View Full Version : DDO Quest Creator -- Special Anniversary Edition, Part 2

03-05-2008, 04:10 PM
Well, the tribe has spoken, as it were, and we're going to be doing another run through the DDO Quest Creator, without any special additional rules or contests. At least not for now.

Overwhelmingly, the people seem to want a quest in the Searing Heights (8 votes) with Cerulean Hills and Tangleroot Gorge tying for second place (4 votes each).

So, bearing jwbarry's comments in mind, I'm going to propose that we actually do 2 (relatively) short, stand alone quests, one in Searing Heights and one in Tangleroot Gorge. This would allow the devs to choose to implement whichever they feel more comfortable with, and if they don't want to add just one quest to Searing Heights, they can, instead, work with the Tangleroot quest.

For a review of the rules and the wrap of up last Quest Creator, check last week's thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=1588128#post1588128). In addition, while I don't mind some discussion in the thread, if you're going to discuss, please at least vote too. ;)

And so, without further ado, this weeks questions are:

1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Hobgoblins (4 votes)
B) Troglodytes (15 votes)
C) Wolves/Worgs (2 votes)
D) Spiders
E) Scorpions

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3) (1 vote)
B) Middle (4-5) (9 votes)
C) High end (6-7) (11 votes)

3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) One of the hobgoblins in Chief Ungurz camp (1 vote)
B) Someone in the One-Eared Bugbear Tavern (11 votes)
C) Someone elsewhere in Stormreach
D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest (10 vote)

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow (15 votes)
B) Undead
C) Quickfoot thieves (4 votes)
D) Oozes (2 votes)

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3)
B) Middle (4-5) (4 votes)
C) High end (6-7) (16 votes)

6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) A new NPC in the explorer zone (7 votes)
B) Someone in Stormreach (2 votes)
C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest (12 votes)

Voting will remain open through Saturday, March 8th at 5PM eastern.

Next week, we'll flesh out the enemies within the quest and examine the party's goals and motivations. If you have any suggestions for topics or other ideas for the Quest Creator, please feel free to PM me.

03-05-2008, 04:21 PM

03-05-2008, 05:07 PM
I'm definitely for putting new quests in the explorer areas that were never used, particularly Searing Heights, which could really do with a reason to exist, as it's a fun and challenging area, but currently the rewards are far too low to justify adventuring there.

These quests could really do with named items that are useful to lowbies as a reason to run them. Something as simple as a Heroism clicky, +1 energy weapon, +2 mithril armor, or a +1 energy//pure good weapon if I win the vote and it's a level 7 quest.

1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Hobgoblins
B) Troglodytes (1 vote)
C) Wolves/Worgs
D) Spiders
E) Scorpions

Troglodytes are the most versatile of these foes - with the capacity to be clerics, arcane casters, melee toughs or melee strikers (e.g. combat-focussed Rogues). Count me in.

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3)
B) Middle (4-5) (1 vote)
C) High end (6-7)

Higher level quests grant more design freedom to impose interesting, tough obstacles. Trog casters in particular could be quite rough, and so I'd like to see low level characters stay away from them

3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) One of the hobgoblins in Chief Ungurz camp
B) Someone in the One-Eared Bugbear Tavern (1 vote)
C) Someone elsewhere in Stormreach
D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

Missing end rewards because of your mistake is just not fun, and is a very bad play experience for new players. Quest should be turned in to someone in the Tavern.

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow (1 vote)
B) Undead
C) Quickfoot thieves
D) Oozes

Drow, Same reasons as above. They are versatile and (at this level range) underused.

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3)
B) Middle (4-5)
C) High end (6-7) (1 vote)

Searing Heights is far too hard for level 2-3 characters to survive in anyway (IMO it's much tougher to clear out than Sorrowdusk Island, except that Charm Person works here and not there). Drow are known to be tough and crafty - foes that only mid-level characters should be messing with

6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) A new NPC in the explorer zone
B) Someone in Stormreach
C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest (1 vote)

Same logic as above. Quest could be turned in to Ruat Acaly (or whatever his name is, Proof is in the Poison dude), as he appeared in Stormreach at the same time as Searing Heights.

03-05-2008, 05:44 PM


03-05-2008, 05:47 PM

03-05-2008, 05:56 PM

03-05-2008, 06:02 PM
1) A
2) B
3) B
4) C
5) D
6) B

03-05-2008, 06:12 PM
1 b
2 c
3 b
4 d
5 b
6 a

An ooze-themed quest could yield MuckRake: a weapon that uses the greataxe skin that looks like a rake, MuckRake is actually a two-handed bludgeoning glass weapon of (regular) Ooze Bane. It also does 1 point of acid so that it glows a vivid green.

03-05-2008, 07:38 PM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

B) Troglodytes

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

B) Middle (4-5)

3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest Since this is an new quest, added to the zone, bestow-on-approach allows quest insertion to have a serendipitous feel. The play gets to blaze a new trail. Discovery is fun. Consider a quest element at the end of the new material that takes the player back into Ungurz' camp, or the tavern.

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7)

6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) A new NPC in the explorer zone could expand on the existing story elements.

EDIT: after reading jwbarry's elaborations, I wanted to add my two coppers.

03-05-2008, 07:39 PM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?
B) Troglodytes - I agree that they are the most versatile, but they are also the most eeeevil. They are the kobolds we love to hate. Give them a giant snake demon that they worship and make the end boss just like the one in Conan.
2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?
C) High end (6-7) - There really needs to be more quests in this range. I believe the harbor quests should get you to 3ish, and Tangleroot is already set up for the 4-5ish range, so this would be a nice segway out into something like Stormcleave or Delera's.
3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?
D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest - But I'd also like to see some NPC's that could provide valuable insights into the quest... maybe one that provides more knowledge on the area, or one that says to keep your distance from certain mobs (because of trog stench). Kinda like the way you're told to use bludgeoning on skellies and slashing on zombies very early on.
4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

C) Quickfoot thieves - It would be nice to see evil humans though. 90% of everything is monsters, what about a good ole hoarde of evil human barbarians and human casters. Throw in the occasional fire elemental and a slavers of the shrieking mines (don't kill the deranged prisoners) aspect and you're golden.

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

B) Middle (4-5) - Given that it's in the marketplace, it's going to be more difficult than it's level lets on. Make it on par with the others in the area. Proof is in the Poison and Clearing the Air are two of the hardest quests at that level, which is fine... just keep this one in line with those.
6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

B) Someone in Stormreach - Maybe something similar to the Vale, where you have to talk to the guy and he hands your your collectible bag (every new area has it's own bag now, right?) and allows you to enter the Searing Heights. Not to mention he can explain why there's this creepy flaming desert area right off the marketplace.

03-05-2008, 08:36 PM
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. C

03-05-2008, 08:41 PM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

B) Troglodytes 2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

B) Middle (4-5)3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest 4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow 5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7) 6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

03-05-2008, 09:57 PM
1) C - Wolves/Worgs with all that tripping should make it interesting
2) B
3) B - (maybe someone savaged by the wolves/worgs who had to leave someone/thing behind?)

4) A
5) B
6) C

03-06-2008, 08:56 AM
I'm definitely for putting new quests in the explorer areas that were never used, particularly Searing Heights, which could really do with a reason to exist, as it's a fun and challenging area, but currently the rewards are far too low to justify adventuring there.

These quests could really do with named items that are useful to lowbies as a reason to run them. Something as simple as a Heroism clicky, +1 energy weapon, +2 mithril armor, or a +1 energy//pure good weapon if I win the vote and it's a level 7 quest.

One of the best insights I have seen.
A nice mid-level named item would be incentive. I love the idea of a 5th level 1/day Heroism, bracers maybe, or maybe a jesters cap!

An ooze-themed quest could yield MuckRake: a weapon that uses the greataxe skin that looks like a rake, MuckRake is actually a two-handed bludgeoning glass weapon of (regular) Ooze Bane. It also does 1 point of acid so that it glows a vivid green.


Give them a giant snake demon that they worship and make the end boss just like the one in Conan.

Really, really nice.

1) C - Wolves/Worgs with all that tripping should make it interesting.
Guh!- Maybe it would slow down those zerging melee's tho. :D I'd like that, a pack of worgs can be harsh. Maybe some specific 'pets' maybe they can modify the graphic for Orange Named One, big spike collar or something.

Some very nice ideas. I think as well it would be intuitive to consider what map's or tile sets they would use.
If we can pick the areas to recycle, I think the gist, maybe to some degree, was they can't take time to create completely new maps for us right yet.
Something like the idea that we use the cave tunnel leading to the top of Searing Heights, but back wards, so we are descending into the ground which then links to say the fire cave were the Rare elemental spawns. With maybe some other map sets interconnected. I like the Stones Run Red tile set as well. Which collectibles would be available, etc.. I would also like the crates and barrels to spawn bag items like in CO6, not just coins and such, but armor, weapons, etc...

I had envisioned something kinda different, as well. I think one scenario that would be fun, is to somewhat re-enact a D-Day type landing of our own. A flat boat starts the scene, characters then exit the ship storm the shores, every man for himself!
...and it's pure and utter havoc and chaos for like an hour!!

My votes.
At first I wanted spiders, maybe some that could leap in from perches where they couldn't just be picked off by casters, before they react.
But, Trogs offer alot more diversity.

[7-8] Is the range I would like to see. By the time I get to finishing up in TR Gorge, I am almost maxed on xp, and I mean when it's 2 levels over, and you will gain 0 xp for anything until you go level. For bulk xp I like nothing more then getting all three or four lowbie wilderness areas. Now, if they revamped STK the same as WW then we would have 3 lowbie areas, with two complimenting halves set inside.

All the way, FTW. Just like TBF, mmmmmm, I love it.

Maybe some other options there also. Named Hellhound. A bound resistance booster that gives across the board 7 resist 1-2/day. Making the 2/day ultra rare. Another chance to use the mephit group from swiped signet. Maybe each of those have a named drop that is a Pro. 10 resist of the same element, Fire for fire, sonic for sonic, etc...



03-07-2008, 10:23 AM
Only about a day left to vote!

03-07-2008, 10:34 AM

03-07-2008, 11:31 AM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Hobgoblins (2 votes)
B) Troglodytes (9 votes)
C) Wolves/Worgs (1 vote)
D) Spiders
E) Scorpions

B. Hobgoblins already have their moment to shine with Splinterskull itself, and you want to get some more variety into the area. Troglodytes also have multiple appearances, for warriors, casters, ranged, etc, and a full fiendish set on top of that. Probably support them with worgs or scorpions.

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3) (1 vote)
B) Middle (4-5) (6 vote)
C) High end (6-7) (5 vote)

B. Middle is good because then people coming back to do the quest on elite will still get credit for all the landscape wilderness quests. If it's put at the top end, anyone doing the quest on elite will be outside that band and upset they're not getting advancement and xp. Should wilderness stuff advance or give exp for players over level? Well that's a discussion separate of the point of this thread, and I'm basing my responses based off of current tech, and not the expectation of changes.

3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) One of the hobgoblins in Chief Ungurz camp
B) Someone in the One-Eared Bugbear Tavern (6 vote)
C) Someone elsewhere in Stormreach
D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest (6 vote)

A or B. I really like the "bestow on approach" method, but seeing as how that's not how Tangleroot works, I'd rather keep it consistent. Any other place we've done "bestow on approach" its been used as a consistent mechanic. I'd either route it off of a guy in the tavern, or turn Chief Ungurz camp into more of a hub, add the quest guy to that, maybe give it a vendor/repair guy, and build it out a little bit more. You want the area to feel consistent in its approach and design, and not a hodgepodge of random elements, but you still want each dungeon/quest to have its own identity. Quest bestowal methods is one of those mechanics that is generally best to standardize for an area as it helps to provide part of the identity for the entire adventure area.

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow (8 votes)
B) Undead
C) Quickfoot thieves (3 votes)
D) Oozes (1 vote)

A - The Sulatar Drow are the entire story of Searing Heights. If you're going to do a quest, it really has to be with them. The quickfoot are all right, but they're low level small potatoes. Rather save them for the harbor and Cerulean Hills, and establish the Sulatar above them in the pecking order of evil. Undead just doesn't really fit so much at all. And oozes, well *shudder*

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

A) Low end (2-3)
B) Middle (4-5) (3 votes)
C) High end (6-7) (8 votes)

B. Same reasons as above. The dungeon levels should be tightly grouped, and they should match the middle range of the landscape, so as players will get the most amount of value out of both, at the same time.

6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

A) A new NPC in the explorer zone (4 votes)
B) Someone in Stormreach (2 votes)
C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest (6 votes)

C - Unlike Tangleroot, Searing Heights doesn't have any quests or a convention established yet, and I think this is the better one to go with for an adventure area that has either very few quests in it, or a couple of quests that are completely unrelated to each other in an overall structure sense (yes, they are related somewhat in story and monster, but they don't build to a raid or capstone experience).

03-07-2008, 11:36 AM
B. Same reasons as above. The dungeon levels should be tightly grouped, and they should match the middle range of the landscape, so as players will get the most amount of value out of both, at the same time.

The only one I really disagree with jwbarry is this one. Searing Heights is much harder than Tangleroot. Someone trying to get into SH will get his ass handed over to him big time when he would do fine in TR, I think that the quest level should reflect that... or the levels receiving XP would be reconsidered. ;)

03-07-2008, 11:50 AM
The only one I really disagree with jwbarry is this one. Searing Heights is much harder than Tangleroot. Someone trying to get into SH will get his ass handed over to him big time when he would do fine in TR, I think that the quest level should reflect that... or the levels receiving XP would be reconsidered. ;)

I think that's more that the difficulty of the landscape needs to be looked at, rather than adjusting the quest to account for a misleveled or misdifficultied landscape isn't the right answer. Fix the base problem, don't adjust the rest of the work in the area to that problem and leave the issue unresolved. Searing Heights should either have its monsters reduced and made friendlier for soloers at the mid level band for the area, or the level band needs to be increased. (As a general note, unless there's a large time crunch, it's usually better to adjust the difficulty than change the level. Level changes experience, in dungeons level changes the favor, and players are used to dungeons being at the level they're at. So you're better off making the dungeon match the level, than making the level match the dungeon. In most cases, lord knows there are always exceptions.)

03-07-2008, 11:52 AM
Ive been lurking here, and I just want to point out that Trogs already have a lot of quests (marketplace and 3-barrel cove). I'd much rather see a Bugbear horde, supported by, say, Gnoll bruisers. They could be attempting a takeover of Tangleroot from the newly restored Ungurz.

My 2 cents.

03-07-2008, 11:58 AM
Searing Heights should either have its monsters reduced and made friendlier for soloers at the mid level band for the area, or the level band needs to be increased. (As a general note, unless there's a large time crunch, it's usually better to adjust the difficulty than change the level. Level changes experience, in dungeons level changes the favor, and players are used to dungeons being at the level they're at. So you're better off making the dungeon match the level, than making the level match the dungeon. In most cases, lord knows there are always exceptions.)

There is no favor for Searing Heights thus far, so that particular issue is off the table.

Having said that, I would advocate for reducing the potency of the monsters. Searing Heights is wicked tough, almost on par with Sorrowdusk.

03-07-2008, 12:00 PM
Fix the base problem, don't adjust the rest of the work in the area to that problem and leave the issue unresolved. Searing Heights should either have its monsters reduced and made friendlier for soloers at the mid level band for the area, or the level band needs to be increased.

I was saying that as I am not you guys, I don't know what you had in mind when making this wilderness area. The feeling I had from both SH and the Proof is in the Poison (both released in 4.2) is that you wanted to add harder stuff for lowbies, kinda The Lowbie quests. However, it wasn't much popular, so starting from that point you have two options:

If you are still happy to have these "badass" areas there, as for a challenge for those who are up for it, well you won"t adjust the said quest. However, it'd be stubborn and stupid to repeat something that wasn't much popular, pretty much a waste of time and money as very few players will enjoy it. So, the clever way to do it is to put (a) quest(s) in the high-end of the level range.

If you feel it is more harmful for the game to have these around like this than leaving them as there currently are, then you'd make a mid-range quest and would adjust the difficulty of the area at the same time as the quest's release (to not harm the quest's popularity).

03-07-2008, 12:01 PM
I'd much rather see a Bugbear horde, supported by, say, Gnoll bruisers

There are no Gnolls in TR...

03-07-2008, 12:06 PM
I think that's more that the difficulty of the landscape needs to be looked at, rather than adjusting the quest to account for a misleveled or misdifficultied landscape isn't the right answer. Fix the base problem, don't adjust the rest of the work in the area to that problem and leave the issue unresolved. Searing Heights should either have its monsters reduced and made friendlier for soloers at the mid level band for the area, or the level band needs to be increased. (As a general note, unless there's a large time crunch, it's usually better to adjust the difficulty than change the level. Level changes experience, in dungeons level changes the favor, and players are used to dungeons being at the level they're at. So you're better off making the dungeon match the level, than making the level match the dungeon. In most cases, lord knows there are always exceptions.)Very interesting. :) and :(

I actually like the Searing Heights difficulty a lot. It's a fun challenge to solo or duo in the L5-7 range, and that's a good thing. And I wouldn't think of bringing a L2 character in there. But, nerfing the monsters down to meet a mislabeled level range saddens me. We have enough low level content and need more midlevel content/areas. This is a perfect midlevel area IF you shift the level range. It has new challenges that you do not encounter at lower levels; Spell Resistance and Energy Resistance. But, lower the monster stats/spells/abilities and you get a watered-down lowbie romp, just like the WW, CH, and TR Gorge. :(

I understand that it's contrary to the process you outlined above, but if the zone was increased to L4-10 (or L4-11 like Sorrowdusk), it would still function as a midlevel adventure zone and hopefully newbies wouldn't be out there dying as much. And since there are currently no quests in the area, there is less currently affected. Only the Wilderness XP would need to be adjusted (and how! Searing Heights gives less XP than TR Gorge, because the Slayer cap stops at 750). But, re-label the zone as L4-10 and convert the XP values to match Sorrowdusk (though, perhaps still stopping at 750 slayer), and you have a very nice little area.

03-07-2008, 01:05 PM
1 C
2 B
3 B
4 D
5 C
6 A

03-07-2008, 01:13 PM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

B) Troglodytes

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

B) Middle (4-5)
3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

B) Someone in the One-Eared Bugbear Tavern

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?
A) Drow

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7)6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

03-07-2008, 01:38 PM
1) A
2) C
3) B
4) A
5) C
6) A

03-07-2008, 01:51 PM
1) A
2) C
3) D
4) C
5) C
6) C

And thank you for the opportunity to put our two cents in!

03-07-2008, 02:35 PM
B. Middle is good because then people coming back to do the quest on elite will still get credit for all the landscape wilderness quests. If it's put at the top end, anyone doing the quest on elite will be outside that band and upset they're not getting advancement and xp.

Except we all know that quests on elite are really meant to be 5 levels hard than normal. So at 9th or 10th you would get wilderness experience anyway. :rolleyes: ;) :D

(But more seriously, this is a good point. Though, I do have to point out that the main tangleroot series spans the entire 2-7 level range of this area. People doing the last part of Tangleroot on elite at the appropriate level are already outside the zone's level range.)

Any other place we've done "bestow on approach" its been used as a consistent mechanic.

This, though, just isn't true.

Gianthold has half bestow-on-approach quests and half get-them-from-someone-in-the-tor quests.

I do think it's the only one like that though.

A - The Sulatar Drow are the entire story of Searing Heights. If you're going to do a quest, it really has to be with them. The quickfoot are all right, but they're low level small potatoes. Rather save them for the harbor and Cerulean Hills, and establish the Sulatar above them in the pecking order of evil. Undead just doesn't really fit so much at all. And oozes, well *shudder*

I strongly suspected Drow to be the front-runner here (which they are), but it seemed antithetical to the spirit of the quest creator for me to just decide that. The other three options were all selected looking at what else is in the zone: quickfoot thieves near the entrance, undead in the southwest corner, and Guck in the northeast.

03-07-2008, 03:53 PM
And so, without further ado, this weeks questions are:

1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

B) Troglodytes

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7)

3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

D) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

A) Drow

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7)

6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

My answers.

03-07-2008, 08:48 PM
I think that's more that the difficulty of the landscape needs to be looked at, rather than adjusting the quest to account for a misleveled or misdifficultied landscape isn't the right answer. Fix the base problem, don't adjust the rest of the work in the area to that problem and leave the issue unresolved. Searing Heights should either have its monsters reduced and made friendlier for soloers at the mid level band for the area, or the level band needs to be increased. (As a general note, unless there's a large time crunch, it's usually better to adjust the difficulty than change the level. Level changes experience, in dungeons level changes the favor, and players are used to dungeons being at the level they're at. So you're better off making the dungeon match the level, than making the level match the dungeon. In most cases, lord knows there are always exceptions.)

I actually think increasing the level band might be the best approach here. There's no favor yet to worry about and the level ranges have a lot of overlap. The Cerulian Hills and WW are open to level 4, and TR has the same level range as Searing Heights. Given the large amount of XP in TR, and popular mid level quests like STK, TR, and Stormcleave, it can be easy to cap if you want to get as much XP as possible and hold off leveling to 8. Increasing the level range to 9 would give us a solo friendly area a little lower than sorrowdusk and give the players a better chance against the monsters. Ataraxia's Haven is still pretty deadly until 9th level or so, so giving people more solo options in the 8- 11 level range strikes me as a very good idea. Especially since that's kind of a slow spot right now. One of the things I really like about the explorer areas is the lack of a power leveling penalty. It makes forming a group a lot easier if you're in an unpopular level range.

03-08-2008, 07:06 PM
#6 (preferably a non-Sulatar drow in the adventure zone wanting help)

03-09-2008, 06:47 PM
Tangleroot Gorge Quest
1) B
2) C
3) D

Searing Heights Quest
4) A
5) B
6) A

03-09-2008, 11:46 PM
Looks like most of the things I voted for are winning :D

If people want to enter a slightly different style of quest creation contest, look at the link in my sig - I'm running one too now. It's totally different in design to this one (quests are designed individually rather than by voting on each individual part).

03-10-2008, 12:21 AM
1) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?

B) Troglodytes

2) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High End (6-7)
3) Tangleroot Gorge Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

B) Someone in the One-Eared Bugbear Tavern

4) Searing Heights Quest - What should the main enemy in this quest be?
A) Drow

5) Searing Heights Quest - What level range should this quest be in with relation to the zone?

C) High end (6-7)6) Searing Heights Quest - Who should bestow this quest?

C) No one; you get it by approaching the entrance of the quest

03-10-2008, 12:20 PM
Part three (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=139406) is posted and voting is open!