View Full Version : Great Work on Mod6 Release!!!

02-01-2008, 11:00 AM
I wanted to take the time to say great job on Mod6 guys! The pre-release patch was great - having the game popright up and work on patch day was smooth. The animation on the devils is great, and I have had more fun playing DDO than I can remember - due to finding myself in incredibly challenging combat scenarios!

I haven't done it all yet, and there are a few controversial items and a minor glitch here and there, but overall this has been the best Mod release thus far, thanks for all the hard work and dedication - you guys have a great weekend and enjoy the accomplishment (I will be)!!!

02-01-2008, 11:11 AM
I'm surprised there aren't more threads like this. I guess people don't notice what's not there.

No 50 Dwarven Throwers, or equal problem. No lagging, rubberbanding, stuttering into oblivion. No stuck spots in the Marketplace.

No hour+ long instance load screens, with people in party chat saying, "Can you hear me? Should I log off and log back on now? I'm logging off now, brb... .... ...... ******, still in the same spot!!1! Can you hear me? What should I try now? Should I log off and log back on now? What are you trying? I'm logging off now.... ... ....... ******!!....."

Stuff like that matters to me.


02-01-2008, 11:18 AM
I'm surprised there aren't more threads like this. I guess people don't notice what's not there.

No 50 Dwarven Throwers, or equal problem. No lagging, rubberbanding, stuttering into oblivion. No stuck spots in the Marketplace.

No hour+ long instance load screens, with people in party chat saying, "Can you hear me? Should I log off and log back on now? I'm logging off now, brb... .... ...... ******, still in the same spot!!1! Can you hear me? What should I try now? Should I log off and log back on now? What are you trying? I'm logging off now.... ... ....... ******!!....."

Stuff like that matters to me.


Not to disagree that the new MOD isn't fun and great and all, but there is lag, rubberbanding and stuttering into obilivion going on, especially in Coalescence Chamber (and yes, we're killing stuff as it spawns and not letting it get out of control). The load screens (for some of us) are taking forever and causing people to DC and come back in...so some of these issues are still present.

HOWEVER this shouldn't be construed to mean that I don't appreciate the fact that there haven't been major issues that required the servers to come down for a hotfix the day after (or night of) the new MOD being released.

And the quests are just awesome...if a little sparse. However I did take yesterday off to play the new content, so I can't say much. I'm flagged for the raid now but will run any of those quests over and over again - they're just fun!

02-01-2008, 11:45 AM
Not to disagree that the new MOD isn't fun and great and all, but there is lag, rubberbanding and stuttering into obilivion going on, especially in Coalescence Chamber (and yes, we're killing stuff as it spawns and not letting it get out of control). The load screens (for some of us) are taking forever and causing people to DC and come back in...so some of these issues are still present.

HOWEVER this shouldn't be construed to mean that I don't appreciate the fact that there haven't been major issues that required the servers to come down for a hotfix the day after (or night of) the new MOD being released.

And the quests are just awesome...if a little sparse. However I did take yesterday off to play the new content, so I can't say much. I'm flagged for the raid now but will run any of those quests over and over again - they're just fun!


Well, I haven't seen any!

And since Others are merely illusions put into my Self's sensory perception by God, to act as though they are sentient, willful beings and that they exist apart from the Self, then what you say doesn't matter.



02-01-2008, 11:55 AM

Well, I haven't seen any!

And since Others are merely illusions put into my Self's sensory perception by God, to act as though they are sentient, willful beings and that they exist apart from the Self, then what you say doesn't matter.



Look out for that car! :D

02-01-2008, 11:57 AM
So far the groups I've run with have managed to have someone get stuck in a bad terrain spot 2-3 times. One in Ritual, another in Running with Devils. All have been little cervaces in the flooring that work up against a wall. Causing you character to "float".

Other than these the release has been the best one since the games release. Grats devs!

02-01-2008, 12:16 PM
So far the groups I've run with have managed to have someone get stuck in a bad terrain spot 2-3 times. One in Ritual, another in Running with Devils. All have been little cervaces in the flooring that work up against a wall. Causing you character to "float".

Other than these the release has been the best one since the games release. Grats devs!

Good to know, I'll have to watch out for those.

The Chamber has places that seem to "bump" your characters off the edge and the camera angle when getting in tight corners is maddening at times - so many strings of expletives last night running The Chamber when we'd fall off..

Figuring out the recipies seems to be a large part of this MOD's content, along with the level increase. Back in the day 5 quests was something you'd get in a monthly upate (LOTD1 for starters).

Now, before anybody accuses me of being a powergamer who plows through new content and level caps then gripes about no new content, that's not what I'm doing. I'm just saying that this MOD seems to be more about crafting and the level cap than questing, and that's fine. New content doesn't always equal several new quests.

I'm sure the new death penalty system could count as new content too...

02-01-2008, 02:09 PM
My brother and I had a great time exploring the Vale. Especially when we discovered the devils could teleport! :eek:

It was totally worth his death, both times. :D