View Full Version : multiclassing question

03-27-2008, 06:12 PM
My question deals with multi-classing and how it affects arcane/divine wand and scroll usage. For example my dwarf fighter14/ranger2 can use CS wands which have no umd check for clerics, bards, pallys and rangers lev 5 and up. Why is it that I can use CS wands only being a ranger lev2?
I ask because I have a high level elf pally that I may consider taking a level of cleric with in order to use heal scrolls. Would that work for a high level paladin with no umd?

03-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Wand usage is based on Character Level....not Class Level. A single Ranger level allows you to use any wand appropriate for your Character Level.

Heal scrolls are a different animal. You need to be the appropriate Class Level or make your UMD check as per the item description :)

03-27-2008, 06:22 PM
Heal scrolls are a different animal. You need to be the appropriate Class Level or make your UMD check as per the item description :)
Or make a caster level check.

From the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/castingSpells.htm):

Caster Level Checks

To make a caster level check, roll 1d20 and add your caster level (in the relevant class). If the result equals or exceeds the DC (or the spell resistance, in the case of caster level checks made for spell resistance), the check succeeds.

03-27-2008, 10:38 PM
In other words, the wands only look for 2 things. Is one of your classes capable of casting the spell, and what is your character level. What other classes are there are irrellevant. For the purpose of a wand, if you are appropriate level and have a class that could cast the spell then you can use the wand.

Scrolls are not the same, as noted.

And to answer your question, no. The scroll lists what classes can cast it, and what level you have to be in that class to cast it. If you are below the required class level, you must make a UMD check to cast it. So 1 level of cleric is not going to let you cast Heal from scrolls.

03-28-2008, 05:59 AM
And to answer your question, no. The scroll lists what classes can cast it, and what level you have to be in that class to cast it. If you are below the required class level, you must make a UMD check to cast it. So 1 level of cleric is not going to let you cast Heal from scrolls.
You can also make a caster level roll. For example a level 7 cleric who doesn't have UMD can still use Raise Dead scrolls with some percentage of success.