View Full Version : Favorite Manga/Anime?

01-15-2008, 10:35 AM
I'm not sure if there's any number of people here interested in this or not, but it's worth a shot. :rolleyes: Go ahead and knock out a list; I just started looking into manga a few days ago though so that one will be pretty short. I really like it though; there are many titles in manga entirely devoid of the kiddy-giddy stuff that gives anime such a bad name.

Blame! OVAs (37 minutes total, based off disjointed parts of the manga).
Bleach (the Soul Society arc).
Death Note (first season, not the second).
Elfen Lied.
FLCL (there isn't a person alive who can't love FLCL).
Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd GiG (title of the second season).
Haibane Renmei.
Serial Experiments Lain (brilliant).

Manga (told you the list would be short :p ):
Biomega. Link (http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6194/abaras02xi2.png) (somewhat violent pic; you are warned don't sue me).

01-15-2008, 11:49 AM
Ghost in the shell (the movie)
Wings of Honnemise (i know i'm spelling that wrong)
Macross Plus (the miniseries not the movie)

01-15-2008, 11:50 AM
Hentai. :eek::D

01-15-2008, 03:55 PM
Hentai. :eek::D

I would know nothing about that....:o
* Hides Wordsworth series...Legend of the Overfiend DVD's :eek:

01-15-2008, 04:01 PM
Ghost in the shell (the movie)
Wings of Honnemise (i know i'm spelling that wrong)
Macross Plus (the miniseries not the movie)

Actually I think you may have got it right.
If you like that you could try:

The Valley of the Wind
Spirited Away
Howls Moving Castle
and for fun;
Dominion Tank Police
Oedo-Cyber police
Cobra- If you can find it in english.
Ninja Scroll
Legend of the Four Kings
The Guyver
and that is just the begining.

be careful though, there is some really good stuff out there
but there is some really BAAAAD stuff out there too.

Have fun and enjoy! :D

01-15-2008, 04:27 PM
Actually I think you may have got it right.
If you like that you could try:

The Valley of the Wind
Spirited Away
Howls Moving Castle
and for fun;
Dominion Tank Police
Oedo-Cyber police
Cobra- If you can find it in english.
Ninja Scroll
Legend of the Four Kings
The Guyver
and that is just the begining.

be careful though, there is some really good stuff out there
but there is some really BAAAAD stuff out there too.

Have fun and enjoy! :D

Appleseed is pretty darn good... it's been playing non-stop here, well, it was - the cartoon network picks one anime ever weekend and plays it 2 or 3 times a night haha

Patlabor 1 & 2 i enjoyed

Ninja Scroll not so much

i'll try to check out some of the other oens you suggest :)

01-16-2008, 06:37 AM
Ghost in the Shell Films
ALL Miyazaki
Serial Experiments Lain
Kino's Journey
Cowboy Bebop!

Man, just tons more...

01-16-2008, 08:04 AM
Anime: One Piece (Brooke is awesome so far)

01-16-2008, 08:32 AM
Appleseed is pretty darn good... it's been playing non-stop here, well, it was - the cartoon network picks one anime ever weekend and plays it 2 or 3 times a night haha

Patlabor 1 & 2 i enjoyed

Ninja Scroll not so much

i'll try to check out some of the other oens you suggest :)

There is another one that was pretty cool too.

Princess Mononoke, ( I think I killed the spelling on that one).

That one was kind of neat.

"Graveyard of the Butterfies" is really good, but
is very dark and kind depressing so I advise caution.

I would suggest following that one up

"Dominion Tank Police!!! :D

That one is allot of FUN!!! :D

01-16-2008, 08:41 AM
Cowboy Bebop - the whole **** series
Ghost in the shell - the movie
Samuri Champloo - just what i've seen of it

01-16-2008, 03:12 PM
Ghost in the Shell Films
ALL Miyazaki
Serial Experiments Lain
Kino's Journey
Cowboy Bebop!

Man, just tons more...

I'll be darn. Someone else who saw Kino's Journey. :)

I've been loving Hellsing Ultimate myself. So much better than the first set.

Full Metal Panic is decent, but the Fumaffu! part is hillarious.
Orginal Techi Myuo, Tenchi Myuo OAV set 2, and GXP are good. "in Tokyo" is ****, as are most of the other spin off, retellings, or what have you of the world.

Record of Lodoss Wars, and Bubblegum Crisis are classics. Bubblegum Criss 2040... eh.. not as good as in my opinion.

edit: Oh yeah.. you said all Miyazaki. *snicker* What did you think of Pon Poko?

01-16-2008, 03:12 PM
"Dominion Tank Police!!! :D

Anti tank mines for the win. *snicker*

01-16-2008, 03:27 PM
vampire hunter d was my favorite.
hellsing series was a riot
also liked
naruto not the stuff now but earlier japanese stuff.
also as many hate to admit it yu yu hakusho
FLCL was a riot to watch I think I might watch it tonight

01-16-2008, 03:41 PM
FLCL (there isn't a person alive who can't love FLCL).

I love anime, but I hated FLCL. :p

My faves would be:

Fate/Stay Night
Mai-HiME (only season 1....I love it so much that my iPod is named Natsuki) :D
Scrapped Princess
Princess Mononoke
Ah! My Goddess (season 1 and the movie)
Ergo Proxy
Gunslinger Girl
Hell Girl
Fushigi Yūgi
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (This is the most depressing anime I have ever seen. For those of you who have seen it, you will understand how cruel it was that my friend had me watch the first two episodes...and then stop....then after a horrible amount of begging, he let me watch the rest. Pure EVIL!) :rolleyes:

01-16-2008, 03:42 PM
I'll be darn. Someone else who saw Kino's Journey. :)

I've been loving Hellsing Ultimate myself. So much better than the first set.

Full Metal Panic is decent, but the Fumaffu! part is hillarious.
Orginal Techi Myuo, Tenchi Myuo OAV set 2, and GXP are good. "in Tokyo" is ****, as are most of the other spin off, retellings, or what have you of the world.

Record of Lodoss Wars, and Bubblegum Crisis are classics. Bubblegum Criss 2040... eh.. not as good as in my opinion.

edit: Oh yeah.. you said all Miyazaki. *snicker* What did you think of Pon Poko?

I haven't seen Pon Poko, to be honest, although I've heard about it. But everything else of his I've seen I've loved, so it'd probably be interesting at least.

Yeah, Kino's Journey! I'm a huge fan of the guy who did Serial Experiments Lain, and this was a followup, so of course I had to see it! I really enjoyed it.

Man, I just know there's stuff I want to add here that I can't think of right now.....

01-16-2008, 03:44 PM
alot of what i like has been said but one anime: Air Gear, its funny, and a bit more of an adult show.

01-16-2008, 04:03 PM
"Graveyard of the Butterfies" is really good, but
is very dark and kind depressing so I advise caution.

Are you thinking of Hotaru no Haka (grave of the fireflies?)
World War 2 set in Japan with 2 orphaned children and the U.S. firebombings? if you are then yep it's very depressing.

and another one that is a bit rare called "The Cockpit" 3 very interesting WWII Vignettes

01-16-2008, 04:20 PM
I'm an old Anime Fogie so I prefer movies to series most of the time. I like a story with a nice beginning, middle and end to it.

All time #1 favorite: Nausica (both movie and manga) Nausica is the most heroic and pure hearted character of all time. Its really about my favorite movie of all time on a pure "I love this move!" level. Right up there with Blade Runner which is my favorite in a more dark and moody kind of way.

After that I like lots of stuff. Anything Miazaki, and most things studio Ghibli.

I really like the Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex both one and 2. Better than the movies actualy.
I like the original Escaflone alot.
I like the old Dirty Pair movies and the american Manga versions from the 90s.
I like really cutie stuff like Tottoro and Kami Chu
I like some of the really far out stiff like Anamabashi (sp?): Magical Shopping Arcade.

I dislike the long slow pretentous stuff like Lain and .hack Zzzzzzzzzz

I also have a soft spot for the Harmony Gold import stuff like Frankenstein or Galaxy Express 999 etc...

I mostly skip the Hentai but Golden Boy (not really Hentai) is **** funny and kind of charming.

My quiet side really likes Hukaru no Go (its a series about playing go) Both the anime and manga are great.

01-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Oh ya...

Grave of the fireflies: My vote for saddest movie of all time. I didn't just tear up, I openly wept the first time I saw it.

Pom Poko: Worth while for the magical transforming testicles alone. But overall its kind of long and a bit dull.

01-16-2008, 04:28 PM
Vampire Hunter D

01-16-2008, 04:36 PM
Well they're are alot of mangas out there. But I think my favourites are probable: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist and of course hentai ::rolleyes:

01-16-2008, 05:38 PM
I've seen one or two episodes of Kino's Journey; I should watch the rest sometime.

I love anime, but I hated FLCL. :p
Are you sure you're human? *poke poke*

Just kidding. ;)

01-16-2008, 08:20 PM
Noir - girls doing bad things with forks and a little X-Files.
Excel Saga - the only conversion from manga to anime that was better and made me cry with laughter.
Outlaw Star - Coyboy Bebop ended like ...food for pigs. OS is what live action space shwos should be like. [Why does it always have to be serious?]
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust - Anne Rice has nothing on this story...nothing... [neither does Poppy]
Ghost in the Shell SAC [both seasons] - android drama the way Blade Runner could have been. [Blade Runner on top 5 btw]
Reign - Alexander the Great never looked so strange.

01-17-2008, 06:11 PM
Anti tank mines for the win. *snicker*

Give us More Men!, Give us More weapons!

GIVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D