View Full Version : Raid Guilds

03-03-2008, 05:03 AM
Hello all, (I am tired) so to get straight to the point i am curious to see how many actual raid guilds are on our server. And this is totally by my own standards here what i consider raiding is doing any combination of a minimum of 7 successful raids a week (excluding reavers) with all guildies no taking pugs with the only exceptions being someone who is being recruited or something. And feel free to offer your opinions on what is actually considered to be the minimum for a real raid guild as im tired and put a whole minute or two at most into this post. thanks

03-03-2008, 06:28 AM
I think you'll find that the raid loot mechanic change drove a lot of behavior changes in game. Ten to fifteen a week was typical - and now, there's simply not as much reason to wait and little reason to worry about raid loot distribution. I was never confortable explaining to non-guildies our DKP based system and how quite often it would end up heavily skewed against them getting an item the first and/or only time they ran with us.

I suppose your definition is as good as any. And, we used to exceed that criteria - just not currently - mostly because it's not really necessary to get things done that way anymore.

03-03-2008, 07:12 AM
you can try talking to cataclysm, they still raid together. but yeah, as rio said the raid loot system changing really changed raiding for a lot of guilds, ours included.

03-03-2008, 01:37 PM
Cataclysm is still actively Raiding over 20 times a week (including Reavers).

Recently, we have been putting most of our Focus on the Shroud and our crafting, but this week begins our renewed push on the Abbott.

We always manage to squeeze in several Titan and Queen Raids a week with the Dragon limping in as well.

Since most people despise running the VoNs, we have instituted our "Dragon Races" event that we run every couple weeks. Basically, we fill a Raid Group, then assign 2 team captains who pick teams ala grade school kickball. 1st team done with VoNs 1-4 and succesfully entered into Von 5 wins. Losing Team must complete VoN 5 and 6 naked. :)

For us, Raiding is not so much about getting the items, especially since most of the items are outdated at this point. Sure, there are still some unique drops that are without compare, but for the most part, even the need to Raid for +2 tomes has been negated by the droprate in the Vale.

Its about getting a bunch of friend's together and smashing the heck out of a dungeon, mixed with a bit of smacktardedness and a pinch of booze. (Maybe more than a pinch ;) )

Also, be on the lookout for our Nek'd Vorpal TS runs in the LFM (As featured in the DDO Podcast). Its really the only Raid we actually ever PuG, but it is also guaranteed to be a blast for all involved. We are currently toying with the idea of an all WooWoo Stick (Dreamspitter for the uneducated :) ) TS and a Hobo version where you not only enter naked, but stripped bare of all items and weapons.... relying on whatever the chests drop for the party in order to beat down Sorjek.

03-03-2008, 09:41 PM
you can try talking to cataclysm, they still raid together. but yeah, as rio said the raid loot system changing really changed raiding for a lot of guilds, ours included.

Hiya Hannika :)

So, I am curious....how did the raid loot system change the raids for your guild?

03-03-2008, 10:11 PM
That's easy - we ran everything internally - whether we had 2 or 12 players in the raid. With the change, it was beneficial to have ANY other player in the raid, even ones that didn't necessarily contribute to completion. (bit of the - somebody might as well benefit from the free chance for equipment). Frankly, most DKP systems wouldn't be perceived as very friendly to puggers - this pretty much ended that - just wasn't any need anymore.

There were a few other things that impacted it, of course. Lot of benefits to running things internally - most of our players could lead the raids if needed. These days, there's a lot of quality differences in the players that make it into the raids.

Just to add something. This doesn't mean we've stopped raiding - we still think of ourselves as a raiding guild - however, what we end up doing mostly doesnt meet the OP's criteria. My own personal raid count, for example, is over 400 on all characters - many of my guildies are at a similar quantity - the majority of the raids are NOT Reavers.

03-03-2008, 10:27 PM
Ah, I see. We still run just about everything internally. We still use a DKP system as well. We have a few non-guild people who run raids with us on a semi-regular basis. They earn DKP's as well. Of course, we mostly just keep it in house.

03-04-2008, 01:10 AM
Yep our days of 20+ guild raids weekly are gone. One reason is probably due to the new raid system and the 20 count just being get in as many raids as possible through pugs or whatever so some members still raid a lot. Also running that many lots of us got most of what we would ever want out of there hehe. While I still love when we get an entire guild raid together and just go for a hoot it happens less and less except shroud runs.

03-04-2008, 08:50 AM
*Looks at his friends from his old guild talking to his friends from his new guild, then Head explodes* *Just before his head explodes he squeaks out* "DOH!!! Cataclysm uses the DKP system?! *Quickly tries to hide his posts with tekn0 about how much he does not like the DKP system, but head explodes*

03-04-2008, 08:54 AM
Besides The Shroud and Reaver most of us would rather run vale quests for +2 tomes these days. Seems like that's about all I have done in the last 4 weeks.

03-04-2008, 08:55 AM
Besides The Shroud and Reaver most of us would rather run vale quests for +2 tomes these days. Seems like that's about all I have done in the last 4 weeks.

Yeah and it is painful because of the lack of selection of Quests this Mod.. *To me it still feel too small for the amount of time they put in compared to other mods*

03-16-2008, 02:53 AM

I miss you guys :(

03-16-2008, 12:32 PM

I miss you guys :(

Nub go back to your own server forums!11!! :D

03-16-2008, 12:44 PM

I miss you guys :(


03-16-2008, 03:48 PM

:p *flex* :p