View Full Version : post patch abbot down in japanese server

01-16-2008, 06:52 PM
Guilds called "Himawari" and "Mottenai Storm" on japanese server took down the black abbot.
Abbot in there is the exact same version to ours (all 3 puzzles are mandatory).

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/article/29633.html#more (japanese article)

only one raid loot (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_002.jpg) dropped

Shroud of the Abbot - Robe: Armor Bonus +4, Natural Armor Bonus +4, Boon to Undeath, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Void Lore, Superior Lightning Lore

uum at least this item havent changed...

(translation of the article)

Jan 17 - Ascension Chamber solved

From Dec 26th '07, we've been tryin this quest about 150 times (7 times a day in average it is).
I really appreciate all the group members for not givin this up.
Sry for some who could not come home in time but, finally, finally we get this really difficult quest done.

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_000-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_000.jpg)
Alas we've been fighting the guy for 25 days including runs before the patch!
This screen shot is really a treasure for me.
(* the patch he mean is the 5.2 patch, jp servers first saw mod5 as 5.1 patched version.)

Below this contains spoilers about quest, be warned. Go ahead if you wanna proceed.
Screenshots, impressions and item informations etc...
(*ppl in jp servers are really sensitive about spoilers for some reason)

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_001-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_001.jpg)
Party is hitting the Abbot like fanatics, bearing his brutal attacks.
Each time inferno comes everyone gets into intense mood.

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_002-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_002.jpg)
Sir Lezard's disintegrate took him down.
Even the Abbot gets disintegrated, woot really his nuking is best in the world!!
(*this sentence is some kind of joke cannot be translated)

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_003-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_003.jpg)
This is XP report. Didnt even catch up with XP we lost. But we got something else.

... I dont mean loot, loot did really suck.

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_001-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_001.jpg)
Here are the things contained in the chest.

We only got single wired armor, this is very usual to us <Himawari> and <Mottenai Storm>. Thank god for that!
(*grp were joint force from 2 guilds.)

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_002-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_002.jpg)
Tought this wasnt so bad initially but...

This item could shine but Boon of Undeath spoiled everything. If you wanna use this, deathward will be always needed.

http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_003-thumbnail2.jpg larger (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_Clear_item_003.jpg)
And looks like this. I think this is the exact same one to what Abbot was wearing.
Looks cute huh? If you take a closer look, design is based on bones...

Impressions about the quest... All of us concentrated on the fight really intensely and was workin like machines, in good meaning.
This aint joke at all, we could have not beat him without all members movin like fine machines.

In fact, we beat all 3 puzzles at once for the first time in Jan 16.
On first run today (Jan 17), incapped member got teleported to one of the puzzles and could not even try it. That was our start of the day.

Second run, we happened to make all route but failed Ice wanding when inferno was comin, thats it.
Just a minor mistake can spoil entire run in this quest, really tough one...

We succeeded in third run of the day. Third run, we made all route perfectly, at this point all members started concentrating on this.

Deathes could not be avoided, but each spoke situations up correctly and we got rid of them real fast. Did really good job and kept avoiding inferno waves.

Infernos are nasty but good thing is we can take time and get buffs such as bard songs.
Each time it went close to wipe but we kept attacking Abbot little by little, then finally took him down. This is the story.

After 3 route have done, really severe playing skills are required.
We made it well so far by following reasons;
we have done the best we could each time, we havnt given any run up, and all were involved in discussions, tracing it with imaginations.
I really appreciate entire group members for tagging along entire time.

<Mottenai Storm>, <Himawari> menbers, really nice job guys.

Im goin to update about trinket rewards next time.

(evidence of this being after patch)

shrines spawns as abbot is defeated

01-16-2008, 06:55 PM
Grats to them!!!!!!

01-16-2008, 06:55 PM
Good for them. Doesn't Japan have the fastest internet services in the world with lowest latency too? Wonder if that could have made a difference.

01-16-2008, 07:02 PM
Good for them. Doesn't Japan have the fastest internet services in the world with lowest latency too? Wonder if that could have made a difference.

That is correct sir. Exactly what I was going to say. Most other countries have a better infrastructure than ours due to smaller size and government intervention.

01-16-2008, 07:03 PM
I think you mean China.

But in all seriousness, does that Japanese text describe HOW they did it? What technique?

01-16-2008, 07:05 PM
Is that guy really named Shortsword of Ykesha?

01-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Good for them. Doesn't Japan have the fastest internet services in the world with lowest latency too? Wonder if that could have made a difference.

Yes. Japan has an average broadband speed of a staggering 61Mb/s, compared with the US at 4.8 or 1.9 Mb/s (depending whom you believe).

01-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Gratz to them. Too bad I don't speak or read japanese otherwise I would consider transferring a character over to their server. My server quite frankly is lame...

01-16-2008, 07:15 PM
I live in a very rural area of Japan, near a US/Japan military base but not on it.

While the people on base are offered really horrible internet service, off base it is now actually cheaper to go fiber optic (up to 100Mbps...my average is about 30Mbps) than to purchase DSL. Fiber is still being installed in this area, but considering they started just 2 years ago and most places can now have it hooked up, they are moving along quite quickly.

And as I said, I live in a -very- rural part of Japan. In Tokyo/Yokohama area, people can get much faster speeds due to a tighter infrastructure.

01-16-2008, 07:17 PM
If this is Post Patch.. wheres the shrine on the platform to prove it? Not doubting but seeing it hard to believe coming from me, someone who tested stuff out in there for 3 days.

01-16-2008, 07:18 PM
we cant tranfer over to there server but we can repost this on there server to let them know we think they did a kick *** job killing the abbot

01-16-2008, 07:21 PM
Surely it has nothing to do with connection.
The hardest part of the riad is gathering a group of all ppl who are good and practiced at every puzzle.

01-16-2008, 07:24 PM
Surely it has nothing to do with connection.
The hardest part of the riad is gathering a group of all ppl who are good and practiced at every puzzle.

Wrong. Our puzzles are currently bugged.. Ice is alright cept the missle thing.. where it shoots off into nowhere. Asteroids is messed up too with random asteroids hitting from bottom... Goggles is just messed up in the first place for thinking two people can do it! :eek:

01-16-2008, 07:26 PM
/hats off

01-16-2008, 07:33 PM
I would just like to be the voice of reason and say gratz to the team that did this but we have to remember, this does not prove its easy. If anyone can get a good translation of what they did up a lot fo us will appreciate it.

01-16-2008, 07:40 PM
lol so robe - one of the very worst items in the raid wasn't updated?

.. Youd think theyd maybe fix up the **** items to get us lazy US/Canadian players interested in the raid at least. Oh well maybe they can beat it again to show us some uber updated items and get interested in some real attempts.

01-16-2008, 07:55 PM
If this is Post Patch.. wheres the shrine on the platform to prove it? Not doubting but seeing it hard to believe coming from me, someone who tested stuff out in there for 3 days.

Are you serious? It's right there. In the picture. At the bottom. It's got pink flames on it.

01-16-2008, 07:59 PM
Are you serious? It's right there. In the picture. At the bottom. It's got pink flames on it.

He's talking about a rest/rez shrine. The thing with the pink flames is the altar to upgrade your trinkets.

01-16-2008, 09:03 PM
Are you serious? It's right there. In the picture. At the bottom. It's got pink flames on it.

Thats not a shrine genious.

01-16-2008, 09:13 PM
Gratz to them. Too bad I don't speak or read japanese otherwise I would consider transferring a character over to their server. My server quite frankly is lame...

just transfer everytoon over, i'll chip in some for the jap-english dict that u'll want :cool:

01-16-2008, 09:27 PM
I think congratulations are in order.

01-16-2008, 09:31 PM
Thats not a shrine genious.

It IS a shrine, an altar is a shrine. If you meant RESURRECTION shrine you should have said so.

01-16-2008, 09:44 PM
huh? why did they move this one? i wasnt in the party, have no account in there.
who was bragging? i dont get it. this is not the case, is this achievement of us american server players at all? thought this is rather news i wanted to infrom community with. im really unconfortable with your stupid rules and what these forms are lately (really miss xoriat forum of when legion guys were around). they need to stop this ****.

..cogh, um sry guys anyway i just added quick translation of the article. he also mentioned about thier puzzle solution videos in other entries as i quickly scanned.

Ice puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/Dungeons-and-Dragons-Online/video/2026888/DDO-The-Ascension-Chamber-Ice-Puzzle_001)
goggle puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/Dungeons-and-Dragons-Online/video/2046723/DDO-The-Ascension-Chamber-Goggle-Puzzle_001)
asteroid puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/user/DDOplayer/video/2008535/) (well it is cheesy, flame it!)

these screenshots might be helpful too.
goggle img1 (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_002.jpg)
goggle img2 (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_003.jpg)

01-16-2008, 10:20 PM
If this is Post Patch.. wheres the shrine on the platform to prove it? Not doubting but seeing it hard to believe coming from me, someone who tested stuff out in there for 3 days.

You had a flawed strategy. Grab a bunch of pugs and have no plan or thoughts as to what to try next just beat your head against the wall so that means that someone else can't come up with an actual strategy. Like mapping the phase puzzles and try hanging on the edge of the asteroid puzzle. It is clear that they mapped those phase puzzles and have a pre-set route with the other person serving as a stop marker.. There is no communication between the two - latency my but... Again my server sucks bunch of lazy....I did hear there was a group on my server that may have beaten the raid 10 times or so, but they never advertised and don't care to apparently..

01-16-2008, 10:26 PM
Man who took their shirts??? Poor abused employees!

Well, how else is the whip supposed to be effective! Shirts gotta be off!

Anyway, is the current version of the abbot raid supposed to have rest and resurrection shrines upon completion, or is that in development?

If this is legit, it's really a great job, irrespective of how good their connection is. I bow to their determination and perseverance in conquering a retardedly hard raid that nearly everyone else gave up on.

This means Turbine can say we told you it was possible! and then fix it for the rest of us. :)

01-16-2008, 10:31 PM
ok now it is confirmed this is after patch.

01-16-2008, 10:36 PM
ok now it is confirmed this is after patch.

You should put that one in the OP. :)

It's good they got loot too!

Indago beat the abbot 4 times before the nerf/fix, and not one of us got a single piece of raid loot.

01-16-2008, 10:46 PM

Gratz! Great job!

Seems we need to catch up....

01-17-2008, 12:24 AM
ok now it is confirmed this is after patch.

There we go. That is all. :D. Now congrats to these uber players. Nerf the raid for the rest of us!

01-17-2008, 04:54 PM
Nice and awesome! That is all.

01-17-2008, 05:02 PM
Grats to all who have done this. I want to know why some of the names are in english and some in Japanese are these english speakers playing in japan or what personally it would make game play alot tougher for me if some of the dialog was in Japanese and not all english.

01-17-2008, 05:05 PM
Wow great job. That is one very dedicated group.

01-17-2008, 05:06 PM
huh? why did they move this one? i wasnt in the party, have no account in there.
who was bragging? i dont get it. this is not the case, is this achievement of us american server players at all? thought this is rather news i wanted to infrom community with. im really unconfortable with your stupid rules and what these forms are lately (really miss xoriat forum of when legion guys were around). they need to stop this ****.

..cogh, um sry guys anyway i just added quick translation of the article. he also mentioned about thier puzzle solution videos in other entries as i quickly scanned.

Ice puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/Dungeons-and-Dragons-Online/video/2026888/DDO-The-Ascension-Chamber-Ice-Puzzle_001)
goggle puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/Dungeons-and-Dragons-Online/video/2046723/DDO-The-Ascension-Chamber-Goggle-Puzzle_001)
asteroid puzzle video (http://www.stage6.com/user/DDOplayer/video/2008535/) (well it is cheesy, flame it!)

these screenshots might be helpful too.
goggle img1 (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_002.jpg)

goggle img2 (http://premiere.ddoblog.jp/image/BA_003.jpg)

So, if you know, did the group actually use this "cheesy" tactic on the asteroid room to complete the raid? I sure hope not. If so, they still get credit for doing a pretty amazing thing, but less credit than they'd get if they didn't use this kind of cheesy tactic, possible exploit.

01-17-2008, 05:17 PM
Congratz... /salute

01-17-2008, 05:30 PM
So, if you know, did the group actually use this "cheesy" tactic on the asteroid room to complete the raid? I sure hope not. If so, they still get credit for doing a pretty amazing thing, but less credit than they'd get if they didn't use this kind of cheesy tactic, possible exploit.

If I am in combat and some enemy combatant is dropping mortar rounds on me I will hide in a secure spot, exploit or tactical way to keep self alive you decide. Running abbot tonight on sarlona.

01-17-2008, 05:45 PM
Yes. Japan has an average broadband speed of a staggering 61Mb/s, compared with the US at 4.8 or 1.9 Mb/s (depending whom you believe).Yeah... keep in mind that a lot of "US" groups are composed of people from the other side of the planet...

Here's the thing on the Abbott: I don't doubt that I could create a team that could beat the quest... on a LAN.

01-17-2008, 05:49 PM
If I am in combat and some enemy combatant is dropping mortar rounds on me I will hide in a secure spot, exploit or tactical way to keep self alive you decide. Running abbot tonight on sarlona.

Yeah, it's definitely a "gray" issue. What do I know? Just curious is all.

01-17-2008, 05:50 PM
thats some dedication there, props to all in that group i wonder how many runs it took for 1 completion and if they will have the patience to try again.

01-17-2008, 05:54 PM
Again my server sucks bunch of lazy....I did hear there was a group on my server that may have beaten the raid 10 times or so, but they never advertised and don't care to apparently..With comments like that, I'm thinking maybe the server might improve if you went to a different one?

01-17-2008, 06:40 PM
How easy does that look? Very easy. The tile puzzle you just run in a straight line... now I've never even attempted to zone into the Abbot raid, but that is easy. Im all over it now, tonight I will kill Mentau in the pre-raid and complete the Abbot. A pug can do this if everyone of them has watched these videos. (Good luck on that, I know) But now that the strategies are revealed...

I really can't believe they posted the astroids video... that will change.

01-17-2008, 07:05 PM
Wow, that is a really good way to solve the phase puzzle... instead of talking/typing, watch the person with the goggles and move across the puzzle in conjunction with them.

Easily practiced outside the raid, too...

So you guys know, the asteroid puzzle "solution" is bound to be changed, so we will once again have a "new" post-post-post-patch release in some number of weeks. I'm kicking myself now though... I thought to use that strategy for inferno, but it never occurred to me to do so with the asteroid puzzle. (So you don't bother trying, it doesn't work to survive the inferno - it does 2089238473289 points of damage to your fingertips)

01-17-2008, 08:05 PM
Wow 3 cheers to them !!!

I gotta say though ... I'm not so sure the Asteroids puzzle solution that they applied is an expoit, or bug. I think it may be as intended.

Its a puzzle ....

And its in great D&D tradition to force players to figure out non-combat ways to get through thorny problems. The DQ pre-req comes to mind, where the best solution is to run, run, run to the end and fight there.

Makes perfect sense to me ... I would not be surprised if this is the solution to the "impossible" "buggy" quest that was frustrating so many folks.

Sometimes, the easy solution is right there, staring you in the face ....

GRATS again to these folks !!! Job well done!

EDIT: I'll add, that it doesn't appear that "bandwidth" would make any difference at all. Lag spikes - perhaps. But the fact that bandwidth may be higher in Japan should be irrelevant, as the amount of data being transferred is well below even U.S.A.'s grand standards. Even lag spikes, I'm not sure how that would affect it. And the problem of the ice wand firing into the ceiling... not sure, but could it have anything to do with being cast 2x in a row?

01-17-2008, 08:18 PM
With comments like that, I'm thinking maybe the server might improve if you went to a different one?

Qwijy, I was pretty frustrated with my server as I could not find a regular group to run the abbot raid. I have been trying for the last couple of months really to get a regular group, but have not succeeded. You know this. Thanks to these videos it is now possible to get a group as people now believe the abbot can be beaten. Last night I was in a regular group running the abbot raid. We plan to run the abbot nightly now which is really great for me as this is the thing I have most wanted to do in the game for the last couple of months..

01-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Gratz to them, sounds like they got it done but just by the skin of thier teeth. Guessing with the level cap increase we'll get some more people to get it done.

01-17-2008, 08:47 PM
Actually a Norwegian Grandma on a test server achieved a 40 Gbps speed.. (OC768 for fellow SONET geeks)...but overall yes Japan has the fasted due to the small size of their country. Not that hard to bury single mode NDSF or even ZDSF fiber compared to here.

01-17-2008, 09:20 PM
Congratulations to them, way to stick with it and get it done!

01-18-2008, 12:29 AM
So, if you know, did the group actually use this "cheesy" tactic on the asteroid room to complete the raid? I sure hope not. If so, they still get credit for doing a pretty amazing thing, but less credit than they'd get if they didn't use this kind of cheesy tactic, possible exploit.

i got no clue if they did it that way or not.

01-18-2008, 12:46 AM
Gratz to them, sounds like they got it done but just by the skin of thier teeth. Guessing with the level cap increase we'll get some more people to get it done.

From what I've seen of the raid, I don't see the level cap increase helping much. The main challenge right now is mastering the puzzles, which a level bump won't help.

01-18-2008, 01:17 AM
Jan 17 - Ascension Chamber solved

From Dec 26th '07, we've been tryin this quest about 150 times (7 times a day in average it is).

:eek: 1/150 and just barely. Yup serious dedication indeed.

01-18-2008, 01:18 AM
How do they get the necessary Hot-Key presses to show on their hotbars?

01-18-2008, 01:55 AM
Congrats on the abbot like i've been saying is not impossible for both the abbot and the puzzle, while never thought to use the person as a guide did find the path running across in a straight line and was how i managed to make my way across. Also notice there is only one person in the asteroid room try practicing catching ledges or you will fall tatic we tried for the center room and its not as easy as ya think.

01-18-2008, 07:36 AM
Well done to the group that beat this. The dedication needed is astounding! ~150 tries? I am impressed. Nice job.


ps thanks for showing those videos

01-18-2008, 07:35 PM
So for the asteroids room, their video shows people hanging onto the ledge of the pedestal? I can't see that not being an exploit if the GMs want to force us to beat the puzzle. I bet the Devs take away the 'ledge' coding that lets you hang onto it in the future.

01-18-2008, 08:36 PM
I do not see the hanging on the ledge as an exploit. I have been in asteroids many times, I would say about 20-30 times. Beating it with the asteroids is nearly impossible with the amount that comes at you and how fast they are. Hanging on the ledge works so it must be intended. Otherwise they would code the rocks to knock you off the ledge anyways. Kudos to these fine players, and hopefully my group on khyber will beat it soon. We have already accomplished beating ice consistantly and now asteroids. Just need to nail down that strategy for phase goggle puzzle.

PS- at the end of goggles the dm said a small pouched waited for them, anyone know what the item in the pouch is or does. I have heard it lets you see the mana draining ghost mobs, but just want to confirm if we know what they do etc.

01-18-2008, 10:47 PM
I do not see the hanging on the ledge as an exploit. I have been in asteroids many times, I would say about 20-30 times. Beating it with the asteroids is nearly impossible with the amount that comes at you and how fast they are. Hanging on the ledge works so it must be intended. Otherwise they would code the rocks to knock you off the ledge anyways. Kudos to these fine players, and hopefully my group on khyber will beat it soon. We have already accomplished beating ice consistantly and now asteroids. Just need to nail down that strategy for phase goggle puzzle.

Sorry, but that's ridiculous and the comment that you can do something means it's not an exploit is a absolute falsehood. There have been many things that you 'could' do have been declared exploits and had people banned for it. Don't fool yourself.

01-18-2008, 10:55 PM
Sorry, but that's ridiculous and the comment that you can do something means it's not an exploit is a absolute falsehood. There have been many things that you 'could' do have been declared exploits and had people banned for it. Don't fool yourself.

Fool Myself. There are ledges.. You can hang from them. It is just playing smart as of right now its one of the only ways to beat it, obviously they figured that out as well as I did. Throwing rocks at the asteroids just didn't work. They are coming at the platform too fast.

01-19-2008, 01:26 AM
I'm with Dimz on this. I've been in the asteroid puzzle many times, and the best strategy I've seen before this one was to not even bother shooting... just work on staying in the middle. While my first instinct (as noted by my earlier post) was that this was an exploit, the more I think about it, the more I think the puzzle was designed to be "impossibly" hard... unless you know how to solve it.

It just feels... planned.

01-19-2008, 01:36 AM
They ... "planned" ... people to just hang off the edge instead of using the rocks to blow up the asteroids.



01-19-2008, 08:10 AM
They ... "planned" ... people to just hang off the edge instead of using the rocks to blow up the asteroids.



Gotta agree hanging off the ledge aint planned just like being able to cast and attack while hanging onto ledges was not planned but you can do it if you know how.

01-19-2008, 10:09 AM
I will agree with all of you when they shorten the speed on the asteroids and how many there is. Right now its very unfair. There is no way that I can imagine 2 people surviving and completing asteroids without using the current method of hanging onto the edge. If you know someone who is beating it with the asteroid rocks, then tell them to PM with a link to the youtube fraps. That is all.


01-19-2008, 10:50 AM
In Japan the bandwidth to homes is 10 to 20 times faster than in the US with extremely low lag. We will never see that bandwidth in the US for the bulk of the country for several more years. Most people live in really big apartment buildings and their connection to the internet start at a 100mb or better connection on a plate in the wall in each room that run down to the basement of the apartment complex. We are talking switched network from the user’s computer to the fiber connection in the basement. The connections for the buildings to the outside are even scarier.

This is the kind of connection most business IT guys in America wish they had at work.
The Internet fee is typically part of the rental for the apartment.

It gets better....

Most of the gamer clubs in Korea and Japan play at their internet cafes where you can connect even faster and they are all on the same LAN segment, which is very important for consistency of lag among players in a group.

Maybe someone at Turbine will read this and begin to understand why a group from Japan beat the abbot and why it’s not going to happen in America anytime soon.http://www.websiteoptimization.com/bw/0711/oecd-broadband-speed-country.png

01-19-2008, 11:03 AM
In Japan the bandwidth to homes is 10 to 20 times faster than in the US with extremely low lag. We will never see that bandwidth in the US for the bulk of the country for several more years. Most people live in really big apartment buildings and their connection to the internet start at a 100mb or better connection on a plate in the wall in each room that run down to the basement of the apartment complex. We are talking switched network from the user’s computer to the fiber connection in the basement. The connections for the buildings to the outside are even scarier.Certainly. However, have you watched the videos? From the goggle puzzle solution, it seems apparent that the people who beat the puzzle had lag issues with voice communication as well. Their solution used a method that avoided voice chat altogether.

What I'm interested in is how well US-based players can do the same "synchronized movement" strategy. I run two accounts... when I go to an outdoor area and hit auto-run on both characters, each character thinks he is ahead of the other. This equates to about a quarter to a half second of delay between the two computers (same LAN segment).

01-19-2008, 11:13 AM
They ... "planned" ... people to just hang off the edge instead of using the rocks to blow up the asteroids.


Whatever.Well, let's see...

- The asteroids don't kill you or hurt you, they knock you off the platform
- The asteroids often knock you off juuuuust enough to fall off the ledge

Both of the above suggest that the Devs wanted the ledge-hanging to be discovered. Compare this to the main room:

- The front portion of the platform is generally un-grabbable
- Trying to grab the side portions of the platform results in death from dipping toes in water
- Accepting a rez while hanging still gets you creamed by the inferno on your fingertips

Seems obvious that the devs put some serious consideration into ledge-grabbing in the main room. So they had a big ledge-grabbing checklist in the main room, but lost it by the time they got to the asteroid room?

Then, of course, there's one final piece of evidence in my favor... the fact that this thread is still alive and well. It's had almost 4000 views, which means that there's a high likelihood that at least one person has reported "discussion of an exploit" in this thread. Yet it still exists, and the post providing video links remains. We know for a fact that the forum team is aware of this thread - they moved it to the achievements forum.

There's only two conclusions here, Kerr: either we have a new forum policy allowing us to post and discuss exploits, or ledge-hanging is not an exploit.

01-19-2008, 11:22 AM
Thank you Strak... The DEV's said it theirselves. Some things needed to beat the abbot are right infront of you. Outsmarting people is now an exploit i guess. Well lock me up and throw away the key! :D

PS. I am in America.. I have no problem with lag in Abbot for the most part. Not enough to affect my game or twitch skills.

01-19-2008, 11:48 AM
PS. I am in America.. I have no problem with lag in Abbot for the most part. Not enough to affect my game or twitch skills.Most people can say this. It's communicating these game or twitch skills to the other side of the barrier ;)

01-19-2008, 10:11 PM
Most of the gamer clubs in Korea and Japan play at their internet cafes where you can connect even faster and they are all on the same LAN segment, which is very important for consistency of lag among players in a group.

this is not the case in japan.
few fps clan may do this but at least i never heared of mmo guild playin this way.

01-19-2008, 11:48 PM
Well, let's see...

- The asteroids don't kill you or hurt you, they knock you off the platform
- The asteroids often knock you off juuuuust enough to fall off the ledge

Both of the above suggest that the Devs wanted the ledge-hanging to be discovered. Compare this to the main room:

- The front portion of the platform is generally un-grabbable
- Trying to grab the side portions of the platform results in death from dipping toes in water
- Accepting a rez while hanging still gets you creamed by the inferno on your fingertips

Seems obvious that the devs put some serious consideration into ledge-grabbing in the main room. So they had a big ledge-grabbing checklist in the main room, but lost it by the time they got to the asteroid room?

Then, of course, there's one final piece of evidence in my favor... the fact that this thread is still alive and well. It's had almost 4000 views, which means that there's a high likelihood that at least one person has reported "discussion of an exploit" in this thread. Yet it still exists, and the post providing video links remains. We know for a fact that the forum team is aware of this thread - they moved it to the achievements forum.

There's only two conclusions here, Kerr: either we have a new forum policy allowing us to post and discuss exploits, or ledge-hanging is not an exploit.

While not an exploit what he's trying to get at was it wan't INTENDED, its exploiting the fact that in some areas u need to grab ledges to get up ie in von3 the shrine just past the scorp room with the overpass and drow on it. Chances are there will be no response from the moderators as its not exploiting a bug in the game which will get the post shutdown or edited. Devs may change or may not it just means there is an easy cheap way and the harder proper way.

01-20-2008, 01:20 AM
I'm surprised there is such hostility to the idea that hanging off the side may be the "solution" to the puzzle ....

It is a puzzle, after all.

Besides, isn't forcing people to think "out of the box" and come up with non-fighting solutions to problems a really big part of D&D?

I think we now have the solution to that "puzzle"......

The ice caps have been solved for some time - just takes patience.

The Abbott will be run to death like the Reaver is now in no time at all.

01-20-2008, 09:51 AM
I'm surprised there is such hostility to the idea that hanging off the side may be the "solution" to the puzzle ....

It is a puzzle, after all.

Besides, isn't forcing people to think "out of the box" and come up with non-fighting solutions to problems a really big part of D&D?

I think we now have the solution to that "puzzle"......

The ice caps have been solved for some time - just takes patience.

The Abbott will be run to death like the Reaver is now in no time at all.

And to also prove your point. Hanging on the ledge isn't something that is easy. There is a certain way to position yourself. It isn't EASY. I have seen two people do it on my server, some guy and me.

01-21-2008, 01:42 AM
they completed it again and pulled 3 named loot and a +3 tome this time.

Enduring Conviction - Longsword: +5 Enhancement, Greater Good, Banishing, True law (LG alienment or UMD of 30)

Circle of Hatred - Ring: Harm 3/day, +13 Intimidate, +4 Resistance

Purging the Pantheon - Belt: Quell 3/day, Moderater Fortification, Protection +4

these items havent changed too... i dont know, im one of those who missed advantage of the situation and still lookin to beat this one, dont wanna discourage ppl from this raid at all but seems like devs made this stupid quest just extremely hard and didnt change reward so much. that sucks.

01-21-2008, 02:40 AM
these items havent changed too... i dont know, im one of those who missed advantage of the situation and still lookin to beat this one, dont wanna discourage ppl from this raid at all but seems like devs made this stupid quest just extremely hard and didnt change reward so much. that sucks.

Been Practicing Alot. Been beating, asteroids as they did, and ice puzzle has always been easy. Not sure if they found another way to beat goggles or they are just really good at it by now. I started a guild based only on doing abbot raid hopefully I can find about 12 men to devote hours on hours.

01-21-2008, 03:16 AM
Well im think overall is a great achivement, besides here we will gonna have lots of troubles to solve to get that done too, so latency is a big trouble on many places over here, im often play on wireless 256kbps, so my latencies goes from 650-1,200ms and lagging a lot very often, and in my country hard (to not say impossible) to have over 1Mbps connection for a domestic line. So this have some effect on the gameplay. But too, is extremely hard to coordinate play time with 12 friends when often daily only connects up to 4. So still if want and have to reserve some time to play together still is not enough to can learn and develop those techniques to beat that raid. Im think that devs seriously must think too on those non-power gammers that not spends all lifetime playing to beat a ridiculous hard quest on perfect gameplay enviroment.

01-21-2008, 04:10 AM
Congratulations to the victorious!

01-21-2008, 11:43 AM
Congratulations. An incredible amount of man-hours for crappy loot, but quite an accomplishment. This raid is so broken and abandoned that I don't really care that they exploited the asteroids (and indeed hanging off the edge of the platform to avoid completing the puzzle as intended is an exploit). I am very much impressed by the dedication it took to complete. We ran a few times but stopped when getting encased on the ice flow then going back and having the ice wand shoot to the ceiling. Weak.

We've been waiting for the "real" fixes, which will come eventually and I expect will include a fix to eliminate the hanging off the edge exploit.

Great job to the Japanese team!

01-21-2008, 12:17 PM
and indeed hanging off the edge of the platform to avoid completing the puzzle as intended is an exploitWell, glad you cleared that up for us :rolleyes:

Out of curiosity, any idea why this thread and the post showing the video is still up?

01-21-2008, 12:23 PM
Well, glad you cleared that up for us :rolleyes:

Out of curiosity, any idea why this thread and the post showing the video is still up?

My pleasure.

Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99&#37; of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.

01-21-2008, 01:02 PM
My pleasure.

Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99% of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.

this is great

01-21-2008, 01:20 PM
My pleasure.

Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99% of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.I agree that at first blush it certainly feels like an exploit. I don't buy into your reasoning that the forum team decided that the "no posting exploits" rule is actually the "no posting exploits unless they won't be of much use to you" rule.

I vote we test this to make sure. My initial thought was to report the post, but I don't wanna get anyone in trouble for my experimentation purposes. So let's try it where I'm the one who might get into trouble... someone please report this post, no hard feelings:

In the Abbott Raid Asteroid puzzle, you can hang off the ledge and avoid all asteroids, resulting in successful completion of the puzzle. <------------- POTENTIAL EXLPOIT POST!!!!


01-21-2008, 01:34 PM
I agree that at first blush it certainly feels like an exploit. I don't buy into your reasoning that the forum team decided that the "no posting exploits" rule is actually the "no posting exploits unless they won't be of much use to you" rule.

I vote we test this to make sure. My initial thought was to report the post, but I don't wanna get anyone in trouble for my experimentation purposes. So let's try it where I'm the one who might get into trouble... someone please report this post, no hard feelings:

In the Abbott Raid Asteroid puzzle, you can hang off the ledge and avoid all asteroids, resulting in successful completion of the puzzle. <------------- POTENTIAL EXLPOIT POST!!!!


How about let's not and say we did? This post is about the achievement of a tenacious group of fellow DDO players from Japan that accomplished what I thought was nearly impossible and beat the devs fixed but even more broken raid. Why lobby to close this? They deserve all the kudos we can offer (exploit to the stupid asteroid puzzle or not).

01-21-2008, 01:43 PM
Not an exploit.

I wonder why some people scream exploit if you come up with a creative solution to a problem. All this, "you must solve it as the Devs intended!" stuff cracks me up for two reasons. One, no you don't have to solve every thing, "as the devs intended"...that is what creativity is!!! Two, we have no idea what the devs intended and to act otherwise is..in my opinion acting with arrogance.

Again, in my opinion it's not an exploit.

01-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Renegade --

Give 1 reason why you think hanging off the ledge is not "as intended"?

Here's why I think is is precisely the solution that the DEVs contemplated:

1. It's a puzzle, which means it has a "solution".
2. It's a classic D&D style puzzle, requiring you to think "out of the box". Indeed, its hilarious because the ubercrowd is so quick to assume that the "solution' requires such stellar twitch skills ....
3. Many many many runs have been made by many of the best twitch players in the game. No one, to my knowledge, has successfully "completed" it as you imply it should be done. And don't blame lag, I can't be the only one playing with a E6600 on a 5MB/sec connection that gets absolutely no lag at all.
4. The report of the solution is still here rather than squashed as other exploit reports have been.

Indeed, this solution is not only elegant, its hilarious. Kudos to the DEVs for hanging in so long and taking all the abuse from all those screaming about how bugged the quest is and how impossible it is and how its no fun at all, when in fact .... the solution is quite simple indeed.

Once the goggles solution is refined, this thing will be run to the ground just like Reaver. In fact, it will be more popular than Reaver since everybody loves a good knock-down end fight (which the Reaver doesn't really provide).

01-21-2008, 01:48 PM
Anyone that says that hanging off the ledge is an exploit needs to take a step back and look at history.

Remember the titan? The titan went unbeatable for the longest time, and it didn't look like anyone was going to beat it. Then, a tenacious group of people use grease to trip the titan for laser shots. It was simple, unintended and brilliant. They won, and the devs praised them and congratulated them on the main website.

And the following day the titan was made immune to grease.

The devs might not have intended people to hang off the side. The devs didn't intend on people tripping the titan with grease. And the devs might change to the raid to be more in tune with what they intended. It doesn't mean it's wrong or cheating to use the tactic until it is fixed.

It's simply cheese with a good dose of ingenuity.

01-21-2008, 01:49 PM

I'm not one to scream exploit.

But if hanging off the edge isn't an exploit, I don't know what you want to call it. You can call it "the thing the devs will fix when people start beating the abbott."

There is no way the devs intended the asteroids puzzle to be solved this way. They put the rocks up there for you to pick up, coded the animation of you throwing and blowing up the asteroids, for a reason. And here's a hint, the reason isn't to avoid all that by hanging off the ledge.

I'll bet anyone any amount of plat this changes.

01-21-2008, 01:51 PM
But if hanging off the edge isn't an exploit, I don't know what you want to call it. You can call it "the thing the devs will fix when people start beating the abbott."

What did you call tripping the titan with cometfall?

01-21-2008, 01:59 PM
The devs might not have intended people to hang off the side. The devs didn't intend on people tripping the titan with grease. And the devs might change to the raid to be more in tune with what they intended. It doesn't mean it's wrong or cheating to use the tactic until it is fixed.

It's not wrong until the devs confirm that it isn't as intended and is indeed an exploit. Range killing the Abbot wasn't "wrong" either even though you pretty much knew that it was an exploit and ultimately was exposed as one. As long as there's a small chance that it is as designed it's not cheating. Those that used the ranged exploit after it being exposed are cheaters. Until the devs confirm the exploit one way or the other, the Japanese team are heroes and should milk it while they can. If they keep doing it after the exploit is exposed then they will be cheaters too.

In contrast, Legion simply skipped the puzzles which the devs said were not required to beat the raid. The devs stated that we were not exploiting and therefore our continued beating of the abbot was not cheating and not wrong in any way.

The devs changed the raid so that we couldn't finish the way we did and fixed the ranged cheat too. Unfortunately they broke the raid in the process. I agree that the wall hanging trick most likely falls into the grease/cometfall the titan category.

01-21-2008, 02:03 PM

I'm not one to scream exploit.

But if hanging off the edge isn't an exploit, I don't know what you want to call it. You can call it "the thing the devs will fix when people start beating the abbott."

There is no way the devs intended the asteroids puzzle to be solved this way. They put the rocks up there for you to pick up, coded the animation of you throwing and blowing up the asteroids, for a reason. And here's a hint, the reason isn't to avoid all that by hanging off the ledge.

I'll bet anyone any amount of plat this changes.


Occam's Razor here "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

The simplest solution is that the devs missed the fact that you could hang off this certain part of the platform therefor avoiding the intent of the puzzle. There's certainly plenty of precedence for such design flaws.

One can argue that the hanging off the edge solution is by intent and there is a very small chance they are correct. Personally, I like putting my plat on the favorite especially when the odds are so lopsided. If you get any takers, I want in on the action.

01-21-2008, 02:14 PM
Renegade --

Give 1 reason why you think hanging off the ledge is not "as intended"?

I've always believed in the axiom that the best indicator of future performance is past performance. We have a nearly two year long history of players finding clever solutions to beating DDO and devs responding by eliminating the possibility of continuing to do so. Do you need a list? This is simply example #8462. In contrast, I don't know of a single example where the devs spent hundreds or thousands of manhours creating a dungeon instance (in this case the asteroid puzzle) with the solution intent being as simple as hanging off the edge for a few minutes.

01-21-2008, 02:20 PM
What did you call tripping the titan with cometfall?

There is a significant difference. Cometfall is designed to knock things over. So at the time, the titan being knocked over by cometfall made sense.

It's basic common sense. It makes sense that cometfall, acting in the way it was designed, knocked over the titan.

It does not make sense, that the devs would, on purpose, allow an entire puzzle to be skipped (ignoring the design of picking up the rocks and defending the island from incoming boulders by firing off those rocks), merely by hanging off the ledge.

I'm not saying it's an exploit. What I am saying is those of you that think the devs intended for the puzzle to be solved this way are in for a rude awakening one day. Don't be surprised when they change it, is all I'm saying.

01-21-2008, 02:21 PM
I've always believed in the axiom that the best indicator of future performance is past performance. We have a nearly two year long history of players finding clever solutions to beating DDO and devs responding by eliminating the possibility of continuing to do so. Do you need a list? This is simply example #8462. In contrast, I don't know of a single example where the devs spent hundreds or thousands of manhours creating a dungeon instance (in this case the asteroid puzzle) with the solution intent being as simple as hanging off the edge for a few minutes.

and yet it took how long for someone to figure it out?

sounds like a good puzzle to me ....

anyway, we'll know soon enough.

01-21-2008, 02:29 PM
and yet it took how long for someone to figure it out?

sounds like a good puzzle to me ....

anyway, we'll know soon enough.

Sounds like the stupidest puzzle I've ever heard of. Think of how fun the puzzle would be if you could stay up there, work as a team and succeed in blowing away all the asteroids. Compare that to enter, hang on edge for 3 minutes, climb up, grab boulders and leave.

Sometimes I think people argue just to hear themselves argue. I'm sure I fall into that category, but come on guys be real.

01-21-2008, 02:38 PM
"De Nile" is more than a river.

01-21-2008, 02:53 PM
"De Nile" is more than a river.

LOL and 'Evian' is 'Naive' spelled backward.

01-21-2008, 04:23 PM
How about let's not and say we did? This post is about the achievement of a tenacious group of fellow DDO players from Japan that accomplished what I thought was nearly impossible and beat the devs fixed but even more broken raid. Why lobby to close this? They deserve all the kudos we can offer (exploit to the stupid asteroid puzzle or not).I'm not lobbying for it to be closed. I'm lobbying to receive a definitive (read: from a Turbine rep, not from a player) answer on whether or not this is considered an exploit.

What I suggested was one way to "force" them into providing us with an answer... by reporting my post, they either need to delete it (since I discuss an exploit) or do nothing (since I discuss something not considered an exploit).

01-21-2008, 04:25 PM
Indeed, this solution is not only elegant, its hilarious. Kudos to the DEVs for hanging in so long and taking all the abuse from all those screaming about how bugged the quest is and how impossible it is and how its no fun at all, when in fact .... the solution is quite simple indeed.I agree - it is quite funny if it really is the intended solution. A lot of people, myself included, will have to come on these forums and eat some crow if that is the case.

01-21-2008, 04:28 PM
I agree - it is quite funny if it really is the intended solution. A lot of people, myself included, will have to come on these forums and eat some crow if that is the case.

I like my crow served with fava beans and a nice Chianti. I think I'll risk plans for dinner out though.

01-21-2008, 04:32 PM
I like my crow served with fava beans and a nice Chianti. I think I'll risk plans for dinner out though.I tried to get my little brother to eat a crow I'd shot once.

I don't think there's enough Chianti in the world... :D

01-21-2008, 07:59 PM
I think what is an exploit and what is not is very academic as the abbot raid still remains very difficult and virtually unplayable. The phase puzzle is quite a difficult puzzle and besides even if all the puzzles are completed there is no guarantee of beating the abbot.

01-21-2008, 08:07 PM
I don't read japanese so I don't know if they mention this in their post, but I am curious about how many times the japanese guild failed between their first victory and their second victory. They may be only able to complete the raid a small % of the time right now - this after 150 attempts before they could complete it the first time. This is further evidence of this raid's failings..

01-21-2008, 08:50 PM
There is a significant difference. Cometfall is designed to knock things over. So at the time, the titan being knocked over by cometfall made sense.

It's basic common sense. It makes sense that cometfall, acting in the way it was designed, knocked over the titan.

It does not make sense, that the devs would, on purpose, allow an entire puzzle to be skipped (ignoring the design of picking up the rocks and defending the island from incoming boulders by firing off those rocks), merely by hanging off the ledge.

I'm not saying it's an exploit. What I am saying is those of you that think the devs intended for the puzzle to be solved this way are in for a rude awakening one day. Don't be surprised when they change it, is all I'm saying.



Chill touch was intended to cause strength damage.

So then... it was doing exactly what was intended when it dropped Queen Lailat to 0 str and allowed her to be autocritted?

Sorry, they're exactly the same things. Things working as intended, just not in the context of the raid in question. Hanging onto a ledge is working exactly as intended. They just didn't intend on you using it there.

01-21-2008, 08:50 PM
Whether or not hanging off the edge is an exploit or not is academic.

Fact is, if that is the intended solution to the puzzle, the abbot raid is even more pooly designed than any of us could of accused...

and in this room, the object is to do absolutely nothing! You need to hang off the edge and go grab a smoke.

Brilliant! (Why do I picture the monty python Guiness beer guys coming up with this?)

01-21-2008, 08:55 PM
Whether or not hanging off the edge is an exploit or not is academic.

Fact is, if that is the intended solution to the puzzle, the abbot raid is even more pooly designed than any of us could of accused...

and in this room, the object is to do absolutely nothing! You need to hang off the edge and go grab a smoke.

Brilliant! (Why do I picture the monty python Guiness beer guys coming up with this?)

Sure it is academic because nobody can beat it regardless of hanging off the edge of a platform..

01-21-2008, 10:33 PM
I don't read japanese so I don't know if they mention this in their post, but I am curious about how many times the japanese guild failed between their first victory and their second victory. They may be only able to complete the raid a small % of the time right now - this after 150 attempts before they could complete it the first time. This is further evidence of this raid's failings..

after 3 days timer they entered the quest several times for purpose of practicing, then beated it again for first serious try of the night...
completion time was 19 min, which was 5 min faster than 1st success. they havent allowed any pugs in group, went 12 man static group all the way (for almost a month, from when they started to learn it).
so it is obvious they now can complete it constantly... i see their tactics/knowledge being widely shared among japanese players but no other group has succeeded in that raid yet.

01-22-2008, 04:49 AM


Chill touch was intended to cause strength damage.

So then... it was doing exactly what was intended when it dropped Queen Lailat to 0 str and allowed her to be autocritted?

Sorry, they're exactly the same things. Things working as intended, just not in the context of the raid in question. Hanging onto a ledge is working exactly as intended. They just didn't intend on you using it there.

Seems to me your example is more like mine w/ the titan. At the time, chill touching could've been seen the same way (I'll address the difference in a second), and it may have been reasonable to assume that it would've stayed the same (still have to fight/engage her, still have to get close to chill touch her, still using spells to their intended effects on her.)

Now, it's slightly different in that red names can't be wounded/punctured/weakened in that way, so that may have been a clue that it would've been changed. W/ the titan, red names can't be tripped, but one may have be logical in assuming that the devs were treating the trip from the melee action differently than the trip from cometfall. Either way, you still have to engage in the fight.

And I'm sorry, hanging off the ledge bypasses that entire puzzle, they're not the same thing. If we are to use your DQ example and be more accurate in the analogy, let's say that in the DQ raid when it came out, you could just hang off the edge of her platform, and after 3 minutes time, she jumps off into the lava and dies. If one were using this tactic and assumed you could bypass the fight altogether (like people are assuming it's intended to bypass the asteroids altogether), and thought it would never be changed........well, let's just say those folks are in for a rude awakening.

And like I said, I'll bet anyone any amount of plat/items this hanging off the edge is changed. The only question is when will it be changed.

01-22-2008, 05:08 AM
And like I said, I'll bet anyone any amount of plat/items this hanging off the edge is changed. The only question is when will it be changed.

This thread has been open for six days. If it were an exploit, it should have been closed by now it would seem.

01-22-2008, 05:11 AM
One thing I can tell from looking at the images of the raid loot they pulled on the second successful run is (just looking though the japanese in the pictures for numbers and such) of the 4 items that have dropped, Purging the Pantheon, Circle of Hatred, Enduring Conviction and Shroud of the Abbot, not one of them has changed in the slightest, one of the things in the notes when they were changing the abbot the second time (removing touch of dolourrf on normal for example) was that 'many' of the raid items were receiving an upgrade, so far that is 0 from 4.

01-22-2008, 05:32 AM
This thread has been open for six days. If it were an exploit, it should have been closed by now it would seem.

Again, I'm not calling it an exploit. I'm just saying don't get too used to it, and don't ignore practicing that puzzle thinking that hanging off the edge is here to stay.

01-22-2008, 07:43 AM
This thread has been open for six days. If it were an exploit, it should have been closed by now it would seem.

So, how much are you wagering? I'll cover up to a million plat.

01-22-2008, 09:14 PM
If it was such an exploit, then why didnt they totally ROUND the edges.. As of right now there is many spots to hang off of on that platform. I have tested myself. We are also beating Asteroids and Ice consistantly in each run. Goggles is still very very very tough!


01-22-2008, 09:49 PM
So, how much are you wagering? I'll cover up to a million plat.

I was thinking along the lines of 10,000 Qautloos for the newcomer. ( Seriously though, I wouldn't bet on something not being changed. We've all seen some things changed in this game that we came to rely on. They might put grease on the edges next. LOL )

01-23-2008, 02:28 AM
>we've been tryin this quest about 150 times (7 times a day in average it is).

Thats some serious dedication. Well I hope more people can beat it. Japanese are pretty hard core. This raid is not for casual players, or even pug groups. No question that unless the devs want more people to try this raid, they've fix it.

I know on Khyber some groups are trying it regularly, but if only a small group is the only ones who are trying it, then the raid is a failure because most people on the server don't give a **** about it in its current state.

01-23-2008, 03:36 AM
after 3 days timer they entered the quest several times for purpose of practicing, then beated it again for first serious try of the night...
completion time was 19 min, which was 5 min faster than 1st success. they havent allowed any pugs in group, went 12 man static group all the way (for almost a month, from when they started to learn it).
so it is obvious they now can complete it constantly... i see their tactics/knowledge being widely shared among japanese players but no other group has succeeded in that raid yet.

Cool to see they got more loots.

Can anyone translate the stats on the new loots they have posted on that page? Curious to see whats updated, if anything.
Looks like they got the Sword, Ring and the Belt from the pictures, but can't tell the stats.

01-23-2008, 03:54 AM
I went through the screenshots of the new pulls and while I can't translate them exactly, you can tell by the numbers in the japanese text around about what they do and from what I can tell, the 3 things they pulled are exactly the same as the old versions, not even the durabilities have changed.

01-25-2008, 10:50 AM
I'm not sure if anyone else has replied about this as I am only on page 3 ATM. I've seen a few request for translation. Just go to translate.google.com and get the translated pages.

04-21-2008, 04:40 PM
Stage6 is no longer a working site, can't view the Abbot Asteroid Puzzle anymore. What was the song that was playing hte back ground of the video???? It's wracking me brain!!!!! Anyone know?