View Full Version : Mic too soft

04-08-2008, 10:16 AM
Since switching to Vista, my mic is too soft. Nobody can really hear me.

I have changed the audio settings all to max.

I have changed the UserPreferences.ini file settings to


Still my voice is too soft.

04-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Check your audio software (especially if it is auto-detecting your microphone...can be verified by unplugging the mic and then plugging it back in). Try changing the microphone type to something other than what it is set to. If you don't have third party audio software (something that came with your motherboard/audio device/microphone) check the Windows Audio settings. In both places there should be someplace to change the type of microphone you are using.

Vista will often default to an incorrect microphone type (in my experience). The result is exactly what you are experiencing - very low voice no matter how high you set the gain. Just change it and run the mic test in game. Keep changing until you get one that works.