View Full Version : Ring slot question

03-27-2008, 09:11 AM

So in trying to equip my Paladin with all the gear her currently needs I am running into some problems. Not enough equipable space. This is making me make some tough choices. What I am wondering, and I couldn't find this in a search, is why we can't have more then 2 rings slots. We have, afterall, 5 fingers on each hand. Now I don't advocate 10 ring slots but 4 (2 to each hand) would be nice. Any reason we can't have this? Is it a coding issues or a gamebreaking problem? Just curious.

03-27-2008, 09:14 AM

So in trying to equip my Paladin with all the gear her currently needs I am running into some problems. Not enough equipable space. This is making me make some tough choices. What I am wondering, and I couldn't find this in a search, is why we can't have more then 2 rings slots. We have, afterall, 5 fingers on each hand. Now I don't advocate 10 ring slots but 4 (2 to each hand) would be nice. Any reason we can't have this? Is it a coding issues or a gamebreaking problem? Just curious.

The magically energy emitted by the rings would be devastating should two get close enough so that the streams cross (like in Ghostbusters the movie). Losing a hand would be the least of the negative effects.

or something like that......

03-27-2008, 09:20 AM

Besides it would get ridiculous with players running around with a ring for each finger.

03-27-2008, 09:22 AM

So in trying to equip my Paladin with all the gear her currently needs I am running into some problems. Not enough equipable space. This is making me make some tough choices. What I am wondering, and I couldn't find this in a search, is why we can't have more then 2 rings slots. We have, afterall, 5 fingers on each hand. Now I don't advocate 10 ring slots but 4 (2 to each hand) would be nice. Any reason we can't have this? Is it a coding issues or a gamebreaking problem? Just curious.

You'll have as many answers as folks that respond, probably. Basically, it's been a canon rule rule since 1st ed, and has much to do with simple game balance.

...which is why rings aren't allowed (usually) to work on toes.

03-27-2008, 09:24 AM
In pnp, since the very start, only two magical rings have ever been allowed. It creates super characters that rely on gear, not tactics to survive. Not to mention that magical gear is so prevalent in Stormreach and environs that it boggles my previously pnp playing mind. Of course the mobs and bosses have been tanked up too to make up for the stuff that everyone has. :p

It is challenging to have to pick. I personally make sure that whatever items I have that I regularly switch out (proof against poison, disease immunity, death ward, underwater action, haggle) are all the same type of item (necklaces for instance) and never an essential item (like my +6 strength item) that if I forget to switch out it my game play isn't affected very much.

03-27-2008, 09:35 AM

Thanks those answers make sense to me.

03-27-2008, 09:57 AM
...which is why rings aren't allowed (usually) to work on toes.

can you imagine...if they ever allowed rings on each hand...next step toe rings...then nipple rings (i'd get 3 because i have a superfluous nipple;)) ...then lower extremity rings. It would be craaaazy man!

03-27-2008, 10:07 AM
How about a pinky ring like all the guys on Goodfellas wore where you can put the cheese stuff like tumble +10 but no stat items.

Ah, fugget about it!!!

03-27-2008, 10:22 AM
In pnp, since the very start, only two magical rings have ever been allowed. It creates super characters that rely on gear, not tactics to survive. Not to mention that magical gear is so prevalent in Stormreach and environs that it boggles my previously pnp playing mind. Of course the mobs and bosses have been tanked up too to make up for the stuff that everyone has. :p

It is challenging to have to pick. I personally make sure that whatever items I have that I regularly switch out (proof against poison, disease immunity, death ward, underwater action, haggle) are all the same type of item (necklaces for instance) and never an essential item (like my +6 strength item) that if I forget to switch out it my game play isn't affected very much.


That's a good strategy, designating slots as swappable or non-swappable.

You've got a +6 con item? That slot gets designated non-swappable, as you will always want that item equipped. (It's even more important to be non-swappable with a False Life item, as your HP goes up if you equip a con item while in an instance, but if you try to equip a false life item, your top HP number goes up, but your life doesn't, unless you get some healing.)

Don't have a good necklace? Designate that slot as swappable, and pick up underwater action, haggle, disease immunity, etc necklaces and swap to the situation.

I have a Dex-based Battle Rogue that swaps goggles and helms to maximize Spot and Search. The goggles are +13 spot and +13 search, the helms are +5 Wis and +5 Int. I get an extra boost by swapping both at the same time. I also swap my +6 dex boots with my +25% striders, depending on if I'm fighting or just running. However, I leave my +13 disable device gloves on all the time, because I don't want to forget and blow up a box by mistake. But Rogues (particularly battlerogues) need a lot of high skills, so we swap gear a lot. You might not need to do that so much, depending on your build. Multi-taskers tend to swap items more often than linear builds.

Note: Don't get locked into your slots. Save items similar to your swappable items that go in other slots in the bank (I mean, for example, if you wear featherfall boots and get a featherfall ring, save it, you might need it later.), then, if you get a really awesome item that forces you to change your slot setup, you can make the adjustment easily. I've seen too many players complain about pulling the +6 item they had to have but wasn't in the right slot hole. Don't pigeonhole yourself that way. Remain flexible, keep your options open.

03-27-2008, 10:25 AM
As others have said, this is a PnP based control. There are PnP items and feats that let you wear extra items, but I imagine that would be a coding nightmare in this game...

03-27-2008, 10:28 AM
in epic levels there is a feat that allows an additional ring slot forgot what its called, hopefully turbine can add this when we make lev 20.

03-27-2008, 10:28 AM
Ive a cleric, a barbarian, a sorcerer and a paladin and by far the worst character, equipment wise, is my paladin.

Paladins equipment is like their starting STAT points, just spread too thin.

But thats what they are all about, good all round characters.

03-27-2008, 10:47 AM
What I am wondering, and I couldn't find this in a search, is why we can't have more then 2 rings slots. We have, afterall, 5 fingers on each hand. Now I don't advocate 10 ring slots but 4 (2 to each hand) would be nice. Any reason we can't have this? Is it a coding issues or a gamebreaking problem? Just curious.The ability to wear rings on each finger requires the Pimp prestige class. :D

03-27-2008, 11:05 AM
Ive a cleric, a barbarian, a sorcerer and a paladin and by far the worst character, equipment wise, is my paladin.

Paladins equipment is like their starting STAT points, just spread too thin.

But thats what they are all about, good all round characters.
I'm the same way on Tanka, but only with four stats rather than five since I don't have any SP to worry about.

Con Neck, Dex Ring, Str Belt, Cha Cloak. If I had to wear a Wis item I think I'd just lose it (or, now, go with the Existential Stalemate option).

03-27-2008, 03:00 PM
10 rings:

5x +6 stats (everything except int unless you're a wiz)
4x Greater resists (no sonic, it's not common enough)
1x Greater False Life

see how it gets a little overpowered? Seeing as how you've still got a large number of slots of other useful items (cloak, neck, head, gloves, bracers, boots, etc)

03-27-2008, 03:50 PM
I pity the fool who can't wear more than 1 necklace and 2 rings...

Where do you draw the line? Im wearing my ring of shadows, all greater resist rings, chattering ring, +6 stat rings, etc all at the same time! Not to mention all the uber necklaces and collars I own! Call me Mr. T!

03-27-2008, 05:35 PM
The magically energy emitted by the rings would be devastating should two get close enough so that the streams cross (like in Ghostbusters the movie). Losing a hand would be the least of the negative effects.

or something like that......

Oreg speaks the truth. Its also the reason why two bonuses of the same type must overlap but not stack. If they stacked, unstable magical eddies would set off a recursive multiplicative chain reaction that would consume your character, everyone within 50 feet and cause irrevocable damage to the Server of Blades. Dodge bonuses and untyped bonuses seem to be the sole exceptions to this effect, for reasons that are not yet known.

03-27-2008, 05:46 PM
wasnt there a rule somewhere,where a third ring was allowed??? thought i herd someone say this.. correct me if im wrong.. thought it had something to do with prestiege classes or something... hmmm cant quite remember.. fill me in plz.. thanks..

03-27-2008, 05:52 PM
wasnt there a rule somewhere,where a third ring was allowed??? thought i herd someone say this.. correct me if im wrong.. thought it had something to do with prestiege classes or something... hmmm cant quite remember.. fill me in plz.. thanks..
There's a feat that allows it, yes.

There's also a magic item that allows it, though if I recall it's an epic level item.

03-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Original rule concerning rings from the 1st Ed AD&D DMG...

No more then 2 rings be worn by a character at the same time. If more are worn, then none will function. No more then 1 magic ring can be worn on the same hand; a 2nd will cause both to be useless. Rings must be worn on the fingers. Rings on the toes, in ear lobes, et. do not function as magic rings.

That's it..nothing about things exploding or anything, just can't do it cause the magic won't work if 2 are on the same hand or more then 2 are on the body total. It's a control/balance deal, otherwise we'd end up with characters with 10 rings on their hands, 10 more on their feet, who only knows how many in their ears, and I refuse to even consider the OTHER body parts people can pierce/wear rings on...*shudder*

Now, that in mind, Mr Gygax broke that rule more then a few times in his own novels, as did pretty much every other writer who did D&D based novels, Mr Salvatore, Mr Greenwood, and so on. A certain drow mercenary leader had rings on every finger, sometimes multiple rings per finger, not to mention his ear rings, all magical and all working at the same time :) Seems balance is only required for the players, not for the NPCs :)

03-27-2008, 06:30 PM
The 3.5 magic item creation system also allows you to make things that don't conflict with body slot restrictions. You can have 2 normal rings and 19 unrestricted rings, at double the creation cost for the 19 (and one very unpleasant equipping procedure).

I'm going to guess that won't be an option in DDO crafting.

03-27-2008, 07:08 PM
In the end, it was up to the DMs who in either simple-minded lack of creativity or fealty to Gary and friends stuck with it. The rules were always more of a guildline and common sense and creativity and what the players agreed to play with were the real limits. I always ran with DMs who allowed multiple rings, double-ended wands, etc. Sometimes it was integral to the story cooked up.

As a general rule in DDO I'd say we should have multiple rings allowed, but careful rules on stacking of powers such as fire and cold enhancing rings not being worn at the same time, but the complexity might be a bit much.

03-27-2008, 07:14 PM
My Barbarian is a bit of weirdo. You know that left hand ring slot in the inventory window? Well that's not where he wears that ring. And it still works :eek:

03-27-2008, 07:48 PM
Limiting the number of rings, and therefore the number of magical item slots is just a simple way of limiting the number of non-spell effects in place on a toon at one time. You could have 12 ring slots or 12 headgear slots and the effect would be the same, but items wouldn't be as varied, or cool.

What you could do is allow multiple items in a slot, as long as it made sense, and the total number of items worn didn't exceed 12. So rather than a "headgear" slot, you have a "head" slot that would allow one circlet, one helmet/hat, ten earrings/nose rings/lip rings/eyebrow rings/tongue studs or any combination thereof.

03-27-2008, 09:27 PM
I REFUSE to wear my Prince Albert of Protection +5.

03-27-2008, 10:08 PM
I REFUSE to wear my Prince Albert of Protection +5.

I assume you're wearing your Shocking Grasp 3/day clickie there instead?? :eek:

03-27-2008, 10:27 PM
Seems balance is only required for the players, not for the NPCs :)

You finally figured that out? :D

03-27-2008, 10:49 PM
I REFUSE to wear my Prince Albert of Protection +5.

Hey, do you have Prince Albert in a can?


03-29-2008, 06:20 PM
My Barbarian is a bit of weirdo. You know that left hand ring slot in the inventory window? Well that's not where he wears that ring. And it still works :eek:

must be a childs pinky ring hehehehe ...

03-30-2008, 10:44 AM
I REFUSE to wear my Prince Albert of Protection +5.

...an anatomically correct warforged? I hate to be the crafter who crafted you!

I think the magic item was called "Hand of Glory" from the DMG 3.5. It was a mummified elven hand with a necklace cord, and it allowed you to wear a third ring without magical dissonance from the multiple energy field.

03-30-2008, 10:49 AM
Then there is the hand of glory - its a severed hand that you wear around your neck. Lets you put a ring on a neck slot. Also, I am not 100% sure, but I believe the rule is NOT 2 rings, it is 1 ring PER HAND. For example, a Marilith can 6 rings (7 if she has a hand of glory). Ettins can have 2 rings, up to 4 if they have 2 hands of glory (2 neck slots) - of course, I could be thinking 2nd ed. I will look it up and see if I can find it in a 3.5 book.

03-30-2008, 03:59 PM
As others have said, this is a PnP based control. There are PnP items and feats that let you wear extra items, but I imagine that would be a coding nightmare in this game...

Doesnt anyone else get tired of this excuse(coding)? isnt that the reason the dev's have all that education and get paid the big bucks....so that they might actually have to do some hard work.

03-30-2008, 07:00 PM
Doesnt anyone else get tired of this excuse(coding)? isnt that the reason the dev's have all that education and get paid the big bucks....so that they might actually have to do some hard work.

All the big bucks paid devs are probably coding for LOTR, Turbines money maker. As of the state of this game I'd imagine that ddo generates enough funds to stay in business and satisfy the core ddo player base but nothing more. I would expect turbine to pay what they can afford for this game. What they can afford may not = the educated big bucks coder type your thinking about... I mean no disrespect to the current ddo devs. They do an awsome job and design an enjoyable game nonetheless.

03-31-2008, 07:04 AM
Doesnt anyone else get tired of this excuse(coding)? isnt that the reason the dev's have all that education and get paid the big bucks....so that they might actually have to do some hard work.
I think the issue here is not that the devs couldn't do it if they wanted to, but rather that there are limited dev resources available and expanding ring slots would be a ton of work for very little return. The devs probably would rather put that effort into new classes, races, magic items, quests, etc. Adding in extra ring slots would also tend to alienate the pencil and paper crowd (of which I am a member) by straying even further from the D&D rules for the sole purpose of powering up characters even more.