View Full Version : Plz Devs how bout some Aussie Loving
03-04-2008, 12:25 AM
First off congrats Devs on the new event tech it seems to be working really well so far, and is awesome to watch the transitions slowly spread across the Marketplace...
My only complaint is the timing, all well and good for our cousins in the USA but for us Aussies (and Kiwis) 9:45pm EST is the middle of the work day so it kinda suxs reading about all the happenings from work and not being able to be involved :(
And please please please never schedule an event for a Sunday as your Sunday night is our Monday afternoon, go for Friday nights or Saturday afternoon/night please...
My suggestion would be to have the same scripted events occur a couple of times a day say every 6 hours until the next event in the sequence occurs, I know the loot *****s out there would never get to sleep :) but would be a lot fairer to those folks that cant be on in prime time...
I know you probably can't do anything about it for this Event but please keep in mind your passionate players that are spread all around the world for the next ones...
Well I am in the US and would love to see something on Aussie time as thats when I mainly play.....
03-04-2008, 12:42 AM
03-04-2008, 01:00 AM
Excellent point Uska, a lot of people I play with are from the US but work nights, have kids, are insomniacs (I'm looking at you Sheelagh :)), etc...
So please Devs think about having events that reoccur more than once in the day...
Cant be hard to script these events from what I've seen so far in the new tech...
Besides we all pay the same to play and should all have a chance at the extra stuff(by stuff I dont mean loot)
03-04-2008, 02:49 AM
I know people are saying 'yeah but it's on all week you'll get a go'
well it might be on all week but it's on during our work days!! every event so far has happened when we're all at work!
so sure there are events every day but they're all at times we can't participate.
please, at least on Khyber server, run a few events in the aussie evenings so we get a chance to enjoy the fun!
I know people are saying 'yeah but it's on all week you'll get a go'
well it might be on all week but it's on during our work days!! every event so far has happened when we're all at work!
so sure there are events every day but they're all at times we can't participate.
please, at least on Khyber server, run a few events in the aussie evenings so we get a chance to enjoy the fun!
03-04-2008, 03:27 AM
I always try to schedule my DDO time so I'm on with the Aussies.
They're terrible at cricket and rugby - but amongst the absolute best when it comes to DDO.
Stele - UK
03-04-2008, 03:53 AM
Someone from the UK commenting on how good another cricket team is?
But please, more events through the day, not just at the US night timeslot.
03-04-2008, 04:32 AM
Lol fair comment :o
03-04-2008, 04:57 AM
Seriously, we're begging you here...
This event chain is being run at 2pm in our afternoon which is when most people would be at work. It also affects a significant number of US players who run off different schedules to the norm.
To start with, a Sunday is a bad time to run anything, and it also falls on our Aussie Monday. I know the 'main' end event will fall on a Saturday (our Sunday) and kudos for that. but please set scripted style events to run on a 6 hour cycle or shorter.
The game is marketed here and while we know that revenue wise we represent an insignificant portion of your market we would appreciate it if you woul d give us a go at the events too
03-04-2008, 05:21 AM
I agree, please run an extra event in the morning (6/7am GMT-5) for Oceania, Asia and Off-Peak US players.
Someone has to come in early when the game gets brought down for server maintenance/patches, so why can't someone come in early to run the events?
03-04-2008, 05:44 AM
You know I jumped on at about 3pm or a bit before today, and just got the event message.
Was the event today with the hole opening up very short or something? On Sunday it went for much longer
03-04-2008, 06:38 AM
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few said a wise space elf.
Therefore we australians should just live with it.
03-04-2008, 06:51 AM
Yeah, and while your at it, lets start a campaign to look at down times for Aussie players.... OR dedicate a server to Oceania time zoned players..... It would be seriously good for some shift workers in the US and down here.....That way we could plan and build characters on servers according to downtime....... PLEASE DEV's?? PLEASE?
03-04-2008, 07:14 AM
/signed for us east coast USA folks it's still too late at night... I was up until 11:15 last night and have to work at 4 AM. Didn't see a single devil or demon or anything... just a big sphincter in the sky.
03-04-2008, 10:04 AM
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few said a wise space elf.
Therefore we australians should just live with it.
This makes absolutely no sense, since they could just trigger the event to run at two times...
03-04-2008, 10:09 AM
there are people active on the servers 24hrs a day, it might be a USA based game, but people play on the USA servers from all over the world... personally I am in the UK and would have loved to have seen the events staggered throughout the day so that everyone who plays no matter what time they work or manage to get online had a chance to join in the fun. I had to give up on sunday night and go to bed because I had to be up at 7am and the event was at 2.45am for me, but last night I stuck it out and it was fun, but I was about asleep on the keyboard mid way through.
03-04-2008, 06:42 PM
bumping back to the front page
03-04-2008, 06:50 PM
/signed help the Aussies & Kiwis out!
They love the game as much as we do.
03-04-2008, 07:00 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing some special event-related activity during different times of the day/week. There's always SOMEONE on, it's not like the devils would rampage unchecked through the market for hours on end. And besides, they're supposed to be fiendishly clever. They should be trying to catch us off guard ;)
03-04-2008, 09:22 PM
/Signed 100 times over, even if it just on Khyber where i think (could be very wrong on this point) the majority of Aussie/Kiwi players are.
I'm sure that Turbine would be able to run some sort of report that would tell them where people are and what server they have characters on, so that they could schedule outages/live events etc around the peak times for that Time Zone.
03-04-2008, 09:42 PM
I know at least 1 other server has a decent Aussie presence so let's not focus on Khyber too much.
Having the event run run multiple times a day would be nice though, it's not like this is a common event.
Kudos for the Saturday night ending though (=12:30 on Sunday afternoon for east coast Australia)
03-05-2008, 12:49 AM
/Signed and /Signed again
I'd love to be a part of events rather than read about them or see videos of them on you-tube.
Bring it on for a Saturday night event for the US and an all day Sunday for Aussies and Kiwis!
I want to see them Devils and other stuff kill us all!
03-05-2008, 01:25 AM
I waited 30 mins in the market last night (after being told to come back tomorrow again) ~8pm [GMT +9].
A portal spawned and a few minutes later a handful of devils appeared.
As it was 2-3 players per devil, they did not last long enough for a fighter to run up and hit one.
Nothing dropped, the portal faded, event over.
There was two market instances (so lots of off-peakers online), first time I have ever seen more than one (apart from Sunday when there was up to 20).
This shows you have our attention Turbine, but are you going to keep it?
Couldn't the spawn rate be tied to the current population of the instance? [as well as the timer it appears to be on]
You must have this info (in prod) in order to know when another instance is required.
03-06-2008, 07:50 AM
I see Glin asking for some feedback on the events, how about giving the non US players some feedback on what DDO is going to do to support the players that support the game, the servers would be a very lonely place without the aussies and kiwis during the wee hours in the US...
I understand you have to schedule downtimes for when all hands are on deck but surely a live event can't take that many people to run and can't be that hard to do more than once per day...
03-06-2008, 07:39 PM
is there a reason the devs can't even give us an answer as to why they can't schedule some stuff during aussie peak times?
03-06-2008, 08:08 PM
The main event is on Sunday 12.30pm Australia (melbourne) time. We should all be happy that they set this event time as we get to participate.
For more details go here:
03-06-2008, 09:05 PM
I play on Khyber and would love to see something on aussie peak time.
03-10-2008, 03:23 AM
Show me the daytime goodness!
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