View Full Version : Thanks All

01-15-2008, 10:33 PM
I haven't been posting much lately, but lurking like a dog.

I finally got around to canceling my account, for the record I have no complaints, and love the game and looking forward to playing from time to time, perhaps after the level cap increase.

motivation for the cancel, was to spend more time with the family and play more xbox games with the kids, nothing dramatic.

later all! you will see me again, but who knows when

/already gave away (some) of my stuff
//you cant have it
/// Keep up a great game!

01-16-2008, 01:00 PM
take care sid. You were always a blast to group with.


PS. Can you have all of my stuff?


01-16-2008, 01:09 PM
Good luck Sid!

Hope to see you back soon. Dragonmark Alliance wouldn't be the same without you.


01-16-2008, 07:55 PM
aw furg i miss your dwarf icon, he was cuddly