View Full Version : Very underwhelmed....

02-13-2008, 01:12 AM
So I was thinking to myself, wouldnt it be great to make my clerics an upgrade to the superior potency 6 item i am using, even if all it was, was a devotion upgrade to improve my healing.

Well after 30+ runs of the Shroud I was finally able to acquire all of the items I needed (with a little guild help and some help from KaTet on Ghallanda) to make this improved scepter.

Now realize it has only been upgraded twice, but seriously, this is so underpowered, I do not even know why I bothered to be honest. Dont take my word for it though.... take a look at it.


Needless to say, if this is all that I have to look forward to is for it to be upgraded to a Superior Devotion 6 scepter, well Turbine can keep this crafting.

IMO it should have started as Improved Devotion 6 (like it did) then went to Greater Devotion 7 (well 1 out of 2 does not count for anything) and the third upgrade should be Superior Devotion 8.

I know before some of the others get on here, it would be way overpowered for clerics to be able to use their healing spells to great effect...... :rolleyes:

02-13-2008, 01:21 AM
I agree with you 100%. The spell enhancers for new raid loot are ****-tastic. I mean, really, 3 tiers for superior 6? I've pulled 4(!) superior 6 one-handers so far just farming materials to make something! /boggle

02-13-2008, 01:28 AM
Man that scepter is just sad! Is there a good wiz/sorc version of this item or would it be crappy as well?

02-13-2008, 01:29 AM
I agree with you 100%. The spell enhancers for new raid loot are ****-tastic. I mean, really, 3 tiers for superior 6? I've pulled 4(!) superior 6 one-handers so far just farming materials to make something! /boggle

The irony is I have a superior potency 6 item...... You cant even craft one as far as we know.

02-13-2008, 01:50 AM
That's a sorry site.

02-13-2008, 07:09 AM
Sorry it worked out that way.
Bloucross (who still owes you one).

02-13-2008, 07:27 AM
IMO it should have started as Improved Devotion 6 (like it did) then went to Greater Devotion 7 (well 1 out of 2 does not count for anything) and the third upgrade should be Superior Devotion 8.

Agreed there.

02-13-2008, 10:33 AM
IMO it should have started as Improved Devotion 6 (like it did) then went to Greater Devotion 7 (well 1 out of 2 does not count for anything) and the third upgrade should be Superior Devotion 8.Even then, each forging replaces the previous one. For other upgrades known (with the exception of Heightened Awareness2), tier2 stacks with tier1 for a better bonus. The spell boost items are severely lacking. Even in combination with other tier1 effects, say WIS+6 then GrDev6, it's still less than what is regularly found in random loot. :(

02-15-2008, 11:56 AM
Yeah ... lackluster to say the least. When I saw the Improved 6 ... I too was hoping it went to Greater 7 and Superior 8 ...

As it stands now, I dont think there is a single thing I can make in this raid for my cleric or my sorc that would be an upgrade (or even equal to) what they already have.

I sure can make some spiffy things for my melee characters though.

02-15-2008, 12:06 PM
Just another knife inthe back of Clerics if ya ask me.... SHeesh, the Sceter/Mace from Invaders is better!

Maybe we havent found the right recipie.. Maybe Turbine truely hates clerics....

Just seems stupid to have any of the raid loot do only VI though when the Cap brought us up to L8 Spells....

02-15-2008, 02:21 PM
Just another knife inthe back of Clerics if ya ask me.... SHeesh, the Sceter/Mace from Invaders is better!

Maybe we havent found the right recipie.. Maybe Turbine truely hates clerics....

Just seems stupid to have any of the raid loot do only VI though when the Cap brought us up to L8 Spells....

Especially when Superior Potency 6 are so common now.

02-15-2008, 02:26 PM
Just another knife inthe back of Clerics if ya ask me.... SHeesh, the Sceter/Mace from Invaders is better!

Maybe we havent found the right recipie.. Maybe Turbine truely hates clerics....

Just seems stupid to have any of the raid loot do only VI though when the Cap brought us up to L8 Spells....

Thats what I thought too. Why give us effects that were on raid loot a year ago. Why give us level 6 when we have level 8.

The only hope is they add lots, lots, LOTS more.

02-15-2008, 02:31 PM
Maybe we havent found the right recipie..

I dunno, the sheer possibilities for Goggles makes my cleric drool a bit.

I mean:


300 spell points
+5 to charisma skills (UMD, Diplomacy, Haggle)
+1 to intelligence skills (mostly just to get the balance bonuses)
+4 wisdom
+10 diplomacy
+10 haggle

plus a potentially even better third tier ability...

That's a pretty good set of goggles.

And given that wisdom is the only stat bonus that shows up on items (rather than weapons) I think it's kind of hard to argue cleric-hate.

02-15-2008, 02:59 PM
And given that wisdom is the only stat bonus that shows up on items (rather than weapons) I think it's kind of hard to argue cleric-hate.

Not really, what sane cleric would walk around with a +4 Wisdom item? Now, if either Positive or Neagtive would allow Exceprional Wisdom on a weapon, I'd agree. But right now, nah.

02-15-2008, 03:04 PM
Not really, what sane cleric would walk around with a +4 Wisdom item? Now, if either Positive or Neagtive would allow Exceprional Wisdom on a weapon, I'd agree. But right now, nah.earth's not enough?

02-15-2008, 03:05 PM
Not really, what sane cleric would walk around with a +4 Wisdom item? Now, if either Positive or Neagtive would allow Exceprional Wisdom on a weapon, I'd agree. But right now, nah.

wisdom aside the 300 spell points and charisma modifiers are cleric worthy considering the slots it can be obtained on.

02-15-2008, 03:06 PM
Not really, what sane cleric would walk around with a +4 Wisdom item?

I'm actually strongly considering it, if it opens up a whole 'nother item slot.

Given that I can pick up another point from enhancements and add that to my 16th level point to end up with the same bonus I have now when I drop down from the item, I'm experimenting to see how well I'm doing with things now.

02-15-2008, 03:13 PM
I may be wrong, but couldnt you go WEE for +6 wisdom/ -DE for Greater Null 6/ +DE for Superior Dev 6?

02-15-2008, 03:21 PM
I may be wrong, but couldnt you go WEE for +6 wisdom/ -DE for Greater Null 6/ +DE for Superior Dev 6?

On a weapon, probably. (The third tier is untested.)

On an item, that gives different stuff.

02-15-2008, 03:25 PM
Sorry for not clarifying, I meant it towards Cow's scepter.

02-15-2008, 03:27 PM
Sorry for not clarifying, I meant it towards Cow's scepter.

Oh, well, it's too late for him to change that now.

(Recipes are apparently locked in once you do them. No take-backs. ;))

02-15-2008, 03:43 PM
I'm actually strongly considering it, if it opens up a whole 'nother item slot.

Given that I can pick up another point from enhancements and add that to my 16th level point to end up with the same bonus I have now when I drop down from the item, I'm experimenting to see how well I'm doing with things now.

Thing is: +9 Wisdom weapon

Really, +4 won't cut it.

02-15-2008, 03:57 PM
Thing is: +9 Wisdom weapon

Really, +4 won't cut it.

Yeah, I'm probably not going to go with a stat item as a weapon.

Personal preference.

(Or who knows, maybe I'll make one too and only bust it out when I need those +2 extra to the DC.)

02-15-2008, 04:16 PM
Yeah, I'm probably not going to go with a stat item as a weapon.


Healing lore on Gloves (or anything if we can clean our Shavarth items)
Superior Potency VI in left hand
+9 Wisdom Scepter in right hand
SP item probably in goggles
And you probbly already have Blue Scales by the content of your previous posts

Unless you feel like having a shield, I don,t see why you'd not want a +9 stat item.

02-15-2008, 04:52 PM
I really like the new crafting system... every build can make an item that benefits their class (although finding multiple items can be a little bit more difficult)... melees can make some nice weapons... casters can get 300 sp (600 for sorcs :eek:) with +6 to skills... with most of the items you can set it up to give you a nice secondary boost like stoneskin... we dont know a ton about the third tier bonuses either...

the trick seem to be to me to deversify... if you spend all three tiers in the same line they can overlap (as Cow's sceptor does)...
it seems to be really nice for say a battlecleric who wants say holy/grtr devo 6/+3 AC/true res./and a currently unknown bonus...
or acid/grtr devo 6/3 ac/stoneskin/unknown benefit...

A good Cleric Sceptor could be something like +6 con or wis (Earth Derived)/Greater Devotion 6/+2 Exceptional Wisdom... this frees up your con or wis item, as well as giving you grtr devotion 6, and +1 DCs/bit of SP... Along with Stoneskin 2x/day, and another bonus...

It sucks for Cow, but with a new system it will always take time to figure it out... there will be people who get less then stellar items along the way until all the kinks have been felt out...

02-15-2008, 08:08 PM
Unless you feel like having a shield, I don,t see why you'd not want a +9 stat item.

Yeah, like I said, I might make one, but I wouldn't want it to be my only +wisdom item. Cause I like to battle it up sometimes and mix in spellcasting without having to necessarily remember to switch to a certain weapon set.

But having it available for when I want a spell boost is certainly a possibility.

02-15-2008, 08:28 PM
Yeah, like I said, I might make one, but I wouldn't want it to be my only +wisdom item. Cause I like to battle it up.

Ok, I was talking from a offensive casting cleric's point of view. Then yeah, you're right.