03-02-2008, 11:14 AM
With so many thoughts opined in these forums as to the relative importance of different developmental aspects in the gme....well...it gets a bit confusing, even to the point where I read both points of veiw and completely agree with both of them.....this has cost me many a night sleep and with my shrinks go ahead, I am about to embark on the only important development issues. This will save the DEVS much time as they need now only come here to find What I want in this game....as I am the only true player. (The rest of the world only exsist because I exsist...pay great heed my friends)
1) Free 32 pt builds.....this is the most important as all other ideas are based on this. There was point I was willing to pay for this, however with all the free advice I have given the DEVs ...c'mon, thats 1750 favor there. 32v28 will change me from a poor pathetic player into the uber skilled player I know I could be if you would just give me the chance.
Time n cost to implement: Doesn't matter, xynxie wants it
2) Starting models need to be modifed for Dwarves. Dwarves are nerfed in this game....cause they are ugly....sure they are uber stat wise(32 pt only)....but if I can't get em to lose a lil weight I won't be able to see the mobs for the huge hind end in front of me. *shrink thinks this is an ex wife related issue...yeah....and I still pay him*
Time n cost to implement: Negligible, xynxie wants it
3) Walk on water/Float feat, shortened could be called the Xynxie Feat. Lets face it, running around the gorge in TR and not being able to fight in water is boring and frustrating at the same time. Aggrevates my bi polar disorder and may lead to further actions.
Time n cost to implement: Probably cheaper than the lawsuit my shrink/lawyer talks about.
4) New content......erm....stop with that. I haven't played long enough to get done with the old stuff and I am tired of folks not being able to have fun with me at that level. This can be easily rectified by deleting everyone elses toons on Sarlona server that are over level.....lets say....1. Don't worry players...I got ya 32 pt builds and I will open Goodblades on elite for ya. This will give the DEVS plenty of time to work on the ladder hitch thingy.
Time n cost to implement: I give ya time on this one cause ladders are hard...but messing with folks gaming experience: priceless
5) Elite Trap DCs....erm...I am a fighter/pally....where do you expect me to stick a rogue level...and lose BAB. I play solo but it isn' fair that I shouldn't be able to do elite quest for the loot/XP...don't need favor...already gave me a 32 pt build...and eventually you will give me all buff favor...but I am in no hurry( Put it tommorrows to do list). Fighters should be given all rogue skills to make up for this as a class feat. Shouldn't be free though...maybe give up heavy armor prof ause the future Holy aura armor class feat will let us run around in dresses anyway with AC 81.
Time n cost to implement: why would you ask if you know xynxie wants it.
Now some folks may flame these ideas as either short sighted or dumbing down the game....some may consider it whining and others...the true players...will tottally agree with me. However...THIS POST IS A DEV CHECKSHEET. Gives them goals.
I don't know a thing about building and maintaining a MMO but how hard can it be? Right click it...change what is needed...save as...and bing your done. I do know that I am 43 years old and I get what I want....and I want more cake.
Thats 5 thi
1) Free 32 pt builds.....this is the most important as all other ideas are based on this. There was point I was willing to pay for this, however with all the free advice I have given the DEVs ...c'mon, thats 1750 favor there. 32v28 will change me from a poor pathetic player into the uber skilled player I know I could be if you would just give me the chance.
Time n cost to implement: Doesn't matter, xynxie wants it
2) Starting models need to be modifed for Dwarves. Dwarves are nerfed in this game....cause they are ugly....sure they are uber stat wise(32 pt only)....but if I can't get em to lose a lil weight I won't be able to see the mobs for the huge hind end in front of me. *shrink thinks this is an ex wife related issue...yeah....and I still pay him*
Time n cost to implement: Negligible, xynxie wants it
3) Walk on water/Float feat, shortened could be called the Xynxie Feat. Lets face it, running around the gorge in TR and not being able to fight in water is boring and frustrating at the same time. Aggrevates my bi polar disorder and may lead to further actions.
Time n cost to implement: Probably cheaper than the lawsuit my shrink/lawyer talks about.
4) New content......erm....stop with that. I haven't played long enough to get done with the old stuff and I am tired of folks not being able to have fun with me at that level. This can be easily rectified by deleting everyone elses toons on Sarlona server that are over level.....lets say....1. Don't worry players...I got ya 32 pt builds and I will open Goodblades on elite for ya. This will give the DEVS plenty of time to work on the ladder hitch thingy.
Time n cost to implement: I give ya time on this one cause ladders are hard...but messing with folks gaming experience: priceless
5) Elite Trap DCs....erm...I am a fighter/pally....where do you expect me to stick a rogue level...and lose BAB. I play solo but it isn' fair that I shouldn't be able to do elite quest for the loot/XP...don't need favor...already gave me a 32 pt build...and eventually you will give me all buff favor...but I am in no hurry( Put it tommorrows to do list). Fighters should be given all rogue skills to make up for this as a class feat. Shouldn't be free though...maybe give up heavy armor prof ause the future Holy aura armor class feat will let us run around in dresses anyway with AC 81.
Time n cost to implement: why would you ask if you know xynxie wants it.
Now some folks may flame these ideas as either short sighted or dumbing down the game....some may consider it whining and others...the true players...will tottally agree with me. However...THIS POST IS A DEV CHECKSHEET. Gives them goals.
I don't know a thing about building and maintaining a MMO but how hard can it be? Right click it...change what is needed...save as...and bing your done. I do know that I am 43 years old and I get what I want....and I want more cake.
Thats 5 thi