View Full Version : Devil Assault quest now available!

03-08-2008, 09:07 PM
The Devil Assault quest, located in the Marketplace on Silversmith Road, is now available to all! Help defend the barracks in this special Anniversary quest, available for a broad range of levels. Players interested in the quest may select any of the three difficulties:

For the level 6 Devil Assault, select "Normal"
For the level 12 Devil Assault, select "Hard"
For the level 18 Devil Assault, select "Elite"

These difficulty levels are unlocked automatically, and do not have to be played in order. This quest will be available for many weeks. Help defend Stormreach!

03-08-2008, 09:10 PM
You guys blew up the friggin tent! That was awesome!!!

03-08-2008, 09:11 PM
its nice to knwo that a new quest is available, unfortunately i lagged so bad couldnt do nothing but alt+f4, i log back into the game, rez in market, die again after a rednamed runs past me, and then get booted. And i cant get back on! i can get on any other servers fine, but not thelanis. all my characters are out there, trying to relog later launcher would send me a download i executed it and it wouldnt find the file, what the hell is all that about i can log on other servers fine, but i dont want to play on other servers!!! that is so frustrating

03-08-2008, 09:12 PM
Unable to LEAVE the marketplace on Ghallanda. Been stuck on the House K loading screen for ten minutes after the tent blew up.

Not much fun for a live event, I've got to say.

03-08-2008, 09:13 PM
And Gan, the pole dancer, ROFL! He's dead too!

03-08-2008, 09:15 PM
Kargon just have one questimion: this quemest only going be here for say 1 night, for a few weeks, or permanament quemest can do any time? kargon thinking of come back in couple hours and try get into sarlona again then, just not want miss event if kargon should be staying on thelanis and trying silly quemest with alt kargon not play any more.

03-08-2008, 09:15 PM
will it still be running on Sunday ?

03-08-2008, 09:19 PM
will it still be running on Sunday ?

The Devil Assault will be available for many weeks :)

03-08-2008, 09:21 PM
did any one ever think about the tents feeling. all those tayg the rangers and hide n seeks... memories nothing but memories... =(

03-08-2008, 09:30 PM
I cant even get into the game to play. I have spent the last 2 and 1/2 hours trying. so I think this event blows. O and since I cant play the quest I also think the new quest blows... If this was a free weekend and I wasn't paying every month I might think differently but since I pay for this headache I think this so blows...

03-08-2008, 09:32 PM
I'm going to be all spammy and bump this thread just to make sure everybody sees it among the devspam. . . :D

03-08-2008, 09:36 PM
this still sucks... why can't they fix there busted stuff now that the event is over?

03-08-2008, 09:40 PM
so I can log into a server that I have no characters on and get to the char creation screen but on the server I play on I can not get past the closing old connections/loading screen. so this still blows...

03-08-2008, 09:55 PM
hope theres more to this :-)

won the quest and now runnin around market doin nothin

03-08-2008, 09:59 PM
Thank you Devs.

Tonight was extremely fun for myself and the other members of Archmagi. We had horrendouus lag for about 5-10 minutes when the first wave of Red Nameds hit, but it was smooth sailing from then on out. Market tent blowing up was freaking AWESOME!!!!
Afterwards, without even time to pause for breath, we split our raid group into two teams of six and blasted through the new quest on elite.

So, again, thank you Devs for a wonderful night.

03-08-2008, 10:00 PM
I love the 6/12/18 thing - this is a quest everyone (save total lowbies) can run for XP :-)

I'd like you to make it permanent, however. Especially if it offers favor.

03-08-2008, 10:03 PM
Devs- That was awesome! The CR 33s, the tent, the animations, everything. Saturday night was so much fun. You had me laughing like I was an 80's school girl at a New Kids on The Block concert. Great stuff tonight and I can't wait for the next event! Here's me patting you all on the back. Congratulations on a job well done! Truly exciting and fun.

03-08-2008, 10:11 PM
Holy ****.. long as hell on elite.


03-08-2008, 10:17 PM
Just finished on hard and was wondering. Are there more chests on elite, four in hard if it's different,
Also I was hoping for a special chest at the end or an end reward with special loot, but doesn't appear so.
Even so the tent being destroyed was awesome, kudos Turbine.

03-08-2008, 10:23 PM
Just finished on hard and was wondering. Are there more chests on elite, four in hard if it's different,
Also I was hoping for a special chest at the end or an end reward with special loot, but doesn't appear so.
Even so the tent being destroyed was awesome, kudos Turbine.

Just four.. One after wave 3, one after 4... and I think 2 after the end fight.

03-08-2008, 10:23 PM
4 chests on elite

nothing special from what i can tell

03-08-2008, 10:27 PM
It seems so many people are logging into this quest that the lag is bad. On my fourth try, we all died because of lag. We would have beaten it. I would have enjoyed the XP from it, but it seems like I'll have to wait until I level up and just do it on hard when less people are clogging up the server.

Icehound, Guild Leader <Ninja>

03-08-2008, 10:29 PM
I want screenies - I'm stuck at work I want pictures or videos of the tent blowing up.


03-08-2008, 10:32 PM
had a bit of trouble at first but then it straightened out, tried the quest once failed because half the team didnt work well with us, got a new group and it went pretty smooth, need to try it on elite now with guildies. All in all I am glad I got to be in the event, and seeing the tent pop well that was so Cool gonna miss shopping there

03-08-2008, 10:34 PM
Running it on normal right now.. Is it me, or are 6 CR 10's a little much for a lvl 6 quest???

03-08-2008, 10:54 PM
I'm going to be all spammy and bump this thread just to make sure everybody sees it among the devspam. . . :D

Ok i have got to say it, and i will try to do it in the least flame way i can. You guys really dropped the ball on this event, it started great, with the Cake and the random attacks and the week building up to today, then you just Dropped the ball totally, the quest was a nice challenge, but the chests sucked, and worst of all all of that waiting, all of that Stuff to kill, and NO END QUEST REWARD?????? WAY TO DROP THE BALL AND RUIN WHAT WAS A GREAT EVENT UP TILL THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-08-2008, 10:57 PM
Running it on normal right now.. Is it me, or are 6 CR 10's a little much for a lvl 6 quest???

I agree it's very tough for a lvl6 quest, and hard is insane for a lvl12 quest.

With a little help from lag and weak players, have wiped both tries so far. Main cause of problems is casters burning thru their mana too fast.

03-08-2008, 11:02 PM
I agree it's very tough for a lvl6 quest, and hard is insane for a lvl12 quest.

With a little help from lag and weak players, have wiped both tries so far. Main cause of problems is casters burning thru their mana too fast.

I wish i hadn't finished it, the disappointment was horrendous. There wasn't even an end quest reward, i will admit the tent exploding was cool, but man the quest........i wont finish that or the Kobold will jump me.

03-08-2008, 11:03 PM
While the rewards were lacking, overall, I am very happy with the way tonight went. Much better than the mess Weds. night. Good build up to the tent going the way of the dodo. And the quest is just right on the head with the variety of difficulty. And elite is truly for the elite. Didn't read the blurb here on the forums before going in. With the misleading level difficulty of 6, we just jumped in with a mixed bag group of guildies to a level 18 quest. Amazingly enough, a group with three level 8's a level 12 and two level 15's actually made it to the last battle before wiping.

03-08-2008, 11:10 PM
good fun Turbine, kudos on the live event. Got to team up with the guild and run amok. For all you whingers out there who seem to not be pleased with anything... give it a break will ya.

03-08-2008, 11:11 PM
This week sucked no way was this anything like I thought it would be I can not believe the **** that I have seen. Lots of death very little treasure I am trying WOW. D&D you got one more month to put things right or you not get any more of my freakin money.

03-08-2008, 11:11 PM
New quest has no favor. What's up with that?

03-08-2008, 11:19 PM
4 level 18 chests if you run it on elite ... that's pretty sweet.

the tent going boom was cool. I didnt see any red named parties running around before hand, but me and my sons were on the edge of our seat waiting to see the tent explode.

I think switching it to instances was a smart move. Its the only way to deal with lag. I woulda loved a big public instance fight with tons of folks and mobs, but it seems like the lag just makes it impossible to do.

Enjoyed it all, thanks for some good entertainment.

03-08-2008, 11:27 PM
We had 30 market instances in Sarlona, I was in instance 5. Lag was ... not great, but frankly it was within reason considering it was like 40 of us blasting the poor critters that did spawn. Ie you could still move and cast and stuff, but the spells hit about 2-3 seconds after being cast.

As for the new quest:

Normal : Booooooring! :cool:
Hard: Yep.. this is hard.. a good kind of hard.. but hard.
Elite: ACK!!

Perhaps elite could benefit from a heck of a lot more shrines or something. Has anyone found a strategy that works that does not rely on 50+ mana potions?

BTW, making the outsiders unbanishable was low. Hmph. Some people can't swap spells easily you know :p

03-08-2008, 11:35 PM
We had 30 market instances in Sarlona, I was in instance 5. Lag was ... not great, but frankly it was within reason considering it was like 40 of us blasting the poor critters that did spawn. Ie you could still move and cast and stuff, but the spells hit about 2-3 seconds after being cast.

As for the new quest:

Normal : Booooooring! :cool:
Hard: Yep.. this is hard.. a good kind of hard.. but hard.
Elite: ACK!!

Perhaps elite could benefit from a heck of a lot more shrines or something. Has anyone found a strategy that works that does not rely on 50+ mana potions?

BTW, making the outsiders unbanishable was low. Hmph. Some people can't swap spells easily you know :p

didn't use any pots afaik.

I don't care about the loot, I was looking for some osrt of closure to the event, a Mark or Event Item or something to designate us as the Heros etc etc . Just... nothing... is kinda lame.

03-08-2008, 11:43 PM
We had 30 market instances in Sarlona, I was in instance 5. Lag was ... not great, but frankly it was within reason considering it was like 40 of us blasting the poor critters that did spawn. Ie you could still move and cast and stuff, but the spells hit about 2-3 seconds after being cast.

As for the new quest:

Normal : Booooooring! :cool:
Hard: Yep.. this is hard.. a good kind of hard.. but hard.
Elite: ACK!!

Perhaps elite could benefit from a heck of a lot more shrines or something. Has anyone found a strategy that works that does not rely on 50+ mana potions?

BTW, making the outsiders unbanishable was low. Hmph. Some people can't swap spells easily you know :p

We went in with four tanks, a spellcaster, and a cleric, and had very good luck on elite. All four of us tanks were weilding vorps, and there were plenty of dancing balls and fogs to be had. It worked out VERY well. :)

03-08-2008, 11:47 PM
Rough when you have a party wipe.. seems you have to Restart the quest since you cant get through the door again, could target a lever through the door and then when we went back in alive tried to find the lever in other room to see what it was linked to, found it by the pole on the back right side of the room(well could target it) never managed to be able to use it actually.. any ideas where this lever actually is and what it does if it is usable?

03-08-2008, 11:48 PM
Ok, so the new quest normal is supposed to be level 6? It really should be considered comparable to any other level 6 quest set to elite. I have a level 8 charater and have been running in groups with 7 and 8s and we cant seem to finish it. The fiendish trogs at the end own us. The tent blowing up was awesome, except now I have to run all over the place to get my shopping done. Maybe.......I should open up an adventurers' strip mall.

03-08-2008, 11:51 PM
Rough when you have a party wipe.. seems you have to Restart the quest since you cant get through the door again, could target a lever through the door and then when we went back in alive tried to find the lever in other room to see what it was linked to, found it by the pole on the back right side of the room(well could target it) never managed to be able to use it actually.. any ideas where this lever actually is and what it does if it is usable?

also tried to get to it without luck. we couldnt even find it - just target it.

someone above posted about closure - like when you finish you get a trinket or such. thats a pretty good idea imo. just a little commerative something for the event. would be a nice touch.

03-08-2008, 11:56 PM
Here is a quick image from the barrier dropping and the tent blowing up, guess i didnt get the whole thing, but here is part at least.


Tent Gone


Great job Devs, lagged sucked for a few but after that our group pulled the Shroud names one by one and killed each of them, watched the tent blow up then split into two parties to tackle the barrack assault. We had a great time, thanks for the fun tonight.

03-08-2008, 11:56 PM
Ok, so the new quest normal is supposed to be level 6? It really should be considered comparable to any other level 6 quest set to elite. I have a level 8 charater and have been running in groups with 7 and 8s and we cant seem to finish it. The fiendish trogs at the end own us. The tent blowing up was awesome, except now I have to run all over the place to get my shopping done. Maybe.......I should open up an adventurers' strip mall.
No its different.. elite is level 18 and hard is level 12.. normal is 6.. it scales to give all players a challenge depending on what they choose

03-08-2008, 11:59 PM
I love this quest. It does a lot of the things I've seen complained about here on the forums...XP and loot rewards increase based on time survived, not just completion. It's just a straight up small room smack down, and a test of real endurance...I like everything about it. I hope it gets to stay in the game, but if not...I hope more like it are introduced.

Plus, the tent blowing up was really, really awesome. I had a little fun for the hour before hand, getting one-shotted by CR 33's every couple minutes, and trying to find people I could cast raise dead on...but that portal closing was incredible. Maybe it helps that I missed every single event before this one, only being around to play with what was left after (Tokyo time), but I was completely, totally satisfied with the entire week. Add on that I didn't have to pay an extra dime for any of it, and all I can say is whoooopieee!

03-09-2008, 12:25 AM
Way more fun than 2 days ago and a lot less lag. Tent blowing up was cool and storyline pretty frekin awesome. Quest was fun but havent been able to complete on elite yet.

Preperationh lev 16 cleric
Masonman lev 16 pally

03-09-2008, 12:29 AM
Perhaps elite could benefit from a heck of a lot more shrines or something. Has anyone found a strategy that works that does not rely on 50+ mana potions?

Crowd control spells, not nukes.

Fear is solid, as is Acid Fog.

03-09-2008, 12:47 AM
Yeah, serious melee is a big boon in this quest with everything being Fiendish or a devil (SR and a lot of resists). The four waves are pretty survivable with any kind of decent party, but the Orthon smackdown (we were on hard) was brutal. Unfortunately, my bard is healing specced so the Orthons weren't as impressed as they might have been by our crowd control. We ran the quest a number of times, but kept wiping at that point. Everyone had a blast, but we didn't finish. Mostly lvl 11s in our group for the hard quest (rated 12). Loot was good for the level, I thought, and the xp was excellent even for only getting 80% through it several times.

The early fights against the CR33 Red nameds were pretty nasty lag fests at times. But we had 40 marketplaces on Thelanis at one point and usually around 20 odd folks with innumerable buffs going beating on these guys, who were teleporting in and out. Pacing could have been better, but it wasn't awful. No warning that there was a regular quest finale was kind of a nuisance since a lot of folks were in raid groups and that was just a huge lag fest regrouping.

But the tent's activities all week were cool and the explosion awesome. And the quest rocks. Honestly, its amazingly fun. I'm really stoked about it and looking forward to running in on normal with some of my alts as well as getting my regular party to try it on hard again.

03-09-2008, 03:05 AM
OMG, the tent getting sucked up was AWSOME!
The quest after was truely and Elite level quest
but we got it done! Way to go DMA!


03-09-2008, 03:19 AM
Ok, so the new quest normal is supposed to be level 6? It really should be considered comparable to any other level 6 quest set to elite. I have a level 8 charater and have been running in groups with 7 and 8s and we cant seem to finish it. The fiendish trogs at the end own us. The tent blowing up was awesome, except now I have to run all over the place to get my shopping done. Maybe.......I should open up an adventurers' strip mall.

I did the quest 4 times with my lvl 8 and a fg between 6-10, and everyone in the groups agreed that the Devil quest on normal is not for level 6. The end shammy CR 12 blasting 4 bolts of lightning in 3 seconds hurt-a-lot if everyone is sticking together. We successfully got it done one time with 3 tanks, 1 ranger, 1 bard and a cleric.

It does need coordination to keep haste/recital buffs on between fights and then the tanks spread in front of each portal. Ranger keep an eye out for caster. That did the trick on normal. Don't forget 2-3 cure serious wands for the cleric. And if you're a caster, please don't go melee as the poor cleric will run out of mana real quick :)

The tent blowing was awsome ! There was nearly no lag for me during the event (with some short spike but nothing really bad considering the stress on the servers) GJ Turbine :)

03-09-2008, 06:06 AM
My brain hit me with a migraine a couple hours before the event. Wish I could have seen it, but really wanted to say Thanks for the pics.

03-09-2008, 07:19 AM
i logged on tonight with one expectation. i had not gotten to participate in any of this event up to tonight. all i wanted was to see the tent go boom. i am satisfied. :D enjoyed quest too even though i only got to complete it once on normal. party lacked the fire power to finish hard. made it to the final battle twice and gave up. good to know i'll have more opportunities to complete.

03-09-2008, 07:35 AM
Quite like the mew quest, and hope it's made permanent.

I just think the level assigned to it on norm and hard is way way off.

In reality, this is a level 8 or 9 quest on normal, and 14 on hard. 18 seems dead right for elite tho.

03-09-2008, 08:14 AM
Completed it last night on elite and had a blast. Had maybe 4 deaths total. Group makeup was not what you would normally think of, but we like to test ourselves.

Ranger, WF Barb, Wiz, Sorc, Fighter and Bard.

Crowd control was the key. The sorc died 3 times and the bard(me) died once because of my own stupidity. I went to give fresh songs on the end fight and stepped to close.

Went back in on normal with a group of 6-9's and got our arse handed to us because we had no crowd control.

03-09-2008, 08:17 AM
Our little guild had fun at the event, couldn't do much to the named (lvl 8 -11) but enjoyed swinging away and taking satisfaction at the few red numbers we saw and "OMG he just hit me for 150! I'm at -99!" Enjoyed the banter in general chat with The Madborn guild (and ninja-ing their group buffs :) ). We also found the loot drops pretty rewarding.

When we got the tell to back away from the tent at least three people gave the traditional Monty Python "Run away! Run Aaawwaay!" sparking another set up Holy Grail quotations. Tent blowing up was amazing, at first I was alittle dissapointed there were no devils to fight but I quickly realized the lag would have killed it.

The three of us (lvl 8 rogue, lvl 8 barb and lvl 11 wiv) tried the quest on normal but could not get past the 4th wave. Made good use of cc, buffs and summons but just didnt have enough tankage before we had to log. Glad it up for few more weeks, want to finish it now.

Good work devs!

03-09-2008, 08:30 AM
Thank you Devs.

Tonight was extremely fun for myself and the other members of Archmagi. We had horrendouus lag for about 5-10 minutes when the first wave of Red Nameds hit, but it was smooth sailing from then on out. Market tent blowing up was freaking AWESOME!!!!
Afterwards, without even time to pause for breath, we split our raid group into two teams of six and blasted through the new quest on elite.

So, again, thank you Devs for a wonderful night.

Amen to that - testify, brother Bandy. :)

Oh, and you guys suck less than we do - we wiped on the "fifth" wave on our first try. It took us a second try, five-manning with the "sixth player" being Blade Barrier. :D

03-09-2008, 09:01 AM
The Good:

Tent blowing up was cool.
Nat Gann begging for help was cool.
The "invasion" is instanced
New quest available for most levels
Got to see some old friends that I haven't seen in a while

The Bad:

New quest is too long
It's not "really" a level 6 or level 12 quest. Our group of mostly 16's had a bit of a tough time on hard.
No end reward????????????????????????????????????????
Need something special for finishing it for the 1st time along the lines of the anniversary cake. Something cool that you only get once.

03-09-2008, 09:19 AM
Last nights event rocked! Logged into the market to hook up with friends after running a quest and BAM! swarmed by demons, fought pretty steady flow of mid and high level guys for around an hour prior to the big BOOM! We found the instance run, had to divide our raid group for it and went in.

Awesome idea to let most players get a shot at the quest. No one really needs to feel left out.

The quest is really super fun, I am going to try and complete it with all my characters. :)

Thanks again Turbine, and what a wonderful way to ring in your birthday!

03-09-2008, 09:21 AM
i spent 95&#37; of the time in a loading screen, then when i was able to get into the quest, i was looking at a door that would not open since i got into the group late. a lot of fun just staring at a loading screen while your guild tells you the neat stuff that is going on. part of me would have rather had teeth pulled then have this live event have so much buzz then not deliever.:mad:

03-09-2008, 09:23 AM
need to have some favor attached to it. Give those that were here some bragging rights later :)

03-09-2008, 09:49 AM
need to have some favor attached to it. Give those that were here some bragging rights later :)

Ya, you think either the 12 or the coin lords would appreciate our help considering the 12 sent us there and we did the job of the coin lord's guard.

03-09-2008, 10:30 AM
....... and since I cant play the quest I also think the new quest blows...

/sarcasm on

I'm glad you are taking your time to analyze, experience, and fully evaluate all of the new content featured with this event.

I'm sure everyone will take these tidbits of info you have given, and join the picket lines on the harbor with you.

/sarcasm off

constructive criticism is a combination of good and bad; you could have asked if anyone else had this issue, which we ALL did, but we decided to work through it, and I had a GREAT time. I was lagged a few times, but once i got into the barracks, the elite run is CRAZY. two clerics, two socs, and two tanks were working at 110%.

I'm diving in again today.

03-09-2008, 11:17 AM
For those that were unable to see the destruction, I snapped as many pictures as my poor computer would take. Hopefully these links work.

The links didn't work, so I had to use the img tags instead. Sorry about any long load-times, if any. They are hosted at google, which should help at least some. :)


03-09-2008, 11:29 AM
ok ... would like to say nicely done for theme and thought on what to do for an anniversary event, but one problem or a few problems i did not like was the fact that if you have an event like this (now that the death penality is gone) reduce the cost of potions, repairs, and definately make it a little bit more beneficial for the players. i liked the event though waiting was boring, since i worked at 5am in the morning and was getting tired waiting for the event to happen. also the loot falling should be more where items are tagged for players so EVERYONE can get even or a fair share since we also spent time out from doing other quests and also trying to deffend the marketplace with little or no hope of surviving and numerous deaths on everyones part. also there was major lagg which i am sure people are reporting in in the mobs of reports so i wont complain about that much. and for the time it took people were blasting out buffs, wands, and everything and by the time the mobs came the buffers didnt have time to throw up any new buffs on those who needed them. so in that making the sp and wand charges null and void or pointless. the idea on how events happened were great and introductions of new monsters were nice, though way to powerful even for level 16 guys who just got there after the update. and lastly on the non event matters i think the repair costs are way too much and happen way to often and maybe should only effect one or 2 items per death. so we can actually spend money on the items to heal.

03-09-2008, 11:36 AM
The Devil Assault will be available for many weeks :)


...and Gann was great! (he an't dead yet, just wounded. Even better.) :D

(anyone who didn't expect lag during a massive event was deluding themselves.)

...now only if Coyle had shown up to help 'defend Stormreach'... :rolleyes: (subject to accidental friendly fire...) ;)

Dead tent. /applauds Takes up sniper position to down any worker trying to rebuild it into anything but a nice peaceful open market.

edit: Yeah had forgot about the repair costs. Wow. If it hadn't been for hitting crucible shortly before the ceremony, I'da been nekkid about halfway through the invasion. (being one of the ones NOT standing back waiting to loot ninja) :rolleyes:

Good time though, overall.


03-09-2008, 01:01 PM
its nice to knwo that a new quest is available, unfortunately i lagged so bad couldnt do nothing but alt+f4, i log back into the game, rez in market, die again after a rednamed runs past me, and then get booted. And i cant get back on! i can get on any other servers fine, but not thelanis. all my characters are out there, trying to relog later launcher would send me a download i executed it and it wouldnt find the file, what the hell is all that about i can log on other servers fine, but i dont want to play on other servers!!! that is so frustrating

Ditto, its terrible, sent prob to tech ppl.

03-09-2008, 01:13 PM
Solmoga asked if ppl had found a way to do it, and this is the way.

The best way that we found, was to sit in a corner, (the area btwn the rest shrine and the door), throw up a whole bunch of acid fog, DANCING SPHERES (BIG DEAL) and solid fogs. We also put up lots and lots of Firewalls. The two clerics would just do mass heals. We had one person PK/FOD the casters, then we had the sorc run around grabbing the fire elementals and have them just focus on him. Then we would kill the fire elementals after everything else was dead 1 at a time. We used 3 wands to complete it on hard and 2 scrolls of heal. It works really well.

PS. Clerics need to use extended blade barriors and tanks need vorpals and paralyzers.

03-09-2008, 03:57 PM
I thought that the event as a whole was a very big disappointment. I did love the way the tent blew up and all, but the lag was horrible and there was no satisfaction of getting some sort of reward at the end. I spent way too much in repairs and healing only to find out that there was no reward at the end to make it worth while. Then with regards to the new quest it is fun and all but the fact that there is no favor given for it or any sort of end quest reward was also very disappointing. So overall I think that the devs really need to sit back and look at the situation as a whole and really should give everyone some sort of token gift for the **** we had to put up with during the event. If anyone actually got any drops from the defeat of the devils then good for them but for those of us that were the ones that actually did the killing and had no time to pay attention to drops we should be compensated. Anyways, this is just my opinion but I am sure that I am not the only one out there that feels like this.

03-09-2008, 04:01 PM
agree the lag was super bad..plus damage to our stuff..and nothing to show for it.. :mad::(

I thought that the event as a whole was a very big disappointment. I did love the way the tent blew up and all, but the lag was horrible and there was no satisfaction of getting some sort of reward at the end. I spent way too much in repairs and healing only to find out that there was no reward at the end to make it worth while. Then with regards to the new quest it is fun and all but the fact that there is no favor given for it or any sort of end quest reward was also very disappointing. So overall I think that the devs really need to sit back and look at the situation as a whole and really should give everyone some sort of token gift for the **** we had to put up with during the event. If anyone actually got any drops from the defeat of the devils then good for them but for those of us that were the ones that actually did the killing and had no time to pay attention to drops we should be compensated. Anyways, this is just my opinion but I am sure that I am not the only one out there that feels like this.

03-09-2008, 04:19 PM
Solmoga asked if ppl had found a way to do it, and this is the way.

The best way that we found, was to sit in a corner, (the area btwn the rest shrine and the door), throw up a whole bunch of acid fog, DANCING SPHERES (BIG DEAL) and solid fogs. We also put up lots and lots of Firewalls. The two clerics would just do mass heals. We had one person PK/FOD the casters, then we had the sorc run around grabbing the fire elementals and have them just focus on him. Then we would kill the fire elementals after everything else was dead 1 at a time. We used 3 wands to complete it on hard and 2 scrolls of heal. It works really well.

PS. Clerics need to use extended blade barriors and tanks need vorpals and paralyzers.

Pretty good idea there.

But :D

The one we found to work the best was:

1-2 Casters: Acid Fog, Cloud kill, Dancing Ball right in the center. FoD the fire elementals.
1-2 Clerics: Spot Heal when needed.
3-4 whatever: Puncturing weapons or vorpals. But really puncturing works the best.

Just set up right in the center as everything will move to you. Caster should just worry about crowd control and haste. Clerics should just keep an eye to healing and conserving Sp for the occasional Slay/Destruction on the fire elementals. All the others should work as a team moving from one mob to the next with puncturing or vorpal weapons. The mobs go down so quick that the clerics shouldn't feel any pressure on their SP and both they and the caster(s) will have plenty in between the 2 shrines.

This is a great new quest that takes everyone communicating and working together quickly. Hopefully they put it in fulltime. But since they do plan on taking it out I'll see you all in there. 4 lvl 18 chests in 30 min. Great when you've only got a little bit of time to kill.

03-09-2008, 05:03 PM
Ok, so the new quest normal is supposed to be level 6? It really should be considered comparable to any other level 6 quest set to elite.

I'll grant you that the quest on normal is a bit harder than your average level 6 elite quest. (Then again, the level 4 proof is in the poison, on elite, is harder than both of these..)

My feeling from these quests is that they were balanced for the 'above average' at the stated level, which sort of makes sense when you consider it's supposed to be this neigh unstoppable demonic army. So while *MY* level 6 melee, with a 43 AC, evasion, resists, crowd control, bard buffs, and so on didn't have too much of an issue dealing with stuff, that is hardly the norm.

By the same token, with a relatively average party (or actually below average: party makeup was made based on friends who wanted to have fun with friends, not on what would have been best..) at level 16 on hard, we also did well.

On elite .. well.. we got our butts handed to us, which prompted me to ask for viable strategies. After giving it some more thought based on what I saw, and some of the helpful (and the not so helpful..) replies, I believe that the next time we will take my sorcerer (spell penetration level 25, DC32), a second arcane or vorpal AC fighter, probably 2 other solid melees with vorpals and high AC and 2 solid clerics, while huddling in a corner, ignoring the portals.

I plan on casting extended disco balls, which likely won't ward off the elite demons, but I'll also add solid fog, cloudkill, and the occasional irresistible dance if one of them elite demons starts to smack on the fighters too heavily. (I penetrate their SR just fine, but landing the spell is another matter). I'm not convinced I'll have enough mana to keep this up until the first shrine if I'm the only arcane, but we will see. If there is enough mana, I'll add firewalls to handle the non-demons.

It's also possible the critters won't swing at the melees and will just keep on trying to reach the squishies that aggroed them with CK: If so, yay, dual wield them vorpals, heh.

03-09-2008, 05:23 PM

...now only if Coyle had shown up to help 'defend Stormreach'... :rolleyes: (subject to accidental friendly fire...) ;)


Umm, after threnal South, wouldn't Coyle be intent on helping defeat Stormreach? Coyle from Library of Threnal might have been willing to pretend to help, but past that I don't think so.. still love seeing him get killed in Threnal South.. first time, it was like well why in the world did we have to be so careful to protect him in library of threnal LOL

03-09-2008, 05:29 PM
Crowd control spells, not nukes.

Fear is solid, as is Acid Fog.

Well, thanks for implying I'm noob and only tried to nuke :p. But I had forgotten about fear. (Since it's broken, it's a spell I usually NEVER use, but I might just consider it this time :) )

Yeah, serious melee is a big boon in this quest with everything being Fiendish or a devil (SR and a lot of resists).

The worst is that everything is fiendish or a devil that CANT be banished. So yes, one of the many things that prevented our completion on elite was that we only had 1 solid melee ... solid for being level 10, heh. Our ranger and his banishing bow did nothing, and he didn't even have a real DPS bow with him so.. basically it was the lvl 10 melee and my caster doing the killing. But what I saw (we reached the 2nd wave at least) prompted me to ask what my fellow players had come up with, since the elites were not impressed with the dancing balls (I'd say about a 50/50 chance the thing hit), and irresistible dance + solid fog, while it worked nicely, was too mana intensive to do for every single elite.

Ranger, WF Barb, Wiz, Sorc, Fighter and Bard. Crowd control was the key. The sorc died 3 times and the bard(me) died once because of my own stupidity. I went to give fresh songs on the end fight and stepped to close.

Yep, crowd control is the key, but I think crowd controlling 3 portals at a time against stuff that not only saves easily but can teleport to you if it does save is too much of a pain, so I plan to group everyone in a corner. Perhaps it'll work better.

We went in with four tanks, a spellcaster, and a cleric, and had very good luck on elite. All four of us tanks were weilding vorps, and there were plenty of dancing balls and fogs to be had. It worked out VERY well. :)

Thanks. Hmm, perhaps I'll add 1 more vorpalizer instead of a 2nd cleric.. or maybe a vorpalizing cleric :eek: :)

Solmage asked if ppl had found a way to do it, and this is the way.

The best way that we found, was to sit in a corner, (the area btwn the rest shrine and the door), throw up a whole bunch of acid fog, DANCING SPHERES (BIG DEAL) and solid fogs. We also put up lots and lots of Firewalls. The two clerics would just do mass heals. We had one person PK/FOD the casters, then we had the sorc run around grabbing the fire elementals and have them just focus on him. Then we would kill the fire elementals after everything else was dead 1 at a time. We used 3 wands to complete it on hard and 2 scrolls of heal. It works really well.

PS. Clerics need to use extended blade barriors and tanks need vorpals and paralyzers.

This confirms among others that the corner idea is good. Thanks a lot :)

03-09-2008, 05:39 PM
For Sale:Former Retail Site. Will Build to Suit.

03-09-2008, 06:29 PM
I find this quest pedestrian. Yes, it's a nice fight.. a sort of miniature shroud part 1. But it is just a static fight.

Veheer talked about taking the fight to Shavarrath, so I am still hoping there will be more story-line and more quests... maybe mod 7 will have a hook, since I know extra-planar stuff has been rumored...

03-09-2008, 06:32 PM
Great Job Devs! The event, esp the tent, was captivating to watch and I felt like I was a part of the story enfolding. The quest is both a challenge and fun - good job!!

03-09-2008, 08:21 PM
Well, we were in on hard with a pug of pretty much whoever happened to have been standing around together earlier.. Ended up being a lvl 12 barbarian, lvl 11 bard, lvl 11 sorceror, lvl 11 paladin, lvl 12 rogue, and lvl 12 sorceror... I think. We pretty much stood in the corner with the melees fighting in the dancing ball/glitterdust zone in front of the casters. My bard healed and kept up the buffs/crowd control while the sorcerors hasted and PKed/Flesh to Stoned the casters and Suggested a few warrrior types. We did just fine through the four waves, though I did need to use wands to keep my mana usage under control (which is something I normally don't do on PuGs, but everyone pitched in money to buy some when we decided to go without a cleric).

However, we couldn't deal with the Orthon assault in three tries. They seemed to shrug off my CC easily and the bezekiras tripped up the melees a lot. The warlocks went down fast, but we really couldn't do much to the orthons before they hammered us. Even when I could keep the orthons off me (not easy), I couldn't keep up with the entire group getting hammered at once. Really needed Mass Cures, but that's lvl 13 for a bard.

Its definitely a hard 12 and we were mostly 11 and certainly didn't have vorpals or paralyzers or any of that. I'm really looking forward to giving it another go with my regular play group. As I mentioned before, its good xp and decent loot even if you don't finish so trial and error isn't as painful as it might otherwise be.

03-09-2008, 08:29 PM
was there and end reward to it, my guess is no?

PS great job on the fire works guys.

03-09-2008, 09:38 PM
My 2 cents:

I logged in and missed the event in the marketplace due to prior RL plans. I log in and 5 guildies are short maning the new quest on elite, and they said it wasnt to bad. I then joined them and we did it again with full party on elite...and to be honest. I kinda expected more. It was a cake walk and a shame it wasn't MUCH harder. This was done by a group of 2 clerics, 1 sorc, 1 wizard, 1 bard, 1 fighter. I do hope it stays though because it's a nice change of pace.

Shame I missed the tent blowing up...but if you read the first posts near the beginning of the event and heard the grand Prophecy of Vesuvia, well then I already fortold the tent being blown up...so no real surprise but I'm glad it's gone I hated the tent.

PS. Vaheer, your pretty lame dude. It took you days to decipher glyphs to get a clue what was going on...when all you had to do was simply ask or read the Prophecy of Vesuvia that Sir Lawrence dismissed so quickly! I'll be over hanging with the black abbot whenever you get around to sending that twelve invitation to me.

03-09-2008, 09:59 PM
The event was a blast (literally)! 36 market instances in Khyber and having lots of fun taking on red-named CR33 mobs...

The ONLY thing about I hated was the market loot mechanic - we "heard" someone (no name - this time) bragging in general chat of the loot he was grabbing while everyone else was fighting. There should be something for all, or something for the lucky individual that landed the killing blow.

The new quest was quite fun, but was VERY annoying to find you couldn't get back in if you died and recalled. Irritating to say the least - especially when there seemed to be a lever (it is targetable) but that no-one could find or use. Ended up running again on hard after the last 4 people in the room wiped on the final assault.

03-10-2008, 10:34 AM
And Gan, the pole dancer, ROFL! He's dead too!

He's not dead, just in a lot of pain. Poor guy, will never pole dance again. I tried tossing him a few coins but all he does is complain. Let's hope he has a speedy recovery and finds good decent work besides defying the laws of gravity. Honestly, would it be that difficult to get the guy a wheelchair? LOL.

03-10-2008, 11:34 AM
Will this quest be permanent? Or will it be here for just a limited time?

03-10-2008, 02:32 PM
I'm feeling stupid right now cause I cant find where this quest is.
Ran around marketplace 5 times spamming tab.
Where is it exactly, cause its not on silvermith road.

03-10-2008, 02:44 PM
I'm feeling stupid right now cause I cant find where this quest is.
Ran around marketplace 5 times spamming tab.
Where is it exactly, cause its not on silvermith road.Silversmith Road (South), just left down the stairs from the Harbor, across from Ruat Acalay (and marked by a gold chalice on the map ;)).

03-10-2008, 03:13 PM
Do you mean this door that everyone is staring at, but is just like any other background decoration?

03-10-2008, 03:18 PM
Do you mean this door that everyone is staring at, but is just like any other background decoration?
Yeah, that's the door. But, it should be flanked by two guards. They speak as you walk up (white floaty text) and cannot be clicked on. I have no idea what's going on Shima-ra! :eek: Can you try to switch Marketplace instances?

03-10-2008, 03:19 PM
No, I tried switching toons.
But the door is there and works in marketplace 2

03-10-2008, 03:21 PM
No, I tried switching toons.
But the door is there and works in marketplace 2Yay, a solution! And, please bug report the other Marketplace instance (with instance number) on your server. That's not right.

03-10-2008, 03:48 PM
I noticed lots of people posting screencaps, but I thought it might be more impressive to folks to show them what it looked like in near real-time. I've included a link to the Fraps video I took during the event. Since I couldn't embed the video window into this page, here's a LINK (http://www.guildportal.com/Blog.aspx?Blog=482360&BlogEntry=83777) to my blog, where you can find the video (http://www.guildportal.com/Blog.aspx?Blog=482360&BlogEntry=83777). Hope you enjoy.

03-10-2008, 09:06 PM
It's also possible the critters won't swing at the melees and will just keep on trying to reach the squishies that aggroed them with CK: If so, yay, dual wield them vorpals, heh.

*makes note to tell his own fighter to stop hitting the General so hard and getting (and KEEPING) his aggro no matter how often he gets chewed up by the blade barriers* ;)

03-10-2008, 11:12 PM
This event was pretty cool. Lots of instances on Khyber (34 the last I looked)
I saw some deneith arrows drop as loot but never got something myself even
though I know I personally got the kill shot on 2 red named mobs.

The devil quest was awesome, our guild raid group broke in two and we each
jumped in on elite (after we figured out the different level structure which is
just absolutely cool to share this with all levels). Not knowing the quest someone
actually used a wish cake to spawn a rest shrine after wave 2 which made the
quest go pretty easily (also helped that we had an awesome ranger dual weilding

The downside.
- I got pots in the end chests of a level 18 quest.
-There was no end reward person. I dont need uber loot as an end reward but
someone who says, "Thank you for saving the entire city. Here is a badge to
say 'Leet Noob!' Wear it with pride." Or anything to give closure to the event
would have been nice.
- Ninja looters... they sucked since they would just hover and wait while
everyone was doing the work and getting item damage. Spawn a chest at the
end of the event 1 per instance with those in the instance at time of spawning.
- Lag. It cant be helped but it still sucks. Maybe lower the limit of number of
people per instance before the next instance is created?

My rating of the event: A-
Exploding tents for the win!

03-11-2008, 10:59 AM
No, I tried switching toons.
But the door is there and works in marketplace 2Just wanted to post an update on this. The Market Barracks and Devil Assault quest were also missing from 1-Marketplace on Argonnessen. Yes, I bug reported it. We were also getting random portals blinking out and Devils in the marketplace.

Is this all supposed to still be happening? :confused:

03-14-2008, 06:36 AM
Since this post is about the quest, I'll restrict myself to commennts relating to that.
I was suprisingly pleased to have my butt handed to me on elite. It caused a total rethinking of tattics even when we went in thinking of such.

The chest pulls seemed as random as any other level-based reward from great tomes and puncturers to scrolls/gems.

The enemies tiered for all three quests beng DIFFERENT was a REALLY nice surprise.

The QUEST as the "endgame" to the entire week we can't stop the grafitti, the're spawning everywhere, we'll take it to their home plane, BOOM goes the tent was retardedly assinine.
Oh, the're going to take over Stormreach, then the world, but somehow we got them to check into the Stormreach 6 and not be anywhere else all of the sudden is BUHHH-HUHH-WHAA??!@

And this is hardly "over." We still got paupers, beggers and freeloaders out there. Lawrence is nowhere to be seen, and F'nord somehow has nothing better to do than to literally stand in a hole in the ground. So guess he's really not needed in the 12 after all?
(Bring back Varro as THE original avatar's Augar!...please? Well, can you at least tell us if a decision as to Sir Lawrence's fate has been finalized Tolero?)
And any rumors as to my characters kicking a certain pole dancer when he's down or ignoring their alignment and ordering citizens to "finish him!" are highly exaggerated :p

Uhhh, Coyle did it!

03-21-2008, 09:59 AM
Watching the tent disappear was fun, everything after that was anticlimatic [if other than the new quest being added, there WAS anything! If there was anything else, I sure missed it!]

The new quest is not very good at 6th level - surviving for three waves before getting a chest is lousy - why not just spawn one chest after each wave? I can survive the first wave and part of the second, but there's no possible way to get through THREE waves just to get something to mitigate the repair costs [gotta swing that holy weapon at a lot of monsters!] I know the ubers will slam this, but I'm just giving a lowbie perspective.

03-22-2008, 05:04 PM
The quest is no longer accessible. The door icon is now grey. The impact crater where the tent was is no longer accessible either, some kind of invisible wall is up. No more free 30 minute buffs. Nothing in the event or patch notes on this.

03-22-2008, 06:00 PM
The quest is no longer accessible. The door icon is now grey. The impact crater where the tent was is no longer accessible either, some kind of invisible wall is up. No more free 30 minute buffs. Nothing in the event or patch notes on this.

Just checked, Veheer and the quest are there. Try switching instances..

03-23-2008, 07:08 AM
That's weird. Marketplace 2 is fine but for some reason Marketplace 1 on Thelanis has been that way since Friday.