View Full Version : Tell The Twelve! (#7)
02-11-2008, 09:16 AM
Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
For those of you who had been participating in the "Tell Tolero" thread, this is a reminder that I decided that it needed a nicer, more DDOish name, so from here on out, it'll be time to Tell The Twelve! Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's edition!
How it works:
I'll be asking you questions, and here in my thread, you tell me: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand. If you missed the previous week's questions, they'll be listed below and you can answer them here too. Thank you so much to everyone for offering their answers!
Ground Rules:
Before we get started, let's lay down three ground rules if you're going to participate in the thread. These ground rules also have a few samples to help clarify participation:
#1 - The single most important rule to remember while participating in this thread is:
No personal attacks.
If you disagree with the opinion of another participant, that's fine, but no one can make anyone agree to their opinion. Thus, please refrain from commenting on the personal qualities of others who offer their responses to the question(s). Personal attacks go against forum guidelines. Questions asked will be subjective, and some users will have a lot related to their opinion, while others may only define things in short phrases. All forms are acceptable.
Hypothetical Example:
Tolero "Do you like ice cream?"
Player 1 "I hate ice cream because it's too tough to scoop"
Acceptable "I like it. It's not that bad to scoop once you let it sit on the counter for a little bit before you try to dip it Player 1."
Acceptable "I like it but I have the same problem as Player 1. What brand is it Player 1?"
Acceptable "I don't think it's too hard, I never have any problem with it. I like ice cream."
Unacceptable "That's cause you're a noob..."
Unacceptable "You don't have enough experience with scooping to be talking about how difficult it is"
Unacceptable "How about you back that opinion up with some numbers. If you can't prove it don't bring it here"
Everyone has the right to offer their response to the question(s), whether they have scientific data to back up their feelings, or they simply just "feel" a certain way towards the question(s).
#2 - Participate as well as discuss.
If you would like to join in the discussion, please be sure to offer your response to the questions as well, in addition to your conversation with any other thread participants
Hypothetical Example:
Tolero "What's your favorite color?"
Player 1 "Blue"
Player 2 "Green"
Acceptable "Purple... hey Player 2, how come you like Green?"
Unacceptable "hey Player 2 how come you like Green?"
Please be sure to take the time to offer your own opinion of the question(s) before you engage in a discussion about other people's opinions in the thread.
#3 - Don't recycle the above hypothetical examples in your responses ;) as it spams the thread.
-------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
02-11-2008, 09:22 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Hmm, sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. The only spam I get from DDO is the customer service ticket updates. I might receive the newsletter in some junk mail box I have, not sure about this...
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I'm pretty much playing only 3 high level characters.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
02-11-2008, 09:23 AM
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?[/I]
Working, hanging out with friends, watching TV, playing other video games.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Custom Rankings, Guild Houses
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Coyle :D
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?[/I]
I enjoyed it back when I used to receive it. But I haven't seen the DDO newsletter is quite some time now.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I have about 5 alts that I frequently play, 9 total. They range from level 2-15 so far.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Meh, It's alright.
02-11-2008, 09:26 AM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?[/I]
Anything that gives information is good, although i would probably say the time spent on this might be better served on more technical documents. State of the game, Tell Tollero, WDAs, etc...
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)? I have 9 toons, all but 1 are 15-16. I would assume they will all be capped within 30 days. More toon slots would definately be a good thing. I have rolled and rerolled all of my toon slots multiple times. I really only have 1 left to play with.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Yes, it is good to see the perspectives of other players. Seems that everyone is sticking with the guidelines and keeping their answers fairly short, which is cool to see. Would love to hear the Dev's feedback on our feedback.
02-11-2008, 09:28 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Did not know it existed. Sign me up for it...
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Check my sig. I tend to level lowbies fast unless I get rid of them - high level play is more fun to me than low.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
To be honest, could not care less what it's called. But Tell Tolero was a bit more straightforward.
02-11-2008, 09:31 AM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Never seen it or even heard of it until this post.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
4 high, 2 med, 1 low
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
No real opinion, old name was a little more catchy.
02-11-2008, 09:34 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?[/i]
East, Sleep, play with the cat, play RP games, or play D&D.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Guild Housing, Guild Banks, & Guild Housing
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
House K Bank Guards.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?[/i]
We have a newsletter? :eek:
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)? I have about 6 chars which I play. 4 are high level, 2 low level.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I think it is okay, but I am anti tweleve, I mean recently in the game they sent me a letter to do them a special favor and they still actted as if I had to prove myself to them. I mean hello they asked me to save their backsides. They better stop actting like I need to prove my worth or I'll just let the demons eat em!
02-11-2008, 09:37 AM
[center]This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
1) dont know what that is
2) at least a dozen, all levels, prefer high though
3) orefer the old one, but doesnt eally matter to me.
02-11-2008, 09:39 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Reading/Cleaning/Cooking/Watching US Politics
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
1. What alts belong to what person would be nice. Maybe flag a toon as main and list them in brackets after an alts name?
2. Being able to invite/tell from the guild page, I like that.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Nat Gann.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Haven't seen it. :confused:
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 High level
2 Mid level
1 Low level
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
02-11-2008, 09:39 AM
Dear Tolero,
Please post how we subscribe to the newsletter.
The only e-mail I've ever received from Turbine was the "Welcome Back" e-mail in July.. but I hadn't gone anywhere. :)
02-11-2008, 09:53 AM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
1. Newsletter?!? Not seen one in my Inbox in a LOOOONG time.
2. Four and all of high level.
3. Yep.
02-11-2008, 09:53 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I prefer CSS News Feeds to email newsletters (SO 90's... :) ). If you do that, I would like to see more often updates. CSS would be nice for the Dev Tracker too.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I have 2 total characters. Both are "high" level. Since I am a more casual player, I don't have time or resources for more. My second one was actually made to be a Haggle-Bot for my first. Playing a Cleric is expensive (and more so now).
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Not really, since this is an OOG (Out of Game) thread, so it doesn't make much sense to use in-game terms. I would prefer "Tell Turbine" or "Developer Question of the Week" or something like that.
02-11-2008, 09:55 AM
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
The in-game one that comes out every update? This last one was kinda funny. Had a bunch of random characters at the end, though.
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have?
I have 16 characters on Thelanis.
3 high level mains
1 mid level haggle-bot
2 mid level rogues, retired when they stopped being fun to play from the first change to traps last year.
10 mules from the server merge.
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I'd prefer them to be numbered.
02-11-2008, 09:55 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Theres a DDO Newsletter? I think I've gotta a couple emails with DDo Info, But the seem far tooinfrequent to be considered a "Newsletter". Would also be nice to see a copy Linkwed here onteh FOrums..... Maybe I Missed some?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
9 Characters, 7 l13-Cap, 1 L7, 1 L3
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I couldnt care less what the name is.
Answeres WIthin
Is anythign ever going to happen with out answers?
02-11-2008, 09:56 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Don't know what this is.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 Chars total
1 High level
1 mid level
4 low level
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
02-11-2008, 10:01 AM
Answer 1
I vaguely remember a newsletter. I like newsletters. Send me one! ;)
Answer 2
5 High Level, and some low-level placeholders. No more leveling for a while; I'm already dreading the leveling up of my half-orcs, druids, and monks....
Answer 3
Not particularly. I much preferred the personal feeling of 'Tell Tolero'. I don't know The Twelve and am highly suspicious of them.
02-11-2008, 10:12 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Never seen it.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
High - 5
Mid - 2
Low - 3 (mules)
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?[/QUOTE]
Nope, rather tell you what I think :p
02-11-2008, 10:13 AM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
What newsletter? Do you mean the one I used to get in the mail? I haven't had this in a while to be honest. When I do get it I sometimes forward it to my un-DDOed friends. Maybe you should provide an archive (or a link) on the website.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 high level, 1 mid level, 3 mules. Please provide us more bank space or a solution for storing items other than using character slots or cycling items though the mail system. I'm happy to pay $$ for more bank slots.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
No. Are there even twelve of you? Are you all level 20 casters? Anyway The Twelve wouldn't bother with 'feedback' from their minions, they would just ignore them and laugh from their ivory towers (hold on...) Seriously - change it back!
02-11-2008, 10:22 AM
Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
[center]This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I have not seen the DDO Newsletter. It is probably filtered out on my spam filter.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I have one high level wizard alt, one high level rogue alt, one high level cleric alt, one high level fighter alt, one low level bard alt.
So, a total of 5 alts. My main is a level 16 sorceress.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Some of the Twelve are dead. I hope the information on this thread go to the ones that are still "alive". :D
02-11-2008, 10:23 AM
1 what news letter?>
2: 9 12-cap
3: could be better
02-11-2008, 10:24 AM
Question 1
It covers some things I am interested in but I can take it or leave it.
Question 2
9 characters 15-5 and wishing I had more slots. I dont like to delete a toon until I know that the build I just created is going to be better so I have duplicates for a period of time. Also I like to run a variety of classes to see which class is best in what scenario.
Question 3
It is good anytime you open a method of communication. What would be interesting if you were to take questions people asked and create a locked thread in which you answered them and it kept growing like this. Then we can see how things grow and change over time based upon feedback.
02-11-2008, 10:30 AM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
There's a DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I currently have 12 alts. 11 of the alts are currently a level 12 or higher. 1 is level 1 (and no he's not a mule).
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
No, I don't, since you asked. What does the Twelve have to do with any of these questions?
responses above
02-11-2008, 10:44 AM
1) DDO has a newsletter? I vaguely remember something being sent out around the time of the first anniversary and the Welcome Back Weekend. But, I haven't received one since.
2) 6 chars L12+, 1 char L6-11, only mules L1-5. I'll need to reroll or delete a mule to make a new char.
3) I like including The Twelve in roleplaying, but player feedback is not roleplaying. I prefered "Tell Tolero."
02-11-2008, 10:50 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
What newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 high, 1 mid
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Yup. I think its a great means of communication.
02-11-2008, 10:52 AM
1) Newsletter????
2)4 of level 14 to 15, 2 of level 5 to 9 and 3 of level 1 to 4
3) not really
02-11-2008, 10:53 AM
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Last week:
1. Working and spending time with my family.
2. Casual and friendly.
3. Nothing comes to mind.
This week:
1. I wish the DDO newsletter was sent out more frequently.
2. I have 7 alts - mid to low level range (see my sig).
3. Sure, I like the new name.
02-11-2008, 10:53 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
1. What DDO Newsmalettamer? (Kargon not check email very oftamen...)
2. Kargon only care about the 9 on Sarlona. Levamels are... 16, 16, 16, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 5.
3. Kargon not care eithermer way.
02-11-2008, 11:07 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter? I always have been one to look for new information on DDO. If the news letter doesn't give me any new information on the game ie things I haven't read in the WDA, or dev tracker then really its of no use to me.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)? Other than the characters listed in my sig I have a 3rd level version of Dailus on Thelanis. More alts to come as soon as I bang out those last 72 points of favor.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"? Honestly "Tell Tolero" was more straight forward so I prefered that name to the current one.
02-11-2008, 11:09 AM
Posted info on where to obtain the newsletter in the OP, but I'll repost it here just incase:
In order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
If you've not signed up for it, you won't receive it. Additionally, if you have signed up for it but have never seen one, be sure to check your spam filter (I know mine tended to end up there many a time until I finally got un-lazy enough to add it to my safe list). The DDO Newsletter is not the same as the in-game story related mailings you receive after new modules release.
I know what you mean about the thread title (and apologies on the numbering, I'll be going back and renumbering them properly when I get a chance) so any recommendations feel free to put in your responses if you're in the "na I don't like it" crowd.
DDO Newsletter--no idea, never received it. I do like the little messages we get in the in-game mail describing new mods, I don't think this is what you mean, however.
Alts--mostly high level.
Tell the Twelve--love it! Hope it is providing actionable intel to you folks in the dev world.
02-11-2008, 11:13 AM
In order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
Tried to register, says site is down :(
02-11-2008, 11:13 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I remember I used to received... just signed.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Got 10 total, levels are 16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10, 9 (see signature)
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Yup, I think its good, but why only three questions?
02-11-2008, 11:14 AM
1. I haven't seen a newsletter recently. It would be good to see them more often.
2. I have a total of 20 characters, who are at the moment now all on Sarlona but two.
Levels are 15,15,15,13,10,9,7,6,5,5, and the rest are 4th or lower. Concerns related to this are having space to actually create a character of a new class or race when the time comes, without deleting one of my beloved characters, or even if deleting a character would even give me the space to create a new one (presently, it does not)
3. The name is fine.
02-11-2008, 11:14 AM
Answer 1: I used to receive this and haven't seen it in a while. I didn't know I had to subscribe to it (again?). I guess I would say that I don't think changes made to the delivery of the newsletter were well advertized.
Answer 2: all of my characters are on one server. I have three in the hight level range (16, 14 & 13), two in the mid levels (10 and 10) and three in the low level range (4, 4, and 1).
Answer 3: Not particularly. I don't mind it either. For the most part my postings here are in the character of me, the player, rather than as my player characters.
02-11-2008, 11:15 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
What newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
With my account on Kyber Main (Capped), Three High Level Alts, three Mid Range Alts, and two low level characters
With my wifes account she has a low level main and I have six low and mid level alts
On Argo I have my solo play Main and three mid level alt characters, I have no idea where my characters from ADAR went but there are six mid level characters
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Who cares what the name says as long as Turbine reads and uses the data to improve the game
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
Web site is currently down?
02-11-2008, 11:23 AM
Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of (
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to ( and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
1). What newsletter? (yes, I saw the P.S., but today is the first I've heard of a newsletter. Will be signing up presently)
2). On Argo (main server) I have 3 High, 5 mid and 1 low (disposable for a monk!) + various others on other servers I don't play often.
3). Yes, it's fun to provide feedback in a structured format.
02-11-2008, 11:26 AM
[CENTER]Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
QUESTION #1 I really enjoy the humor and that it's a chance to hear some more story background without the time pressure from other players while questing. The letters are not too long or too brief. I think you guys are doing a great job with the letters. EDIT. I thought you were asking about the in game letter that arrives via Orien Express after every new module update. I didn't even know there was a real world News Letter
QUESTION #2 One High level (14th), One Mid Level (7th) and Five Low Level (4, 3, 2, 2, 1) = 7 Total
QUESTION #3 Meh. Tell Tolero made it clear it was development feedback. Tell the Twelve looks like someone's fantasy thread
02-11-2008, 11:29 AM
Posted info on where to obtain the newsletter in the OP, but I'll repost it here just incase:
In order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
If you've not signed up for it, you won't receive it. Additionally, if you have signed up for it but have never seen one, be sure to check your spam filter (I know mine tended to end up there many a time until I finally got un-lazy enough to add it to my safe list). The DDO Newsletter is not the same as the in-game story related mailings you receive after new modules release.
I know what you mean about the thread title (and apologies on the numbering, I'll be going back and renumbering them properly when I get a chance) so any recommendations feel free to put in your responses if you're in the "na I don't like it" crowd.
question do you have to be a current subscriber to get it? I subscribed a looong time ago and got a few issues, then I cancelled and quit playing for awhile (4 or 5 months) during that time I didn't get one (I don't recall if they stopped coming before I quit or not). I just returned to the game 3 weeks ago.
Anyway the point to my question is that at the moment I never know if I'll have enough money in my account when the subscription is due (yes I'm that broke most of the time) so I "cancel" my subscription to keep from getting the recurring charge at an inopportune time. So technically I'm not a subscriber so does this mean I won't get the newsletter anymore?
Not getting it wouldn't really bother me much since from what I remember most of the information released in them was things I'd already found out about by reading the dev tracker and other places on the forums.
02-11-2008, 11:29 AM
So I go to sign up for the news letter, and what happens? The site is under maintence..... **** GNOMES!!!
02-11-2008, 11:29 AM
Tried to register, says site is down :(
Ack? oO I just tested it a minute ago, worked fine for me... it gives you this when you go to or when you try to use the newsletter sign up page?
02-11-2008, 11:30 AM
Ack? oO I just tested it a minute ago, worked fine for me... it gives you this when you go to or when you try to use the newsletter sign up page?
On submit of info, you get the Maintenance logo.
02-11-2008, 11:34 AM
Hmm let me feel around on that... it might be me and all my adminy admin-ness making it seem to work as normal heh. Has anyone who tried not received the maintenance message thus far?
02-11-2008, 11:37 AM
1) Newsletter, not a big deal, figure I will see anything important on the forums anyway.
2) 16,15,15,15,9,8,8,5,4,4,4,4,3,3
3) Name not important.
02-11-2008, 11:47 AM
Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
[center]This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter? - Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)? I have a 15 cleric, a 14 Paladin, a 15 barbarian, a 11 Sorcerer and a 6 Ranger, Im levelling the sorc right now
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"? - No, Tell Tolero was much better. I dont trust The Twelve.
Answers in Saucie Scarlet.
02-11-2008, 12:02 PM
Tolera with the addition of monks in mod7 are we going to get another character slot or are we going to be limited to the max we are allowed now?
02-11-2008, 12:05 PM
I stole Lorien's formatting b/c I liked it ...
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
The only one I get is by in game mail. I think there is a different one that goes by e-mail, but I've never received it. Or whatever e-mail I gave backon day 1 is no longer valid. Either way, I don't see it.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
High - 4
Mid - 1
Low - 8+
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?[/QUOTE]
I'm indifferent. I think a better name might be more suggestive that this is a formal tool for giving info to DEV team, but no biggie ...
02-11-2008, 12:07 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Interesting concept. I haven't read one yet so I can't formulate a proper opinion. However, if there is time for such a publication, I'd rather just have Devs and people at Turbine post to the forums. Although I'm sure the newsletter reaches more subscribers than the forums do.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Using 6 of my 8 slots. If you don't want to read my sig, I have 2 high-level, 3 mid-level and 1 low-level.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
No. Personally, I was happier with "Tell Tolero." I think it's important for a thread like this to convey to the users that someone over at Turbine is actually reading and interested in the responses. By personifying it as "The Twelve" it distances the users from folks at Turbine unnecessarily. I feel a lot more comfortable knowing I'm actually talking to a specific indiidual there rather than some abstract entity representing such an individual. I know that effectively it's the same thing, but perception is important to us users.
02-11-2008, 12:07 PM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
1) I spend enough time reading the forums, or listening to Jerry's podcast, that I haven't look at it in a very, very, long time.
2) 12 Low / 4 Mid. Eight on my home server, with 4 mid & 4 low. I usually find more fun in the low to mid levels. I accept my misfit status. :)
3) "The Twelve" does nothing for me, in game (just not there, yet), or on the forum. I'd rather "Tell Tolero", since I equate Tolero with a person, who has a voice I can recall. Perhaps I'm looking for a sense that a person reads what I have to say, and I don't really get a sense of that from the current thread title.
02-11-2008, 12:08 PM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Never received it. Thanks for the sign up info.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
3-High levels, and the rest lvl 1-2 as storage mules. Only on one server.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
No, why do the twelve need to know? Aren't they all powerful? I'd rather tell DDO!
02-11-2008, 12:16 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I miss it, and have not gotten one since around Mod 3, or 3.1. I'd be overjoyed to see it return.
Anything that can help keep the player-base as a whole informed is a good thing. Not everyone checks the forums for news... but just about anyone and everyone checks their email.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Even though I have almost all my alt spaces full on all servers, I only really count the ones on my main server. I have nine, and are a pretty even spread over all levels. I tend to reroll till I get the build I want, and regard lvl 5 or 6 to be the benchmark. If they are not turning out who I'd hoped, they get scrapped and rebuilt. Currently, I have two 15s, a 14, a 13, an 8, a 6, a 5, and the others are 1 or 2.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I prefered the other name, honestly. More informal - seemed friendlier - and less Dev-like.
02-11-2008, 12:17 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
dont receive it
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
have 7 high levels and 2 low levels
but is important to say that in the last 3 months i deleted 5 capped chars just to have something to do :)
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I like it
02-11-2008, 12:44 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Q1: Meh. I read the forums enough that I don't need a newsletter, but I suppose it can't hurt, unless it gets out of date... but that never happens, does it?
Q2: I have
15 cleric
15 pally/fighter
15 wizard
15 rogue/ranger/fighter
11 cleric
9 cleric
6 pally
6 fighter/barb
5 wizard
5 ranger/rogue
4 fighter/cleric
4 sorc
3 ranger/barb
Across 3 servers (Thelanis, Argo and Khyber)
Q3: Meh
02-11-2008, 12:45 PM
1. I'd like to see it.
2. 16, 16, 15, 9, 7, 6 & a mule.
3. I liked "Tell Tolero" better, but "Tell the Twelve" is ok.
02-11-2008, 01:04 PM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
haven;t seen it
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
across 3 servers 17 toon's lowest is a 3 highest are 1-14,7-15,1-16
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
[COLOR="red"]it's okay----btw this weeks questions have been the lamest so far IMO, lets stick to issues on game play and game exp
02-11-2008, 01:27 PM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I think I get it, but since I check the boards several times a day I don't look at it.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
3- 16th, 2 - 15th, 2 - 10th (retired), 1 - 8th
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I don't care either way, "Tell the Twelve" sounds like more in character what we want changed with their city. "Tell Tolero" sounds like were telling a developer what we thing about the game as a whole.
02-11-2008, 01:29 PM
Hmm let me feel around on that... it might be me and all my adminy admin-ness making it seem to work as normal heh. Has anyone who tried not received the maintenance message thus far?
I'm getting the Maintenance Message...
02-11-2008, 01:29 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
It's nice for the casual player, certainly less useful for those of us who read the boards/etc quite a bit. Anything to get the word out is fine with me!
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Um, lots. Three 'serious' alts on Sarlona, two mains. And at least one low level character on every server.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
02-11-2008, 01:38 PM
1) Never seen one
2) High: 5. Mid: 2. Low 2 (I don't play the 4 lowbies much at all. I have a second account with 7 mules)
3) What's in a name?
02-11-2008, 01:58 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
The what? Never heard of it.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I currently have nine characters on one server. Mainly they're high level.
Levels: 15, 15, 15, 15, 12, 11, 12, 4, 4
I'm not in a rush to re-level cap my charaters, and I'll get around to the new quests eventually.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Not really. The title before made it feel personal, now its us asking the high and mighty Twelve... I guess it doesn't help that I don't like The Twelve. :p
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
Oh... that newsletter.
02-11-2008, 02:20 PM
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Same as most posts so far....haven't received one in a loooooong time
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 high lvls Ranger, Rogue, Wizzie, Paladin, Bard & roguemule. 1 Mid lvl rogue, and 2 lowbie - cleric & barbarian
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Depends.....will "The Twelve" be answering? if so then yes. If not then Tell Tolero would be better if this will be monitored and responded by you alone. Unless of course you have been assimilated by "The Twelve" and if so I will responed to future posted questions accordingly based on my opinion of "the twelve" at the time (currently I think of them as "The Twelve-Year-Olds)
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side[/QUOTE]
Tried and also getting the "maintence site"
02-11-2008, 02:40 PM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Work, Sleep, raise children
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Only "Esprit d'corps"
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Three Barrel Cove
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
What newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)
3 level 1 alt characters (on three different servers) that my children occasionally play.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
02-11-2008, 03:00 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
1A Never heard of it
1B Attempted to get it
1C Laughed at borked error message, D'oh!
1D Hope to let you know one day
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
4 chars at 14-16
2 chars at 7-10
2 chars at 2-5
1 mule lvl1
Dups on Risia not counted
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Meh, whats in a name?
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Coaching my kids in sports, playing music with a band, working, spending time with the wife and kids. Sleeping.... Gaming PnP..
That about covers it.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
We have features? When did this happen?
To my knowledge DDO has yet to implement anything "feature wise" above the hum drum of run of the mill basics.
Calling these "features" is a bit too lofty, imho.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Anyone still intent on making low level content.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
None, seems to be another source of useless junk mail. Tell us on the forums. Word will get out.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
mixed bag. 3 High, 1 medium, 1 low soon to be deleted.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Names are for tombstones baby - Mr. Big - Live and Let Die
02-11-2008, 03:36 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
What newsletter? I have not received one in well over a year, and I did NOT unsubscribe!
I figured you all stopped doing it - about the time you stopped updating the Compendium! Harsh? I hope so, as it is true!
PLEASE give the Compendium some love! If it were not for the DDO-Wiki - where would we go for info on spells, feats, etc?
Note: I just tried to "re"-subscribe, but got Website Maintenance screen. I will keep trying...
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
3 High levels - Barumar (15) my original 28-pt Paladin, Zebadiah (16) my re-rolled 32 pt nuker Sorcerer - and current favorite character to play, Mumz (12) my promise to my Guildies 32-pt DV'ing Healer Cleric.
2 Mid levels - Zedadiah (9) my original 2-pt Sorcerer - RETIRED to Mule status (why delete a character with 5 inventory slots and 2- 3 Bank slots?), Shesso (6) my new 32-pt Bard I solo when I am bored of feel like some mid-level content.
4 Low levels - Thorundar (4) my new Dwarf tank, Zacharyah (4) my new evasion Pally, Kenzee (2) my attempt at playing a rogue, now my mail Mule for tomes, shards, scrolls that you cant buy, high end armor/weapons, etc, and Merrilop (1) holding a place for my Halfling Mage/Rogue I still need more tomes to complete the build (ok, that and the time to level up!).
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I like Tell Tolero better, as I know you care about the players!
02-11-2008, 03:43 PM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Saving lives and stamping out illness, reading, gardening, and raising a family
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
I feel that it gives you a steady group to hang out and play with, I would love to see guild housing, bulletin boards and banks
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I think I used to recieve it...anything that keeps me apprised of changes is good.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)
I play two clerics both 15, a 15 sorceress, 15 fighter, 5th level rogue and a first level wizzie, plus one misrolled rogue that I use for bank space.
Question 3Its cool.
02-11-2008, 03:47 PM
Hmm let me feel around on that... it might be me and all my adminy admin-ness making it seem to work as normal heh. Has anyone who tried not received the maintenance message thus far?
Website Maintenance
The site you have requested is currently unavailable due to maintenance.
We apologize for this unexpected downtime and thank you for your patience.
I PMed this to Quarrion about what.. 3 weeks or so now was it?
1. I've tried to sign up. still dead.
2. zero
3. don't care.
02-11-2008, 03:47 PM
1- theres a newsletter?
2- 8 alts mid yo high levels casters and melee....but got up and coming cleric and rogue
3-what was it called b4?...just kiddin took me a while tp find it but as you can tell by this post adventure complete
02-11-2008, 04:07 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
It's ok. It would be nice if there were a few new features in it that explained different parts of the game, or had a little section about each "neighborhood" of Stormreach as well. Make it something to stoke someone's interst. Add some cool screenshots (maybe this could be the reward for the old screenshot contests). That sort of thing. Make it feel like it is about the game and the people playing it, and it could be real neat.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
I have 8 on Khyber. Keris (lv 15) is my old 28 point build. Donniebrook(lv 14) is now semi retired, Ivey(lv 12) has become my main mule due to favor she has aquired. The ones I play the most are all level 15 atm. Bards Bodi, and Uke. Rahm is the tank I still play, and Willoughby is my new rogue. I have 2 lowwer ones. a lv 4 cleric and a lv 5 ranger. the ranger may be on the chopping block though. I am finding myself interested in rolling up a wizzie. It would be nice to have a couple more spots though so I could try out some more fun stuff. :D:D:D
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
It's ok I guess. Better than not having one:)
02-11-2008, 04:18 PM
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
An account-level friends list. When I add a name to my list I should see whenever that account is logged on so I know when they are playing their Alts.
A shared-bank space where any member can deposit and withdraw items and coinage, with different levels of permissions for access.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
The more communication the better.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I don't like it as much as Tell Tolero. Are we communicating with Turbine & other real people, or are our answers for a fictitious organization? I assume that most opinions are out of character, so the role-playing thread name does not fit as well.
Dear Twelve,
With all your vast and mysterious powers, couldn't you please install a staircase, or at least a ladder, to get easier access to Meridia instead of running all the way around your tower? Or, with all your magical prowess, a teleporter to cross the distances of the Vale to the Meridians?
Just about Everyone
02-11-2008, 04:45 PM
last week's questions:
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
A: Watching TV, and/or playing various games that range from basic board game style to RPG's to FPS.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
A: More ranks than the standard ones (Leader, successor, Officer, Member), Guild Treasury, larger MOTD area to type in. Oh wait that's three, oh well.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Hmm save it, for a better time/place/person.
This week's questions:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Newsletter? What Newsletter? :D just kidding, I don't read it.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Currently down to 5 two high and three mid level. Keep getting annoyed that I can't play my fun builds when they hit that magic level where it becomes power-gamers-R-Us only.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I missed last weeks questions because of it, so No.
02-11-2008, 05:27 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I haven't gotten one in a while. Let me make sure I'm signed up. :p
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
2 high levels, 2 mid levels, 5 low levels
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Eh, not really. It isn't very indicative of what the thread is about.
02-11-2008, 05:55 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
To be honest, I seldom do much more than scan over it and look for juicy tidbits.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Currently I have: 11 High Level, 1 Mid Level, 1 Low Level.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I liked "Tell Tolero" because it seemed like we were talking to someone who would take our causes to the Powers-That-Be. "Tell the Twelve" has this feeling that we are talking to a body of people who will listen to what we say, ignore it, and then promptly toss us out to go play, while they do "grown-up" stuff.
I know this isn't true, just a role-play spin on the same idea, but it was nice thinking we were talking to Tolero, not some body of politicians.
02-11-2008, 06:30 PM
[CENTER]Welcome to another edition of Tell The Twelve!
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
1. Never heard of it until now
2. My main server is 100% filled (every slot) with level 14-16 characters at the moment. Every single slot, until the level cap increase, was capped - so I don't exactly have a "main" and "alts" but more my own managerie. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE US ANOTHER SLOT(S) WITH MOD 7 SO I CAN BUILD A MONK :D / MAKE MORE CRAZY BUILDS THAT DONT WORK / AND STILL PLAY WITH FRIENDS ON MY SERVER. On other servers, I would have approximately another dozen or so characters, but only two of those are mid level, the rest low level and rarely accessed.
3. Whatever suits ya :D
02-11-2008, 08:51 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Don't know as I have never recieved a copy, have subscribed a number of times and tried again just now and was told that the site was under maintainence
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
1 x Main Toon - Level and XP Capped
2 x Alt Toons - 1 low level and 1 Mid Level, both doing Guild bank duties
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Thread name is ok, my main concern is what happens to the input that is provided
02-11-2008, 09:56 PM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Trying to finish coding a hot bearing detection system for a new heavy haul iron ore railway.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Game features for guilds or feature of the guild itself?
Shared bank space would be nice but would require tracking system (ie whom took what).
Space to advertise guild. A place where new players can search for guilds (which are looking to recruit) and view a description / info on the guild.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Ammo in stacks of 20 (give me 100 or a quiver)
My repeater specialists now shoot a stack of 100 bolts in 60 sec (hasted). 12 sec of bolts is not enough to waste the space......
'Party' loot. ie items that can be looted by any player, without notification (eg Whisperdoom items, Shroud collectables).
Put a notification (loot spam) so we can see who is ninja looting.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
There is a newsletter?
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)
high == 3
mid == 4
low == 1
[16 paladin
15 bard
14 cleric
11 cleric (mule)
9 sorc
8 ranger
8 rogue / 1 fighter
1 fighter (mule)
1 saved for Monk ]
Question 3 Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Not fussed either way, but I like the idea....
02-11-2008, 10:00 PM
1) I never read the newsletter.
2) I have six alts, a couple mid level and the majority low level. I don't play them as much as I'd like, since I don't get to play DDO every day.
3) Its fine with me, but I like Tolero more than I like any of the Twelve I've met...
02-11-2008, 11:58 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
No real opinion, since I check out the forums every day, nothing was interresting for me in the DDO Newsletter, but it could be good for people who dosn't visit the forums or people who left the game and news from DDO might convince them at some moment to revisit us.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
High lvl: 6
Mid lvl: 0
Low lvl: 2
Others: 17 (2x lvl 1 name keepers) and 15 more on a second account
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I prefered the old name of the thread, but it's not really something important and I don't really mind.
02-12-2008, 02:08 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
looking for free wait...working.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
1- the ability to upload our own emblem to appear on our sheilds and stuff.
2- a real guild UI with neat stuff and not just a list of whose online and stuff.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
[center]This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Dunno, never get one. Sounds like a good idea though.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Too many and many I have had to kill due to the server consolidation...high level.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Didn't know what it was until I was bored and checked it out...ask teh devs would be better.
02-12-2008, 02:09 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
I work (software engineer), Play guitar in a band, Boating with my husband.
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
I am a guild leader, about 40-50 members in all, and if you're asking about features I'd like to see in addition to what is?
This one is very important to me - some way to group members alts. Some alts do not get played often, while some people reroll alts constantly - I have a hard time keeping up and remembering what alts belong to who. I know most our guildies on a real first name basis, I hate when I have to clean up older characters off the guild roster and try to figure out if that character is no longer played by someone still here or if they truely belong to someone who just no longer plays DDO. It would be nice to list guild members alts in a collection in an outline like form in some way under thier main.
Allow successor an option button for promotions/demotions - I do not expect a disband button for them of course but I'd like to delligate the power to at least one other person.
Ranking (maybe I mean we have a successor but the more people I have to share some form of resposibility with the less I have to do;-)) I've not thought of it much but in addition to myself it would be nice to have some help ... a guild leader is often looked to by it's members as someone they gravitate too, I try to make my rounds and play with every guildie as it seems to be some comfort zone for them - seeing thier guild cares. One tier under a successor and up from officer would suffice... allowing them promotion/demotion power of the officers/members. (call them raid leaders or something).
More space for - Message of the day - maybe a paged tab. We have a web-site but it would be nice to post upcomming events raid scheduling and such there.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Only one?:mad: I swear Coyle, Radnik(in the orchard) and that new guy in Ritual Sacrifice are all related... although the latter kicks bootie the first two surely try to bite off more then they can chew. - seriously though guess there really is no npc who's really any problem.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I like it it is often very informative.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Nine in all - One server, high levels, high favor (I used to have 12 high levels but deleted 3 slots)
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Aye, I do indeed.
02-12-2008, 07:44 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Meh. I get it, but get most of the news on the forums. If something interesting is said in the newsletter, someone will cut and paste it here, usually before I check mail on my home account.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
*hits preview to read his signature* 4 high level (1 is a mule), 2 mid level, 2 lowbies (1 is another mule). I try to have one each of the iconic characters for high level quests.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
It took me a while to figure out what it was -- at first I thought it was a gripe thread about the new content so I avoided it.
Garth: We fear change.
02-12-2008, 08:24 AM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter? Do not know what it is.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)? Three at cap, and I only enjoy playing with two of them. One at level 9, two at 6, and 12 at levels 1 or 2.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"? It is fine.
02-12-2008, 10:27 AM
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Watch tv, work, write novels
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Housing, communication
[I][I]Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Tomb of the Shadow Guard. I hate swimming... it's filmy and I can't tell easily where to go.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
I don't know, I haven't seen it
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
19 or 20 I think 2 low levels on my main server 7 high levels on main server. 1 low level on alternate server I play with untwinked guild group, 1 on an alternate server I made to play with a guy I admired his build the rest leftover from when we weren't sure where the testserver updates were coming from. Speaking of which could we have another one? I like helping test but, it's just a tad bit annoying when my characters that are 14 now are 7 there. Oh well I guess.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I don't really care either way, however I think Tell Tolero tells you more, I just clicked on it out of curiosity in the dev tracker
02-12-2008, 11:17 AM
Still getting the Maintenance message... :(
Any insight here Tolero?
02-12-2008, 11:41 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
Mitigating Wife Aggro, Watching TV
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Guild Banks and Guild Laboratories with Eldritch Devices inside.
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Characters with names like "sfdkjkae" or maybe that looser Arlos. He gives adventurers a bad name by getting captures by Kobolds. I'm getting real tired of freeing Arlos. :D
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
RSS newsfeeds please. They'll save time for everone and then we can just subscribe to them easier. Of course, this was my first time hearing about such a thing. As an anlternative I'd rather have an updated DDO website where the compendium is up to date.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
High = 3; Mid = 4; Low = 2
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
Why tell them anything? They'll just use the information to screw up more of Xen'Drik. Those losers couldn't find their rear ends with both hands and a lot of extra help. Way to go Twelve! Why don't you stick to something in your league like nose picking.
Who do you think would win a fight between The Twelve and The Aurum?
02-12-2008, 01:38 PM
So I had a little pow wow with my newsletter folks, they wanted me to ping and see if anyone was still getting maintanence message, and *nod to Daga* I see that is still the case... will wrestle with them again on it, and if you're interested in getting the newsletter, I will make sure you get it :)
02-12-2008, 01:47 PM
1. never heard of it and honestly don't really care about it. I get most of my information diet from the ddo forums, which seems to be a quicker and more trustworthy source of news
2. this is the thing, there are no "mains" in my character roster and I like it that way. the concept that I don't have to play one character all the time in an mmo to get anything accomplished
I have 6 high-level (15-16) toons, 1 permie, 3 stashes (yes I know what that adds up to lol)
3. the name is irrelevant to me, but if it's supposed to conjure up some vision of being a low-level telling a high-level NPC something important, it really doesn't.
the reason is that the twelve are not a very interesting organization and honestly, since we need to know nothing about them outside of that they are the (last_mod_npc_level+1)th level NPC to send us on a fetch quest and defeat their raid. in fact I'd say the only NPC in stormreach NOT like this, is Coyle. Coyle is universally known (or hated) because of his direct involvement in a quest line. if there was more reason to know certain NPCs, then I'm sure people would know about them.
at the moment though, it just conjures to mind a hokey, hollow feeling
02-12-2008, 02:00 PM
So I had a little pow wow with my newsletter folks, they wanted me to ping and see if anyone was still getting maintanence message, and *nod to Daga* I see that is still the case... will wrestle with them again on it, and if you're interested in getting the newsletter, I will make sure you get it :)
Still getting the maintenance message Tolero. I'd like to receive the Newsletter. As a suggestion, how about in addition to sending out newsletter, it's posted up here on the forums as well, or on the main page.
02-12-2008, 02:06 PM
Still getting the maintenance message Tolero. I'd like to receive the Newsletter. As a suggestion, how about in addition to sending out newsletter, it's posted up here on the forums as well, or on the main page.
Yup, I'm working with my newsletter folks to get a link to provide for it, and he's checking on the site too.
Soon as he gives me the green light that the maintenance message problem is fixed, I'll also give you all a heads up.
02-12-2008, 02:07 PM
EDIT: posted just as Tolero did. like ships passing in the night.. or kobolds in the sewer.. yark.
02-12-2008, 02:41 PM
So I had a little pow wow with my newsletter folks, they wanted me to ping and see if anyone was still getting maintanence message, and *nod to Daga* I see that is still the case... will wrestle with them again on it, and if you're interested in getting the newsletter, I will make sure you get it :)
Ohh a Pow Wow? is that a hint we going to have aboriginals in Stormreach soon? Ummm nevermind we already do :-P
And yes I still get maintence error still and of course want it. After all Pempernel does love getting him something handy to write on to pass on messages!
02-12-2008, 03:24 PM
So I had a little pow wow with my newsletter folks, they wanted me to ping and see if anyone was still getting maintanence message, and *nod to Daga* I see that is still the case... will wrestle with them again on it, and if you're interested in getting the newsletter, I will make sure you get it :)
I am interested in getting it. Odd thing I noticed. if I just did (or whatever that base address was) I'd actually get a working site, and it said my email address was signed up for it. But none of the comfermation address ever worked.
02-12-2008, 05:54 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Never read it...
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Wow, eleven high level (14+) on main server and three low levels on other servers.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
I guess it is okay, but since we don't see any "results" (such as in a survey knowing what the majority of people think), I think it is as useless as the NPCs in the 12 (we don't know if they can do anythin useful yet).
02-12-2008, 07:03 PM
Alrighty gang, the newsletter is ready :)
Sign up for it is done through the same place I sent you before (just now it's actually pointing you to the appropriate link...yay!) on the front page of
Some of you may have tried and gotten an error message, but in some cases it did get your email, and gave an erroneous message.
If you missed out on this time around's mailing, here is a little link for you:
Normally the body of the above would appear in your actual email, but for today you get it in the form of a link ^^
Also be careful that your spam filter doesn't catch it if you were interested in it!
02-12-2008, 11:40 PM
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Theres a newletter?....oh yeah i go one once many moons ago then nada must be bugged =)
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
Alts of Brianius-lvls 11-6=2 lvls 5-1 more than I care to count
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
................=/...........o.Oummm...........=\..........=( not really
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
exteel ( have a secret love for anime styled giant robots.....doh), I fixed my psp so fixing it isnt on my list so mabye playing it is if i hadn't sold all my games, Walking my one of my 3 dogs, walking my rooster(possibly with a dog), Spending time with my wife(why isn't this higher up on the list...oh yeah she's on the computer more than me), catching up on lost(when will it ever end), and mabye if im lucky i can sleep eat and host an event if the lootz gods favor me well......did i metion listening to NPR...listening to podcasts and..longwalks on the beach beacuse there only a minute walk away eat that inlanders =P lol
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
a guild bank with 2 tabs 1 for veryone and one for me where i can acsess all guild banks and "borrow" stuff
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
Destroy the harbor staue and the aquaducts(i can angle it to take them both out) because everyday they taunt my superior jumping skill...also any player that posts screenshot on either aformetioned place.
02-12-2008, 11:55 PM
Who do you think would win a fight between The Twelve and The Aurum?
A better question...Care Bears or Gummy Bears? Who is the master bear race.
02-13-2008, 12:56 AM
-------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------
If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
life? outside ddo? how could you speak of such a thing? haha
seriously though, i tour as a sound/lighting technician and can be frequently be found playing ddo in the back of the tour bus over the buses crappy internet :)
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
playing together and being active
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
the marketplace tent...make a nice clear path from gianthold to the houses...either that or house p to clear a line from once side to the necro
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
dont get it
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
6 chars total, 5 are 12+, including my mule
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
in blue
02-13-2008, 01:22 AM
1. Newsletter?
2. lvl 16: 1, lvl 10-14: 3, lvl 3-7: 3
3. sure
02-13-2008, 01:58 AM
1. There's a newsletter?
2. 4 @ 15-16, 2 @ 8-10, 2 @ 5, 3 @ 2-3 (plus one mule)
3. Did you run out of good questions? :D
02-15-2008, 08:45 PM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
- Friends and Family activities really. Oh and working. Pesky customers demanding attention... :p
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
- (1) A guild bank!
- (2) A seriously expanded message of the day. Longer text, and a for it to work like a little mini-board for quick messages. Example: "We will be running the kobold raid today at 8:00 EST" - Your grand poobah. "Do you need a rogue?" - sneaking in seattle "No, rogues are teh gimp, we have a wizard rogue" - Rogueard the not so wise "But I specialize in fighting!... and you suck!" ... ok maybe not the best example. But .. it would still be cool. :cool:
- (3) (Ask for two, get 1 free!) Web guild hosting @ :)
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
- Sigh, can I aim at specific quests that really suck, so they stop existing? (No, not the new ones, they range from very cool to a bit ugh, but nothing tragic) . But when I see stuff like the "Nearly endless spiraling climb up a tower to confront the lich that opens the floor on you with endless respawns" or "protect the mummies" (faithful departed?) then ...
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
- It should contain unique info not readily available elsewhere. Maybe designer comments about the future, or existing challenges, or what were we thinking when we released a bunch of nearly useless lvl 8 arcane spells, etc. :D
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
- high level: One wizard (was my main), One semi-retired human disarming evasion paladin (human V changes), one sorcerer (new main for the past 3-4 months), one medium level high strength dual wielding ranger, and by the end of the week, one level 1 turning cleric.
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
- Sorry, but no. Tell Tolero was a better name, it felt very personal, like you were personally taking a stake on this information being useful. The twelve are a bit ... bland.
02-16-2008, 02:47 AM
Question 1
(If there is such a thing) What are you doing when you're not playing DDO?
work - reading - sleeping - beading - life in general :)
Question 2
Name two things that you feel are important features for guilds
Assuming you mean things that haven't been implemented yet - features for allied guilds ( it will help communication with them)
Second would be to see if guild members are in party on the guild page. Very much like the Friend or Who page
Question 3
You meet an evil NPC, and you're given a sphere of annihilation that will destroy anything in its path in a single touch... what (or who) in Stormreach do you aim it at?
the evil npc that gave it to me :)
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
What are your thoughts on the DDO Newsletter?
Nice new feature - most of the info contained there I already knew about.
Question 2
How many, if any, alt characters do you currently have (having characters on more than one server counts as an "alt") and what is their basic level range? e.g. high level (from cap down to around level 12), mid level (from 11 down to 6), low level (from 5 down to 1)?
1 capped
3 10-12 range
5 in 6-9
7 in 1-5 range
all on 1 server
Question 3
Do you like the new thread name "Tell The Twelve"?
its kewl :D
Post Script: By request, in order to receive the DDO Newsletter, you can sign up for it by using the link provided on the left hand side of
EU players can receive the newsletter by going to and signing up using the link at the bottom right side
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