01-28-2008, 11:43 AM
Tip #4: When you reach a new level, you gain action points, which you can trade with a Trainer for Enhancements.
I think this should be 'rank' and not level.
Tip #6: Use the Diplomacy skill in battle to make monsters pay less attention to you.
Should be amended to add "or whistle, looking uninterested while subtely gesturing towards rogue who is hiding in shadows"
Tip #17: Treasure chests are better stocked on higher difficulty adventures.
:cough :cough
Tip #19: You can only disarm traps if you have a high enough Disable Device skill. Search to find the trap's control box and use Disable Device once it is selected.
I would say 'You can only find traps if your search skill is high enough. Use disable device once you have found the box". Search has no roll, disable device does. Since the roll determines your yes/no and not just the skill, I think this is wrong.
Tip #38: Hold down the middle mouse button to rotate the camera to see your character from the front.
Or use the number pad?
Tip #41: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on your character.
Or the +/- keys (my mouse does not have a wheel)
Tip #49: Holding down the 'Shift' key puts you in 'block' mode which gives you extra Damage Reduction and can prevent many special attacks such as a spider's poison.
And plus 2 to AC right? Or is that only if you have a shield?
Tip #61: High level clerics can cast the Raise Dead spell, which will return you to life with the least XP penalty.
Grumpy the thief, Axxel the bard, and Hugo the sorc all signed a petition regarding this 'slightly truncated' list of people who could cast the raise dead spell, especially via a scroll.
Tip #64: When worn, an armor's Armor Check Penalty applies to the following skills: Balance, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Swim (the Armor Check Penalty is doubled for Swim).
Did not know that about swim, wow.
Tip #62: When you die on an adventure you can use a Resurrection shrine (marked with a flame symbol) to come back to life.
And can be used multiple times....
Tip #66: Bardic music is a welcome addition to a party, allowing the bard to inspire fellow party members or neutralize enemy monsters.
And causes a lot of stress listening to the Bard complain about people moving out of the song range for buffing and hitting 'more than one monster at the same time'
Tip #67: Bards are not vulnerable to the arcane spell failure chance when wearing Light armor.
But clerics are, even when using scrolls of spells they can cast like summon monster!!!! Grrrrr. #@$& Bards.
Tip #76: Higher Fortitude saving throws increase your chances of resisting poison, disease and negative level effects.
I am confused on the whole 'negative level effects' thing. Enervation has no save. If enervated I have certain minuses and such due to level loss, but fortitude does nothing for that. Perhaps this was meant to be something else like negative spell effects (like cause light wounds, etc?)
Tip #93: Only rogues or clerics, using the spell find traps, can find traps with a Difficulty Check (DC) higher than 20.
Um, I am sure I have seen rangers and others with high searches finding traps that I am sure were higher than a 20. Also, searching traps, as far as I can tell, does not involve a DC check. It is a simple 'is your search high enough', there is no roll.
Tip #125: While in a tavern you will slowly regenerate hit points and spell points. Eating and drinking while in a tavern will hasten this process.
Maybe: While in a tavern or in town, you will slowly....yadda yadda...
Tip #147: You can avoid the re-entry penalty in a dungeon by being resurrected inside either by a high level cleric with the correct spell or by using a resurrection shrine.
Again, grumbling from Grumpy, Axxel, and Hugo about the whole 'UMD' thing.
Tip #170: Be careful where you roam when fighting monsters! If there is a wall, pillar, or other obstruction between you and your cleric he or she can't heal you, even if you are close to him/her.
Add: And you will never hear the end of it!
Tip #181: Using a resurrection shrine will set your current spell points to zero, a cleric's raise dead spell will not.
I thought rez shrines did not take all your mana away anymore?
Tip #192: Magical spell scrolls can be manually stacked in your inventory, even though they do not automatically stack. Just drag a scroll on top of an identical scroll (or existing stack of identical scrolls) to stack them.
Umm, yea they do.
Tip #195: To turn on voice chat, go to Options -> Audio -> Enable Voice Chat. You can do this even if you do not have a microphone so you can hear what others are saying.
In the interest of helping new players, why is this not enabled as a default? This should be on by default. Really, it should. And this tip could tell them how to turn it off
I think this should be 'rank' and not level.
Tip #6: Use the Diplomacy skill in battle to make monsters pay less attention to you.
Should be amended to add "or whistle, looking uninterested while subtely gesturing towards rogue who is hiding in shadows"
Tip #17: Treasure chests are better stocked on higher difficulty adventures.
:cough :cough
Tip #19: You can only disarm traps if you have a high enough Disable Device skill. Search to find the trap's control box and use Disable Device once it is selected.
I would say 'You can only find traps if your search skill is high enough. Use disable device once you have found the box". Search has no roll, disable device does. Since the roll determines your yes/no and not just the skill, I think this is wrong.
Tip #38: Hold down the middle mouse button to rotate the camera to see your character from the front.
Or use the number pad?
Tip #41: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on your character.
Or the +/- keys (my mouse does not have a wheel)
Tip #49: Holding down the 'Shift' key puts you in 'block' mode which gives you extra Damage Reduction and can prevent many special attacks such as a spider's poison.
And plus 2 to AC right? Or is that only if you have a shield?
Tip #61: High level clerics can cast the Raise Dead spell, which will return you to life with the least XP penalty.
Grumpy the thief, Axxel the bard, and Hugo the sorc all signed a petition regarding this 'slightly truncated' list of people who could cast the raise dead spell, especially via a scroll.
Tip #64: When worn, an armor's Armor Check Penalty applies to the following skills: Balance, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Swim (the Armor Check Penalty is doubled for Swim).
Did not know that about swim, wow.
Tip #62: When you die on an adventure you can use a Resurrection shrine (marked with a flame symbol) to come back to life.
And can be used multiple times....
Tip #66: Bardic music is a welcome addition to a party, allowing the bard to inspire fellow party members or neutralize enemy monsters.
And causes a lot of stress listening to the Bard complain about people moving out of the song range for buffing and hitting 'more than one monster at the same time'
Tip #67: Bards are not vulnerable to the arcane spell failure chance when wearing Light armor.
But clerics are, even when using scrolls of spells they can cast like summon monster!!!! Grrrrr. #@$& Bards.
Tip #76: Higher Fortitude saving throws increase your chances of resisting poison, disease and negative level effects.
I am confused on the whole 'negative level effects' thing. Enervation has no save. If enervated I have certain minuses and such due to level loss, but fortitude does nothing for that. Perhaps this was meant to be something else like negative spell effects (like cause light wounds, etc?)
Tip #93: Only rogues or clerics, using the spell find traps, can find traps with a Difficulty Check (DC) higher than 20.
Um, I am sure I have seen rangers and others with high searches finding traps that I am sure were higher than a 20. Also, searching traps, as far as I can tell, does not involve a DC check. It is a simple 'is your search high enough', there is no roll.
Tip #125: While in a tavern you will slowly regenerate hit points and spell points. Eating and drinking while in a tavern will hasten this process.
Maybe: While in a tavern or in town, you will slowly....yadda yadda...
Tip #147: You can avoid the re-entry penalty in a dungeon by being resurrected inside either by a high level cleric with the correct spell or by using a resurrection shrine.
Again, grumbling from Grumpy, Axxel, and Hugo about the whole 'UMD' thing.
Tip #170: Be careful where you roam when fighting monsters! If there is a wall, pillar, or other obstruction between you and your cleric he or she can't heal you, even if you are close to him/her.
Add: And you will never hear the end of it!
Tip #181: Using a resurrection shrine will set your current spell points to zero, a cleric's raise dead spell will not.
I thought rez shrines did not take all your mana away anymore?
Tip #192: Magical spell scrolls can be manually stacked in your inventory, even though they do not automatically stack. Just drag a scroll on top of an identical scroll (or existing stack of identical scrolls) to stack them.
Umm, yea they do.
Tip #195: To turn on voice chat, go to Options -> Audio -> Enable Voice Chat. You can do this even if you do not have a microphone so you can hear what others are saying.
In the interest of helping new players, why is this not enabled as a default? This should be on by default. Really, it should. And this tip could tell them how to turn it off