View Full Version : PVP Fairness

01-22-2008, 04:33 AM
I recently was questioned on my fairness in pvp at the lobster. I was on my wizzy and targeted a person before they jumped off the peir on to the brawling area. I stonned them...and beat them to a living pulp with fire. Toasty :P

Anyway, he or she informed me that it is now illegal to target others just jumping off the platform and that they must hit the ground before it is fair game. I could not find this ruling on the forums but this person said that it would be coming out in mod 6 this way. Also, he or she said that clerics are no longer aloud to use dispel in pvp..and that would also be a fix in mod 6. What is the ruling on this.. are they full of it and deserve the punishement for being babies....or do I need to play by the rules...or maybe forget pvp all together because individuals just don't think its fair that I beat the hell out of them....just wanted to know... also this person said that suspension is part of the punishment for violation.....

by the way...I just got gangted in the same manner two minutes ago and it prompted me to put this up...

Trozan....Maker of fire

01-22-2008, 04:39 AM
There's another rule coming in Mod 6: crybabying in PvP will result in a random limb being permanently deleted. Got a problem with PvP? Leave or report it to a GM and let them handle it.

01-22-2008, 04:41 AM
I recently was questioned on my fairness in pvp at the lobster. I was on my wizzy and targeted a person before they jumped off the peir on to the brawling area. I stonned them...and beat them to a living pulp with fire. Toasty :P

Anyway, he or she informed me that it is now illegal to target others just jumping off the platform and that they must hit the ground before it is fair game. I could not find this ruling on the forums but this person said that it would be coming out in mod 6 this way. Also, he or she said that clerics are no longer aloud to use dispel in pvp..and that would also be a fix in mod 6. What is the ruling on this.. are they full of it and deserve the punishement for being babies....or do I need to play by the rules...or maybe forget pvp all together because individuals just don't think its fair that I beat the hell out of them....just wanted to know... also this person said that suspension is part of the punishment for violation.....

by the way...I just got gangted in the same manner two minutes ago and it prompted me to put this up...

Trozan....Maker of fire

Not a big PvP'er, so I maybe wrong on this....but it sounds like the person was just full of bs, on all accounts.

If you see him again, and he's a melee, just target him, stand a ways away from the platform, so he has to drop down and run to you....stone him when he lands and starts his run, so you don't have to listen to him complain. If he's a caster or capable of range, just inform him that he can target you as soon as he jumps, so it's fair to do anything to each other the moment he enters the arena.

01-22-2008, 04:42 AM
It was just a case of sour grapes.

01-22-2008, 04:44 AM
If anyone has a case for unfairness, it's the guy already on the ground. He's the one reacting to the guy jumping down. The guy jumping is the one deciding when to enter and attack the already vulnerable guy.

Unless the guy jumping is being targeted by multiple people on the ground...

01-22-2008, 05:16 AM
Just don't flesh to stone them and then leave. That IS harassment. Everything else goes. People don't like dispell because it works as intended. I used to love PvP and sometimes still engage in it, however, I have lately just enjoyed watching. ( It all boils down to whom hits a button first when it's caster vs. caster usually. That's no fun, or even a test of skill. )
Invite them into a party and do a real deathmatch. Everything goes in there.

01-22-2008, 07:19 AM
Check the release notes for Mod 6 since this guy is claiming it is coming in Mod 6 and just about anything we know that is coming on Mod 6 comes from there for the most part that should be your answer......

PS. Now I recall exactly why I don;t go anywhere near the PvP pits normally.....

01-22-2008, 09:43 PM
Anyway, he or she informed me that it is now illegal to target others just jumping off the platform and that they must hit the ground before it is fair game.

This is 100% inaccurate, you do not have to wait for them to "hit the ground" to be fair game. Once they jump, start the killing!

Also, he or she said that clerics are no longer aloud to use dispel in pvp

The person that said that was as accurate as their previous statement. You can use dispels INSIDE of the PvP pit, but if you use them OUTSIDE of the pit to remove buffs from players that is considered harassment. Now whether there are changes to what spells can be used inside PVP I can not say at this time, but feel free to jump into Risia to test it out. :)