View Full Version : Champion the Elven Cause

02-18-2008, 10:06 AM
Since my First days of Pnp I have been a elf of one sub-race or another with drow being my favored for the role play challenge(also I am a arrogent,egomanical,vain, prideful, SOB just like any proper elf;)) and playing such only earned me high favor in the rp dept. Since my first days on DDO I have devoted myself to trying to create an elven character who not only was as effective in battle as any dwarf of walking toaster oven.I have seen many post by fellow elves commenting, beseeching, and crying out at the many clear advantages Dwarves especially seemed to possess over the Fair Folk. Now I actually love from an RP point to be an elf with a dwarf buddy to do such classic things as play who is the better killer and though its hard Ive never truly felt outright outclassed by my short buddies yet their awesome battle powers seem to come with no need for real thought or skill while I must never so much as blink to keep my edge and stay alive. Once more I start a fresh elf(Drow because ive yet to unlock 32 pnt options to make a strong high elf, as well as thier focus in rapier and short sword over rapier and long sword was ideal for my build plan) and will attempt to craft a warrior based on agility and skill over simple armor and heavy clumsy axes. My plan is atm a 6/6/4 ranger rogue fighter who will at lvl 16 possess at least a 34 dex( this does not include more then a +5 dex item and no tome so I will have abit of potential even then to grow more) and scores of 12-20 in all other stats. With this extreme Dex I will be wearing only robes(this is actually a potential advantage many Elves who end up in +5 mithril never considered becasue robes can be quick changed allowing for greater versitility)Many of the Items I see as needed from Static rewards will be fairly easy for me to aquire during casual play(My hard corp playing only comes in rare burst), the one I see the most trouble aquiring will be the Ring of Balance from the token exchange for the invaders quest. As a recent returnee to the city I lack any friends or allies so I expect some possible trouble in getting effective teams for certain unpopular,long, or challenging quest. I call upon all my elven kin on Ghallanda( as well as any old friends from fernia who may remember robe wearing ftr elves cus ive tried like 5 variations of light armored and unarmored extreme dex all are now considered prototypes for this current character) who may have felt some lack in our kinds standing as mighty warriors to add me( Leafon the Whirl Wind) to thier friends list. Any and all help will be appreciated in any form it may take be it teams, hand me down items, even letting a lowbie sit in on a high lvl favor run just to help me get near getting my +2 dex tome faster. I ask not for me but for the Pride of our people for I seek to champion the cause of Innate Elven Superiority. Before I end this I should fully explain the reason for my class choices. 1> ranger gives a nice mix of innate archer skills which though will not be my focus I feel it is imperative even drow elves be competent archers.2> twin weapon style with rapier and short sword is both classical and logical for an elf fighter.3> I will be one of many crying to the Dms to let us have multiple class specialties( tempest from ranger, and thief acrobat from rogue would be a fitting,logical, and definatly doable combo of enhancments)My current AC expectation if I can manage all the statics should be at least 40 with two weapon style( not including super strong buff spells, or more then +2 natural and deflection bonuses from items). From one of my other attempts(a 5/5 ranger rogue high elf) Ive seen alot of effectiveness and though he had not been in a successful dragon raid the 3 times he did get to swing on the big red he was the last to die in large part due to his evasion, high dex, ability to switch into things like a robe of winter to help dull the breath when it did hit,and that his dps was probably only 70% of the dwarves kept him as the last one standing every time the party wiped. So I believe that this latest and possibly Final attempt I make could prove to be the Elf who will not be looked down upon in battle by his dwarven buddies.

02-19-2008, 09:09 AM
Ive recieved some interest and questions in the form of in game mail and would like to try and answer them with a general reply as well as let my elfkin know how my progress is going. First the most common question of how well can I really expect to deal damage compared to super strong dwarf barbarians.
This requires a layered answer, first I dont reall expect to out damage them out right easily. Ill rely often on wounding and weakening weapons when in party or dealing with foes with high regen or extreme strength which weakening can prove much more effective against say a pack of elite fire giants as heavy debuff against thier great dmg. Also a major reason for being so many lvls of rogue aside from hoping to have dual specialties at some point, is a high UMD skill. As I mentioned virtually every character I have made has attempted the path of the finnesse fighter and as such, my personal hoarde of weapons and equipment is pretty impressive up to the lvl 10 range( Id quit the game way back at the first lvl increase, and been watching the updates waiting for a respectable lvl cap).Remember umd restricted items also have higher enchantments for thier lvl req allowing umd masters to pack slightly stronger weapons( Leafon at lvl 4 is carrying a +4 adamantine short sword warforged req, and has for his work in the WW carried a +1 flaming rapier of lesser reptilian bane dwarf req). I still will be taking feats like weapon spec peircing with my ftr levels to help personal dps, and carry as many weapons for the right job as one can hope to be prepared for any eventuality.
Now for an answer to a second less friendly major question, NO the point of this post is not me trying to beg for help twinking if you have an item you think I may be able to put to good use send me an in game letter asking me if I could find it useful, as I said Ive a good hoarde of gear up through the lvl 10 range most Items I may need help with aquiring through some of the tougher quest static or chest rewards which bind for the most part. Some have even sent me items without asking which though appreciated I returned to sender as they where akin to things I already had. Also an item has come to my attention a new top tier one which I fear will take help to aquire.
The White dragon robe I found mentioned on DDO wiki and although I am not sure on the rarity or value of the white dragon scales needed if any have them to spare and can tell me a fair price for them I can at least begin working on saving up for them or perhaps find something in my modest hoarde to trade for a few. This robe will clearly become a new Deciding factor in how much armor class a super dex elf warrior can achieve. I can clear about 15k plat a weak in loot runs with my old characters so having a goal to save up for or nickel and diming for the scales while I earn up my lvl is fine with me. I do tend to spend my coin freely when I lack a clear goal so please let me know what you need Jink wise for a scale or two and Ill happily mail it to you when I get it earned up. I hope that at least clears up a few points and for those viewing this post please do post any thoughts at all that you may have about my goal to become the champion of all elfdom. Finally a quick detailing of how my progress is going, I reached lvl 4 after a combo of solo and pugs around the harbor ran ww on normal and hard and can happily say the elf with two swords in a "red dress" as the dwarf kept calling me did a pretty good job of keeping up a kill count along side the dwarf pal and dwarf barb, except in one mish where I was being distracted in RL alot. I also Soloed WW through normal at lvl 4 just to test myself and did quite well I even did part 4 on hard alone as a final test and performed quite well with my combination of Umd req weapons and my diverse collection of items including such as a robe with charges of haste, my red robe of invulnerability was better then any armor agaisnt all but the ogres and oozes who hit very hard and do acid damage respectivly. my robe of winter stopped the fire bomb throwers cold, and my ring of shield and necklace of mage armor gave my the extra protection needed for the big groups with shamans launching mm. Virtually all the gear I mention has more charges then usual for thier lvl due to umd reqs;) making heavy use of umd is essential to prove the strength of this build I feel as well as from an rp point elves should have tons of magic tricks even if possessing no primary caster class. Remember this is about making a Elf warrior who is not easily outshined by dwarfs while still carrying on the proper nature of elfdom from an rp viewpoint. May the Trees always shelter you from the rain and shade you from the sun, all the mortals prepare for the time of Elfdom has come.

02-19-2008, 09:13 AM
EEEEK!!! theres this thing called PARAGRAPHS makes it a lot easier to read (my eyes they hurt!)

02-19-2008, 09:14 AM
The enter Key is your Friend.

02-19-2008, 09:15 AM
Pff some elf you be everyone knows elven grammar lacks the human concept of paragraphs due to keen elven sight and thier innate ability to speed read.

02-19-2008, 09:19 AM
One little tool I would find invaluable if anyone has one laying around is a simple robe of command(as in +2 to chr skills) to help my umd until lvl 7 and the golden cartouche becomes an option. Im happy to pay some jink just send me a tell or letter in game first so I dont get like 5 sent to me at once lol.(upate) Aquired command robe finally Thanks go to the several who offered.

02-20-2008, 09:43 AM
Special thanks go out to one mighty War forged named MadMachine who in the name of devotion to the Elves that created his race allowed me to tag along on a invaders run to earn a few tokens ahead of time. His contribution to the cause will not be forgotton. As well as to Sylva who tagged along with me in the last run I did of WW(see below) and who is now my good loot charm.

Well Leafon has reached lvl 5 after one very long day of having to go through WW 9 forsaken times to get my widows bracers(my dex is already 24 and will be increasing by at least 2 more points soon so already in robes).I may even take favored enemy reptiles at 6th lvl ranger just for rp purposes at this point LOL. My speed and tenacity have continued to keep my Kill count on par with every strength warrior ive pugged with, its mosty the Fire Sorcerers with Fire wall and flame sphere who are my major kill competition atm lol but they tend to be drow so more power to them, just wish they where not always yelling drag them back into my fire wall( as if im just going to give them the kills).

Also I have recieved a few questions asking me if I know a place to hunt for SUN BLADES being a finnesse junkie. Though I have never pulled one nor seen one pulled, I do have a tip about them. I have met 2 men in my travels who carried the highly sought (and far to rare) sword and both told me the same thing. That they pulled it on elite in the end chest of the Grey Moon quest chain, you know the chest on the top of the rock spire where the Cult Leader awaits. So if any lvl 16 drow pallies feeling bored go elite solo grind that chain to death maybe if you get a few extra (shiiiyyyyaaa right but we can pray) send one along my way in thanks for the tip lol.

Well thanks for the continued interest and aid from the few True Elfs and Elf Friends out there who hear my words and understand the cause I champion. In the end its not about just the numbers its about the Style and Pride of our people.

Run with the Wind, Fear none who have sinned, Innate Elven Superiority Will always Win( Quote of Zallak, Way of the Last Elf Standing).