View Full Version : What class would you be in RL?

03-26-2008, 10:14 AM
I was just sitting here at work and wondering if most DnD/DDO players play mainly as the characters that they themselves would be if it were possible in RL? Now let's assume that for the majority of DnD players the term "geek" or "nerd" may have been thrown their way a few times by those people not into these types of games and so for a min can we just imagine what classes and races we would be if it were possible? So you cannot say something like " In RL I'd be the town baker"...LOL... So if you would please share with me what race and class you would be if you could be them along with your playstyle and other interesting info. For me I'm relatively new to the world of DnD and so I'm more of an "undercover nerd", meaning that to look at me you couldn't tell/assume that I'm into this type of genre. I guess since I'm no mathematician or really know all these gaming formulas and calculations I couldn't be a Wizard. I guess I'd have to be a Fighter. I'd go human fighter who maxes Strength and my playstyle would be calculated chaos. Group up design a strategy and then turn me loose on the bad guys to wreak havok. Well let me know what you guys would be as well as do you roll chars in DDO that fit your true personality or is it just the opposite? Thanks for any replies

03-26-2008, 12:13 PM
Absolutelty no doubt, no question in my mind, all i play in PnP and been waiting since beta for the MONK. Yes the MONK. I just absolutely think they rock.


03-26-2008, 12:17 PM
Actually Ughh would be... wait nevermind I don't want infraction points.

I would say Human Marshall. Why not?

03-26-2008, 12:20 PM
I tend to play elven rangers almost exclusively so I guess that's what I would stick to.

03-26-2008, 01:12 PM
Sweet, I love to see a little creativity...

I'm going to go out on a limb here, so since I do a lot of research and studying. I like to tinker with stuff and try building new things out of old things, usually resulting in miserable failures. I also have a penchant for procrastination, and on a few occasion have been accused of eating children. *no really - long night of spirits and gaming*

So I'd have to say I would be a inept half-orc artificer. One with a permanent dusting of minor explosions across his face. :D

Oh and for other tinker-men (or women), check out these websites if you haven't already:


03-26-2008, 01:16 PM
Well, if we are talking what I'd like to be, probably a wizard, unlimited potential for power and privilage. And race wise I'd go for elf so that I could be nearly immortal. (warforged has its moments but I like my flesh :) )

From, a perspecticve of what am I most like... I'd probably be a bard, good at a number of things but not especialy great at any of them. Id have good stats of course :P I'd probably even multi class from bard wtih a fighter level to get some nice weapon options. Race wise I'm very human so human it would be.

And I'm Neutral Good alightnement wise.

03-26-2008, 07:56 PM
half elven rogue/sorc (mostly rogue though)

03-26-2008, 08:06 PM
no doubt i would be a dwarf fighter

here are my stats

30 str- been in construction most my life

15 dex- a little clumsy at times

24 con- can take a licken and keep on ticken

12 int- but i would need a +3 tome for the 12

15 wis- wisdom comes with age

12 char- yep another +3 tome

03-26-2008, 08:10 PM
no doubt i would be a dwarf fighter

here are my stats

30 str- been in construction most my life

15 dex- a little clumsy at times

24 con- can take a licken and keep on ticken

12 int- but i would need a +3 tome for the 12

15 wis- wisdom comes with age (experience comes with age.... wisdom if you were paying attention)

12 char- yep another +3 tome

added something

03-26-2008, 08:23 PM
I always try to run up my stairs to the 3rd floor as fast and as sneaky as possible without falling. I almost never lose my balance or drop anything. I'm very knowledgable in science and chess. I'd say I'm more dex based than strength based. Pretty good wisdom and heck, a decent looking guy too! I'd be some sort of a Swashbuckler I'm thinking. I'd be all about adding my intelligence bonus to my damage and I'm definitely a finesse fighter. I'll roll my stats and get LARPing! Just kidding about the LARPing. Peace!


03-26-2008, 08:25 PM
Probably an elf too.


03-28-2008, 04:18 PM
You mean I can't be the exotic mushroom vendor? darn!

I most likely would be an intersting but highly useless multiclass of some sort. I am very good at wide variety of things but lack the focus and drive to excel at any one thing. Versatility is my favorite trait.
-Human for sure
-wizard - ima geek, good at a wide variety of subjects. No higher than 5th or 6th level, of course. Enough to do some real intersting things, but not enough to be considered a wizard.
-rogue - quite good with mechanical objects, dextrous and flexible, with a high search and spot, but lacking the sneaking skills.
-a splash of fighter, ranger or even monk - Any one of these would cover my varied outdoor interests and brief martial arts experience.

Most of my base stats would probably only be high enough so that if I chose to concentrate on one class I would still be able to do well. A bunch of 12s and 14s, and maybe a 16int.

I'd still probably spend all my time collecting exotic mushrooms and then blowing them up with fireballs.

edit - using the link below I ended up as a lawful (just barely - neutral and chaotic were very close behind) good halfling bard with 12str, 14dex, 12con, 16int, 15wis, 11cha. Funny, because I have no talent for writing or music, but since it doesn't do multiclass, i guess bard is the most versatile choice. Halfling makes sense with my lack of focus and ambition (and love of mushrooms).

03-28-2008, 04:26 PM
There is a link to a web site in this post :


that will tell you what you are as a D&D character.

I came up as:

True Neutral Dwarven Ranger

stats as:

Str 12
Dex 15
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 11

I'd change it to True Neutral Halfling.

04-02-2008, 11:13 AM
Well, since I train Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu religiously (no pun intended) I'd definately be a Monk.

I'd have to say Dwarven since they've always been my favorite race.


Str: 16 (I'm freakishly strong)
Dex: 15 (lots of training)
Con: 16 (Being of Irish heritage allows a great deal of punishment)
Int: 15 (U of MIchigan B+ avg)
Wis: 15 (Comes with age)
Cha: 14 (can be charming when desired)

04-02-2008, 12:15 PM
I actually ran a game many years ago where I sat down with all the players and we did just this, figured what
they would be and their stats, if the worlds were to collide... i called it Ariel in tribute to the book, and had
more players in that then I have EVER had in any other game at any other time. I was actively running 3 different
teams of players...with 27 active at one time.
Talk to just about any D&Der in Wichita Kansas (from at least a decade ago), and they have probably heard
of my "Ariel" games...

Me, personally... My favorite is the Drow Rogue with a splash of Wizard. But I would be CN, not evil. I would
have a high DEX, fairly high-avg other stats...except for CON, that would be a little lower.

-Beware the silent blade.
Jaerythe Malagant

04-02-2008, 12:30 PM
Man this is a fun change of topic from the tradition forum stuff.

If I were to project my personality into a real life character I'd have to say I'd end up being a WF Wizard with a splash of Rogue and/or Ranger.

I like archery in real life and used to bow hunt a lot. I also like being stealthy; probably from all the early hunting years. According to the Meyers-Briggs I'm ISTJ so I have a feeling I'd be Warforged due to not liking to be around people too much (maybe stretching a bit). I love tinkering and researching so Wizard seems to fit the bill.

04-02-2008, 01:20 PM
A Human Commoner Level 2/Expert Level 3

04-02-2008, 01:25 PM
I was just sitting here at work and wondering if most DnD/DDO players play mainly as the characters that they themselves would be if it were possible in RL? Now let's assume that for the majority of DnD players the term "geek" or "nerd" may have been thrown their way a few times by those people not into these types of games and so for a min can we just imagine what classes and races we would be if it were possible? So you cannot say something like " In RL I'd be the town baker"...LOL... So if you would please share with me what race and class you would be if you could be them along with your playstyle and other interesting info. For me I'm relatively new to the world of DnD and so I'm more of an "undercover nerd", meaning that to look at me you couldn't tell/assume that I'm into this type of genre. I guess since I'm no mathematician or really know all these gaming formulas and calculations I couldn't be a Wizard. I guess I'd have to be a Fighter. I'd go human fighter who maxes Strength and my playstyle would be calculated chaos. Group up design a strategy and then turn me loose on the bad guys to wreak havok. Well let me know what you guys would be as well as do you roll chars in DDO that fit your true personality or is it just the opposite? Thanks for any replies

Id be a classess C.H.U.D.

04-02-2008, 06:03 PM
Bugbear Paladin Assassin

04-03-2008, 02:13 AM
well considering my background nearest thing would proably be a wizard

04-03-2008, 02:22 AM
Since my main has always been an Undead Slaying Ranger... It's what I played back in my days in highschool in PnP, it was my Character in the first ever MOD for Baulder's Gate which I created with the help of TeamBG, and it was my first choice for my main in DDO...

So I would be an Undead Slaying Ranger!

04-03-2008, 02:40 AM
My drow bard is my main and my favorite. Soooo ya that would be me.

04-10-2008, 10:48 PM
Well I used the link and it said I would be a half-orc artificer.

My main and first character to max level (I mean max level 10) was a cleric. Interestingly enough because I hated clerics in every other MMO I've played. Back in EQ I played a Necro and I loved that.

I would have to say D&D wise I would go with some sort of evil null cleric. With turn undead being command undead.

DDO wise? I tried a necro focused wizard but there just isn't enough out there to stay necromancy focused.

So, I would say...uhhh Cleric since I do enjoy that the most!

04-16-2008, 06:38 PM
Well tired the Link I'm a Chaotic Good Dwarf Barb which CG has and always been my Alignment in any game. Love everything about dwarf but there shortness =) and class I'd be a Barb/Wizard.

04-22-2008, 02:42 PM
Lawful Neutral Human Sorcerer... according to the program. Funny that my main is a True Neutral Drow Sorcerer. Not too far off.

04-22-2008, 02:54 PM
Half-elf Paladin... always play one in PnP... that was my first character I ever rolled up. :D

04-22-2008, 02:55 PM
I'd either be a warlock, sorceror, bard, or a rogue.

my stats:

S:13 (5 pts.)
D:15 (8 pts.)
C:13 (5 pts.)
I:12 (4 pts.)
W:13 (5 pts.)
Ch:17 (13 pts.)

so, technically, I'm a 39 pt character?

04-22-2008, 02:57 PM
There used to be an old PnP heroes game called Villians and Vigilantes (still have a copy) where it asks you to create "you" with a super power identity, and alternate reality.....

for a 13 year old, that was a pretty fun (and dangerous) road to travel down :)

04-22-2008, 04:36 PM
I would be a stealthy rogue ^^