View Full Version : Blacklist Downs the Shroud on Hard

02-06-2008, 08:00 PM
Well done boys, man that's a fun (and expensive!) raid!!


02-06-2008, 08:03 PM
I ran out of arrows RIGHT as he died, the timing was excellent.


02-06-2008, 08:11 PM
What a great run bro, in 3days he goes down on ELITE!!!!

02-06-2008, 08:19 PM
Woot was a great job on everyones part... Way to go guys WOOT WOOT !!!!

02-06-2008, 08:21 PM
Good work guys

I'm sure I will hear ALL about it tonight, Ohnooo?

02-06-2008, 08:28 PM
Nice Job All!
http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7675/screenshot00025ra0.th.jpg (http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot00025ra0.jpg)

02-06-2008, 08:31 PM
Congratulations, guys! I've run with several of you so it comes as no surprise you beat it!

Good job!

02-06-2008, 08:33 PM
Congrats guys!

02-06-2008, 08:36 PM
I see broken items & naked people


02-06-2008, 08:45 PM
This is what it means to be Black Listed .
Proud to be part of a great guild

02-06-2008, 08:50 PM
6 rangers, 3 sorcs, 2 clerics and a bard.... thats a party makeup that would have been seriously frowned upon a few months ago by most of the community.

Nice job guys. Very impressive.

02-06-2008, 08:54 PM
to become a member of black listed do you actually have to be blacklisted by another guild?

I remember the guild called guildless you had to have been thrown out of another guild or rejected in some way to get in.

and face stabbers you actually have to stab someone in the ........ oh no sorry thats something else.... I dont think you wanna join that one anyway :)

02-06-2008, 09:10 PM
Nice work guys! That is all.


02-06-2008, 10:12 PM
My question is how did you repeat the raid?

Did you guys just form up and put in a ticket for a GM to get you inside?

02-06-2008, 10:20 PM
if you submit a ticket detailing your problem (the raid not letting you in when your 2 days 18 hours is up), the senior GM willl (they did at least for us) bestow the quest on you themselves. be patient cuz sometimes it takes a while, and you have to do it individually. (word to the wise, choose the day-of-time carefully for submitting this ticket.. cuz yes it does require a senior gm ;))

02-06-2008, 10:20 PM
A big round of applause.


02-06-2008, 11:07 PM
How did you manage to repeat the quest!!
OMG OMG, I'm locked out banging on the door

02-06-2008, 11:53 PM
Edited for content :)

02-06-2008, 11:57 PM
good boy sicko!


02-07-2008, 01:40 PM
6 rangers, 3 sorcs, 2 clerics and a bard.... thats a party makeup that would have been seriously frowned upon a few months ago by most of the community.

Nice job guys. Very impressive.

Actually it's probably the perfect team build for the raid. It's kinda like how rangers used to solo the demon queen all the time. At least through parts 4 and 5 of the raid.

Grats. It's an endurance excercise, that's for sure.

02-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Actually it's probably the perfect team build for the raid. It's kinda like how rangers used to solo the demon queen all the time. At least through parts 4 and 5 of the raid.

Grats. It's an endurance excercise, that's for sure.

exactly endurance exercise for sure and its 4 and 5 that really matter so

02-07-2008, 04:51 PM
Actually it's probably the perfect team build for the raid. It's kinda like how rangers used to solo the demon queen all the time. At least through parts 4 and 5 of the raid.

Grats. It's an endurance excercise, that's for sure.

I don't know if it is the perfect team for the raid, but rather I think it is one way to do it. High hit point melees with skill, dps, some good clerics, and some arcanes supporting their efforts is another way. That is how we beat it on hard the other day... Oh we did have one ranger who ranged...

02-07-2008, 07:05 PM
Yea I can't see this as ideal as the screenshot shows one guy with some heavy death penalty, another one dead, another ranger naked probalby due to so much death penalty..

In our run with 2 melee on arraetrikos we had very few deaths, aside from the 2nd tank who died a bit.. Hardly anyone else died.. Main tank didn't die once.

Certainly there are multiple ways to do it and both seem to work well. But ideal? i dunno.

02-07-2008, 07:48 PM
Yea I can't see this as ideal as the screenshot shows one guy with some heavy death penalty, another one dead, another ranger naked probalby due to so much death penalty..

In our run with 2 melee on arraetrikos we had very few deaths, aside from the 2nd tank who died a bit.. Hardly anyone else died.. Main tank didn't die once.

Certainly there are multiple ways to do it and both seem to work well. But ideal? i dunno.

indeed. it probably isnt the ideal group, and it probably isnt gonna be the exact same group for elite (we have a VERY different party make up for normal.. we just take whichever guildies are online and go).

as far as the deaths and what not... we never claimed to be the best, the most efficient or anything...

we simply wanted to post something that we were proud of accomplishing and hadnt seen anyone else post it yet

(also wanted to dissuade the helpless feelings server-wide that it was impossible to get back into the shroud.. sorry senior-gm's.. we probably just caused you all to pull your hair out :) )

02-08-2008, 09:13 AM
Yea I can't see this as ideal as the screenshot shows one guy with some heavy death penalty, another one dead, another ranger naked probalby due to so much death penalty..

In our run with 2 melee on arraetrikos we had very few deaths, aside from the 2nd tank who died a bit.. Hardly anyone else died.. Main tank didn't die once.

Certainly there are multiple ways to do it and both seem to work well. But ideal? i dunno.

Heh well the screenshot that shows the dead ranger was AFTER the raid b/c he teleported back. The heavily damaged one would be me, I started the raid with less than full dragon armor (probably around 30% left) and I died once losing my buffs and as I got rezzed I kept on getting nailed by fireballs b4 I could get re situated, pretty funny actually. Once that happened its difficult to recover due to lower saves, HP, attack, mana, ect. All that is pretty clean-upable.

02-08-2008, 11:05 AM
Yea I can't see this as ideal as the screenshot shows one guy with some heavy death penalty, another one dead, another ranger naked probalby due to so much death penalty..

In our run with 2 melee on arraetrikos we had very few deaths, aside from the 2nd tank who died a bit.. Hardly anyone else died.. Main tank didn't die once.

Certainly there are multiple ways to do it and both seem to work well. But ideal? i dunno.

I concur we ran the end fight with 1 buffed up tank. Had offensive casters unload on him then recover SP before the fountains dried up. The end fight was more of a resource game then a challange. 6 Rangers seems like a sound method to go after the Pit Fiend, but what raid isn't easily completed with 6 Rangers? AKA the safe way.

Nice accomplishment none the less and good luck on elite. I dont think SV has the patience to wait on a senior GM to reflag us :)

02-08-2008, 03:18 PM
Above all else we are the first to beat the raid on hard, rather we did it with full armor or anything on left. We were the first. My cleric who stays alive the whole raid only died once from a lag issue so i had no death penalty basically. Other ppl cant get situated all the time fast enough..