View Full Version : Customer Service

01-23-2008, 05:00 PM
So, when is Turbine going to, oh I don't know get some? In game GM's = less than useful.

I just had a guildie cancel his account because he lost an item (Scourge Choker) through the mail system (you know, the press the send button, lag ensues, item dissapears but never arrives). This isn't the first time it has happened either. He tries in game help....lol we all know how that works. So then he tries calling customer service. Apparently all they could do for him was tell him to talk to an in game GM. LOL. Cause they're so helpful. Also, as I mentioned before this isn't the first time something like this has happened to him, and before he was able to talk to a person and get some help (not sure how often he did that or how many times out of the times he called they were willing to help him...all he said was he spoke to a person before and got help).

So my question is this: Why is customer service so awful here? We just lost a good and dedicated player for what? For nothing. I am P***ED off right now about this. This is unacceptable.

01-23-2008, 05:14 PM
Bunsen FTW!

What I mean by that if you dont know the immortal name of the God Of Awesomeness that is Bunsen, is certain people lost alotta stuff from their banks, Bunsen helped them get it back.

Your guildie will get his item(s) back if he perseveres.

01-23-2008, 05:26 PM
Bunsen FTW!

What I mean by that if you dont know the immortal name of the God Of Awesomeness that is Bunsen, is certain people lost alotta stuff from their banks, Bunsen helped them get it back.

Your guildie will get his item(s) back if he perseveres.

Is this a GM you are talking about? On the real? If so PM me the details because I would really like to retain my guildie. He posts here under the name "GrammercyRift". Yes, he likes The Warriors. Who doesn't?

01-23-2008, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry to hear that your guildmate lost an item, and even more sorry to hear that he left because of it.

We are constantly reviewing our customer service practices, and looking for ways to improve the customer experience.

If you ever have a complaint, issue or even a compliment about our customer experience, please let us know by emailing customerexperience@turbine.com

Every email sent there is reviewed by someone in customer service, and though I can't guarantee a response, your experience will be reviewed.

I hope this helps.


01-23-2008, 07:25 PM
Thanks Q. I hope he can get this issue resolved, because he is a really good player and has shown considerable loyalty to this game and Turbine as a customer.

01-23-2008, 08:38 PM
Please ask your guildy to PM me with their ticket # that they submitted ingame about this issue (you can find this on the help menu where it tracks all of your submitted help requests) and I will look into this further for them.

Sorry they had problems with the mail system.

Thanks Q. I hope he can get this issue resolved, because he is a really good player and has shown considerable loyalty to this game and Turbine as a customer.

01-23-2008, 10:16 PM
Please ask your guildy to PM me with their ticket # that they submitted ingame about this issue (you can find this on the help menu where it tracks all of your submitted help requests) and I will look into this further for them.

Sorry they had problems with the mail system.

I will let him know. Hopefully he'll get some resolution on this. I'll let you know, and thank you for your attention. This is customer service as it should be...thank you.

01-23-2008, 11:20 PM
Please ask your guildy to PM me with their ticket # that they submitted ingame about this issue (you can find this on the help menu where it tracks all of your submitted help requests) and I will look into this further for them.

Sorry they had problems with the mail system.

PM sent Sparker.

01-24-2008, 10:33 AM
Sparker and Quarion,

I posted an idea in a couple of threads regarding lost items in the mail.

please conside adding the following options to the mail system (maybe in mod 7).

Send confirmation - This option would give you a confirmation of the item you sent and the name you sent it to. This would allow the player to determine who he sent it to if he made a typo, and who to contact about getting it back. This would also give a GM concrete evidence of the item being sent. Each confirmation could include a tracking number which may make it easier for the GM's to research.

Receipt Conformation - This would provide a record of an item being received. The person who sent the item would get this confirmation. This would help avoid any "I never got the item" issues with the mail system.

These options should only be available if an item is attached to the mail.

01-24-2008, 11:16 AM
Sparker and Quarion,

I posted an idea in a couple of threads regarding lost items in the mail.

please conside adding the following options to the mail system (maybe in mod 7).

Send confirmation - This option would give you a confirmation of the item you sent and the name you sent it to. This would allow the player to determine who he sent it to if he made a typo, and who to contact about getting it back. This would also give a GM concrete evidence of the item being sent. Each confirmation could include a tracking number which may make it easier for the GM's to research.

Receipt Conformation - This would provide a record of an item being received. The person who sent the item would get this confirmation. This would help avoid any "I never got the item" issues with the mail system.

These options should only be available if an item is attached to the mail.

Not a bad idea, but I think we just need a way to retrieve the items ourselves in the case of mispellings. If we send an item, we should be able to get it back somehow, without anyone's intervention. This way anytime you contacted a GM they couldn't hang the mispelling excuse on you. They'd be forced to actually help you.

01-26-2008, 10:00 PM
/sarcasm on -- well turbine ty for resolving the issue with Vedders lost scourge choker in such an efficent and professional manner!!!! must say awsome work... you looked into the issue did some digging and managed to fabricate a grand b.s. story. honestly the story line you created was far superior to most of the quest story lines in game that ive seen to date. It had drama intrigue lies deceite and a villian.

/commonsense on --- is it a good idea to take a loyal customer of almost two years and due to the ineptitude of the reasearch done on the matter by your engenieers, call that customer a liar? not sure, but doesnt seem like a sound business decission to me! your engineers in their research as u claim, said that Vedder had never aquired a scourge choker!!! hmmm odd as i was in the cursed crypt quest with him when he looted it from the chest. As were 4 other guildies of course im sure we all remember incorrectly as you say he never aquired one. Really well handled on your part, its not like this game depends on the loyal core gamers that put up with all the normal b.s. you throw at us because we genuinely enjoy the game and comraderie that the game provides. Naw much better to step the b.s up and insult one of your customers integrity to the point that they will no longer pay to play a game that would treat a customer in that manner. Im sure with all the money saved by not hiring people that actually have human relations training, you will run an advertising program that will replace said customer no problem!!! oh wait thats right atari wont let u advertise my bad.

in conclussion wanted to say thanks for a job very poorly done, and say to anyone even considering approaching customer service about lost items... do your self a favor dont contact them unless you want it to not be resolved, be told your a liar, and be disgusted to the point self respect will no longer allow you to play a GAME.

01-27-2008, 02:24 AM
just wanted to point out the obvious. flaws in the mail system followed by flaws in customer service caused my guild and i to lose a great friend. simple as that


01-27-2008, 10:37 AM
I hereby retract my laurels lauded on the customer service people in this post. What you said to him (calling him a liar basically) was reprehensible. Good job, you just lost ANOTHER LOYAL CUSTOMER OF OVER TWO YEARS. In fact, when my account is due to renew on the 8th I may tell you to go pound salt also. You guys better make sure your resume's are up to date because as the great Jerry Glandville once said, "IF you keep making calls like that the NFL stands for Not For Long", as in employment.

01-28-2008, 05:15 PM
This issue was researched and the information was relayed to the player in question.

I'm closing this thread.