View Full Version : Ren's Mentoring Program Re-Dux

03-13-2008, 04:21 AM
Over on Thelanis we've started a Mentoring Program where you, the experienced player, can help out someone new to the game. It was started by Renegade66 and has grown to include other servers. If you are interested in working with someone new, please send me a PM and I will add you to the list for Ghallanda. If you have a particluar class you like working with or some other speciality such as role-playing, please include that so I can match you up with the appropriate person.

Once I have a few names of mentors, I'll start posting in the Newbie Harbor etc.

Thanks in advance for participating,

08-22-2008, 03:15 PM
I have a capped 16 Rogue that I have loved since his PnP days, I have experimented with a few builds but enjoy the rogues in all their miriad builds. I, on the other hand have not been able to multi-class a rogue and be happy with him, I feel there is just too much to lose by sacrificing a lvl to something else. i have met many who are quite happy with mix and max I just cant do it, due to the madness that is me .

Well enough of me bumpin my gums .. If ya want help with a rogue Look for anyone in Rent a Mook guild or just stop by my Guild page at http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=275771&TabID=2314623 and leave me a message, I'd be happy to help or run with ya as time allows.