View Full Version : Shroud help...

03-25-2008, 11:51 AM
Hey ya'll...

Now I know since Ghallanda has to be one of the friendliest servers out there I'm gonna get some great feedback on this....

The problem is I have 3 toons (16 cleric, 16 caster and 15 rogue) shroud ready and still haven't been in there yet. The reason you ask?? Because I know absolutly nothing about it and I know how we all hate N00bs in a big raid. Now I am not new to the game by any means, just don't know much about the Shroud.

Can anyone give me some info? Point me in the right direction? Or willing to take my sorry butt in there on a trial run?


03-25-2008, 11:59 AM
What times do you play? Typically between 7pm and 10 pm EST there is at least 1 and usually more LFMs for Shroud. I would join one of them and let them know it is your first time. Unless you are the only cleric or only fighter you cant really screw up. If outside those times and you never see an lfm up then please post what times you play.


03-25-2008, 12:40 PM
If you see an LFM for the shroud from Adonde or Altonn, jump in, I'll teach ya...I recommend trying to get into your first run as your caster though, as a cleric first time can be a bit overwhelming. As a caster you can kind of get a view for what is going on in each of the parts.

03-25-2008, 01:16 PM
Altonn’s a good teacher but I think you could try it with any group. Most of the groups I’ve been in have been helpful to the new people. I would recommend finding a group doing 1-3 for your first run. Then move up to a 1-4 run.

03-25-2008, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the help and support guys. Much appreciated. ;)

03-25-2008, 03:14 PM
Hell Maveriq hasn't even done thw Orchard yet. But I'ld love to come on a Shroud run. What do I need to do to get ready?

03-25-2008, 03:18 PM
Hell Maveriq hasn't even done thw Orchard yet. But I'ld love to come on a Shroud run. What do I need to do to get ready?

You need to run the other quests in the Vale and get the shard pieces from them. Then put all your pieces together, and do the hokey-pokey, and turn yourself around.... I know the vale inside and out; explorers, rares and quest. If ya need help, look me up. I'm on most evening. I'm just still a Shroud Virgin... :o

03-25-2008, 03:22 PM
You need to run the other quests in the Vale and get the shard pieces from them. Then put all your pieces together, and do the hokey-pokey, and turn yourself around.... I know the vale inside and out; explorers, rares and quest. If ya need help, look me up. I'm on most evening. I'm just still a Shroud Virgin... :o

Thanks! I will do just that!:D

03-25-2008, 03:37 PM
Hey ya'll...

Now I know since Ghallanda has to be one of the friendliest servers out there I'm gonna get some great feedback on this....

The problem is I have 3 toons (16 cleric, 16 caster and 15 rogue) shroud ready and still haven't been in there yet. The reason you ask?? Because I know absolutly nothing about it and I know how we all hate N00bs in a big raid. Now I am not new to the game by any means, just don't know much about the Shroud.

Can anyone give me some info? Point me in the right direction? Or willing to take my sorry butt in there on a trial run?


I am sure we are going to run some Shroud raids this weekend. I will talk Styky and see if Our Guild and His Guild can put together a pug group and get your characters through the Raid. We ran a super strong Pug last week and everything went great. I am sure we can put one together.

Look me up or any of the Black Knights of Templar. We will be happy to run with you.

03-25-2008, 03:40 PM
I am sure we are going to run some Shroud raids this weekend. I will talk Styky and see if Our Guild and His Guild can put together a pug group and get your characters through the Raid. We ran a super strong Pug last week and everything went great. I am sure we can put one together.

Look me up or any of the Black Knights of Templar. We will be happy to run with you.

Thanks Six, will do. Gonna go home and kill now! :D

03-27-2008, 11:56 AM
Yep, just join a group LFM. There isn't much to it and I am sure everyone will answer any questions you have.

03-27-2008, 12:14 PM
"....if you have a problem, if no one can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire, .... The a team!" :D

We run this thing darn near every day, around 6:00pm pacific/9:00 eastern, just look for an lfm and join up. I'll put in a word with the sponsors (usually Sweets or Littlenuggett, or Ro, or MT), that a first-timer may want to join. Lately, we haven't been filling full guild groups (some are getting burned out on running the thing every day....lol), so we put up lfm to fill.

Just let the leader know it's your first time, and you'll get the whole "play by play".....and probably more info than you care to know...lol....

It's just how we roll.....share the knowledge....:)


03-29-2008, 11:33 AM
I don't suggest doing 1-3's ever unless looting elite. If your doing the shroud to upgrade anything only do 1-4's or completions. I run shrouds alot although quite often lfm's never make it up due to guild/friends/etc. If I do put up an LFM, and ya see it feel free to click it and I don't mind explaining anything and everything.