View Full Version : New Magic Items

03-15-2008, 07:29 PM
With the implementation of monks in Mod 7, will there be new weapons and magic items for them. Things like Sai, Nunchaku, 3 section staff and maybe belts, robes and bracers that will enhance monk abilities? Any tidbits would be welcome.


Edit: Oh, and might there be some new art for character customization? Still want my Rooster for my monk. Gotta have a funny haircut :D

03-16-2008, 02:49 AM
I'm still waiting on the double mace, been listed on the AH since it debuted way back when...

03-16-2008, 11:05 AM
The sai is essentially a dagger. And many daggers in-game have a sai graphic already.
The siangham is just a metal rod (kind of like an elongated melee dart, but with a non-flared dart head). Those could be added.
Nunchaku are an entirely different beast as we don't have any chain/cord weapons (flails, etc.). Codog talked about the difficulties in adding chain weapons to the game.

New Robes/clothes, sure. That gets my vote. And bracers, we have. But, as for handwraps and other things targeted specifically at monks, I say, "bah." You want to play an unarmed combatant, then why should you get "magic enhancement" gear for your fists? That's what Ki Strike (DR bypassing) at level 4/10/16 are for.

03-16-2008, 03:17 PM
New Robes/clothes, sure. That gets my vote. And bracers, we have. But, as for handwraps and other things targeted specifically at monks, I say, "bah." You want to play an unarmed combatant, then why should you get "magic enhancement" gear for your fists? That's what Ki Strike (DR bypassing) at level 4/10/16 are for.

Well yes in PnP games magic gloves or hand wraps and such may not be necessary but the way DDO is set up, and the amount of damage that other characters using weapons can do, Monks definitely need some sort of magic boost to their damage in order to be useful in a party. Otherwise they are just wielding the equivalent of a masterwork adamantine greatclub with some extra attacks, hardly sufficient to keep up in high level content.

I know that Monks will get some changes to 3.5 rules in order to select different fighting styles, some of which adds DPS, but a PnP Monk in DDO is woefully insufficient and needs help from several sources to keep up and be useful in a party.

03-16-2008, 05:55 PM
I see that as a choice. Remember that you can Flurry of Blows with monk weapons, too. You can get increased base damage with unarmed, but no "enhancement" bonus to attack and damage. Or, you can use monk weapons with "enhancement" bonus but lower base damage than unarmed.

03-16-2008, 06:15 PM
I see that as a choice. Remember that you can Flurry of Blows with monk weapons, too. You can get increased base damage with unarmed, but no "enhancement" bonus to attack and damage. Or, you can use monk weapons with "enhancement" bonus but lower base damage than unarmed.

I wouldnt be surprised if monkes get enhancments to their unarmed damage/attack. I would say +2+4/+6/+8 for 1/2/3/4 damage chain would be balance, along with a +1/+2/+3 for 2/4/6 attack chain. Wouldnt be too great, considering its only equal to a +3 magic weapon for attack, and only 5 more damage then a +3 weapon. It also wouldnt have any flaming/pure good/ burst/vorp type of effects, so i could even see it being a +3/+6/+9/+12 damage chain.

03-16-2008, 06:38 PM
Yea, I could see the 3SS being too difficult to code, forgot about that, but the nunchaku is short and may not require too much to put it in game.

The sai does blunt damage and allows monks to use them with flurry, so while there is the graphic in game, I am sure it is not set up for monks.

Also, there are several magic items that replace feats or enhance skills in this game, so why would monks be left out?

I'm just fishing for a tidbit from a dev. Even a yes or not at this time would be fine. A no would be :(

03-17-2008, 01:39 AM
will there be...

Your speculation is as good as anybody elses.

03-17-2008, 07:53 AM
Your speculation is as good as anybody elses.

Ah! but I like to think I speculate better :D

03-17-2008, 08:27 AM
The sai is essentially a dagger. And many daggers in-game have a sai graphic already.

Short Sword. And the dagger graphic is more of an marvel comic Electra style. Granted there are jutte styled short swords also in the game. Just be curuios to see what they are going to do graphic wise for weapons now.

As for the double weapons.. *chuckles* after finding out the background of them as far as they relate to the game, there is no way I'm holding my breath for them.

03-17-2008, 08:30 AM
...But, as for handwraps and other things targeted specifically at monks, I say, "bah." You want to play an unarmed combatant, then why should you get "magic enhancement" gear for your fists? That's what Ki Strike (DR bypassing) at level 4/10/16 are for.

there are several books in PNP that give monks handwraps and bracers that give an enhancement bonus and can have elemetal damage on them. To me, doing this in DDO is no different than allowing casters to have spell crits, enhancements and item effects that improve spell damage.

the really interesting thing to me is going to be new feats. Will the devs be adding improved natural attack? If so, the monk may become something cool to look into for DPS.

03-17-2008, 10:55 AM
if anything, I see the Dev's looking over NWN1 and 2's items for monk stuff :p Boots of the Sun Soul, the bonsu Damage bracers, though i'd like to see monks belts. that would help out monks a lot since it treats your unarmed attacks as a monk 4 levels higher.

03-17-2008, 11:21 AM
I had a monk in pnp once in a low level group. that was back when dice liked me and I had amazing rolls for the stats. I remember one time the fighter had abit of an anger management problem and smashed the inns bar when the inkeep didn;t answer the questions as he wanted. my monk walked up to him, knocked em out before he knew what happined, took his weapons away, took a few gold from his money pounce and gave it to the innkeep to repair the dammages and make up for the lost income cause the inn emptyed out when the bar was smashed. the DM also hated my monk, he would never fight to kill only fight to knock out, so the DM had to come up with conversatiosn he wasn't planning on with my group questioning things he didn;t think would live.

monks can be great in PNP if ya rolling for stats and get lucky on the rolls, but with a point buy system, I don;t see monks getting the stats they need to be really good.