View Full Version : Avonwey's 2,000,000 Plat Giveaway
02-12-2008, 09:39 AM
So I've let my subscription lapse, and have given away most of my items. I must say its quite nice giving away Vorpals and Smiters to random people. It sometimes takes some convincing for them to take them!
Which leaves me with my sizeable bank account. I'm going to give away the whole shooting match tonight (Tuesday). I haven't 100% decided how to give this away yet, so I am looking for suggestions. Something that helps out new players would be great...
So if you have any suggestions on a fun way to give away plat, let me know. Otherwise, keep on the lookout for me.
02-12-2008, 09:46 AM
I say make your self a raid party giving away how ever much plat you have. Who ever joins ya has to roll a d100 and they get 3 d100 rolls each person and who ever gets a 100 you give them 1,000k pp or more if you want to do it quick and be finished with it. Thats a hard one you may be at this all night d100 dont see many of them....
02-12-2008, 09:55 AM
What I do sometimes is to watch and listen to toons in the wavecrest, if they seem lost and confused - and definately aren't drows, then they're a canidate for the give-away :) Another way is to look at the toon list and give away to 'random' toons via mail :) Or... While looking at 'toons' see what kind of armor they have and buy them some, and mail it to them lol Pretty nice surprise to find items and/or plat in your mail ;)
02-12-2008, 09:59 AM
Best dirty joke! wins the whole shootin match!
ok, ok...
Start a raid. Raid MUST be completed. Person with closest to X number of kills wins. Consideration to this....the number could be 0 and a bard would probably win! :p
dunno...just throwing something out there...
02-12-2008, 10:00 AM
I'm actually pretty broke now and you know it's actually more fun. I gave away/deleted most of my gear/plat when I last cancelled. Don't give TOO much to one person. don't spoil the fun. Maybe 10K plat for pots and stuff. Or just give it all to clerics. I hear they are broke.
02-12-2008, 10:03 AM
I'm actually pretty broke now and you know it's actually more fun. I gave away/deleted most of my gear/plat when I last cancelled. Don't give TOO much to one person. don't spoil the fun. Maybe 10K plat for pots and stuff. Or just give it all to clerics. I hear they are broke.
I think he wants to make a game out of this........
02-12-2008, 10:09 AM
So I've let my subscription lapse, and have given away most of my items. I must say its quite nice giving away Vorpals and Smiters to random people. It sometimes takes some convincing for them to take them!
Which leaves me with my sizeable bank account. I'm going to give away the whole shooting match tonight (Tuesday). I haven't 100% decided how to give this away yet, so I am looking for suggestions. Something that helps out new players would be great...
So if you have any suggestions on a fun way to give away plat, let me know. Otherwise, keep on the lookout for me.
Oh oh!!
Mail 50k amounts to random people! Write like you're a plat farmer, and tell your "moste value cusomer" to enjoy this gift.
02-12-2008, 10:13 AM
So I've let my subscription lapse, and have given away most of my items. I must say its quite nice giving away Vorpals and Smiters to random people. It sometimes takes some convincing for them to take them!
Which leaves me with my sizeable bank account. I'm going to give away the whole shooting match tonight (Tuesday). I haven't 100% decided how to give this away yet, so I am looking for suggestions. Something that helps out new players would be great...
So if you have any suggestions on a fun way to give away plat, let me know. Otherwise, keep on the lookout for me.
Gwenny it is truly a sad day in Stormreach. I will cast a grease spell in your honor. I suggest to buy all the uber loots on the auction for outrageous prices than distribute the items to some low level toons. It would probably be the quickest way to get rid of that stack of money. On another note telling the authenticity of there noobishness of the low level will be a problem. Maybe someone else might have an Idea for that. I will try to be on when you give away the stuff maybe Ill even let you cast a grease spell on me one more time just for good wishes.
02-12-2008, 10:15 AM
What I do sometimes is to watch and listen to toons in the wavecrest, if they seem lost and confused - and definately aren't drows, then they're a canidate for the give-away :) Another way is to look at the toon list and give away to 'random' toons via mail :) Or... While looking at 'toons' see what kind of armor they have and buy them some, and mail it to them lol Pretty nice surprise to find items and/or plat in your mail ;)
I gave away most of the items I had in this way, and it was a lot of fun. I walked up to a newbie Sorcerer and ask "What kind of SP item do you have?" He replied "oh just a crappy one" and so I gave him my Pop 10.
02-12-2008, 10:22 AM
make a Hide and Seek game out of it. Whoever finds you first, open a trade window and give that player say 500K. Do this 4 times and have fun with it. Perhaps have a trusted friend act as a "raid leader" with whome you communicate clever hints (so your not in the group). If there are more than 11 people participating, have two friends work with ya. Could be fun. Just a thought ;)
02-12-2008, 10:53 AM
Avon, its good to hear that are still a few other generous people running around. Sorry to hear you are leaving man, but thanks for giving some of your wealth to the people that actually need it instead of just making the rich, richer.
02-12-2008, 11:30 AM
The only bad thing I see with giving "uber" weapons to the "newbies" is the chance they decide they dont like the game, and quit, and that vorpal you just bought and gave them rots in their backpack since they never play again.
Id suggest, if you are going to give things away, the following:
Level 1-4 toons (they may be twinks, may never play past 4): Give 1000pp. Or 1000pp worth of CMW potions. They are always in demand, and they can mail them to other toons they have if they needem.
Lvl 5-8 toons: Give 5000pp or some cure serious/repair serious wands. Again, always in high demand.
Lvl 9-12 toons: Give 10000pp or maybe buy some relics from the AH and send them a note "To get you on your way to the Reaver Raid!"
Lvl 13+ toons: Give 25000pp or send them a tell asking "If you could have 1 non raid item, what would it be?" Then try to find that item via trade forums or AH and send it to em.
Im not sure how much effort you want to put into giving your cash away.
Perhaps a contest in general chat in the Harbor for some low levels to bring you certain items (found in the lowbie quests) and reward them as a Quest giver would (open trade with a bunch of items or coin and tell them to choose one of the offered items).
Maybe roleplay it a bit sending out tells to various characters you see running around, "My friend, I have a mission of the utmost importance. I can compensate you well for your aid, what do you say?" If they reply, give them something to do. Check on them a little after initial conversation to see if they are actually doing what you asked, or if theyve given up so you dont need to waste more time with them.
Lastly, you can always donate to the "Furgulder is poor from bad PUG experiences and needs more scrolls/wands/repairs Fund."
Cheers and sorry to see you go.
02-12-2008, 11:40 AM
Oh oh!!
Mail 50k amounts to random people! Write like you're a plat farmer, and tell your "moste value cusomer" to enjoy this gift.
Lol...and be sure to include 'Friends are like wetting your pants...they are both warm and happy in your pants'. I love that spam! :)
02-12-2008, 11:47 AM
look at dat, look at dat......:D
So, you put up a lfm looking for clerics only.
Then everyone but you meets at the wavecrest in the harbor. Goodblade.
Then you go to Meridia.
Your accomplice stays with the clerics at goodblade.
Everyone takes off their armor and striders and house p buffs.
When accomplice says "go", the 4 clerics streak to meridia. :D Accomplice (with striders and/or haste) follows to make sure no cheaters.
When they get there and find you, you clock the time from when accomplice said go.
Rinse and repeat a few times, and send best times some cash to help fund the
Sorry to see you go....:(
P.S. or you could just send Ro Longo some money....because.... "Ro is po" and he has to try to keep Mexxan and Deathdealer alive. That's a lot of
02-12-2008, 11:54 AM
I recommend giving stuff to poeple you know will put it to use. When I deleted all my characters and gave away all my stuff 4 months ago (yes I am back). I gave the majority of it to poeple I knew. That way it would not go to waste.
Then with what was left over. I randomly asked a question in general chat in a really crowded area. I gave 200k plat to the first person to respond. I asked a noob question to see who was nice enough to help. Of course it was all done in general chat, so once they heard me say. "Thanks for answering heres 200k plat" Everyone wanted to
02-12-2008, 12:03 PM
Put up an LFM for Coalessence Chamber.
Can't get a group for that to save my life. The first people to form your group get the pp.
02-12-2008, 12:18 PM
Sorry to hear you are leaving and I am sure those who have benefited from your generosity appreciate it. I have been playing DDO for about 8 months and one night while I was on my 1st toon in the market (at the time lvl 6) I noticed someone asking questions in general chat. I answered one of the questions (such as, who wrote the Count of Monte Cristo?). I then got a tell saying come to the market bank to get your reward. I ran to the person and he gave me 20K plat and several items (a vorpal for one). I found out the guy was quitting the game for personal reasons and he just wanted to give away all his money/ items that he had left. He subsequently went in and out of the bank with all of his toons and basically "stripped them" of all their equipment/ money while asking questions in general chat. I still have several of the items or have given them away to people who I thought would use them (planar gird, chaos gaurds, smiting greataxe).
I agree with helping the new as well as the veteran players. I was a newbie at the time and have since switched guilds, but in my old guild I told one of the officers what happened and they asked to have one of the "uber" items. I was such a newb that I gave away a really nice item because I did not think I would ever use it (however it would be really great to have on one of my toons now at much higher lvl) and I did not know the value of the item. Money may be best for the new players I think but items for the others if you still have any, but of course, everyone will appreciate money.
If you want to make a contest of skill as well as intellect this would work well also, the player I mentioned was basically looking up trivia questions on the web and asking the questions in general chat. You could also make a race as mentioned thus the player who is not very good with trivia has a chance. Go to different areas and you will run out of plat soon I imagine.
I think this would be a fair way to give away items and money to both the new and old and it challenges both skill and intellect.
Just my thoughts and I hope this helps. Take care with your future endeavors. Sorry it is such a long post.
02-12-2008, 06:07 PM
look at dat, look at dat......:D
So, you put up a lfm looking for clerics only.
Then everyone but you meets at the wavecrest in the harbor. Goodblade.
Then you go to Meridia.
Your accomplice stays with the clerics at goodblade.
Everyone takes off their armor and striders and house p buffs.
When accomplice says "go", the 4 clerics streak to meridia. :D Accomplice (with striders and/or haste) follows to make sure no cheaters.
When they get there and find you, you clock the time from when accomplice said go.
Rinse and repeat a few times, and send best times some cash to help fund the
Sorry to see you go....:(
P.S. or you could just send Ro Longo some money....because.... "Ro is po" and he has to try to keep Mexxan and Deathdealer alive. That's a lot of
My only problem with this would be that load times are a factor. Now, if you just started from the entrance point in the twelve with no armor or buffs then I could see that, but starting from the harbor gives 3 different load screens, and someone who is out pacing the entire crowd could get royally boned by one bad lag spike in a load screen.
02-12-2008, 07:05 PM
My only problem with this would be that load times are a factor. Now, if you just started from the entrance point in the twelve with no armor or buffs then I could see that, but starting from the harbor gives 3 different load screens, and someone who is out pacing the entire crowd could get royally boned by one bad lag spike in a load screen.
Tru dat. :o Forgot not everyone has a equal connection speed.
Ok then.....streakin from the 12 entrance then! "Woo Woo! I feel the pain train a comin'!" :D
Save some of the money in case you come back! 1 year, 10 months later, I'm back and glad I sat on the cash I had then. Definitely didn't go as far as it did back then! Geez. :)
As far as how to give it away, buy expensive items on the AH and then relist them on the cheap on the AH. Start sticking them in and wait for the double takes. :)
- Port Blackflame
02-13-2008, 10:43 AM
The ones that I know you gave stuff to, were very happy to receive and are not letting them rot in thier backpacks.
They were very appreciative. I know you gave away stuff that I have heard of but never have seen.
Enjoy the next part of life and I hope it brings you as much entertainment as DDO did.
02-15-2008, 09:03 AM
In the end I gave some of my money to some newbies, but the bulk of it was given away in Heal and Res scrolls. I gave away about 1.8 million worth last night.
People were very appreciative and sad to see me go. A nice way to leave a game.
02-15-2008, 10:19 AM
And your last LFM concerning Gary Gygax was hysterical :D
02-18-2008, 09:16 AM
Ok here is my idea. Just go around to the harbor Inns look for characters with names you think funny, original, and just plain clever. Maybe look and see if they have a fun little story in thier bio, make a list of all the names, then just go to the mail box and send them how ever much coin strikes your fancy to give. Imagine how surprised and ecstatic newer players and even old players who never seem to amass much Jink(like my poor self lol) would be if they went to thier mailbox and found a ton of platinum waiting. Whatever you do sorry to see a veteren go when I myself just came back after more then a year away. Remember Just because you leave doesnt mean the bridge is burned, but having nothing if you return is a good way to soak it in oil and light it up.I myself actually practice a strange form of hoarding just before I quit then when I return I give away or sell for fairly low prices on auction anything that just feels like clutter( some may have noticed a sudden influx of low and mid level light mithril armors being auctioned for base prices, that is most liekly something of mine for sale).
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