02-10-2008, 09:13 AM
So I went to the orchard to test out Sunburst, and what did I find? Why not a lot but I will detail it.
1) Vampires Take extreme purple numbers from this! And the instant death effect works wonders.
2) Black bones Take red numbers from Sunburst, and are Immune to the death effect. (Is this how it is intended?)
3) Frostmarrow's take red numbers, and are Immune to the death effect. (Is this how it is intended, and shouldn't they be taking purple damage?)
I went to the Vale to test Greater Shout, I realy do not like the directional firing of this spell. It seems to bug to easily, I.E. missing the target by the slightest margin. Perhaps we could have the are start at 90 degrees from the caster, from left shoulder to right shoulder and get larger as it goes out, just like real sound waves? Or can we get it to perform like sound burst, that is a spell worth using IMO.
Anyone else have any ideas/complaints/suggestions?
1) Vampires Take extreme purple numbers from this! And the instant death effect works wonders.
2) Black bones Take red numbers from Sunburst, and are Immune to the death effect. (Is this how it is intended?)
3) Frostmarrow's take red numbers, and are Immune to the death effect. (Is this how it is intended, and shouldn't they be taking purple damage?)
I went to the Vale to test Greater Shout, I realy do not like the directional firing of this spell. It seems to bug to easily, I.E. missing the target by the slightest margin. Perhaps we could have the are start at 90 degrees from the caster, from left shoulder to right shoulder and get larger as it goes out, just like real sound waves? Or can we get it to perform like sound burst, that is a spell worth using IMO.
Anyone else have any ideas/complaints/suggestions?