View Full Version : How do I contact a dev

03-11-2008, 05:28 AM
or maybe people here can help. I currently am A European player, I also have a US account, i'd like to know if its possible to transfer my characters from the European game as i'd like to come and play in the US permanently the only thing that is stopping me is the grind of getting all of my characters up to lvl 16 and unlocking all of the 32 pt options.

The reason I want to move is the continual mis management of the European game by Codemasters.

to date the 2nd anniversary celebrations have been woeful in Europe, it appears we arenot even getting the 25% extra xp that you had over here, our GM service has gone to hell and it appears the people running the game are all to busy getting ready for their own real life even CM Connect.

I'd appreciate some input from a Turbine Dev on this subject as surely they cannot be happy on their game being so bady represented to the European coomunity

03-11-2008, 05:49 AM
Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill/ocean eh? Srry to hear the events aren't going well. What other problems are they having besides lag (only real problem with our event)? You might get a dev response here but most likely your best bet would be to PM a customer service manager, or call the US customer support line. I doubt you will get your request just because they don't offer any sort of server to server character transfer right now (Mebbe coming later as a premium service). You never know though, I have not heard of a precedent for such a thing.

03-11-2008, 05:53 AM
thanks for the reply we have had server wide lag for about 2 weeks now and the main event hasnt really hit us. The most pressing problem is that they got rid of their old gm service and moved it in house and on 3 occasions I have had to wait 3- 12 hours for a response on a ticket, basically wasting a lot of my limited gameplay. Our forum is full of people looking for some answers at the moment and everything is more or less getting ignored, i've also tried emailing our community liason officer but every email or pm has been ignored or left unopend and this has been going on for weeks

if someone can provide me with the names of the customer serive poeple here it woul dbe most appreciated, I would happily pay to have my characters transfffered from the European servers

03-11-2008, 09:46 AM

Turbine only runs the game in North America, and the service Codemasters runs is completely separate. This means that there is no bridge between the two, and the two companies are completely different.

Unfortunately, there is no way to transfer EU characters to the US service.

03-11-2008, 10:12 AM

Turbine only runs the game in North America, and the service Codemasters runs is completely separate. This means that there is no bridge between the two, and the two companies are completely different.

Unfortunately, there is no way to transfer EU characters to the US service.

Then why not Build a Bridge?

03-11-2008, 10:42 AM
Then why not Build a Bridge?

I think we tried that. But you see the ocean is too big and it would only be a footpath bridge. I think the best way is to fly over or take a boat..

Sorry... I couldn't help it.

Sorry to hear about your troubles over in the EU there.

03-11-2008, 10:52 AM
Then why not Build a Bridge?

Maybe the amount of work to do that, doesn't justify the cost of the number of people that would use this service?

03-11-2008, 10:58 AM
Then why not Build a Bridge?

A long time ago i used to manage a small convenience store, it was part of a larger group of convenience stores, owned by the same company. I would always get folks that work in another store, wanting to transfer to mine. While technically part of the same company, my store and the other store were completely separate entities, BUT the transfer could be done. My train of thought was, depending on why they were leaving, and how they conducted themselves while they were there and before they left, i would rather have them come to me ( or for that matter lose one i have to another store) than to see them go to another company.

So, in short, without all the rhetoric, I think there should be some way to do this. Im sure folks would pay for it if needed, however we have to do it. I would rather use the resources to find a way to do this, than to lose this customer to another mmo.



03-11-2008, 11:01 AM
Yeah, look where THAT got the US!

Wait...economic prosperity and respect...but Bush was staying the course...
Wait, what was the question again?

Seriously, my heart goes out to you that you are literly isolated and there just is no way in Dorruth to even make a literal network bridge without the cooperation of both companies, and that has no economic cause to happen considering the overseas cost of maintaining such a thing in a non business data transfer (not business data even if the game is the business) server enviroment.

Yeah I remember my MCSE classes and Novell classes and seen some Oracle classes and know it ain't happening without both sides and one side seemingly says no and our other side says not set up (implying they will not set up in the future at this time.)

If you do find a way to bridge the overseas gap (like our Auzzie brothers) you are always welcome on Thelanis. It's not like the server can give me any more lag......

But that ring of spell storing is MINE MINE MINE!
Oh wait, that's a ring of haggling +5, go ahead (grinne.)

03-11-2008, 11:37 AM
I think we tried that. But you see the ocean is too big and it would only be a footpath bridge. I think the best way is to fly over or take a boat..


03-11-2008, 12:41 PM

Better yet, if all you want to do is send information, just head down to your local Sivis Message Station and have the gnomes send it over the Sending Stones.

03-11-2008, 07:28 PM
You do not contact DEVs. The DEVs contact you.

That is all.

03-11-2008, 08:05 PM
Speak with customer service via emails in regards to any problems you may be experiencing.

The U.S. is not without its own share of problems....... whos to say you wont leave EU ony to find that you cant tolerate our issues any more than the ones you have now.

You said you have 2 accounts ... 1EU ...1 US

In essence you've already done the transfer the quickest way DDO can provide for you.

Leveling is fast and easy right up until 12 or so and friends or even strangers will readily donate to the rebuilding of your characters on a new server.

As Q said.......... there is no bridge. Im sure its possible whether they needed to make a hard copy or save to a portable hard drive or lay down some fiber-optic wire or even twisting some executives arms. Bottom line is its not readily done but if your capable of getting them to do those things then you probably not having any trouble contacting a dev and likely have no need to.

03-11-2008, 08:08 PM
Let me get this straight... you want to move to the USA to play this game because Codemasters bites?

You couldn't use the continuing silliness between the EU and member nations over banking, or concerns over relations with NATO, or even that there's too many American actors now living in France to take it seriously anymore?

That's some dedication even I couldn't muster.