server Fear The Plague!!!! Muahahaha

What does AOC mean

04-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Rogue is a DPS class in this game dude...

If you guys are still thinking you need to be confined to trap monkey you should check out some of the builds in the rogue forums.
I will not however be giving you mine. ;)

WTB a build. ;)

04-14-2008, 03:03 PM
That's ok. Everyone can PM Goodwin in game if you'd like Accelerando's DPS Rogue build.


04-14-2008, 03:06 PM
After Othergame Collapses

04-14-2008, 03:09 PM
I have a huge portion of my guild leaving DDO for AoC...and I mean huge...almost everyone that plays DDO regularly
is going to AoC...

Lets hope y'all are right and they come back, because Im not really interested in AoC.

04-14-2008, 03:51 PM
no slots for a monk so AoC for me. plus i wanna ride an mammoth.

04-14-2008, 05:04 PM
Rogue is a DPS class in this game dude...

If you guys are still thinking you need to be confined to trap monkey you should check out some of the builds in the rogue forums.
I will not however be giving you mine. ;)

It's not the fact that my rogue doesn't do DPS, it's the playerbase in DDO and the quest/mobs desings that make most people think all you need in a group is a Sorc, Barb, and a Cleric to run most stuff. My rogue gets exluded from most stuff mostly on the basis of whether or not there is a trap to disable or a lock to pick.

I wathced a video where a Rogue went against a Fighter type in PvP in AoC and the Rogue dismantled the Fighter with his bare hands. I'll try to post a link later, I am at work atm and don't have the time.

04-14-2008, 05:16 PM
I'll be giving AoC a try. The main reason is that I want my rogue to be a rogue and not a trap monkey.

Then why not play one of the many many many other MMO's out there that could never properly implement traps, but never had any problem making rogues single-minded DPS focused 1-dimensional classes?

Like Everquest.

Or World of Warcraft.

04-14-2008, 05:20 PM
I doubt it bro I know some really good rogues that can outkill tanks but a rogue cannot do anywhere from 180-200+ damage in 1 swing like a barb can.

Usually when people describe a class as DPS, the DPS stands for Damage Per Second. Basically the connotation is that the melee class is a high damage dealing class that, due to the nature of melee, can sustain this high damage indefinitely. This is one of the only games where people warped the slang to mean Damage Per Swing.

04-14-2008, 06:04 PM
Then why not play one of the many many many other MMO's out there that could never properly implement traps, but never had any problem making rogues single-minded DPS focused 1-dimensional classes?

Like Everquest.

Or World of Warcraft.

I will NEVER ever play WoW. I tried Everquest. Could't for the life of me get used to the game movement mechanics. I do like the combat system of DDO. Just not how some other things are done.

But I am not going to turn this into a Rogue thread so lets go back to the topic. :)

04-14-2008, 06:56 PM
Monk Vs. AOC

I think the "WOW!!" (not the game) factor will grab many of DDO's players and leave us with an even smaller population.

Monks may help to replace 10 -20% of the ones who leave.

How many we get back is up to AOC...... If all that glitters is not gold than many will return.

Many Have already been sold on the hype, if the game manages to deliver, than we may be talking about server merges again in 6 months.

The $9.99 monthly price was a great idea, Monks are the shiny new toy.............. but ultimatly once the wow factor has worn thin, you need to have a solid, polished, playable and fun game to keep people busy.............. IMO DDO has that now.

What Im more curious about in MOD 8, monks aside, is the content. There has been almost ZERO talk of the new content.

Im seeing it like this:

AOC is the new store that opens up on the block and advertises that it has fun stuff in a box, at reasonable prices. No ones actually tried the fun stuff in the box, but the packaging looks really cool.

DDO is the mom & pop store on the corner that youve been going to since you were a kid. They know you and give you a nice discount on the already low priced stuff they sell. Most of the stuff they are willing to open up the box and let you mess around with it and see if you wanna buy it. MOD 8 it seems they are just showing you the box but not showing anything else inside.

That worries my, for us that have been around for a while, monks will be nice for a week or 2 but content is really what we want.

Show me the content thats gunna keep me busy for the next 6 months ............. monks are just candy for the kids. The adults are ready for dinner, how about an appetizer.

Rogues = DPS

My rogue dual weilds keen punturing daggers. I have subtle backstabber and turning on precision will only do about 1-2 points of damage. I have seen giants die after I did only 10 pts of damage total ........ but with the right weapons, anyone can do that.

When I turn precision off and switch from target to target in the middle of a fight while a fighter holds aggro or I just use bluff, I can do an average of 50 points per hit. I need to keep all my stars in alignment to maintain that damage but add to that the fact that im puncturing also and stuff dies really fast.

I can really wrack up the kills but need to do it from behind a tank.

04-14-2008, 07:02 PM
Watched numerous videos for AOC and even had an invite for Beta, just cant get into the mechanic's of it. "Click this arrow to swing upward, click these arrows in order for a special move"... just too "busy" for me. I like my games to be less click click oriented and more about the environment and friends. Not gonna play it.

04-14-2008, 07:07 PM
I will NEVER ever play WoW. I tried Everquest. Could't for the life of me get used to the game movement mechanics. I do like the combat system of DDO. Just not how some other things are done.

But I am not going to turn this into a Rogue thread so lets go back to the topic. :)

Dont be afraid to broaden your horizens.

Try WOW & EQ for a comparison. The movement in WOW, EQ and DDO is pretty much the same but many other game aspects are different. I feel DDO works better for me after playing the previous 2 and leaving because of 1 thing or another that I didnt like. I played EQ because it was the closest to D & D for me at the time.

as Ive said b4, Ill be trying AOC, IF after the 1st month it looks like I would like it but I will continue playinng DDO also.

While I like the rogue classes in AOC, I dont care for the tanks or casters. I do like the wide open spaces but for that I could just play Oblivion.
AOC would have to do something really special to keep me playing longer than 1-2 months.

04-14-2008, 08:08 PM
- I can still get drunk in real life and make my character behave erractically

Thank you for that...Had a good laugh over that one!

04-14-2008, 08:12 PM
I have a huge portion of my guild leaving DDO for AoC...and I mean huge...almost everyone that plays DDO regularly
is going to AoC...

Lets hope y'all are right and they come back, because Im not really interested in AoC.

They'll be back, unless they really like open PvP. Nothing like getting ganked every time you are trying to do a quest.

04-15-2008, 01:08 AM
They'll be back, unless they really like open PvP. Nothing like getting ganked every time you are trying to do a quest.

I think the made it so that if your in a party you can't PvP like that.

04-15-2008, 01:14 AM
I think the made it so that if your in a party you can't PvP like that.

So in other words, they will end up just like every other mmo by appealing to the masses.

04-15-2008, 01:16 AM
I'll be giving AoC a try. The main reason is that I want my rogue to be a rogue and not a trap monkey.

ummm not sure what your saying as in games rogues doing traps is older then rogues doing dps(but traps has never been all they were about)

04-15-2008, 01:18 AM
no slots for a monk so AoC for me. plus i wanna ride an mammoth.
Proably get another slot so you can stay instead of riding a furry seige engine

04-15-2008, 02:05 AM
I'm not going to Age of Conan. I came to DDO because it is based on D&D and for no other reason. If and when this game shuts down, I seriously doubt I'll play any other online game. ( Unless it is a non- 4.0 ruleset D&D game.)

04-15-2008, 11:32 AM
Hmm... lets see... after 5,000 shroud runs... you get all the uber loot you will ever need... At this point.. why go questing on your main overloaded uber toon? To get exp ? (capped).. to do loot runs? ( you already have the Shroud loot so there is no point to do any other quest in the game cause you already have the best loot)... AoC seems like a welcome choice for most of hardcore DDO ppl... too bad its taken so long for them to release the game..

As far as the haters and pure DDO ppl flaming AoC or any other MMO... w/e .. Every game gets boring at some point or another..
To say you wont play it or all that glitters is not gold or PVP servers suck... pfft.. I am glad you are not gonna try AoC.. Stay here and keep playing the same content over and over ... I loved DDO.. and I still like it but pls... AoC seems like a well thought out MMO.. You can play on a PVP based server or choose one that isn’t based on PVP... I can't wait to cut off some doods heads and dance in his blood !! (Sounds like I may have some issues there,.,. but Oh well ..:) )

Besides DDO put zero Crafting axes in the Shroud... so my main Dorf Tank has nothing to satisfy his AXE fixation...

The Monk will do nothing to save ppl from AoC... DDO will be a one server game soon,... and that’s a good thing... that way ppl can stop talking about what they do on other servers and prove it.. I will still keep my 2 DDO accts and jump back from time to time... but change will be a breath of fresh air .......

All I can say is..


04-15-2008, 11:43 AM
no slots for a monk so AoC for me. plus i wanna ride an mammoth.

I am getting the Mammoth on my collector's edition pre-order of AoC too :D:D:D

I will dual-sub AoC and DDO until I make a decision whether monks are worth re-doing all of the lowbie quests for favor/XP/raid loot equippage AGAIN.

I think after two months of dual-subscribing/playing, I will make my decision, and either let my sub to DDO die (not giving my stuff away) or coming back to stay.

04-15-2008, 11:46 AM

Brotherhood of the Sacred Shadows



04-15-2008, 12:12 PM
Proably get another slot so you can stay instead of riding a furry seige engine

ive been hopin but were at what? 9 now? i have 13 slots, 13 characters I actually play (well 12, but no point in deleting that lvl 14 bank mule with 5 backpacks and 3 bank pages). so Im SOL unless I want to decide which 5 of my toons I want to kill off permanently...

04-15-2008, 12:30 PM
I am very happy with ddo. so i wont leave to play another game exclusively. but i am very interested in AoC but i have a feeling it may not be worth it so i will wait till the reviews come out and prove me wrong before i give it a try.

04-15-2008, 12:53 PM
I am going to try Age of Conan out - while I love this game there are still some aspects that bother me....
1. why not have random instances w/random incounters (instead of spot trip) spawn in same spot monsters...
2. randoms dungeons w/ random traps every time you enter it -

To me (as someone who has been playing DDO since beta) - something like this would keep my interest - I mean how many times should I have to run Kobold assault w/ the same scenerio - or even any of the other ones - my main grip this whole time while playing has not been the amount of content - but having to repeat conent over and over and over and over again to achieve goals in the game and to boost your xp -

To me D&D has always been about RANDOM encounters in different areas - not the assembly line heres your quest type dungeons - while I know DDO is not PURE D&D ... for me this is just one aspect of how this game could evolve to maybe pull more people in

The monk - well I will make one - and well - run the SAME quests again.... but man... it sure will be a grind..... and I welcome the fact that AoC will be out - because when I am tired of running WW's for the millonith and elventh time.... I will turn off DDO and boot Aoc up... for a nice change..

my 2 plat.

04-15-2008, 01:22 PM
Yeah dude I feel you as much as I love ddo its really redundant whenever new content comes out 1st month its good and all but then your back at where you were before... Bored. I've tried different servers yet after a while you just need a break and its sad because this game has so much potential but as of right now kinda 1 dimensional. I think the only thing that can save them is maybe DDO2 or add another city. Well I just hope DDO doesnt die our with AOC and warhammer coming out.

04-15-2008, 01:27 PM
Isn't advertising for another game against the CoC?

04-15-2008, 02:42 PM
Not sure if advertising a guild for a game that hasn't been released yet might fit the written word CoC, but I adjusted my entry so no reference to any other MMO can be garnered from my post :rolleyes:

04-15-2008, 06:48 PM
Isn't advertising for another game against the CoC?

Im not sure .... but now Im curious.

edit- #21 of The COC - it says you may not post links to any website/url containing content turbine deems innapropriete.

Without limit, this includes any commercial service and so on blah blah.

While no links were posted, AOC is another service and without limitations can be included under article 21. Is it tacky to promote another service on these forums? Maybe a bit. Is it against forum guidelines to do so? Letter of the law .... not without a link.
Could it be moderated? I think so...... as the topic tends to generate flamed responses.

honestly I think if it was an issue it would have been moded already.

DDO has no reason to fear AOC. AOC is coming out and there is little anyone can do about that now. All DDO can do is offer a quality product and hope that those who enjoy it continue to do so and those who leave will eventually return.

Its all good.... the ones who dont come back would have left anyway.

04-15-2008, 06:52 PM
I have no urge to make a monk and I'm not moving to AoC.

04-16-2008, 08:01 AM
Im not sure .... but now Im curious.

edit- #21 of The COC - it says you may not post links to any website/url containing content turbine deems innapropriete.

Without limit, this includes any commercial service and so on blah blah.

While no links were posted, AOC is another service and without limitations can be included under article 21. Is it tacky to promote another service on these forums? Maybe a bit. Is it against forum guidelines to do so? Letter of the law .... not without a link.
Could it be moderated? I think so...... as the topic tends to generate flamed responses.

honestly I think if it was an issue it would have been moded already.

DDO has no reason to fear AOC. AOC is coming out and there is little anyone can do about that now. All DDO can do is offer a quality product and hope that those who enjoy it continue to do so and those who leave will eventually return.

Its all good.... the ones who dont come back would have left anyway.

This is a well stated post, and I applaud it. I bolded out the statement that made more sense to me than I have seen in a long time.

I only hope your statement comes to "DEVs" light soon.

My hopes for the new MMO are high, and supported from what I see, but I will make a well-informed decision on whether to saty/go, after a few months to be able to compare apples/apples.

My comparison will revolve around short-term/long-term fun that is projected for each product, and historical track record of updates/plans coming out on time.

04-17-2008, 12:11 AM
[oops sorry double post

04-17-2008, 12:12 AM
ive been hopin but were at what? 9 now? i have 13 slots, 13 characters I actually play (well 12, but no point in deleting that lvl 14 bank mule with 5 backpacks and 3 bank pages). so Im SOL unless I want to decide which 5 of my toons I want to kill off permanently...

Ugh sorry to hear that. Of course you could always let me hold your mule gear and all the extra gear while you make a new character:D Any ways hate to see anyone go.

04-17-2008, 01:41 PM
Isn't advertising for another game against the CoC?

I do know that posting anything in the LFG other then what it is intended for is against the CoC :D :rolleyes:

Gothca !!

04-23-2008, 10:53 AM
In every mmo game you will get to a point where you have done 1000 runs of all quests and have the best loot. Thats a given, but what drives content? Its the comments and player base. So by letting your subsription die just makes it worse. In 2 years or so it will be the same comments in the aoc forums. My son plays wow and he has a big wait till his next patch of content. Content is always the key, ddo has the best combat, pc development around bar none. Would you all stay if more content was released more regularily/ faster.

04-25-2008, 09:30 PM
AoC doesn't interest me because they seem to be trying to do everything, trying to appeal to all player styles. In doing so, I believe that the game will end up like WoW. I tried WoW several times because I wanted to play with friends, but I seriously could not bring myself to like it. I haven't played an MMORPG that I like less than WoW.

As to rogues, I really prefer a trap/lock-oriented rogue to a DPS rogue. If you think about the equipment and skills of a rogue, you have to admit that insanely high damage just doesn't fit. Besides, I've found rogues to be all but essential - almost as needed as a cleric. Making rogues more useful is a good thing - from what I hear, rogues in WoW have a much harder time finding groups.

04-25-2008, 10:23 PM
AoC doesn't interest me because they seem to be trying to do everything, trying to appeal to all player styles. In doing so, I believe that the game will end up like WoW. I tried WoW several times because I wanted to play with friends, but I seriously could not bring myself to like it. I haven't played an MMORPG that I like less than WoW.

As to rogues, I really prefer a trap/lock-oriented rogue to a DPS rogue. If you think about the equipment and skills of a rogue, you have to admit that insanely high damage just doesn't fit. Besides, I've found rogues to be all but essential - almost as needed as a cleric. Making rogues more useful is a good thing - from what I hear, rogues in WoW have a much harder time finding groups.

To be totally fair ..... you would have to admit that DDO is "trying to do everything also" and appeal to all player styles.

At launch we had quests, thats it. Then came PVP, very un- D&D but trying to appeal to those who like that sorta thing. Then came open areas added for those who are used to standard MMO format of long travel times. Then came crafting, time sink used in every major MMO and implemented in a way that is contrary to the 3.5 rules set. WHY? Easy answer is to attract a broader base of customers, its a business decision made by someone hoping to do well.

Some things sell itself............. BMW- the name alone says "Im expensive and 1st class".

If I told you I could sell you a toyota that was just as good you would probably ask me about all of its specs and want me to throw in a bunch of extra features to make it equal in your mind.

Same goes for DDO and WOW. WOW may be conscidered the BMW of MMOs..... but IMO DDO is just as good if not better in many ways, but still many people want to be sold into spending their "WOW money" on DDO and for that, your gunna have to add a lot of features and bullet points for them to say "hey look, just like WOW".

In this way WOW,DDO,AOC all wanna "try to do everything and appeal to all play styles"

Its just good business and often involves straying away from the purity of source materials.

AOC has added playable casters, just like every other MMO. Never in any Conan book would you find casters thick on the ground like rabbits in spring.... but they are in AOC. they even wanted you to be a class-less character until you reached 20th level... until a few months ago when they said you will be able to pick a class at creation because they felt "no one wanted to wait that long to find out whether the class was good or not". Conforming once again to the MMO standard because they thought to be unique is to risk failure and to succeed you must emulate WOW.

If I had the money and the resources........ I would make an MMO both unique and successful.... but that may take me some time.

04-27-2008, 04:52 PM
With all the server problems, lag, bad programming, glitches, bugs and whatnot, DDO will go the way of all the others. It will go whimpering into the night with only those who cannot afford to upgrade their computers, or buy new, to take the next step staying behind as players. From what I've seen of AoC, it takes this game a step further and adds all that has been successful in other games to it as well. Monk, or not, DDO will have a mass exodus and very few, if any, will return here.

04-27-2008, 05:07 PM
I have very little interest in AoC, so even without the Monk class, I'd still be here. :P

Me too......WOW, DAOC, AOC, Warhammer, Ect............AD+D did it first, did it better...still does

04-27-2008, 05:18 PM
What else is supposed to be coming with monk? As far as I can tell, nothing interesting.

So for right now, for me, it's monk versus siege combat, city building, 12 new classes, PvP with a purpose, 4 new raids, useful crafting, etc, etc.

There's just too much going on in AoC for me to not try it. Not saying it'll be better, but it does have much more content and features planned for release than DDO has this long after its' release.

04-27-2008, 05:30 PM
What else is supposed to be coming with monk? As far as I can tell, nothing interesting.

So for right now, for me, it's monk versus siege combat, city building, 12 new classes, PvP with a purpose, 4 new raids, useful crafting, etc, etc.

There's just too much going on in AoC for me to not try it. Not saying it'll be better, but it does have much more content and features planned for release than DDO has this long after its' release.

can give you AOC in a nutshell

DAOC with better graphics and bare women breasts

With DDO, granted the new content has been a little slow...but when it comes to available raw material to advance and
expand this game...it could fill a library. we have a guy name Gygax (rest in peace) to thank for that

04-27-2008, 05:36 PM
can give you AOC in a nutshell

DAOC with better graphics and bare women breasts

With DDO, granted the new content has been a little slow...but when it comes to available raw material to advance and
expand this game...it could fill a library. we have a guy name Gygax (rest in peace) to thank for that

Just because the material is there doesn't mean it's going to be in the game. I agree, there's a tremendous amount of content available for DDO, but Turbine has implemented very, very little or it in the time the game has been released, and the parts that they do implement they often butcher.

Also, DaoC didn't have player cities. It didn't have individual purpose for PvP. It didn't have useful crafting.

AoC is DaoC with everything else they should have put in, but didn't. And DaoC was a good game, so if AoC is just DaoC, that isn't bad to begin with.

04-27-2008, 05:45 PM
But you would agree DAOC and AOC are similar? with differences-of course

DDO is pretty much (with some variation) AD+D

Here is the truely big difference

WOW,DAOC,AOC,AO,EVE,ect....all have pvp and all spend a huge amount of effort on class balance

DDO is true to Pen and Paper game.......no pvp...that, with the ability to multiclass = no need for pvp balance..only need
to balance classes in terms of keep each fun to play.

Most of the stuff you listed you want to try in AOC is PvP or related to PvP

D+D, AD+D, and DDO was never about pvp

so, nothing against you there but maybe your playing the wrong kinda MMO?
If you love pvp....you really picked the wrong game.

04-27-2008, 06:08 PM
PvP is another thing to do in-game. If DDO had good PvP not near as many people would be leaving. Yes, I agree that DDO is not a PvP focused game, but if you look at everything that revolves around PvP you'll notice that Turbine effectively limited themselves to a very few things. One of the major downsides to DDO, in my opinion, is that there is little to do in-game beyond Shroud run #43 or Reaver run number #112.

04-27-2008, 06:21 PM
DDO is true to Pen and Paper game.......no pvp...that, with the ability to multiclass = no need for pvp balance..only need to balance classes in terms of keep each fun to play.

Well just to point this out, if DDO was truly PnP, multiclasses would have a major disadvantage. You can't claim that DDO is like PnP and then tout something that directly contradicts PnP as a reason there is no need for class balancing and still maintain your arguement.

Furthermore, you must play some really boring PnP. Pitting players against each other in PnP is extremely fun, both from a player and DM standpoint.

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
04-27-2008, 08:19 PM
With all the server problems, lag, bad programming, glitches, bugs and whatnot, DDO will go the way of all the others.

If you think Age of Conan won't have all of that, I am afraid you will be unhappily surprised. Less than a month away from release, they are having to remove a TON of content already due to bugs. The technical beta was unplayable due to the lag and the freezes. And this was only a few weeks ago.

They already rolled the release date back once. I expect they will get much of it worked out but to expect it will be flawless is probably setting your sites a little high... I preordered it, but am keeping my expectations low.

Like Furgulder said earlier, I wanna ride a mammoth! :cool:

04-27-2008, 09:37 PM
If you think Age of Conan won't have all of that, I am afraid you will be unhappily surprised. Less than a month away from release, they are having to remove a TON of content already due to bugs. The technical beta was unplayable due to the lag and the freezes. And this was only a few weeks ago.

They already rolled the release date back once. I expect they will get much of it worked out but to expect it will be flawless is probably setting your sites a little high... I preordered it, but am keeping my expectations low.

Like Furgulder said earlier, I wanna ride a mammoth! :cool:

The point I was trying to make is that they are at least working on their program. DDO just puts out content and waits for the buzz to get unbearable then decides to do just enough to tweak the squeakiest wheels. There are things wrong with this game that have been wrong with it for two years now. You point out that AoC is being worked on, well that's one step up from DDO where nothing gets worked on. I am supposing also that AoC will learn from others in the industry as to how to handle things that go wrong. Someone, sometime, has to start making games that have minimal, if any, bugs/glitches/etc. Maybe AoC will be that company... Turbine certainly is not.

04-27-2008, 09:57 PM
I do know that posting anything in the LFG other then what it is intended for is against the CoC :D :rolleyes:

Gothca !!

Just had to post this:

Exactly "WHAT" is the LFG for?

LFG = Looking For Group

The LFG can be used for anything that requires a GROUP? If so, then looking for a group for any of the following is still within guide lines:

LFG to discuss new content.
LFG to Discuss new games.
LFG to run in an encounter area.
LFG to teach me how to build a character. (If I were new)
LFG to teach me what the game is like, because maybe I am new.
LFG = Looking For Group. Now, maybe a trade isn't a "GROUP" thing, but certainly they can not say that anything that leaves the blank not filled in is against the "Intent" of the LFG panel. I mean, encounter areas are not listed, The Shroud is not listed (Half the time), Favor runs aren't a listed item, House runs aren't a listed item.

So, my point is, and I have yet to see it, but explain exactly, to me, and everyone else here, what the LFG panel "IS" to be used for. Explain how one thing can meet the exact same guidelines as another, yet be deemed NOT acceptable.

Stay neutral, don't attack me, I am NOT attacking you. I am posting this to see what the "General" feeling of the LFG Panel is. I would say that there needs to be a "CLEAR" and "CONSICE" (Spelling) definition before any of us can sau what is and isn't acceptable use of the LFG panel.

If you say that running an encounter area is ligit, then what if I were to post an LFG that said:

"Running Vale Encounter areas, LTT W/P Rapier while having fun. Let's get some XP."

How does that fit in? Does one part invalidate another?

Oh, and to stay in line with what the topic was, I will be moving to AoC, because I am hoping that they at least provide better feedback and less filtering in the forums. Hopefully, at least, being a new game, they will monitor what is being said and provide regular feedback that is sensible and available in an easy to find format. I will also be staying in DDO, I love DDO. But to ignore or deny blatant and obvious issues, and to constantly do things that are unreasonable is in itself unreasonable to expect people to just stick with it because it has a lable of D&D in the name. I have 2 accounts, just renewed each for 6 months, and if things get straightened out, then most likely I will keep both, otherwise, things will be moved around and compiled into one account, for a couple months, and then maybe everything given away. I am hoping that at the least, the GMs provided in AoC are capable of correcting small issues without denying that there is any prior knowlege of the issue. This game has a good player base, but limits the information gathered from that base by having a geletanous cube eat up any post that might spread word of things that might be against some made up list of rules. What sense is there, honestly, in sending a report to QA when QA doesn't test? What is QA? Is it someones extra email account that if they have some spare time they will look into and see what is intriguing to them?

04-27-2008, 10:24 PM
I originally planned to try AoC... then when they screwed the Combat system up royally I decided against.

Now that said I have no intention and never did of leaving DDO.

And I am looking forward to MOnk

on the rogue DPS issue... if Barbs do so much more DPS than us then why do we need so many aggro controls to leave the tanks as the npcs main target. I mean my non dps oriented rogue pull aggro off barbs ... fairly regularly... so if they do so much dps why don't they hold the aggro


04-27-2008, 10:35 PM
on the rogue DPS issue... if Barbs do so much more DPS than us then why do we need so many aggro controls to leave the tanks as the npcs main target. I mean my non dps oriented rogue pull aggro off barbs ... fairly regularly... so if they do so much dps why don't they hold the aggro Aesop

It only gets worse later on too. +10d6 sneak attack dmg per hit, 2 weapon user with enhancements and uber weapons= agro magnet :)

04-28-2008, 11:34 AM
on the rogue DPS issue... if Barbs do so much more DPS than us then why do we need so many aggro controls to leave the tanks as the npcs main target. I mean my non dps oriented rogue pull aggro off barbs ... fairly regularly... so if they do so much dps why don't they hold the aggro


?? What Kind of tanks are you running with ???? .. besides.. this is supposed to be a thread about MONK VS AOC ...

04-28-2008, 02:22 PM
if DDO was truly PnP, SOME multiclasses would have a major disadvantage.

Fixed that for ya. Halfling Rogue 1/ Ranger 15 would not have disadvantage from PnP to DDO. Dwarf 3 Paladin/13 Fighter wouldnt either. Nor any human that had 1 additional class. Furthermore, the only disadvantage is a 20% xp loss when leveling. Since most of DDO players are capped, what is the huge disadvantage of 20% xp loss? Its like reentering a quest once...

I have played DDO, WoW, EQ1 and EQ2 with some GuildWars and SWG sprinkled in. Ill be playing AoC and Warhammer when they come out, 1. because i want to ride a mammoth. and 2 cause I want to crush the empire in the name of Khorne. I havent played DDO in a week or so now. Everytime I log in its 3 shroud runs lookin for a cleric, and a couple of quests that either arent in my level range, or that Im tired of running.

I need a reason to log into DDO to justify the 6 month subscription I just shelled out $55 on.

04-28-2008, 03:59 PM
?? What Kind of tanks are you running with ???? .. besides.. this is supposed to be a thread about MONK VS AOC ...

Yes it is and I made reference and stated my opinion on that... there was also a contention about rogues and so I answwered that as well.

oh and I pug quite often but still with some very top end Barbs and most who don't have their head hiding somewhere realize that a rogue is built to dps... its what they do. They throw damage faster and at roughly the same level as casters (in pnp anyway ddo its a little off balance due to the SP/metamagic relationships and the huge item/enhancement boosts) (also in pnp rogues have an easier time getting the Sneak Attacks in as they only need someone standing on the otherside of the badun to get the Sneak Attack... also there are feats that make a rogue death on two legs)


04-29-2008, 07:28 AM
Yes it is and I made reference and stated my opinion on that... there was also a contention about rogues and so I answwered that as well.

oh and I pug quite often but still with some very top end Barbs and most who don't have their head hiding somewhere realize that a rogue is built to dps... its what they do. They throw damage faster and at roughly the same level as casters (in pnp anyway ddo its a little off balance due to the SP/metamagic relationships and the huge item/enhancement boosts) (also in pnp rogues have an easier time getting the Sneak Attacks in as they only need someone standing on the otherside of the badun to get the Sneak Attack... also there are feats that make a rogue death on two legs)


Are you talking strictly dps or are you using WOP,Banishing.. etc ? What is your Rogues Name?

04-29-2008, 04:50 PM
Are you talking strictly dps or are you using WOP,Banishing.. etc ? What is your Rogues Name?

DPS wise a pure rogue throws at level 16 8d6 extra damage per swing even if the barb has 30 strength higher that's only 15 damage (two handed its 22) with power attack on 20 (32thf) . A rogue with the weighted dice of damage that ddo has averages 4+ damage per die thus 32 damage from backstabbing. A DPS spec'd Rogue with a little Sneak Attack training (soon it will be worse with the enhanced Sneak attack training halfling guile and upgraded WotA taking the possible enhancements from +8 to +24) does about an extra 4-8 (2 to 4 levels of Sneak attack training) damage per swing on sneak attacks. With twf they attack faster than the THF barb and with Rogue Haste Boost they attack even faster thus getting off significantly more shots and thus significantly more damage, therefore without rogue subtle backstabber and a diplo every now and then the rogue will pull aggro off the barb like a like a fat kid to a candy bar. Also I will point out that to get the 30 extra strength the barb will likely need to be a top tier barb with a lot of uber gear.

My rogue does significantly less damage than a DPS rogue, though with my build I do do more damage in a face to face combat than most pure rogues as I have Weapon Spec and a decent strength (not great but decent)

so to answer your question. I am only really talking about straight DPS. So while the barb in head to head combat does a ton of damage the rule of "I see your back I win" is very true when it comes to rogues.

My rogue which is muttastic and was originally designed with Traps and survivability as primary concerns and dps as a secondary or tertiary only does an additional 5d6 damage per sneak attack but because I don't use Subtle Backstabber (because I didn't think I'd need it with my less than stellar dps construction) I am still pulling aggro off tanks and thus in a last second adjustment I maxed my diplo (which is now my friend)

I do have banishing weapons (thanks to another rogue who shall remain nameless to protect the not so innocent) and I did manage to find a Vorpal (though its a two hander and I'd perfer a longsword or scimmy)... I don't count those as DPS. DPS is Damage Per Second and insta kill things don't d odamage and as such can't be accurately be measured

oh Character name is Lionne on Argo

04-29-2008, 04:59 PM
Kind of an interesting topic, went from Monks Vs. AoC, to Rogue Vs. Barbarians.

On the topic at hand, looks like I will enjoy the AoC long before the Monk, and for that matter, lookslike I will "ENJOY" Aoc before the LAG from D&DO is figured out. LoL.

04-30-2008, 07:30 AM
oh Character name is Lionne on Argo

Why are you posting on another servers forum about how good your Rogue is when you wont be able to back it up? anywho.. w/e .. pls go post on your OWN servers forums.. Thank you..

oh and I pug quite often but still with some very top end Barbs and most who don't have their head hiding somewhere realize that a rogue is built to dps... its what they do. They throw damage faster and at roughly the same level as casters (in pnp anyway ddo its a little off balance due to the SP/metamagic relationships and the huge item/enhancement boosts) (also in pnp rogues have an easier time getting the Sneak Attacks in as they only need someone standing on the otherside of the badun to get the Sneak Attack... also there are feats that make a rogue death on two legs)


This is not Pnp ... The super Rogue your are talking about seems great, however.. you start throwing pts towards Str and you gimp your toon as a rogue.. but w/e.. you can't prove it anyway cause you don't play on our server..

You also say you are not really a DPS Rogue.. .. umm.. What super DPS rogue are you talking about that can draw aggro from mobs like its no tomorrow? Certainly not yours.. but wait.. you said you do.. pftt

What is the name of this super Rogue?

I am not saying that Rogues can't be good damage dealers.. I am saying that I have never seen a Rogue regularly pull aggro off of tanks.. at least not good tanks !! =]

04-30-2008, 08:59 AM
My anticipation is building.....

I am going to GameStop tonight to pre-pay off my collector's ed. of AoC, complete with Wooly Mammoth!

I'll be downloading on the 14th, and have my three-day headstart May 17-19th, before the main release!

And then the blood will flow.....

04-30-2008, 09:24 AM
The problem with this discussion is that the PRIMARY problem with DDO is the lack of playerbase. I justify this a couple of ways. The first thing I say to support that statement is that the player base NEVER met original expectations, hence the eventual server merge. We can get into the Whys of this all day long, but the statement remains true independant of further discussion. The second thing I say to support this statement is more players = more revenue. more revenue = more development. Now, I recognize that there is a whole chicken or the egg argument waiting to happen here if we let it, so let's not. Just take these statements as the facts they are without getting into why they are true (for the purposes of this discussion).

As the problems with DDO can invariably be traced back to a lack of playerbase, it stands to reason that leaving the game will only further exascerbate those problems. It is like not voting in order to protest apathy. Counter productive. What we should be doing as a playerbase, is, first and foremost, promoting the game whenever and where ever possible to bring new players in. Not complaining about the game on these public forums also falls under the heading of promoting the game.

It is obvious that everyone posting on these forums enjoys, and plays the game. Either that, or posters are escaped mental patients just surfing the web and posting in random forums. I suspect the former. We need to spend more time espousing the reasons we enjoy the game, and less trying to convince one another to leave it. Just my 2 coppers.

04-30-2008, 09:35 AM
Hey Moon, I will still encourage people to try it out. After all, I will tell them the good, and the bad experiences I have seen and witnessed. If Turbine thinks I will only say good things about them, then they need to be paying ME to play their game. I am involved in several major communities, not guilds, not clans, but entire communities throughout 2 MMOs, and 6 FPS games. I encourage people to come here, but that IS because even if I am unhappy, I am fully aware that at some point someone is going to take some time off, and someone else will have to step up. When that occurs, and IF that someone stepping up actualy takes initiative and the timing is right, then the game can progress.

Do NOT expect me to not post negative things, that only promotes a false atmosphere of satisfaction, to which I am not getting paid to lie, and wont. Want me to spread good words, provide good service. Remove the blanket stare that we are given by the Devs, remove the blanket excuse "We are unable to discuss such and such" and when you go home for a weekend, right after a ANY patch, occasionaly take the INITIATIVE to look in the forums, not too often, but at least a couple times over the period of the BUSIEST gaming time, otherwise known as PRIMETIME.

05-02-2008, 06:03 AM
Why are you posting on another servers forum about how good your Rogue is when you wont be able to back it up? anywho.. w/e .. pls go post on your OWN servers forums.. Thank you..

This is not Pnp ... The super Rogue your are talking about seems great, however.. you start throwing pts towards Str and you gimp your toon as a rogue.. but w/e.. you can't prove it anyway cause you don't play on our server..

You also say you are not really a DPS Rogue.. .. umm.. What super DPS rogue are you talking about that can draw aggro from mobs like its no tomorrow? Certainly not yours.. but wait.. you said you do.. pftt

What is the name of this super Rogue?

I am not saying that Rogues can't be good damage dealers.. I am saying that I have never seen a Rogue regularly pull aggro off of tanks.. at least not good tanks !! =]

then your server is sadly lacking... oh and I have characters on every server... hmmm maybe I don't play there too often due to the attitudes of the people I found there... maybe I found overall that there was nothing worth staying over there for... maybe I play a character over there that you have played with and after some comment on rogues I stopped playing over there because I found it to be better elsewhere... maybe you lack understanding of what a rogue actually does

maybe you just like closing your eyes and ignoring that the rogue is doing everything s/he can to keep the aggro on the tank.

do I draw aggro off tanks... yes quite often... but then again if you look back at the post you cut and paste to try to make some sort of point of which I can't really determine you'll see that I said that.

I do hope Ghallanda has some good rogues on it despite your apparent distain for them. Maybe they only play in their guild because they can't get a pug or something dueto the widespread and rampant belief that rogues are just there to get other people loot by unlocking chests and can't dps.

I mean come on I gave you straight numbers to play with its not hard... and those weren't pnp numbers those were DDO numbers... I said pnp rogues have an easier time and don't have to worry so much about aggro because as long as they can flank they can get their sneak attack.


05-02-2008, 06:49 AM
I just checked out the combat system in AoC. Ugh, click arrows?

If you like real-time combat you are going to hate that. Vanguard has something similar with complex critical moves, etc. and it takes a long time to get used to.

And if you are new to MMO's and haven't gone through balancing acts, bugs, patches, etc. in the first year of release on a product, have fun. I'll most likely see you all in a couple weeks when you get sick of clicking arrows for manuevers. At least Vanguard made it easy to where you could bind the attacks on a keyboard and they were horizontal.

The problem with AoC is that the combat mechanism is in a circle. If you bind the arrows to your keyboard its wierd because its not circular, and if you just move the mouse to click the attacks or shield block directions specifically you will get sick of that pretty fast too.

The blood is cool and I am a fan of mounts, but meh, not for me.

05-02-2008, 06:54 AM
Bah! I am looking forward to Monk. I hope Turbine releases the Monk a few days before AOC actually opens so that people can get a feel for it before they decide to move on. It may help retain some players. I think we will lose some and will pick up some, and some will return, etc. I know of one guild on Thelanis that left for AoC.

EDIT: The month of may has become the official Kung Fu Movie night Month for me. Starting tonight, I will be watching marathon Kung Fu Movies to get primed up for the chop Saki justice that my Monkalicious Monk will be dishing out. Will be pimp slapping monsters to death!

I love DDO, best game I have ever played (even with the bugs and such).

05-02-2008, 06:56 AM
then your server is sadly lacking... oh and I have characters on every server... hmmm maybe I don't play there too often due to the attitudes of the people I found there... maybe I found overall that there was nothing worth staying over there for... maybe I play a character over there that you have played with and after some comment on rogues I stopped playing over there because I found it to be better elsewhere... maybe you lack understanding of what a rogue actually does

maybe you just like closing your eyes and ignoring that the rogue is doing everything s/he can to keep the aggro on the tank.

do I draw aggro off tanks... yes quite often... but then again if you look back at the post you cut and paste to try to make some sort of point of which I can't really determine you'll see that I said that.

I do hope Ghallanda has some good rogues on it despite your apparent distain for them. Maybe they only play in their guild because they can't get a pug or something dueto the widespread and rampant belief that rogues are just there to get other people loot by unlocking chests and can't dps.

I mean come on I gave you straight numbers to play with its not hard... and those weren't pnp numbers those were DDO numbers... I said pnp rogues have an easier time and don't have to worry so much about aggro because as long as they can flank they can get their sneak attack.


This belongs in a PvP thread, a rogues discussion thread, a server thread, or wherever that's not here.

I love AD+D, but DDO is not that, it's an MMO, and I realized it will never have the same "flavor" as the PnP game. The pace of the MMO, the functions, possibilities, and the logistics, 90% of the written material for PnP will never make it in DDO.

I was looking in the Complete Warrior handbook, at the combat styles, High Sword and Low Axe. "....if you hit with both the sword and axe in one round, you get a free (improved) trip attack....". How hard would that be to implement?

yet it will never make it in DDO. I correct myself, probably never make it in DDO.

I honestly dont know what got drow into the game, other than one developer's stubborn notion to get them in the game, probably working on breaks and through lunches to make the "time" to do it.

These are some of the reasons I'm even going to GIVE AoC a chance. if these issues were nipped in the bud, I wouldn't have given AoC a cursory glance.

but that's not the case.

05-02-2008, 08:30 AM
then your server is sadly lacking... oh and I have characters on every server... hmmm maybe I don't play there too often due to the attitudes of the people I found there... maybe I found overall that there was nothing worth staying over there for... maybe I play a character over there that you have played with and after some comment on rogues I stopped playing over there because I found it to be better elsewhere... maybe you lack understanding of what a rogue actually does

maybe you just like closing your eyes and ignoring that the rogue is doing everything s/he can to keep the aggro on the tank.

do I draw aggro off tanks... yes quite often... but then again if you look back at the post you cut and paste to try to make some sort of point of which I can't really determine you'll see that I said that.

I do hope Ghallanda has some good rogues on it despite your apparent distain for them. Maybe they only play in their guild because they can't get a pug or something dueto the widespread and rampant belief that rogues are just there to get other people loot by unlocking chests and can't dps.

I mean come on I gave you straight numbers to play with its not hard... and those weren't pnp numbers those were DDO numbers... I said pnp rogues have an easier time and don't have to worry so much about aggro because as long as they can flank they can get their sneak attack.


??? Pls go back to posting on the server you have your uber PnP Rogue on.. All I said is that I have never seen a Rogue grab aggro off of tanks on a regular basis... Pls prove me wrong.. pls pls pls... pls make an uber dps rogue on Ghallanda and prove me wrong.. It sounds like you are afraid of a challenge.. prove me wrong oh mighty warrior !!!

05-02-2008, 03:39 PM
??? Pls go back to posting on the server you have your uber PnP Rogue on.. All I said is that I have never seen a Rogue grab aggro off of tanks on a regular basis... Pls prove me wrong.. pls pls pls... pls make an uber dps rogue on Ghallanda and prove me wrong.. It sounds like you are afraid of a challenge.. prove me wrong oh mighty warrior !!!

Sure just give me the start up capital as I've spent a lot of time and effort getting equipment and toys on Argo and Khyber and Thel... why don't I hang out on Ghall and Sarlona? well something must have turned me off from them... couldn't possibly figure out what though.

You tell me to go back to the argo forums and then issue a challenge? How many personalities you got in there anyway? Regardless I've answered your questions and now I'm going to honor your request but if I make some time and decide to wander over to Ghalllanda and make a combat rogue I'll keep you in mind and let you know when I've hit the level I'm looking for.

Happy playing


05-02-2008, 04:06 PM
??? Pls go back to posting on the server you have your uber PnP Rogue on.. All I said is that I have never seen a Rogue grab aggro off of tanks on a regular basis... Pls prove me wrong.. pls pls pls... pls make an uber dps rogue on Ghallanda and prove me wrong.. It sounds like you are afraid of a challenge.. prove me wrong oh mighty warrior !!!

If it makes you feel better, I know of one personally, and probably know another as well. I can't speak for the second, but I know the player and wouldn't be at all surprised if he could pull off agro as well. And yes, they play on Ghallanda. And they will never claim ever to be uber, just extreamly competent in what they can do.

I know at low levels I gave up on my first rogue because none of the bloody tanks could out do her. I was getting the kills, and never getting my sneak attack. (the never getting my sneak was ticking me off something fearce.) I'm currently trying to think of a new rogue build to see what will happen, but I need to make up a cleric first.

05-02-2008, 04:12 PM
If it makes you feel better, I know of one personally, and probably know another as well. I can't speak for the second, but I know the player and wouldn't be at all surprised if he could pull off agro as well. And yes, they play on Ghallanda. And they will never claim ever to be uber, just extreamly competent in what they can do.

I know at low levels I gave up on my first rogue because none of the bloody tanks could out do her. I was getting the kills, and never getting my sneak attack. (the never getting my sneak was ticking me off something fearce.) I'm currently trying to think of a new rogue build to see what will happen, but I need to make up a cleric first.

subtle backstabber is your friend:D, plus use low dmg wepaons like stat damagers and debuffers, that way the bulk of your dmg is being done by the sneak attack which can get 40% lowered hate, that way the barb can keep his aggro. But turn off subtle backstabber and switch to bursting elemental or holy rapiers with imrproved crit pierce and it won't take long, crit and you have a new best friend for the rest of his life, which hopefully should be pretty short:D

05-02-2008, 05:09 PM
I'm going to honor your request but if I make some time and decide to wander over to Ghalllanda and make a combat rogue I'll keep you in mind and let you know when I've hit the level I'm looking for.

Happy playing


Awesome !! .. woot !!

05-21-2008, 08:08 AM
Wow its been quite the wait but Conan is finally here Woot what classes are you making? I'm probably making a Tempest of set or Herold of Xatli

Even though conan is out its hard to cancel DDO lol because i want to be part of the server worldwide challenge, Oh well i guess i'll play both

06-02-2008, 04:58 PM
Don't know about you guys, but I played AoC for about a week before I got bored. It's mostly just hack and slash if you're melee. Haven't tried a caster yet, tho. I also play on a PvE server, because the PvP server are just random running gankfests of high level players griefing low levels. And the jail system and PvP levelling system aren't implemented yet, so it's mostly just a waste of time for everyone involved.

My 2 cents on the game, anyway.

06-03-2008, 06:25 PM
Don't know about you guys, but I played AoC for about a week before I got bored. It's mostly just hack and slash if you're melee. Haven't tried a caster yet, tho. I also play on a PvE server, because the PvP server are just random running gankfests of high level players griefing low levels. And the jail system and PvP levelling system aren't implemented yet, so it's mostly just a waste of time for everyone involved.

My 2 cents on the game, anyway.

Isn't this how all of the ultra-hype games go? Mourning, anyone? Dark and Light?

From my perspective, it's not just the combat system in DDO that makes it so fun and active. It's the enemies. When your enemy is disappearing, running away, trying to dodge your attacks and rush in with its own attacks, it makes the battle feel that much more chaotic (and chaos = fun). With WoW, I got so bored that my strategy (albeit a bad one for places where you're likely to die) ended up being: click on enemy, grab pizza from freezer, click on new enemy, preheat oven, click on new enemy, open pizza and stick it in oven, click on new enemy...

With DDO, you really feel like you need to be paying attention, and it's not only the combat system that does that. The enemies seem like they're determined to kill you, where the enemies in any other MMO seem like they don't even notice you until you're either ten feet away from them, or an arrow is sticking through their eyeball.

06-03-2008, 08:04 PM
Wow its been quite the wait but Conan is finally here Woot what classes are you making? I'm probably making a Tempest of set or Herold of Xatli

Even though conan is out its hard to cancel DDO lol because i want to be part of the server worldwide challenge, Oh well i guess i'll play both

My cleric vs your cleric in pvp 1 week from now sucka!:D

You know you HAVE to come back now.
ps if you need anything transfered from Thely, let me know bro.

06-05-2008, 03:29 PM
Either that, or posters are escaped mental patients just surfing the web and posting in random forums. I suspect the former. We need to spend more time espousing the reasons we enjoy the game, and less trying to convince one another to leave it. Just my 2 coppers.


Brandell Bushaboo, Evil Despot of the Escaped Mental Patients