View Full Version : mod 6 in my eyes.

01-31-2008, 08:42 AM
This is just me putting out there what I have seen in my eyes from mod 6 so far.

There neeeeeeeds to be a teleporter from the 12 to meridia. There is a teleporter from meridia to the 12 and I can see no reason why it shouldn't be the same. I think a good candidate for who would do it would be the guy in the room of the planes. After you finish the 2 first starter quest series' and he no longer has anything important to say to you he should give you the option of traveling straight to meridia. Or at the very least add it to greater teleport, and/or fix it so that when you recall you go to meridia no matter what as there is always the djinn there that will tp you to the 12 if you want, and seeing how right now its not vice versa it should be a standard recall proceedure to go back to meridia.

The Raid is able to be done in pieces at a time I'll give you that...but how bout making it so that when you recall you DON'T get sent back to the wavecrest tavern....now that is quite a hassle.

This death penalty sucks. Plain and simple...I started the night with 630,000ish gold, and by the end of the night between exploring the vale for the first time, doing all 5 quests twice and the LOTD three times I spent...how much you ask on repairs...630,000 gold...approximately...When I logged off I had a measly 342plat to my name thats 3420 gold.... when even after only 1 or 2 deaths its costing me approx 7,000-10,000 gold an item to repair....that is just plain to much. Now while I pulled throughout the night both a sup pot 6 and greater pot 7 one handers...that does not near make up for the fact that I'm out of scrolls and have no money to buy them.

I thouroughly enjoy all of the quests except for that one where you just climb and climb and climb and fall and climb and fall to the shrine and climb and fall to the locked door and climb and climb and....you get the picture.

Also I enjoy the new sound effect for the cleric spell destruction...I however absolutely despise the fact that our new fire spell firestorm...has the exact.....EXACT same graphic as flamestrike albeit a bit larger...What a shame.

The monsters are all pretty awesome, I do so hate the little celestial elf like guys who morph into their little balls with sr of like 8 bajillion. However I'm sure I'll work around it somehow.

Well I'm raid ready now and can't wait to start getting my craft on....woot!

01-31-2008, 08:45 AM

how many times did you die??

i died once or twice and only spent less than 1k plat i believe.

also; the only quest i ran was the climbing one......i actually liked it

01-31-2008, 09:01 AM

how many times did you die??

i died once or twice and only spent less than 1k plat i believe.

also; the only quest i ran was the climbing one......i actually liked it

I would die between 0-3 times a mission depending on the mission. but when each of your 13 items costs 7-10k gold thats max 130,000 gold a mission. I can say I didn't die in LOTD, or the Shroud, died 3-4 times total in the vale(between getting all of the explorers/rares and running to and fro the missions), twice in rainbow the first time none the second...once in the climb climb climb quest the first time none the second...twice in the crevice/valley or whatever its called the first time and once the 2nd time, 0 times in the underwater one the first time but like 3 the second time, and I don't remember running with the devils run well enough to recall...I know I died at least twice the second run, but the first run it a blur to me...

i mean so i completed 13 quests, all of the explorers and most of the rares but in doing so completely emptied my coffers.

01-31-2008, 09:16 AM
To the OP: If you're dying 0-3 times a quest then you are obviously trying to zerg it and not using the best strategies to beat the challenges that are put towards you. Thus you suffer the consequences of your foolish actions.

My experience last night:

- Gained close to 15 K EXP in the vale. (Zero deaths)
- Stromreaver raid. (Zero deaths)
- New Gnoll quest (Zero deaths)
- New cave quest with the torch that lights everything up (Zero Deaths)

Yeah my items took a bit of damage because I'm a tank and thus everything beats on me. My mithril FP was hurting by the end of the night but still if I had really cared that much I would have just repaired it after each quest instead of only once at the end of the night.

In my adventures there were several casters doing their regular "RUN INTO a room firewall run around... try to PK everything" Get killed. I saw a good 9 casters deaths last night in the Vale and in the dungeons all preventable and all due to poor player decisions. I.E. Running ahead and not staying with the group.

So to the OP, sorry I don't feel your sympathy at all. Also your SUP POT 6 and Greater POT 7 1 handers will both sell on the AH for hundreds of thousand of plat (or at least the SUP POT 6 used to) So you're still well well well ahead.

Finally to the DEVS. PLEASE PLEASE do not change the death penalty. Heck Keep it the way it is AND add in the EXP debt on top of that. People need a strong deterent to not say "Oh there's a room full of big strong ogres... I'm a little caster so I'm just going to run in there like they are all little bunny rabbits and think that I can walk out of the room untouched"

Thanks Devs for making a great great decision and a great change with respect to the death penalty.


01-31-2008, 09:17 AM
I would die between 0-3 times a mission depending on the mission. but when each of your 13 items costs 7-10k gold thats max 130,000 gold a mission. I can say I didn't die in LOTD, or the Shroud, died 3-4 times total in the vale(between getting all of the explorers/rares and running to and fro the missions), twice in rainbow the first time none the second...once in the climb climb climb quest the first time none the second...twice in the crevice/valley or whatever its called the first time and once the 2nd time, 0 times in the underwater one the first time but like 3 the second time, and I don't remember running with the devils run well enough to recall...I know I died at least twice the second run, but the first run it a blur to me...

i mean so i completed 13 quests, all of the explorers and most of the rares but in doing so completely emptied my coffers.

This would tell me that the Death Penalty is just that... a penalty. Working as intended.

01-31-2008, 09:30 AM

The monsters are all pretty awesome, I do so hate the little celestial elf like guys who morph into their little balls with sr of like 8 bajillion. However I'm sure I'll work around it somehow.

i found the harm works great on these orbs

01-31-2008, 09:38 AM
This would tell me that the Death Penalty is just that... a penalty. Working as intended.

I agree.

I posted this in another thread but I will say it again here to you OP:

Te new death penalty system will have another effect - it will have a major impact on the plat economy. I am not sure if this was deliberately intended or not. 2 things will happen:

1. All players will end up paying for repairs (paying more and paying more often);

2. Players will be forced to "bind" items, particularly uber items, to avoid damage but then be unable to sell or trade them.

Not being an economist, I can only speculate as to the impact of the new system. 1 drains plat, 2 may make items scarce and thus drive up the price for the best items. Of course, with 2 additional levels of items now becoming available, much of prior perceived "uber" loot becomes less valuable. My initial thought was that the system may drain more plat from the economy and I think many feel that would be a good thing.

01-31-2008, 09:45 AM
I'm not a fan of the new death penalty, but I'll get used to it. NP.

The new explorer area is GREAT! We had a fun time running around the majority last night. We encountered about 10 Rares, although no super drops in the chests. We found a few much-needed shrines and had fun figuring out the best way to kill things Big thums up on the Vale!

New Cleric spells, well...at least i have more SP...

Ram's Might is GREAT! Thanks for the Ranger love.

As a side note, I think I saw someone at lvl 16 about 2 hours after DDO was back online. That's NUTS!

01-31-2008, 09:46 AM
This is just me putting out there what I have seen in my eyes from mod 6 so far.

The LOTD preraid is bugged in a way that as soon as you enter you are awarded a free 540 xp and given the goal of killing the undead beholder.(although the quest is finishable fine some very patient person could enter, get the xp, recall, reform party and farm entering and exiting the quest for 540 free xp each time.)

There neeeeeeeds to be a teleporter from the 12 to meridia. There is a teleporter from meridia to the 12 and I can see no reason why it shouldn't be the same. I think a good candidate for who would do it would be the guy in the room of the planes. After you finish the 2 first starter quest series' and he no longer has anything important to say to you he should give you the option of traveling straight to meridia. Or at the very least add it to greater teleport, and/or fix it so that when you recall you go to meridia no matter what as there is always the djinn there that will tp you to the 12 if you want, and seeing how right now its not vice versa it should be a standard recall proceedure to go back to meridia.

The Raid is able to be done in pieces at a time I'll give you that...but how bout making it so that when you recall you DON'T get sent back to the wavecrest tavern....now that is quite a hassle.

This death penalty sucks. Plain and simple...I started the night with 630,000ish gold, and by the end of the night between exploring the vale for the first time, doing all 5 quests twice and the LOTD three times I spent...how much you ask on repairs...630,000 gold...approximately...When I logged off I had a measly 342plat to my name thats 3420 gold.... when even after only 1 or 2 deaths its costing me approx 7,000-10,000 gold an item to repair....that is just plain to much. Now while I pulled throughout the night both a sup pot 6 and greater pot 7 one handers...that does not near make up for the fact that I'm out of scrolls and have no money to buy them.

I thouroughly enjoy all of the quests except for that one where you just climb and climb and climb and fall and climb and fall to the shrine and climb and fall to the locked door and climb and climb and....you get the picture.

Also I enjoy the new sound effect for the cleric spell destruction...I however absolutely despise the fact that our new fire spell firestorm...has the exact.....EXACT same graphic as flamestrike albeit a bit larger...What a shame.

The monsters are all pretty awesome, I do so hate the little celestial elf like guys who morph into their little balls with sr of like 8 bajillion. However I'm sure I'll work around it somehow.

Well I'm raid ready now and can't wait to start getting my craft on....woot!

I died once and made about 20k plat in selling items to the vendor, that is right just selling items to the vendors. That was just playing yesterday. Of course I ran some stuff more then once and got a bunch of chests in vale...

01-31-2008, 09:49 AM
The monsters are all pretty awesome, I do so hate the little celestial elf like guys who morph into their little balls with sr of like 8 bajillion. However I'm sure I'll work around it somehow.If you use a Vorpal on the them while morphed, do you cut their balls off? :eek: :p :D

01-31-2008, 09:55 AM
Me thinks you exaggerate a bit. My Paladin, who is generally wearing and wielding a nice assortment of gear, about 1/3 of it raid items, got hit for a TOTAL repair bill of about 3-5000 Gold per death. The single most expensive death was an accidental suicide missed jump into the lava ring around the Twelve and I found some DEEP HOOTTT spots. Ouch. Now, not every item I wear has a base value of 98K, but a few do, with lots of 72 and 50K items mixed in. If you were dying a LOT more and swapping in fresh gear each time, you MIGHT be able to ring up those sort of bills, but I am having trouble seeing that. From my experience, something does not add up.

01-31-2008, 12:10 PM
how much you ask on repairs...630,000 gold...

Hahahaha, you die more then a hippy dyes cloths.

01-31-2008, 12:28 PM
This death penalty sucks. Plain and simple...I started the night with 630,000ish gold, and by the end of the night between exploring the vale for the first time, doing all 5 quests twice and the LOTD three times I spent...how much you ask on repairs...630,000 gold...approximately...When I logged off I had a measly 342plat to my name thats 3420 gold.... when even after only 1 or 2 deaths its costing me approx 7,000-10,000 gold an item to repair....that is just plain to much. Now while I pulled throughout the night both a sup pot 6 and greater pot 7 one handers...that does not near make up for the fact that I'm out of scrolls and have no money to buy them.

630k In Repairs? No way...... I dont even see how thats posible... I dies a handful of timers last night nad my Bigest reapir bill was around 13kGold. Most of em were 7500-9000.

Are you sure the Death Penalty was responsible for most of that damage? You didnt go swimming in a few Gelatonous Cubes or face a bunch of Rusties that perhaps accounted for a lot.. If not most of that repair bill?

01-31-2008, 12:38 PM
I might have had 4-5 accidental deaths in all 5 missions and exploring the new area. However, my Dragon Scale armor was almost completely destroyed, and I spent app. 30K plat (300,000 gps) on repairs and pots.

I started around 220K plat ended around 190K plat and utterly destroyed Dragon Plate, and that was with selling everything from chests/end rewards to the vendors. Some of the damage was probably from the cubes and other battles (I stayed away from the rusties), but most was from the death penalty.

Granted a L14 ftr doesn't have the best haggle skill, but 30K plat in expense is a bit silly.

The most irritating thing is that I have to go farm relics to repair my armor. :(. I don't like the new death penalty, and I wish they would put it back to XP.

01-31-2008, 01:07 PM
I might have had 4-5 accidental deaths in all 5 missions and exploring the new area. However, my Dragon Scale armor was almost completely destroyed, and I spent app. 30K plat (300,000 gps) on repairs and pots.

I started around 220K plat ended around 190K plat and utterly destroyed Dragon Plate, and that was with selling everything from chests/end rewards to the vendors. Some of the damage was probably from the cubes and other battles (I stayed away from the rusties), but most was from the death penalty.

Granted a L14 ftr doesn't have the best haggle skill, but 30K plat in expense is a bit silly.

The most irritating thing is that I have to go farm relics to repair my armor. :(. I don't like the new death penalty, and I wish they would put it back to XP.

This patch did not make you buy all of thoses pots. And i highly dought you spent even 6kp on repairs

01-31-2008, 01:19 PM
I was getting 98-128k Items as end rewards.. Even with the Dismal Haggle on my Cleric, I came out ahead for the night.... But I did NOT do Rainbow...... I have a sneaky suspicion that Rainbow is the quest thats causig al thise expensive damage.....

Nothing you got from end rewards you kept?

One Kept Item Can easily account for al of your "Loss"

"I 'Lost' 30k Plat inthe Vale last night and al I have toshow for it is this +2 STR Tome and a Superior Potency 6 Septre"

Yeah.. I feel for ya....(and yes, a Guildy got a +2 Str Tome last night for an End Reward..... Lucky bastard(Unlucky?) Had to choose beteen a +2 Int or +2 Str even)

01-31-2008, 01:28 PM
Well, I didn't die at all last night.

Ended up repairing my items afterwards. Cost me about 75,000 gold or so to repair.

Now, I was on my barbarian and was whacking the heck out of demons and devils with my dreamspitter, just because it is FUN! :D

Dreamspitter had $20,000k gold damage to it after just that one quest! :eek:

I also was in the Rainbow quest and was gleefully roleplaying the WF'd barbarian angle by letting the Gelatonus Cubes totally ingest me before bursting out of their guts swinging my weapon! :p So I am sure that contributed heavily to my expenses. I also encountered plenty of rust monsters in that quest who, as we all know, make a bee-line for the tasty Warforged in any party. :eek: They in fact, ate the Minos Legens helm right off my head at one point (60 to 0 durability in about 2 encounters..).. :mad:

So yes the repair bills can be quite high. If you died as much as you said you did I could see the bill getting ridiculous. But, that should be a deterent to people, so they are careful.

I like it so far, at least my uber bound stuff can't be perma-damaged anymore. I can always scrape to get gold together if need be.

Maybe this will make gold worth something in this game again? Cause right now everyone is a billionaire...

01-31-2008, 05:14 PM
I was getting 98-128k Items as end rewards.. Even with the Dismal Haggle on my Cleric, I came out ahead for the night.... But I did NOT do Rainbow...... I have a sneaky suspicion that Rainbow is the quest thats causig al thise expensive damage.....

Yeah.. I feel for ya....(and yes, a Guildy got a +2 Str Tome last night for an End Reward..... Lucky bastard(Unlucky?) Had to choose beteen a +2 Int or +2 Str even)

Ya know...I did spend a bit of time walking through those spike traps in rainbow, only the little one with tiny pillars to jump on...(i'm noooo good at mario) Never died from it, but I suppose that could have had quite a bit of item damage from it. Also I did do the whole falling in the lava thing in the 12 once. Although there were plenty of rust monsters/cubes never had them beating on me...

About the +2 tomes, I was there ;) Mr. Lucky I pull 2 +2 tomes Gae.

About the repair bill I'm gonna suck it up, go into the vale and /death back to meridia and screen shot my repair cost...that is from pristine equiptment to just one /death and screen shot it here.

01-31-2008, 05:33 PM
IMHO Me thinks fuzzy math somehow. Ran all missions and Vale have 100 favor and @ lvl 16.2 Highest repair bill so far was 12500gp.
630000/12500=50.4 deaths......in ONE DAY?????????? After 2 days of running quest and Explorers...no more than 15 Deaths total so far. And a couple of those were intentional...lazy and didn't want to run so /death it was. Am very interested to see the screenies.....not a flame by any means and will wait for the results. Will also test and post myself.

01-31-2008, 05:46 PM
I have a sneaky suspicion that Rainbow is the quest thats causig al thise expensive damage.....

What?! Just cause it's full of Rust Monsters, Stone Golems, Gelatinous Cubes and vicious traps?

You're so mean to Rainbow. It just wants to be loved.


01-31-2008, 06:17 PM
Ok, here it is, walked into the meridia, /death'd dranka ghallanda distillate, cast heal and jumped down to the repair vender.


Now this doesn't even take into account all of the damage I probably did take in the rainbow spike traps, accidentally walking through some mobs bb, or some named orthons who just seemed to like to tp right to me and slice me in half while the tank tries to find him again. ;)

and if your wondering why I'm wearing a +5 fp of wiz 1, well its just a temperary replacement for my black scale until i feel safe wearing it again.

01-31-2008, 06:23 PM
1) I died twice and now Im poor. 6k x2, 1.5k x2 on another guy and 1.1k on another

2) Running a cleric now scares me.

01-31-2008, 08:00 PM
Ok, here it is,

Now this doesn't even take into account all of the damage I probably did take in the rainbow spike traps, accidentally walking through some mobs bb, or some named orthons who just seemed to like to tp right to me and slice me in half while the tank tries to find him again. ;)


That's pretty pinch in the pocket alright, but I don't see how that adds up to 630k gp unless you died like 40 times. In which case I'm going to be unable to resist laughing at you, sorry.

Overall, it sounds like dying is expensive and the loot is sweet. That seems a pretty good combo to me, especially since folks ought to be dying in decreasing frequency as they learn the area. Dragon armor does seem a legit problem, however.

01-31-2008, 08:11 PM
That's pretty pinch in the pocket alright, but I don't see how that adds up to 630k gp unless you died like 40 times. In which case I'm going to be unable to resist laughing at you, sorry.

Overall, it sounds like dying is expensive and the loot is sweet. That seems a pretty good combo to me, especially since folks ought to be dying in decreasing frequency as they learn the area. Dragon armor does seem a legit problem, however.

remember that 14k gold is only from one single death w/out fighting anything....throughout the quests I had devils hitting me, falling into spike traps, walking into blade barriers, falling in lava, caught in spider webs etc etc...all that is additional damage to the damage from death. so yes, 40 deaths if all the damage I took was from deaths...but it was not. Also as it turns out I don't only use those particular items during a quest. there were plenty of wands getting dmg'd by those bb's or delayed blast fireballs, plenty of other items swapped in and out of my hands, head,belt,trinket etc that may or may not have been there when I died. This making it so I'm not just repairing those particular items but many other ones as well.

As to the repair costs I suppose it could be my 6 base charisma and only the ring of lies that makes everything sooo expensive, but it is...thank the lords people bought stuff from me on the auction while I was asleep ;)

02-01-2008, 05:01 AM
Right. So its not really an issue with the death penalty so much as the wear and tear from the heavy abuse the mobs and traps are dishing out. I rather suspect that we'd be seeing these threads and complaints even if the death penalty wasn't changed. Either the high power of the Vale mobs or some change in the code seems to be upping item damage over all. Death does not seem to be main culprit.

02-01-2008, 06:18 AM
...I started the night with 630,000ish gold, and by the end of the night between exploring the vale for the first time, doing all 5 quests twice and the LOTD three times I spent...how much you ask on repairs...630,000 gold...approximately...When I logged off I had a measly 342plat to my name thats 3420 gold.... when even after only 1 or 2 deaths its costing me approx 7,000-10,000 gold an item to repair....that is just plain to much. Now while I pulled throughout the night both a sup pot 6 and greater pot 7 one handers...that does not near make up for the fact that I'm out of scrolls and have no money to buy them.

Why are you complaining?

Sell the Sup Pot 6 scepter on the AH for half a million or more plat, laugh all the way to the bank, pretend to care about the 60k PP you lost learning the quests.