View Full Version : How do you make money?

01-14-2008, 03:43 PM
Hi I'm a newbie. My character is Voxin. I have managed to claw my way to level 6 now, but I dont have much to show for it. My poor fighter cant afford a decent weapon, and all the cash I managed to make I spent on a docent. How are all you guys making your cash? I am constantly being bombarded with spam about buying plat for real money, but that to me takes all the fun out of the game. I'd rather work for it, but I dont know the best way to go. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (PS, I gladly will accept scraps!)

01-14-2008, 04:03 PM
Hang in there. Once you start running Gianthold quests (lvl 9, or maybe a little later like 10 or 11) you'll be rich in no time.

Alternatively, do loot runs. Giants caves in Threnal still drop very good stuff given their (lack of) difficulty.

01-14-2008, 04:08 PM
Collect everything and sell it. That's how I started then I got luck and pulled a Sunblade from Gwaylans that sold for 5mil. But seriously it won't take long to amass some money. Make sure you sell to the highest paying vendor to such as House D "pawn" shop for anything 18k or higher. Same goes for armor which is in House K and trinkets clothes and such in market tent. Hope that helps.

01-14-2008, 04:08 PM
You are about to get to the point where you start building up cash consistently. Delera's and Stormcleave give pretty good loot for the level. Also coming soon is Cult of the Six, which used to be a loot run when the level cap was 10, followed by Threnal. Both Co6 and Threnal have such good items that you'll be switching out much of your inventory. People are starting to run Tempest Spine more again too, which was also the prime loot run when the cap was level 10.

All of that can be run before level 9-10, multiple times if desired. Unfortunately, there is a bit of a dead spot between 10 and 11, where you can get the best loot/xp benefit from the Gianthold and Orchard quests. In that late 9--early 11 dead range, run Vault of Night (the dragon raid) and quests in the Desert. The King and Queen quests in the Desert were the prime loot runs when the cap was level 12.

Once at 11, then hop into the Gianthold and start piling on the loot big time.

As a fighter, you won't have any problems with loot if you can hold on a bit more. Clerics have some serious poverty problems, but fighters can easily become the richest characters in the game.

01-14-2008, 04:10 PM
Find a quest that you can run relatively cost free. Run it over and over again and sell the items. = Loot Run

Find what low level items are auctioning good and run the quests that give those items then auction the
items off.

Finally, do what Pellegro said. Just level with modest equipment till level 9 then the big money quests start to
open up for you.

01-14-2008, 04:32 PM
I agree with everyone above.

I would like to add that one GREAT pull can make all the difference. I was the brokest rogue in Stormreach when I ran Xorian Cipher (in House J - I believe it's a lvl 7 quest, not sure) and pulled a Planar Grid on my first run (a PUG). Immediately a trade window opened up and someone was offering me a tome for the grid (it's a highly sought-after belt that casts Greater Heroism). It was a tome I could use but even more, I knew because I had looked at what they were going for on the Auction House. But I also liked the belt. It was a tough decision but I took the trade and put the tome on the AH for a buyout of 3 million gold. It sold. In one pull I went from broke to fairly well-off. Even after buying all I could need, I still had over 2 mil gold and have never gone below that and I keep my main well-stocked on pots and wands and have twinked my wizzie alt as best as I can.

Now that I'm lvl capped on my main, each run I make AT LEAST pays for itself as far as repairs, potions, wands (or more) with what I pull and sell. So a little patience and some smart runs and you'll have plenty of cash! Search these forums for what items drop where and sell them. There are folks in this game with MAD PLAT and they'll spend a lot on the Auction House to get it.

Also, now that we have collectible bags, it's worth it for you to collect the stuff to get the NPC rewards. You can save a lot of $$ that way. Gems too....

01-14-2008, 04:49 PM
I was unaware the planar gird fell in Xorian. Got my bracers there and quit. Guess I'll have to start running it again.

01-14-2008, 05:05 PM
I was unaware the planar gird fell in Xorian. Got my bracers there and quit. Guess I'll have to start running it again.

I think that was it. Doesn't the Reavers Ring drop in there too? I dunno, it's been a while.... Don't quote me on any of that stuff. :confused:Dang now I have to check! :mad:

Anyway, while my facts may be in error, I hope I illustrated my point to the OP.

01-14-2008, 05:40 PM
Thanks for the posts guys. Sounds like I just need a little more patience. I will keep at it

01-14-2008, 05:47 PM
It was a tough decision but I took the trade and put the tome on the AH for a buyout of 3 million gold. It sold...

Eek! If you sold a tome for 3mil then that was a while ago, at one point girds were selling for 15mil plus. Also, girds are still one of the most sought after items.

Live 'n' learn.

Also OP, you'll be banned for buying plat offa farmers...and I think Turbine do a good job of tracking people who do, not sure tho.

Plats easy to come by in this game. I remember my first character and the struggling I went throo in the beginning. Just knuckle down, put anything 32k up on the AH, if it doesnt sell take it to a vendor. If you're new to the game you may not realise what is an awesome pull, if its on the AH someone who knows will bid on it.

Also, once you know what sells and what doesnt go around the vendors, especially the House D vendor, and see what you can find thats been acidentally sold there. Ive made a stack doing that.

Good luck to ya.

01-14-2008, 05:51 PM
Shoudl of Kept the Gird and SOld that..... 3Mil is cheap for a Gird and Way high for a Tome.....

Yes, the Planar Gird, Chaos Guards and Reaver RIng All Drop from Xorian Cypher.

STK can be quite a nice loot run now.. a Ring of feathers sells quite well. Every rich adventurer wants one for lowbies but usualy doenst have the patience to rerun STK over and over again.

01-15-2008, 01:18 AM
Chaos band drops there as well, but it's nothing special.

01-15-2008, 01:45 AM
im poor i dont :)

01-15-2008, 09:56 AM
Shoudl of Kept the Gird and SOld that..... 3Mil is cheap for a Gird and Way high for a Tome.....

Yes, the Planar Gird, Chaos Guards and Reaver RIng All Drop from Xorian Cypher.

STK can be quite a nice loot run now.. a Ring of feathers sells quite well. Every rich adventurer wants one for lowbies but usualy doenst have the patience to rerun STK over and over again.

Yeah. Should have sold the grid but it was my first character and he did give me a couple of other items with the tome (that skull trinket with death ward and casts fear was one of them) and i kept all those. oh well....

01-15-2008, 10:05 AM
OP, barring an uber find that you can't use, just keep running quests. As you get to higher levels you will have collected a large number of items that you and no one else wants. Sell them consistently for cash (brokers are better than vendors and putting a few points into haggle or a good haggle item are worth it on your first character). Eventually you will have wound up with enough junk that you will have several hundred thousand GP and have enough to supply yourself with whatever potions/consumables you might need. Things like docents and weapons, you will be better off looting or trading for them than trying to buy them off the AH. That said, you may need to hold off and save if there is something in particular you want on there.

01-15-2008, 10:14 AM
Also to work around the margins until you get lucky (or not), make sure to run the quests in each house that increase the amount of gold the vendors in that house will pay for your items.

Keep the highest boost haggle item you find and equip it when both buying and selling. If you have any sort of skill boost, use that too when actually getting ready to buy or sell (since it only lasts 20 seconds). Also if you see something you want at a vendor and you see some high level bards nearby, ask if they will cast a Greater Heroism on you, I cast it all the time from my bard on people in the vendors. That gives another +4 boost to the haggle skill.

Every point of Haggle will change the buying and selling price 0.25%. Does not sound like much, but it adds up. Getting the right quests completed for each house will add about 2.5% If I recall correctly. Again, it does not sound like much, but it adds up. Also avoid selling things to Barkeeps, they almost always pay less than a broker or vendor will. Again it adds up. Can turn small net losses into small net gains.

01-15-2008, 10:58 AM
Something you can do right now before the end of Festivult is collect all those coins you get and auction them in the AH; you can get quite a bit of money off them as long as you set a decent price on your offers (the coins will disappear at the end of Festivult, but the goodies you get from them stick around). Take a look at what the stacks are selling for in the "collectibles" category, dropping a bit below the average price is usually a good way to move your coins quickly; gold coins can get you quite a bit of pp.

Besides that, just keep at it. :) I've only been playing since mid-December and I'm fairly well off at this point. If you keep an eye on the AH sometimes you can get good deals and resell for profit as well, I've made most of my money that way come to think of it (Just as an fyi, I am NOT the moron trying to monopolize +5 adamantite fullplates and sell them at 4-10x their actual value; that's just plain dishonest).

01-15-2008, 11:46 AM
Like everybody said you will make money just running quest on the higher levels, as long as you don't get a AH habit like ahh a friend of mine.:rolleyes: But the key point is too have the highest haggle item you can use, put on the highest charism item you have, and to use the vendors, also if you don't have anybody that can cast GH use just normal heroism because even a +2 can help. However remember that if you use a heroism pots those can get expensive make sure that it will help you get more plat than it is costing you. A herosim clickie comes in handy.

Just keep going and the plat will come, it can seem slow but it does add up.

01-15-2008, 01:01 PM
How do I make money?

Well....first the alarm goes off about 0630. Then I hit snooze. Then I hit snooze again. Then I grumble, scratch my boys, and roll out of bed. Then it's to the shower with more grumbling. Then I look thru the closet and try to find something I didn't just wear. More grumbling cuz it's wrinkled.

Oh well, then walk a half-hour to work, grumbling at the bums who are hitting me up for money at 8am. "Like I have change at this hour....sheesh!"

Then I unforward the phone, turn on the computer, and surf the forums! :D (grumbling over)

oh.....wait.....you were talking about in "the GAME"......:o

I don't....I'm poor. :(


01-15-2008, 01:25 PM
Try to get in a group for Xorian Cypher and run it 5-10 times. If you are lucky, you'll get one of the big named items (mainly the Planar Gird). These will sell for massive amounts of plat on the Auction House (current Khyber price is about 350-450 k PP). Also XC, although an extremely tough quest the first time through, is good for XP and relatively quick when you know it well.

01-15-2008, 02:15 PM
I have some items you can auction or use; I'll send em and some plat to voxin. Happy gaming.

01-16-2008, 01:15 AM
I pimp Eldro's MOM she makes me hot l00t

01-16-2008, 03:59 PM
At your Level and upcoming levels, the following quests have a ton of chests:
Irestone Inlet
Gwylen's Stand
Tempest Spine

All of these quests have LFMS for them all day long.
Also, don't discount a +3 stat item, I sell them, and buy them all the time on the AH--just put a buy out price.

01-17-2008, 05:13 AM
If you have a friend or guild that wouldn't mind helping you transfer items, it pays to make a haggle character. You don't even need to level them beyond Rank 2 of level 1 to have a decent haggle.

Human Bard
CHA - 18, STR -16 (unless 32pt, but irrelevant really)
Skills - max haggle, perform, blah blah
Feats - Negotiator, Skill Focus: Haggle
Items - Haggle +3, Charisma +1 (+1 CON Tome if you can).
Enhancements - Bard Haggle I, Human Versatility I

This will place your boosted haggle at 20 (with the tome, 19 w/o), and you will see a 50% increase in the prices that the brokers offer you for your goods. That adds up.

Use that to sell off all the pure trash that you loot, and use the AH to sell off things that are decent (race-restricted vanilla stat items, vanilla stat items, elemental +1 weapons (ml2), etc, etc). As stated above, posting with a reasonable buyout will ensure that you aren't wasting your (and other people's) time.

Worth considering at least, imo.


04-04-2010, 07:46 PM
Hi I'm a newbie. My character is Voxin. I have managed to claw my way to level 6 now, but I dont have much to show for it. My poor fighter cant afford a decent weapon, and all the cash I managed to make I spent on a docent. How are all you guys making your cash? I am constantly being bombarded with spam about buying plat for real money, but that to me takes all the fun out of the game. I'd rather work for it, but I dont know the best way to go. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (PS, I gladly will accept scraps!)

im a newbie lvl 1 fighter/3 paladin except i can only get to about 300 pp and thats it.
i realy need tips on how to get lots of money plz
my game user is algog hydran

04-04-2010, 07:50 PM
im a newbie lvl 1 fighter/3 paladin except i can only get to about 300 pp and thats it.
i realy need tips on how to get lots of money plz
my game user is algog hydran

play the game, loot many chests

thats how you make money

04-04-2010, 07:57 PM

04-04-2010, 08:04 PM
Loot everything in the chest under your name....I got in the habit long ago to grab collectibles and anything that drops from broken crates. May not be much but its more than what you had.

Also if you feel you are running low on plat to buy supplies then go run lower level quests that you know you will not need supplies for until you have the plat.:D

04-04-2010, 08:42 PM
PM random people and offer naked elf lap dance for a copper! you'll be rich in no time!

04-05-2010, 12:42 AM
Holy thread necro :eek: :eek: :eek:

04-05-2010, 12:52 AM
Holy thread necro :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well it's better then having 2+ of the same thread here and being told to do a search because its been discussed hundreds of times already.

04-05-2010, 04:25 AM
Well it's better then having 2+ of the same thread here and being told to do a search because its been discussed hundreds of times already.

lol well considering it was more than 2 years since the last post, id say that qualifies as an necessary raise dead.

Hell we coulda gone socialist by now and making money wouldnt mean anything.

No i think after two years someone should go ahead and make a new post.

04-05-2010, 04:46 AM
Hang in there. Once you start running Gianthold quests (lvl 9, or maybe a little later like 10 or 11) you'll be rich in no time.

Alternatively, do loot runs. Giants caves in Threnal still drop very good stuff given their (lack of) difficulty.

This I agree with. Doing loot runs make you rich. Getting a good weapon for another character while running -> AH. I have to agree that running Gianthold made me rich, just running quests for loot even though you can't use them makes you rich. Tempest Spine is also good at a low level.

04-05-2010, 06:41 AM
lol well considering it was more than 2 years since the last post, id say that qualifies as an necessary raise dead.

Hell we coulda gone socialist by now and making money wouldnt mean anything.

No i think after two years someone should go ahead and make a new post.

But But what if the original poster still needs help with plat?

04-05-2010, 07:09 AM
Make a character with high haggle perferably taking at least your first level in rogue which is rich in skill points...advertise a salesman you want to level up that is interested in a guild. Dump all high end equipment on him and make deals to sell items for others. All you need to do is place him at the enterance of any dungeon or go through carefully maybe even invisible (so you may want to invest in some levels of sorcerer/ wizard/ or bard combined with an elf for the lesser dragonmark of shadow...though drow is better for charisma) for a good portion of those chain quests with respawn and just get basked in xp to level. Make sure you tell other players/guildies beforehand that you are making a moneymaker and in exchange for xp you will give them full or near full amount of resell for all unwanted junk.

Everytime you multiclass away from rogue make sure to crosstrain your haggle skill and choose classes,feat,skills,spells, and enhancements that let you skirt through dungeons quickly, for the most part unnoticed and fairly unmolested. Being just a stone in the pocket works as well but its good to be the piggybank, the stay a bit behind healer/trapmonkey what have you and etc. as well.

It's good for cashing in on those common items no one wants to buy that litter the auction houses but will bring in a tremendous amount right away with good haggling. If you are fair and honest you will become quite popular...by level 20 (and believe me most will level you faster then you could ever dream knowing your mission if it benefits both them and their guild) you will be a most popular individual.

04-05-2010, 07:15 AM
Farm Tangleroot for Fragrant Drowshood. They drop from the purple mushrooms.

Seriously. They are needed for the force rituals and are selling on the AH for about 100k per.

04-05-2010, 11:44 AM
But But what if the original poster still needs help with plat?

lol if he aint got it by now, he will never have it :D

04-05-2010, 11:51 AM
Get a job?

04-05-2010, 12:00 PM
Get a job?

Job? Where? I don't see any jobs where I live...

Oh the unemployment office? That doesn't count as a job.

04-05-2010, 12:05 PM
Basic mode is selling to the brokers, buy a Haggling helm, and ask someone to cast on you GH, Good Hope, Bard SOng you really wanna go hardcore about it =p

But you can always use the AH. Top sellers stuff on the AH includes:

+4/+5/+6 enhancements items with minimum lvl req possible. Ex: Ogre Power Gloves +4 has ML:9
Holy Burst [Weapon] of Greater [Enemy] Bane can be sold for a lot (million of plat) if [Enemy] is a Evil Outsider, Dragon or Undead.
Anarchic Burst [Weapon] of Greater Construct Bane is also a good seller because it is a portal beater
Metalline [Weapon] of Pure Good weapons are also top-million sellers
Vorpals, Paralysers, Disruptors and Smiters.
Wounding [weapon] of Puncturing or Weakening [weapon] of Enfleebing
Striding rings/boots with 25% or 30%
Mithral +5 Breastplates, Tower Shield and Large Shields
ML items with +sp - a pure Ring of the Magi, for example. An Archmage ring can be sold for a fortune.

But virtually any item can be sold on the AH for the right prices

A +5 int helm with ML:15 can be sold for its base price - maybe a new toon needs an int helm badly, who knows?

There are even countless combinations that can be worth quite a lot, like a Flaming Burst Khopesh of Greater Giant Bane (**** nice for Prey farms). With time and experience, you'll discover what sells good there and what not.

And, if u ever find:

+1 Holy Burst Silver Khopesh of Greater Evil Outsider Bane

You'll never have to farm for money stuff again ;)

04-05-2010, 02:32 PM
Holy **** thats one ancient post to show up on the first page...lol

ANd funny that nobody mentioned.... DON'T buy 'unneeded' items, you can make your way up to and beyond 10 with just what u find along the way. Not spending cash IMO: Cash earned.

04-14-2010, 03:59 PM
Basic mode is selling to the brokers, buy a Haggling helm, and ask someone to cast on you GH, Good Hope, Bard SOng you really wanna go hardcore about it =p

But you can always use the AH. Top sellers stuff on the AH includes:

+1 rep, as now I can stop having this conversation:
me: "What about this +3 keen dwarven war axe of greater orc bane?"

them: "Craptastic! Sell it! Vendor trash"

next I need a pricing guide, so I can stop overpricing and underpricing

04-14-2010, 04:02 PM
It's 1986 and I got the fix with the chicken and a quota
Got the baking soda, let the water boil, workers all loyal
Dropped out the twelveth
Cuz my wealth is shorter than a midget on his knees
Now I slang keys

Wait, nevermind.

04-14-2010, 05:52 PM
Jeez who drug this old post up? Ironically enough I still havent capped Voxin poor guy...

04-14-2010, 05:56 PM
But But what if the original poster still needs help with plat?

Yes I am still desperatly broke and will take all Plat Donations you can spare...Please Mail to Scribner :)

04-15-2010, 05:03 AM
Selling gear i dont need on AH.
[ Most of te time if price is right it goes away very quickly]
Selling Epic scrolls.

04-15-2010, 06:35 AM
At low levels one of the best ways to make money is by collecting collectables. There are certain collectables that are worth lots of plats. Find out what they are and hit all the collectables while questing. Some examples of valuable collectables are Silver Flame Hymnal, Deadly Feverblanche, and Vial of Pure Water.

Hope this helps.

04-15-2010, 06:57 AM
auction house abuse is my main income.

12-01-2010, 06:55 PM
I is always broke. :-(

being a healer makes it hard for me to build up cash.

Thanks for all the various tips posted here.

12-01-2010, 08:57 PM
I is always broke. :-(

being a healer makes it hard for me to build up cash.

Thanks for all the various tips posted here.

I never got this. How does being a healer make you broke?

12-02-2010, 02:41 AM
My low level guys rarely earn thier keep until close to gianthold. But I not only run loot run quests but I have the habit of grabbing collectibles and breaking boxes and picking up what drops be it coin gems or other. Hopefully though luck will be on your side and you will pull one of the items that people like to pay lots for :)

06-20-2011, 12:35 PM
Shoudl of Kept the Gird and SOld that..... 3Mil is cheap for a Gird and Way high for a Tome.....

Yes, the Planar Gird, Chaos Guards and Reaver RIng All Drop from Xorian Cypher.

STK can be quite a nice loot run now.. a Ring of feathers sells quite well. Every rich adventurer wants one for lowbies but usualy doenst have the patience to rerun STK over and over again.


06-20-2011, 12:53 PM

06-20-2011, 01:09 PM


06-20-2011, 01:21 PM
At first glance I thought this said, 'How do you make monkey?'
I was all excited till I actually started reading the thread.

DDO - 5 years and still no simian sidekicks.

06-20-2011, 01:36 PM

Yes reading old outdated info can seem a bit confusing...

06-20-2011, 01:39 PM
How does this thread, with replies from many who have "Long since left the game" keep getting necro'd???

I blame it on Scribner, **** you and your poverty!!!

Are we now subscribing to Pharoh's Prophecy?

So let it be written, So let it be necro'd.

06-26-2011, 12:46 PM
Yes I am still desperatly broke and will take all Plat Donations you can spare...Please Mail to Scribner :)

play alot and find the quests that have the most chests. and try getting into a party and doing those quests on elite and there you go

06-26-2011, 01:46 PM
I apply for Financial Aid and take stupid classes.

06-26-2011, 04:09 PM
play alot and find the quests that have the most chests. and try getting into a party and doing those quests on elite and there you go

Scribner hasn't played the game for months. I am looking forward to seeing him again but am not counting on that either.

06-26-2011, 08:18 PM
/turn undead