View Full Version : A question about chat and a question about crossbows

01-20-2008, 12:51 PM
1) Can I not use any chat but tells because I'm a trial account, or is something wrong with my interaction with the chat server? I'm getting "chat server is temporarily unavailable" messages every time I log in, but I was theorizing that maybe trial users can't do general chat.

2) How exactly do Repeating Crossbows work? They have the exact same damage numbers as the normal crossbows. Do they fire multiple attacks at once? If so, it's poorly documented in-game, especially for something you have to use a feat on.

01-20-2008, 01:02 PM
1) for "chat server unavailable" try this link to the Knowledge Base, http://turbine.fuzeqna.com/ddo.support/consumer/kbdetail.asp?kbid=4846 Trial accounts should be able to use all chat.

2) If you don't have the exotic weapon proficiency feat, Repeating Crossbows function as regular crossbows. If you do have the feat, you get 3 shots before reloading. You can choose to shoot 3 in rapid succession (what most people do by clicking to attack again), or take individual shots. It's not 3 times as fast as a normal crossbow, but is a HUGE improvement (approaching twice the rate of fire of a normal crossbow).

01-20-2008, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the help. I also had to open a couple of ports in my firewall, but it seems to be working now. As an aside, is it safe to keep leaving those ports open?