View Full Version : Naming system for Upgraded Items

02-11-2008, 05:10 AM
To make it easier for us to understand what goes into crafting an item, I'm proposing the following system as a forum standard for describing crafted items. Please note - if you don't know how crafting works, you won't find any useful info here - this is a shorthand for people who know how it works already.

For each upgrade (in order - Invasion, Subjugation, Devastation), list the 3 components, abbreviated to one character as follows:

Focus of Positive Energy: +
Focus of Negative Energy: -
Focus of Air: A
Focus of Fire: F
Focus of Earth: E
Focus of Water: W

Gem of Escilation: E
Gem of Opposition: O
Gem of Dominion: D

Etheral Essence: E
Material Essence: M

Other ingredients (Energy Cells, Shards of Power) are always the same, so can be left out.

To name an item, list the ingredients used at the altar of Invasion (Focus, then Gem, then Essence), then, if it was upgraded at Subjugation, put a double slash (//) then list the Subjugation ingredients, then // then Devastation if appropriate.


A +5 acid green steel longsword produced by an Inferior Focus of Earth, a Cloudy Gem of Dominion and a Diluted Material Essence is an EDM longsword. If it's further upgraded at the Subjugation altar with a Focus of Positive Energy, a Gem of Opposition and a Material Essence, it becomes an EDM//+OM longsword.

And, if you are feeling particularly juvenile, you can make a WEE//WEE//WEE item.

This system is simple, uniquely defining and I propose it as a forum standard.

02-11-2008, 05:20 AM
Is this an open standard or are there hidden licensing fees?

02-11-2008, 05:30 AM
Is this an open standard or are there hidden licensing fees?

LOL. No fees. (Donations gleefully accepted, feel free to mail a W/P rapier to any of my active toons, check my sig). I'd like it to become a standard so it's easier to communicate in-game with people who ask "How'd you make that?" when I tell them what my +EE//+EE goggles do.

02-11-2008, 07:56 AM

You so failed here.

While a standardized system might be useful, you just have -way- to many abbreviations for the average person. 99% of the player base would look at you like you're from another planet if you told them you have EE // EE++-WF goggles. I mean, seriously, no one is going to remember what that is, even if it is kinda, sorta simple.

Ultimately a well laid out spreadsheet would work better.

02-11-2008, 11:15 AM
Icons would work well. Maybe we could get some as smilies for the forum?

02-12-2008, 10:51 AM

You so failed here.

While a standardized system might be useful, you just have -way- to many abbreviations for the average person. 99% of the player base would look at you like you're from another planet if you told them you have EE // EE++-WF goggles. I mean, seriously, no one is going to remember what that is, even if it is kinda, sorta simple.

Ultimately a well laid out spreadsheet would work better.

Anyone who is going to try and craft an item with this system at this point will have to do one of two things, read the guides and learn what we're feeling through or be led by the nose through it by someone who HAS read the forums. Either way, I'd say this isn't a bad shorthand for explaining quickly the full upgrades on an item. If it turns out that the enhancement on the 3rd tier is affected by the order of tier 1 and 2, then we'll need something to differentiate the weapons that actually LOOK the same at tier 2 but are different after 3. (unlikely but possible).

In any case, this isn't a replacement for a spreadsheet, my feeling is that this is more of a shorthand system for those of us experimenting to explain to each other.


02-16-2008, 04:46 AM
In any case, this isn't a replacement for a spreadsheet, my feeling is that this is more of a shorthand system for those of us experimenting to explain to each other.


Exactly the intention. Will revise my first post to clarify that this isn't a useful guide to people who don't know how to craft.

02-16-2008, 04:41 PM
sirgog, I really like your notation system. It helps list combinations. My only suggestion would be to have it match the order in which the infusion is listed on the Shard of Power. IIRC, Shards list essence first, then focus, then gem. If I'm mistaken (which happens from time to time), then carry on! :)

02-17-2008, 03:02 AM
sirgog, I really like your notation system. It helps list combinations. My only suggestion would be to have it match the order in which the infusion is listed on the Shard of Power. IIRC, Shards list essence first, then focus, then gem. If I'm mistaken (which happens from time to time), then carry on! :)

I went with the order I chose because it's easier to remember 'pick from 6 then pick from 3 then pick from 2' IMO than any other order (save the other way around). Also the element chosen has the largest effect on overall properties, which is why it is first.

Glad you like the system tho!

02-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Nice work, I think this will become a standard. But I would argue that reversing the order would be easier to remember. The main reason for that would be that is the way the other recipe pages are set up (essence/gem/focus). It just seems to me the two should agree (maybe you could get the author there to reformat their page :)).