View Full Version : Does Raise Dead Affect Death Penalty Damage?

02-08-2008, 06:43 PM
Firstly as someone who never has much money in game even before mod 6 and even though I seem to be going broke :) I am a fan of the new death penalty. I just have 1 question, in the old system being raised from the dead had some effect to mitigate the penalty by reducing the XP debt by half...

From my experience post mod 6 people seem to be more likely to just say oh well I'm dead, I'll just release and you no longer have the heroic rescue scenario of the cleric (or someone with rez scrolls or ring of ancestors) battling there way through to raise someone to save them from half the penalty :(

Can I suggest to the Devs that if it is not the case now (havent seen any evidence it is) that raise dead go back to being a way of reducing the penaly by reducing the amount of damage taken upon death as it was in the old system ? Also raising at a shrine would have the same effect as before by also reducing the penalty...

This may also go someway to eleviating some of the people that are against the new penalty and also add that heroic factor back for raising someone :D

02-09-2008, 06:43 PM
You have come up with a great idea. Your points are valid, no need to be redundant.

02-09-2008, 06:55 PM
Yep - great idea - implement if possible.

02-09-2008, 06:56 PM

02-09-2008, 07:30 PM

02-09-2008, 07:59 PM
A good way to find out is go into a quest with all items fully repaired. Go into a quest get killed. Release, repair items, note the amount it cost...
Then go back into same quest, die by same mobs if possible, have someone raise you...Recall go back to repair, then again note the amount it cost to repair.

02-09-2008, 11:13 PM
I've never seen anybody say "I'm dead, so I'm just gonna release"... not once. So I'm kinda confused as to what the op wants... the ability to lessen the damage done to items? That's not what a cleric does.

02-09-2008, 11:37 PM
no, a reduced penalty for rezing inside a quest like there used to be (1/2 xp debt removed)

but then again, by that logic items should slowly repair while in town, like xp debt was slowly removed

02-09-2008, 11:53 PM
no, a reduced penalty for rezing inside a quest like there used to be (1/2 xp debt removed)

but then again, by that logic items should slowly repair while in town, like xp debt was slowly removed

There already is a reduced cost for rezzing inside the quest... not having to make the run through the vale.

They did away with XP debt... not to mention everything associated with XP debt. The reduced debt from using a rez shrine and the slow xp regen (even while logged off) were their first attempts to FIX something that they didn't like in the first place (XP debt). Now that there is no XP debt anymore, there are no need for these fixes...

So, I personally don't see a need to change anything about the death penalty.