View Full Version : Crafted Weapons and Items Rumors Debunked

02-22-2008, 07:58 AM
This is a place to post rumors that are untrue about Green Steel items and weaponry. I will start.

Rumor:Green steel items with the unholy attribute give no negative levels for equipping on good characters.
Truth:Good characters receive 1 negative level for equipping an unholy green steel weapon.

02-22-2008, 12:09 PM
To avoid any confusion, I'll give a format like ...

RUMOR: Green steel weapons that have the Good or Evil Burst on them can only be used by good or evil aligned characters.
TRUTH: Good and Evil burst on Green Steel weapons have no alignment requirements.

RUMOR: All green steel effects stack.
TRUTH: Some do, some don't. Some say in the description they will stack. Regen and AC's do NOT stack.

RUMOR: You can get Charisma(any other stat) bonus on any item
TRUTH: You can only get Stat bonuses on weapons. Bonuses on non-weapons are bonuses to skills affected by the stat. The execption is the Pos/Neg combo with gives +4 WIS on a non-weapon.

02-22-2008, 12:32 PM
RUMOR: Green steel weapons add an extra d6 damage.
TRUTH: Green steel weapons bump the type of dice used for damage up (e.g., a d6 to a d8).

02-25-2008, 02:32 PM
Let me see if I have this right:

If I make a weapon unholy on the first upgrade, a good-aligned character will have a negative level wielding it.

If I make a weapon with good or evil burst on the second upgrade, a character of any alignment can use it.

02-25-2008, 03:47 PM
Rumor: Vinos will craft an item soon
Truth: Vinos has alt-itis can't can't get a character above level 7(deleted my capped ones soI could concentrate on my alt-itis)

03-04-2008, 05:53 PM
This thread kind of died but comes as close as I could find to answering my question without doing it. :rolleyes:

With the alignment based enhancements good, good burst, evil, evil burst etc etc ect....

These do not actually carry an alignment restriction?

I am looking to either create a weapon following the good or possibly evil line of enhancements but don't want to go down a path that is going to useless to my True Neutral character. Any insight into this?

03-05-2008, 10:06 AM
Rumor: Green Steel items must be "Bound and Attuned" using the Stone of Change before upgrading.
Truth: Green Steel items are 'bind on equip' or 'bind on upgrade'. You can upgrade them at the Altar of Invasion without attuning them first.

03-05-2008, 10:07 AM
This thread kind of died but comes as close as I could find to answering my question without doing it. :rolleyes:

With the alignment based enhancements good, good burst, evil, evil burst etc etc ect....

These do not actually carry an alignment restriction?

I am looking to either create a weapon following the good or possibly evil line of enhancements but don't want to go down a path that is going to useless to my True Neutral character. Any insight into this?

If you are true neutral you will NEVER have to worry about getting a negative level from an opposing alignment weapon.

03-05-2008, 12:47 PM
If you are true neutral you will NEVER have to worry about getting a negative level from an opposing alignment weapon.

I realize that from weapons with affects such as Axiomatic, Anarchic, Holy, and possibly Evil. What I am interested in is the alignment enhancements that appear like Pure Good, Or True Law and the such. Currently if I could get past the UMD i wouldn't have a neg level but to wield/equip I have to UMD it or not use it. Since UMD on this particular character has not been a focus will this affect me when building a Pure good/Evil or any other pure alignment Green Steel weapon.

03-05-2008, 01:15 PM
I realize that from weapons with affects such as Axiomatic, Anarchic, Holy, and possibly Evil. What I am interested in is the alignment enhancements that appear like Pure Good, Or True Law and the such. Currently if I could get past the UMD i wouldn't have a neg level but to wield/equip I have to UMD it or not use it. Since UMD on this particular character has not been a focus will this affect me when building a Pure good/Evil or any other pure alignment Green Steel weapon.

It does not appear that Good Burst, Evil Burst, Good Blast or Evil Blast require an alignment to wield them on Green Steel raid weapons. It appears that a neutral character may equip them with no UMD check. I see no UMD requirement on them.

03-05-2008, 02:14 PM
Sweetness, hehehe, looks like I will finally get my heart seaker. :D Just wish the slay living effect on the evil side were a bit more effective but an instakill one shot with 4 arrows streaming through a huge mob is going to be.....well lets just say fun to watch. :eek: