View Full Version : Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords... in DDO

01-06-2008, 11:00 PM
I suggested in another thread that DDO should consider adding "powers for fighters" and should look to Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords for source material. Then I thought, hey, that kind of sounds like the sort of thing I'd normally do. So here's your thread on adding maneuvers to DDO.

I'm going to try adding them in as a system of enhancements, available to anyone, instead of suggesting they add new classes (Swordsage, Crusader, Warblade) as ToB:BoNS does.

So, here goes:


Novice of the Desert Wind - Requires One of Bard 2, Fighter 1, Monk 2, Ranger 1, Rogue 2 - 1 AP

You gain access to Desert Wind maneuvers. Speed and mobility are the hallmarks of the Desert Wind discipline. Desert Wind maneuvers can be performed while wielding a scimitar, light mace, light pick, or falchion (plus spear). You gain a +1 bonus to Tumble.

Novice of the Devoted Spirit - Requires One of Cleric 2, Fighter 1, Monk 2, Paladin 1 - 1 AP

You gain access to Devoted Spirit maneuvers. Devoted Spirit maneuvers harness a practitioner's spiritual strength and her zealous devotion to a cause. Devoted Spirit maneuvers can be performed while wielding a falchion, greatclub, longsword or maul. You gain a +1 bonus to Intimidate.

Novice of the Diamond Mind - Requires One of Fighter 1, Rogue 2, Wizard 2 - 1 AP

You gain access to Diamond Mind maneuvers. A student of the Diamond Mind discipline seeks to hone his perceptions and discipline his thoughts so that he can act in slivers of time so narrow that others cannot even perceive them. Diamond Mind maneuvers can be performed while wielding a rapier or bastard sword (plus shortspear or trident). You gain a +1 bonus to Concentration.

Novice of the Iron Heart - Requires One of Barbarian 1, Fighter 1, Paladin 1, Ranger 1 - 1 AP

You gain access to Iron Heart maneuvers. Absolute mastery of the sword is the goal of the Iron Heart discipline. Iron Heart maneuvers can be performed while wielding a bastard sword, dwarven axe, or longsword (plus two-bladed sword). You gain a +1 bonus to Balance.

Novice of the Setting Sun - Requires One of Fighter 1, Monk 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2 - 1 AP

You gain access to Setting Sun maneuvers. Strength is an illusion. Adherents of the Setting Sun philosophy understand that no warrior can hope to be stronger, quicker and more skillful than every one of her enemies. Setting Sun maneuvers can be performed while wielding a short sword, quarterstaff or unarmed strike (plus nunchaku). You gain a +1 bonus to Bluff.

Novice of the Shadow Hand - Requires One of Fighter 1, Ranger 1, Rogue 2 - 1 AP

You gain access to Shadow Hand maneuvers. The Shadow Hand discipline emphasizes deception, misdirection and surprise. Shadow Hand maneuvers can be performed while wielding a dagger, short sword or unarmed strike (plus sai, siangham and spiked chain). You gain a +1 bonus to Hide.

Novice of the Stone Dragon - Requires One of Barbarian 1, Fighter 1, Paladin 1 - 1 AP

You gain access to Stone Dragon maneuvers. The strength and endurance of the mountains epitomizes the Stone Dragon discipline. Stone Dragon maneuvers can be performed while wielding a greatsword, greataxe, heavy mace or unarmed strike. You gain a +1 bonus to Balance.

Novice of the Tiger Claw - Requires One of Barbarian 1, Fighter 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer 1 - 1 AP

You gain access to Tiger Claw maneuvers. The Tiger Claw discipline teaches that martial superiority can be achieved by discarding the veneer of civilization, along with the higher thoughts that fetter a warrior's actions. Tiger Claw maneuvers can be performed while wielding a kukri, kama, handaxe, greataxe or unarmed strike (plus claw). You gain a +1 bonus to Jump.

Novice of the White Raven - Requires One of Bard 2, Cleric 2, Fighter 1, Paladin 1 - 1 AP

You gain access to White Raven maneuvers. The student of the White Raven masters maneuvers that combine the strengths of two or more allies against a common foe. White Raven maneuvers can be performed while wielding a longsword, battleaxe, warhammer or greatsword (plus halberd). You gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy.

Each discipline has two additional enhancements. The second becomes available at BAB +7, while the third becomes available at BAB +13. Using White Raven as an example:

Student of the White Raven - Requires Novice of the White Raven AND One of Bard 10, Cleric 10, Fighter 7, Paladin 7 - 1 AP

You gain access to more advanced White Raven Maneuvers and another +1 bonus to Diplomacy.

Master of the White Raven - Requires Student of the White Raven AND One of Bard 18, Cleric 18, Fighter 13, Paladin 13 - 1 AP

You gain access to all White Raven Maneuvers and another +1 bonus to Diplomacy.


There are four types of maneuvers: boosts, counters strikes and stances. Boosts and Strikes can be used any time they are available, but have a variety of different cooldown timers. I'm not going to actually decide what these are, but they should be relatively low (30 seconds-ish) for low level maneuvers and relatively long (3 to 5 minutes-ish) for high level maneuvers.

Stances can be used at any time, but normally only one stance may be active at a time. Other feats or enhancements may alter this.

Counters are a little unusual. At any time, a character may have one pending counter readied. This ability will automatically activate when the character is struck by an appropriate attack. At that point the ability begins it's cooldown period and another counter ability can be readied.

-------------Desert Wind-------------

Blistering Flourish - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +1 - Strike - When you strike a target with this attack, you cause all enemies within 30 feet to be dazzled for 1 minute, fortitude save (DC 11 + Wis modifier) negates.

Burning Blade - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +1 - Boost - Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to deal 1d6 plus your BAB in extra fire damage. This ability lasts for 10 seconds.

Distracting Embers - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +1 - Boost - You conjure a small fire elemental which threatens your enemies, granting you an automatic flanking bonus on all attacks. This effect lasts for 15 seconds.

Flame's Blessing - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +1 - Stance - You gain a bonus to fire resistance based on your Tumble score. You gain +1 fire resistance for every three points of your tumble modifier up to +20 at tumble +60. At Tumble +61 or higher you gain immunity to fire while in this stance.

Wind Stride - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +1 - Boost - Activate this ability to channel the speed of the desert wind. You gain a +10% striding bonus for 10 seconds.

Burning Brand - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +3 - Boost - Activate this ability to transform your melee weapon into a roaring gout of flame. This increases the reach of your weapon and converts your melee weapon damage to fire damage. This ability lasts for 10 seconds.

Fire Riposte - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +3, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Counter - When a creature successfully strikes you with a melee weapon, this ability strikes back with a gout of flame. Make a normal melee attack roll which, if successful, deals 4d6 points of fire damage.

Flashing Sun - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +3, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Strike - Activate this ability to grant yourself a +10% increase in melee attack speed, but you also take -2 to hit with all attacks. This ability lasts 10 seconds.

Hatchling's Flame - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +3, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Strike - Activate this ability to generate a cone of fire which deals 2d6 fire damage to enemies caught within it. A reflex save (DC 12 + Wis modifier) reduces the damage to half.

Death Mark - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +5 - Strike - When you strike a target with this attack, you channel fire into your target's body which then explodes outward. All enemies within a certain distance of your target take 6d6 points of fire damage, reflex save (DC 13 + Wis modifier) for half. The area of the eruption is dependent on the size of your target, ranging from 5' for small or smaller creatures to 30' for huge or larger creatures.

Fan the Flames - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +5, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Strike - Activate this ability to launch a fist-sized ball of white-hot fire at a single opponent. Resolve this as a normal ranged attack which deals 6d6 points of fire damage if it hits.

Holocaust Cloak - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +5, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Stance - The flame from your weapon hangs in the air surrounding you in a protective cloak of flame. Enemies that hit you with a melee attack take 5 points of fire damage.

Zephyr Stance - 2 AP - Novice of the Desert Wind, BAB +5, One other Desert Wind maneuver - Counter - When an enemy attemps to strike you in melee or with a ranged weapon, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC against that attack.

Firesnake - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +7, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - When you hit a target with this attack, a line of flame snakes out from it hitting any other enemies behind it or within 10 feet to either side. Any creature struck by the firesnake takes 6d6 points of fire damage, reflex save (DC 14 + Wis modifier) for half damage.

Searing Blade - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +7, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Boost - Activate this ability to sheathe your weapon in flame. Your melee attacks do 2d6 plus BAB extra fire damage for 15 seconds.

Dragon's Flame - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +9, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - Activate this ability to generate a cone of fire which deals 6d6 fire damage to enemies caught within it. A reflex save (DC 15 + Wis modifier) reduces the damage to half.

Lingering Inferno - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +9, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - When you strike a target with this attack, you deal an additional 2d6 points of fire damage. The target takes another 2d6 points of fire damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.

Desert Tempest - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +11, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - You lunge towards a target within 30 feet, performing an attack against each enemy along your path and finally, your target.

Fiery Assault - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +11, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, your melee attacks deal 1d6 extra points of fire damage.

Ring of Fire - 4 AP - Student of the Desert Wind, BAB +11, Two other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - Activate this ability to leave a trail of fire in your wake and gain a +50% striding bonus. If you successfully close this path of flame within 6 seconds, the interior erupts in a raging inferno which deals 12d6 points of damage to all enemies within it. A successful reflex save (DC 16 + Wis modifier) reduces the damage by half.

Inferno Blade - 6 AP - Master of the Desert Wind, BAB +13 - Boost - Activate this ability to shroud your weapon in flame. Your melee attacks deal an additional 3d6 + BAB fire damage. This ability lasts for 20 seconds.

Salamander Charge - 6 AP - Master of the Desert Wind, BAB +13, Three other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - Activate this ability to leave a trail of flame in your wake for 6 seconds and gain a +50% striding bonus. The flames you create last for 30 seconds and deal 6d6 points of damage to enemies within them every 6 seconds.

Wyrm's Flame - 6 AP - Master of the Desert Wind, BAB +15, Three other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - Activate this ability to generate a cone of fire which deals 10d6 fire damage to enemies caught within it. A reflex save (DC 18 + Wis modifier) reduces the damage to half.

Inferno Blast - 6 AP - Master of the Desert Wind, BAB +17, Five other Desert Wind maneuvers - Strike - You charge your body with the fiery energy of the desert, letting it pour out of you. All enemies within 60 feet take 100 points of fire damage, Reflex save (DC 19 + Wis modifier) for half damage.

-------------Devoted Spirit-------------

Crusader's Strike - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +1 - Strike - When you strike a target whose alignment differs from yours in at least one way, you heal yourself of 1d6 + BAB (max +5) points of damage.

Iron Guard's Glare - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +1 - Stance - While you are in this stance, enemies within 10 feet of you take a -4 penalty on attacks made against your allies. This penalty does not apply on attacks made against you.

Martial Spirit - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you and an ally within 10 feet (the ally with the lowest percentage of hit points is selected, if more than one qualifies) are healed for 2 points of damage every time you hit an enemy.

Vanguard Strike - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +1 - Stike - If this strike hits, the target takes a -4 penalty to AC for 10 seconds.

Foehammer - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +3 - Strike - This attack automatically bypasses your target's damage resistance (if any) and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage.

Shield Block - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +3 - Counter - The next time an enemy attacks an ally within 5' of you, you grant the ally a bonus to AC equal to your shield bonus to AC +4.

Defensive Rebuke - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +5, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Boost - Enemies you strike while under the affects of this ability will be affected as though you had intimidated them (as the skill) for up to 30 seconds. This ability lasts for 10 seconds.

Revitalizing Strike - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +5, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Strike - If you successfully hit a target whose alignment differs from yours with this melee attack, you or an ally within 10 feet (the ally with the lowest percentage of hit points is selected, if more than one qualifies) is healed for 2d6 + BAB (max +10) points of damage.

Thicket of Blades - 2 AP - Novice of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +5, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Stance - While in this stance, you make an immediate attack against any enemy within 5 feet of you who moves. You cannot make more than one attack of this type per enemy per six seconds.

Divine Surge - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +7, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Strike - Divine power sparks off your weapon and courses into your foes. A target you successfully hit with this strike takes an extra 8d8 points of damage.

Entangling Blade - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +7, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Strike - You make a melee attack against a target. If it succeeds you do 2d6 points of extra damage and it is slowed for 20 seconds.

Daunting Strike - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +9, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver - Strike - When you successfully hit a target with this attack, he must make a will save (DC equal to the damage you deal) or become shaken for 1 minute.

Lawbearer - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +9, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver, lawful alignment - Strike - If the target of this attack is chaotic-aligned, you gain +8 bonus on your attack and deal +4d6 points of damage. In addition, if your attack hits the target, you are wreathed in axiomatic energy granting you +5 to saves and AC for 15 seconds.

Radiant Charge - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +9, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver, good alignment - Strike - This attack deals an extra 6d6 points of damage. If the attack hits and the target is evil aligned, you gain DR 10/- for 15 seconds.

Tide of Chaose - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +9, One other Devoted Spirit maneuver, chaotic alignment - Strike - If the target of this attack is lawful-aligned, you gain +8 bonus on your attack and deal +4d6 points of damage. In addition, if your attack hits the target, you are wreathed in anarchic energy granting you total concealment (50% miss chance) for 15 seconds.

Aura of Chaos - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +11, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers, non-lawful Alignment - Stance - While in this stance, any damage dice you roll for melee damage which result in the maximum possible result (i.e. a 6 on a d6) are rerolled and added again to damage.

Aura of Perfect Order - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +11, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers, non-chaotic Alignment - Stance - While in this stance, all of your melee attack rolls are considered to be 11s.

Aura of Triumph - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +11, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers, non-evil Alignment - Stance - While in this stance, you and a single ally within 10 feet (the ally with the lowest percentage of hit points is selected, if more than one qualifies) are healed for 4 points of damage every time you succesfully strike an evil enemy in melee combat.

Aura of Tyranny - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +11, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers, non-good Alignment - Stance - While in this stance, you deal 2 extra points of damage with each successful melee attack and heal yourself for 1 point of damage.

Rallying Strike - 4 AP - Student of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +11, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers - If you successfully hit a target whose alignment differs from yours with this melee attack, you and all allies within 30 feet are healed for 3d6 + BAB (max +15) points of damage.

Castigating Strike - 6 AP - Master of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +13, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers - Strike - If you strike a target whose alignment varies from yours in at least one way with this melee attack, a blast of divine energy originates from the point of impact. The target of this attack takes an additional 8d6 points of damage and must make a fortitude save (DC 17 + Cha modifier) or take a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 minute. In addition, all enemies within 30 feet of the target must make a fortitude save (same DC) or take 5d6 points of damage and a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 minute. A succesful save reduces the damage by half and eliminates the penalty.

Shield Counter - 6 AP - Master of the Devoted Spirit, BA +13, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers - Counter - You make an immediate, free attempt to shield bash the next opponent that attacks you in melee.

Greater Divine Surge - 6 AP - Master of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +15, Two other Devoted Spirit maneuvers - Strike - You make a single melee attack at a +5 bonus to hit, if it succeeds it deals 16d8 points of extra damage. You take 5 points of constitution damage and suffer a -4 penalty to AC for 10 seconds.

Moral Fortitude - 6 AP - Master of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +15, Three other Devoted Spirit maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, you cannot be killed or incapacitated by effects or attacks that reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points. If you take damage, you can make a fortitude save with a DC equal to your negative hit point total. If you fail this save, you die or fall unconscious (as appropriate). If this save is successful, you are still alive and conscious as though you had 1 HP. After you attempt three saving throws to avoid death or unconsciousness, this stance automatically ends.

Strike of Righteous Vitality - 6 AP - Master of the Devoted Spirit, BAB +17, Three Devoted Spirit Maneuvers - Strike - When you successfully strike an enemy whose alignment differs from yours with this attack, you or an ally within 10 feet (the ally with the lowest percentage of hit points is selected, if more than one qualifies) are affected as though by a Heal spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to your BAB.

[Editor's Note: I'm going to stop putting in AP requirements. Anything that requires "Novice" is 2 AP, anything that requires "Student" is 4 AP and anything that requires "Master" is 6 AP.]

-------------Diamond Mind-------------

Moment of Perfect Mind - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +1 - Counter - The next time you have to make a Will save, make a concentration check instead and use the result to determine if the save is successful. A natural 1 is not automatic failure on this check.

Sapphire Nightmare Blade - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +1 - Strike - When you activate this strike, you make a Concentration check with a DC of your target's AC. If the check succeeds and you also hit with your attack you deal an extra 2d6 damage. If you have the sneak attack ability, you also deal sneak attack damage as normal. If the check fails you take a -2 penalty on the attack and deal no additional damage.

Stance of Clarity - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls made against your currently selected target, but take a -2 penalty on AC against the attacks of all other enemies.

Action Before Thought - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +3 - Counter - The next time you have to make a reflex save, make a concentration check instead and use the result to determine if the save is successful. A natural 1 is not automatic failure on this check.

Emerald Razor - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +3, One other Diamond Mind maneuver - Strike - You make a single melee attack against your target's Touch AC. If you hit, you deal normal melee damage. (If DDO still refuses to add Touch AC, this could readily become something that just gives a bonus to hit for a single attack.)

Insightful Strike - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +5 - Strike - Your mind rather than your physical power allows you to deal grievous injuries to your foes. If you hit your target with this attack you make a concentration check and deal damage equal to the check result. Your strength modifier, weapon's magical properties and other normal damage modifiers do not alter this.

Mind Over Body - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +5 - Counter - The next time you would be required to make a fortitude save, make a concentration check instead. Use the check result as the result of your save and determine the effects normally. A natural 1 is not automatic failure on this check.

Pearl of Black Doubt - Novice of the Diamond Mind, BAB +5, One other Diamond Mind maneuver - Stance - Each time an enemy misses you with a melee attack you gain a +2 dodge bonus for 6 seconds. These bonuses are cumulative, but each bonus only lasts for 6 seconds.

Bounding Assault - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +7, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Boost - You gain +50% striding for 10 seconds or until your next attack which is made at a +2 bonus, whichever comes first.

Mind Strike - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +7, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he must make a Will save (DC 14 + Str modifier) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. If he succeeds on his save, he takes no Wisdom damage, but takes regular damage as normal.

Ruby Nightmare Blade - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +7, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - When you activate this strike, you make a Concentration check with a DC of your target's AC. If the check succeeds and you also hit with your attack you deal 2x the normal damage. If the check fails you take a -2 penalty on the attack and deal no additional damage. If the strike is also a critical hit, stack the multipliers as described in the PHB.

Disrupting Blow - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +9, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - If you strike your target with this attack, it must make a Will save (DC 15 + Str modifier) or be unable to take any actions for 10 seconds.

Hearing the Air - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +9, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance you gain blindsense out to 30 feet and gain a +5 insight bonus to listen checks.

Greater Insightful Strike - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +11, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - This maneuver functions just like insighful strike except you deal damage equal to twice your Concentration check result.

Moment of Alacrity - Student of the Diamond Mind, BAB +11, Two other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Boost - You gain a +10% boost to melee attack speed for 15 seconds.

Avalanche of Blades - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +13, Three other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - If you successfully strike a target with this melee attack, you immediately make another attack roll at -4 to hit. If this attack hits you immediately make another attack roll at -8. You continue to make additional attacks, each time at a cumulative -4 penalty, until your opponent dies or you miss.

Quicksilver Motion - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +13, Three other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Boost - You gain a +50% striding bonus for 20 seconds.

Diamond Defense - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +15 - Counter - The next time you're required to make a saving throw, you receive a bonus on that saving throw equal to your BAB.

Diamond Nightmare Blade - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +15, Three other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - When you activate this strike, you make a Concentration check with a DC of your target's AC. If the check succeeds and you also hit with your attack you deal 4x the normal damage. If the check fails you take a -2 penalty on the attack and deal no additional damage. If the strike is also a critical hit, stack the multipliers as described in the PHB.

Stance of Alacrity - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +15, Three other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, the cooldowns for your Diamond Mind strikes, boosts and counters are halved.

Time Stands Still - Master of the Diamond Mind, BAB +17, Four other Diamond Mind maneuvers - Strike - In an unmatched burst of speed, agility and decisive action, you move more quickly than the eye can follow. Activating this ability executes a full attack chain against your target with two attacks where each attack would normally occur during the chain. Each attack is resolved independently, with its own attack roll and damage being rolled separately.

-------------Iron Heart-------------

Punishing Stance - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with all melee attacks, but take a -2 penalty to AC.

Steel Wind - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +1 - Strike - Initiate this strike to make an attack against two opponents you threaten in melee. Resolve each attack independently, but use the same modifiers for both.

Steely Strike - Novice of the Iron heart, BAB +1 - Strike - Make a single attack at a +4 bonus. All opponents aside from the target of this attack gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against you for 6 seconds.

Wall of Blades - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +3 - Counter - The next melee or range attack made against you activates this counter. Make a standard attack roll with your currently wielded melee weapon. Use the higher of your AC or attack roll result as your AC to determine whether the attack which triggered this counter hits you or not.

Absolute Steel - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +5, One other Iron Heart maneuver - Stance - While in this stance you gain a +10% striding bonus and gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC while moving.

Exorcism of Steel - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +5, One other Iron Heart maneuver - Strike - If you succesfully strike your target with this attack he takes a -4 penalty on melee damage rolls for 1 minute. A successful Will save (DC 13 + Str modifier) halves this penalty.

Iron Heart Surge - Novice of the Iron Heart, BAB +5, One other Iron Heart maneuver - Boost - When you activate this ability, one negative spell affect currently affecting you (chosen at random) is immediately ended and you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls for 10 seconds.

Lightning Recovery - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +7, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Counter - The next time you make a melee attack roll that misses, immediately reroll the attack roll with a +2 bonus.

Mithral Tornado - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +7, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - Initiate this maneuver to make a melee attack against every enemy within melee range at a +2 bonus. In all other ways this functions like Whirlwind Attack.

Dancing Blade Form - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +9, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, your melee attacks have greater reach, allowing you to hit targets which are farther away than normal.

Dazing Strike - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +9, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - If you succesfully hit your target with this attack, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + Str modifier) or be dazed for 6 seconds.

Iron Heart Focus - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +9, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Counter - The next time you fail a saving throw, make an immediate reroll. You must accept the results of the second roll, even if they are worse than the first.

Iron Heart Endurance - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +11, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Boost - If you have half or fewer of your full normal hit points remaining, you can initiate this maneuver to heal hit points equal to twice your BAB.

Manticore Parry - Student of the Iron Heart, BAB +11, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Counter - The next time you get hit in melee combat, you attempt to deflect the attack to another adjacent enemy. Roll an attack roll and compare it to your attacker's roll. If your roll is higher, the attack is deflected to another adjacent enemy.

Finishing Move - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +13, Three other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - This attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage. If the target has less than full hit points, it does an extra 6d6 points of damage instead. If it has less than half its full normal hit points, the strike does an extra 14d6 points of damage instead.

Scything Blade - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +13, Three other Iron Heart maneuvers - Boost - For 10 seconds, each time you hit a target with a melee attack, you immediately make a second attack against another adjacent opponent. Each attack is resolved independently, but use the same attack modifiers for both.

Adamantine Hurricane - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +15, Three other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - You make two melee attacks at each opponent within melee range. Each of these attacks receives a +4 bonus to hit. In all other ways, this works like Whirlwind Attack.

Lightning Throw - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +15, Two other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - You throw your melee weapon at a target within 30 feet. Make a melee attack roll against each enemy along the line of the attack (as with Improved Precise Shot). Each enemy that you hit takes your normal melee attack damage plus an extra 12d6 points of damage. Enemies who are struck may make a Reflex save (DC equal to your attack roll) to take half damage. Your weapon automatically returns once this maneuver is complete.

Supreme Blade Parry - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +15, Three other Iron Heart maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance you gain DR 5/-.

Strike of Perfect Clarity - Master of the Iron Heart, BAB +17, Four other Iron Heart maneuvers - Strike - Make a single melee attack. If it hits, you deal 100 extra points of damage, in addition to your normal weapon damage.

-------------Setting Sun-------------

Mighty Throw - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +1 - Strike - Make a trip attempt against your target with a +4 bonut to hit and save DC. You may use either your strength or dexterity to modify the trip DC, whichever is higher. If the target is successfully tripped, he is also knocked back 10 feet.

Baffling Defense - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +3, One other Setting Sun maneuver - Counter - The next time an enemy attacks you with a melee attack, roll a Bluff check and use the result in place of your AC against that attack.

Clever Positioning - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +3 - Strike - Make a normal melee attack roll against your target. If you succeed, the target takes damage and must make a Reflex save (DC 12 + Dex modifier) or swap positions with you. This maneuver automatically fails if swapping positions would place either of you in a space which you cannot fit in.

Devastating Throw - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +5, One other Setting Sun maneuver - Strike - You must be at least 15 feet away from the target of this attack. Initiating this maneuver closes to melee range with the target and initiates a trip attempt at a +4 bonus to hit and save DC. You may use either your strength or dexterity to modify the trip DC, whichever is higher. If the target is successfully tripped, he is also knocked back 10 feet and takes 2d6 points of damage. For every 5 points by which he fails his trip check, he is knocked back another 5 feet.

Feigned Opening - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +5, One other Setting Sun maneuver - Counter - The next time an enemy misses you with a melee attack, you immediately make a melee attack against that enemy.

Giant Killing Style - Novice of the Setting Sun, BAB +5, One other Setting Sun maneuver - Stance - While in this stance you gain +2 to hit and +4 damage against enemies who are a larger size category than you.

Comet Throw - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +7, One other Setting Sun maneuver - Strike - Make a trip attack at a +4 bonus to hit and save DC. You may use either your strength or dexterity to modify the trip DC, whichever is higher. If you target is successfully tripped, he is also knocked back 10 feet and takes 4d6 points of damage. For every 5 points by which he fails his trip check, he is knocked back another 5 feet. If the creature hits another enemy, that enemy also takes 4d6 points of damage and is knocked prone. A Reflex save (DC 14 + Str modifier) halves this damage and allows the second target to remain standing.

Strike of the Broken Shield - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +7, Two other Setting Sun maneuvers - Strike - Make a normal melee attack against your target. If you hit, you deal an extra 4d6 points of damage and the target must make a Reflex save (DC 14 + Str modifier) or take a -6 penalty to AC for 15 seconds.

Shifting Defense - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +9, Two other Setting Sun maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, you cannot be hit with melee attacks while tumbling.

Soaring Throw - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +9, Two other Setting Sun maneuvers - Strike - Make a trip attack at a +4 bonus to hit and save DC. You may use either your strength or dexterity to modify the trip DC, whichever is higher. If your target is successfully tripped, he is also knocked back 20 feet and takes 8d6 points of damage. For every 5 points by which he fails his trip check, he is knocked back another 5 feet.

Ballista Throw - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +11, Two other Setting Sun maneuvers - Strike - Make a trip attack at a +4 bonus to hit and save DC. You may use either your strength or dexterity to modify the trip DC, whichever is higher. If your target is successfully tripped, he is also knocked back 60 feet and takes 6d6 points of damage. Any enemy along his path also take 6d6 points of damage.

Scorpion Parry - Student of the Setting Sun, BAB +11, Two other Setting Sun maneuvers - Counter - The next time you get hit in melee combat, you attempt to deflect the attack to another adjacent enemy. Roll an attack roll and compare it to your attacker's roll. If your roll is higher, the attack is deflected to another adjacent enemy.

Hydra Slaying Strike - Master of the Setting Sun, BAB +13, Three other Setting Sun maneuvers - Strike - If you hit a target with this melee attack, you deal normal damage and the target cannot attack for 15 seconds.

Fool's Strike - Master of the Setting Sun, BAB +15, Three other Setting Sun maneuvers - Counter - The next time an enemy makes a melee attack against you, make your own attack roll. If your attack roll is higher, you turn his attack back on him and he deals damage, as normal, to himself. In addition, if your attack roll exceeds his AC, you deal normal melee damage.

Ghostly Defense - Master of the Settign Sun, BAB +15, Three other Setting Sun maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, any attack, melee or ranged, that misses you because of miss chance (such as from concealment) instead deals damage to an adjacent enemy.

Tornado Throw - Master of the Setting Sun, BAB +17, Five other Setting Sun maneuvers - Strike - To initiate this maneuver, you must be at least 10 feet, but less than 60 feet away from your target. Activating this ability moves you to melee range with your target and initiates a trip attempt. You gain +2 to hit and the save DC of this trip for each 5 feet that you moved. If you succeed, the target is knocked back 10 feet and takes 2d6 points of damage

-------------Shadow Hand-------------

Child of Shadow - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you gain Concealment (20% miss chance) while moving or tumbling and for 6 seconds after you stop moving or tumbling.

Clinging Shadow Strike - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +1 - If you hit your target with this strike you do an extra 1d6 points of damage. Your target must also succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 11 + Wis modifier) or suffer 20% miss chance on all melee and ranged attacks for 10 seconds. A successful save eliminates the miss chance, but not the extra damage.

Island of Blades - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you gain a flanking bonus against any other creature who is being attacked by one of your allies. This also means you may sneak attack the creature in question.

Shadow Blade Technique - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +1 - Strike - You make a melee attack against your target but roll 2d20 for your attack roll. If only the higher of the two rolls would hit, you hit normally and deal normal damage. If both rolls would hit, you deal normal damage plus an extra 1d6 cold damage. If both rolls miss, your attack misses.

Cloak of Deception - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +3 - Boost - Activate this ability to turn invisible, as though under the effects of a greater invisibility spell, for 10 seconds. Attacking does not end this invisibility.

Drain Vitality - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +3, One other Shadow Hand maneuver - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he takes 2 points of Constitution damage in addition to dealing normal melee damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 15 + Wis modifier) negates the constitution damage, but the target still takes normal damage

Shadow Jaunt - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +3 - Boost - Activate this ability to be immediately transported behind your target (who must be within 30 feet).

Assassin's Stance - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +5, One other Shadow Hand maneuver - Stance - While in this stance you do 2d6 points of sneak attack damage. If you already have the sneak attack ability, this is in addition to your normal sneak attack damage. In all other ways, this functions exactly like the sneak attack ability.

Shadow Garrotte - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +5 - Strike - You create a strand of shadow which wraps itself around your target's neck. Make a touch attack roll (or a standard attack at +5, if we're still sans touch attacks). If you succeed, the Shadow Garrotte does 5d6 points of damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 13 + Wis modifier) or suffer a -4 penalty to AC for 10 seconds. This ability works on targets within 60 feet and does not function against nonliving creatures such as constructs or undead.

Strength Draining Strike - Novice of the Shadow Hand, BAB +5 - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he takes 4 points of Strength damage in addition to dealing normal melee damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 13 + Wis modifier) reduces this damage to 2 points, but still takes normal damage.

Hand of Death - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +7 - Strike - Roll to hit against your target at a +4 bonus to hit. If you succeed, you channel shadow into a specific nerve center rendering your opponent helpless. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 14 + Wis modifier) or be paralyzed for 6 to 20 seconds. This strike does not deal normal attack damage.

Obscuring Shadow Veil - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +7, Two other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike you do an extra 5d6 points of damage. Your target must also succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 14 + Wis modifier) or suffer 50% miss chance on all melee and ranged attacks for 10 seconds. A successful save eliminates the miss chance, but not the extra damage.

Bloodletting Strike - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +9, Two other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he takes 4 points of Constitution damage in addition to dealing normal melee damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 15 + Wis modifier) reduces this damage to 2 points, but still takes normal damage.

Step of the Dancing Moth - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +9, Two other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, you walk 5 feet off the ground and can walk over water, but you take a -10% penalty to movement speed. While in this stance you take no movement penalty for sneaking.

Ghost Blade - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +11, Three other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Strike - Illusory echoes of your blade distract your enemy from the true source of this attack. The enemy suffers a -8 penalty to AC against this attack.

Shadow Noose - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +11 - Strike - You create a strand of shadow which wraps itself around your target's neck. Make a touch attack roll (or a standard attack at +5, if we're still sans touch attacks). If you succeed, the Shadow Noose does 8d6 points of damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 16 + Wis modifier) or be stunned for 10 seconds. This ability works on targets within 60 feet and does not function against nonliving creatures such as constructs or undead.

Stalker in the Night - Student of the Shadow Hand, BAB +11 - Strike - Activate this strike while hidden. This strike acts as a normal melee attack, but it doesn't bring you out of hiding.

Death in the Dark - Master of the Shadow Hand, BAB +13 - Strike - If you hit a target with this strike, who would be vulnerable to a sneak attack, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 17 + Wis modifier) or take an extra 15d6 points of damage. On a successful save he takes an extra 5d6 points of damage.

Shadow Blink - Master of the Shadow Hand, BAB +13 - Counter - In response to the next attack against you, you disappear and reappear behind your current target (who must be within 50 feet). This automatically causes the attack which triggered this maneuver to miss.

One with Shadow - Master of the Shadow Hand, BAB +15, Three other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Counter - In response to the next attack against you, you become momentarily incorporeal. This makes you immune to nonmagical attacks and gives you a 50% miss chance against spells or attacks from magical weapons. Force spells affect you normally. This effect lasts for 10 seconds. This ability does not allow you to pass through walls or other solid objects.

Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation - Master of the Shadow Hand, BAB +17, Five other Shadow Hand maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this attack, you deal an extra 15d6 points of damage and a shadow creeps out from the wound. Roll d20 and compare it to the results below:

1-7: Spreads to the legs. The target takes 2d6 points of Dexterity damage. Special effect: The target cannot move (but can still act).
8-14: Spreads to the arms. The target takes 2d6 points of Strength damage. Special effect: The target suffers a -6 penalty on attack rolls and Concentration checks.
15-20: Struck in the heart. The target takes 2d6 points of Dexterity and Strength Damage. Special effect: 2d6 points of Constitution damage.

The target can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 19 + Wis modifier). Success eliminates the special effect and reduces the ability damage by half. The special effects otherwise last 6-30 seconds.

-------------Stone Dragon-------------

Stone Bones - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +1 - Strike - If you successfully strike your target with this maneuver, you gain DR 5/adamantine for 10 seconds.

Stonefoot Stance - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you gain +2 to strength checks and +2 to AC against creatures of a size category larger than you. This stance ends immediately if you move.

Mountain Hammer - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +3 - Strike - Make a normal melee attack. If this attack hits, you deal 2d6 extra points of damage and the attack automatically overcomes damage reduction and hardness.

Stone Vise - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +3 - Strike - If you hit your target with this attack, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage and your target cannot move (but may still act) for 10 seconds. This maneuver does not function against flying targets.

Bonecrusher - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +5 - Strike - Make a normal melee attack. If this attack hits it deals 4d6 points of extra damage. The target must also make a Fortitude save (DC 13 + Str modifier) or its skeletal structure becomes massively weakened and all rolls made to confirm a critical hit against the target gain a +10 bonus. This effect lasts until the target's hit points are returned to their full normal total. This effect does not function against anything which is immune to critical hits, though they still suffer the extra damage.

Roots of the Mountain - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +5 - Stance - While in this stance you gain a +10 bonus to resist trip and overrun attacks and you gain a +5 bonus to Balance checks made to stand up after being knocked prone. In addition you gain DR 2/-. This stance ends immediately if you move.

Stone Dragon's Fury - Novice of the Stone Dragon, BAB +5 One other Stone Dragon maneuver - Strike - If this strike succesfully hits a target construct, the attack does an extra 4d6 points of damage. In addition, this attack functions as a Sunder attempt against the target.

Bonesplitting Strike - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +7, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - Make a normal melee attack. If this attack hits it deals normal melee damage plus 2 points of Constitution damage.

Overwhelming Mountain Strike - Student of the Stone dragon, BAB +7 - Strike - If you successfully hit your target with this strike, you deal 2d6 points of extra damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14 + Str modifier) or suffer a -50% penalty to movement speed and a -2 penalty to AC for 10 seconds. A successful save eliminates the penalty but not the extra damage. This maneuver cannot be used against flying targets.

Elder Mountain Hammer - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +9, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, you deal an extra 6d6 points of damage and automatically overcome damage reduction and hardness.

Giant's Stance - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +9, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, you deal damage as though you were one size larger, increasing your weapon and unarmed damage. This stance ends immediately if you move.

Mountain Avalanche - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +9, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Boost - For 10 seconds, you gain a +25% striding bonus. In addition, any enemies of your size or smaller that you collide with during this time period take 2d6 plus 1-1/2 times your strength modifier in damage. Each enemy can only suffer this damage once per activation of this boost.

Crushing Vise - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +11 - If you hit your target with this attack, you deal an extra 4d6 points of damage and your target cannot move (but may still act) for 10 seconds. This maneuver does not function against flying targets.

Iron Bones - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +11, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - If you successfully hit your target with this strike, you gain DR 10/adamantine for 10 seconds.

Irresistible Mountain Strike - Student of the Stone Dragon, BAB +11 - Strike - If you successfully hit your target with this strike, you deal an extra 4d6 points of damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 16 + Str modifier) or be unable to act (though it can still move) for 10 seconds. On a successful save, the target can act, but still takes the extra damage. This maneuver cannot be performed against flying targets.

Ancient Mountain Hammer - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +13, Three other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - Make a normal melee attack. If this attack hits it deals 12d6 points of extra damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction and hardness.

Colossus Strike - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +13, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - Make a normal melee attack. If this attack succeeds you deal 6d6 points of extra damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 17 + Str modifier) or be knocked 5-20 feet away from you and then fall prone. Creatures smaller than you take a -2 penalty on their save while creatures larger than you gain a +2 bonus on the save.

Adamantine Bones - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +15, Three other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - Make a melee attack. If this attack hits you gain DR 20/adamantine for 10 seconds.

Earthstrike Quake - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +15, Two other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Strike - You strike the ground causing it to shake. Any enemies within 20 feet must make a reflex save (DC 18 + Str modifier) or be knocked prone.

Strength of Stone - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +15, Three other Stone Dragon maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, you are immune to extra damage from critical hits. This stance ends immediately if you move.

Mountain Tombstone Strike - Master of the Stone Dragon, BAB +17 - Strike - If you successfully hit your target with this maneuver, you deal 2d6 points of Constitution damage in addition to your normal damage.

-------------Tiger Claw-------------

Blood in the Water - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, you gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls. This stance ends if you go 30 seconds without achieving a critical hit.

Hunter's Sense - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance you gain a +4 bonus to Spot and Listen checks made to discover hidden enemies.

Claw at the Moon - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +3 - Strike - As part of this attack, make a Jump check with a DC equal to your target's AC. If the check succeeds and you hit your target, you deal 2d6 points of extra damage and gain a +4 bonus to confirm a critical hit (if the attack threatens a critical). If the check fails, you still make a normal attack.

Rabid Wolf Strike - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +3 - Make an attack at a +4 bonus to hit. If successful, you deal normal melee damage plus 2d6 points of extra damage. You take a -4 penalty to AC for 10 seconds after using this maneuver.

Flesh Ripper - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +5, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 13 + Str modifier) or take a -4 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for 10 seconds. If your attack is a critical hit, the penalties last 10 seconds times the critical multiplier of your weapon. This maneuver only functions against creatures that are vulnerable to critical hits.

Leaping Dragon Stance - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +5, One other Tiger Claw maneuver - Stance - While in this stance you gain a +10 bonus to your Jump skill.

Soaring Raptor Strike - Novice of the Tiger Claw, BAB +5, One other Tiger Claw maneuver - As part of this attack, make a Jump check with a DC equal to your target's AC. If the check succeeds you gain +4 to hit with your attack and deal 6d6 point sof extra damage if you hit. If the check fails, you do not make an attack.

Death from Above - Student of the Tiger Claw, BAB +7, One other Tiger Claw maneuver - Strike - As part of this strike, make a Jump check with a DC of 20. If the check succeeds you gain a +5 bonus on your attack roll. If you hit, you deal an extra 4d6 points of damage. If the check fails, you still make a normal attack.

Fountain of Blood - Student of the Tiger Claw, BAB +7, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Counter - The next time you kill an enemy in melee combat, all other enemies within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 14 + Str modifier) or be shaken for 1 minute.

Dancing Mongoose - Student of the Tiger Claw, BAB +9, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Boost - You gain a +10% bonus to your melee attack speed for 15 seconds.

Rabid Bear Strike - Student of the Tiger Claw, BAB +11, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Strike - Make an attack at a +4 bonus to hit. If successful, you deal normal melee damage plus 10d6 points of extra damage. You take a -4 penalty to AC for 10 seconds after using this maneuver.

Wolf Climbs the Mountain - Student of the Tiger Claw, BAB +11, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - If you hit a target who is larger than you with this strike, you deal 5d6 extra points of damage and gain a +4 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus on reflex saves for 15 seconds.

Hamstring Attack - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +13, Three other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, you deal an extra 1d8 points of Dexterity damage and the target suffers from a -20% movement speed penalty. A successful Fortitude save (DC 17 + Str modifier) halves the Dexterity damage and the speed penalty.

Prey on the Weak - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +13, Two other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Stance - While in this stance, any time an enemy within 10 feet of you is killed, you immediately make an attack roll against an enemy within melee range of you.

Swooping Dragon Strike - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +13, Three other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Strike - As part of this attack, make a Jump check with a DC equal to your target's AC. If the check succeeds you gain +6 to hit with your attack and deal 10d6 points of extra damage if you hit. If you have the sneak attack ability, you also deal sneak attack damage. The target must also succeed on a Fortitude save (DC equal to your Jump check result) or be stunned for 6 seconds. If the check fails, you still make a normal attack.

Windmill Flesh Rend - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +15, Three other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Boost - For 10 seconds, you deal rend damage each time you hit a target more than once. The rend damage depends on how many successful hits you've had against a given target as listed below:

2: 8d6
3: 10d6
4: 12d6
5: 14d6
6: 16d6
7: 18d6
8+: 20d6

Raging Mongoose - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +15, Three other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Boost - You gain a +20% bonus to your melee attack speed for 20 seconds.

Feral Death Blow - Master of the Tiger Claw, BAB +17, Four other Tiger Claw maneuvers - Strike - As part of this strike, make a Jump check with a DC equal to your target's AC. If the check succeeds, you gain a +5 bonus on your attack roll. If you hit, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC 19 + Str modifier) or be instantly slain. If the save is successful, you stil deal normal weapon damage plus an extra 20d6 points of damage. Creatures which are immune to critical hits are immune to the death effect of this strike. If your Jump check fails, you still make a normal attack.

-------------White Raven-------------

Bolstering Voice - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +1 - Stance - While you are in this stance, all allies within 40 feet gain a +2 bonus to will saves and an additional +2 (total +4) bonus to will saves vs. fear effects.

Douse the Flames - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +1 - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he takes a -2 penalty to hit for 10 seconds.

Leading the Attack - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +1 - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, your allies gain a +4 bonus to hit it for the next 10 seconds.

Leading the Charge - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +1 - Stance - While in this stance, allies within 60 feet add your BAB to their damage rolls on attack rolls made against enemies with full HP.

Battle Leader's Charge - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +3 - Strike - The target of this strike must be more than 10 feet away but less than 60. When you activate this ability, you move to the target and make an attack roll at a +2 bonus. If you succeed, the attack does normal damage plus 10 extra points of damage.

Tactical Strike - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +3, One other White Raven maneuver - If you hit your target with this strike, you deal 2d6 points of extra damage and any ally within melee range of your target gains a +10% striding bonus for 6 seconds.

Lion's Roar - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +5, One other White Raven maneuver - Boost - You and one ally within 60 feet (chosen at random, if more than one qualifies) gain a +5 bonus to damage rolls for 10 seconds.

Tactics of the Wolf - Novice of the White Raven, BAB +5, One other White Raven maneuver - Stance - While you are in this stance, any ally who flanks an enemy deals extra damage equal to half your BAB.

Covering Strike - Student of the White Raven, BAB +7, One other White Raven maneuver - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, he takes a -4 penalty to hit for 20 seconds.

White Raven Strike - Student of the White Raven, BAB +7, One other White Raven maneuver - If you hit your target with this maneuver, you deal an extra 4d6 points of damage and the target takes a -5 penalty to AC for 10 seconds.

Flanking Maneuver - Student of the White Raven, BAB +9, Two other White Raven maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, anyone who flanks the target deals an extra 2d6 points of damage each successful hit for the next 6 seconds.

Order Forged from Chaos - Student of the White Raven, BAB +11, Two other White Raven maneuvers - Boost - You and all allies within 30 gain a +20% striding bonus for 10 seconds.

War Leader's Charge - Student of the White Raven, BAB +11, Two other White Raven maneuvers - Strike - The target of this strike must be more than 10 feet away but less than 60. When you activate this ability, you move to the target and make an attack roll at a +2 bonus. If you succeed, the attack does normal damage plus 35 extra points of damage.

Clarion Call - Master of the White Raven, BAB +13, Three other White Raven maneuvers - Counter - The next time you kill an enemy in melee combat, all allies within 30 feet are granted a +3 bonus to hit and +10% striding bonus for 15 seconds.

Swarming Assault - Master of the White Raven, BAB +13, Three other White Raven maneuvers - Strike - If you strike your opponent with this maneuver, any ally who is also within melee range of the target also makes an immediate attack against the target.

Swarm Tactics - Master of the White Raven, BAB +15, One other White Raven maneuver - Stance - While in this stance, any ally within 60 feet gains a +5 bonus on attack rolls any time you're within melee range of an enemy.

White Raven Hammer - Master of the White Raven, BAB +15, Three other White Raven maneuvers - Strike - If you hit your target with this strike, you deal an extra 6d6 points of damage and stun your target for 6 seconds.

War Master's Charge - Master of the White Raven, BAB +17, Four other White Raven maneuvers - Strike - The target of this strike must be more than 10 feet away but less than 60. When you activate this ability, you move to the target and make an attack roll at a +2 bonus. If you succeed, the attack does normal damage plus 100 extra points of damage. If your target survives, he is stunned for 1 round for every 10 feet you traveled.


A lot of these required some kind of translation to get them in DDO terms, and since I did them over the course of a couple days, there may be places where I was inconsistent. If something seems unbalanced (where a maneuver of a given level in one discipline is significantly different from a maneuver of the same level in another discipline) this may be why.

I'd also imagine that these would need some kind of "progression requirement" in addition to their BAB requirements. But given that they'd be different for different classes (Full BAB, 3/4 BAB and Half BAB), I'm not quite sure how to do them.

Overall, I think this could be a very interesting system. Since it's open to pretty much everyone, it's not really as though it's going to overpower one class vs. another, but it's probably notable that most casters wouldn't really want to take many of these. Though, it does give more melee oriented casters some additional options too. In terms of access to disciplines, you'll notice that Fighters have them all. Other full BAB classes get four. Monks and Rogues (3/4 BAB non-spellcasters) get three. Clerics and Bards (3/4 BAB spellcasters) and Wizards and Sorcerers (Half BAB spellcasters) get two.

Overall, I think these would be fairly controlled just by their nature as enhancements, and therefore would be limited by available APs.

I realize this system would probably never get implemented, but heck, I thought I'd write it up just for fun. And to give people an idea what kind of stuff "Fighters with Powers" can look like.

01-06-2008, 11:08 PM
That's a lot of reading.

Anyway. I like it...can't say as I'd take any of those, but it might help against the war on overpowering.

01-06-2008, 11:21 PM
Anyway. I like it...can't say as I'd take any of those, but it might help against the war on overpowering.

I think the most important thing with a system like this, is that it gives people options if they want them.

Most of them aren't "OMG MUST HAVE," which means you can just get your standard always-on enhancements if that's the play style you prefer. But it does give melee characters more options and more to do during a fight, if that's what you want.

01-06-2008, 11:21 PM
It looks more like what you'd see in WoW or Mortal Kombat. Plus do we really need to make melee combat even more powerful?

01-06-2008, 11:23 PM
It looks more like what you'd see in WoW or Mortal Kombat.

It's all from this Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 book (http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Dungeons-Dragons-Fantasy-Roleplaying/dp/0786939222). Certainly not everyone's style, but it is Dungeons and Dragons.

Plus do we really need to make melee combat even more powerful?

Yes. But I don't want this to be a debate about that. If you'd like to have a chat about the relative strengths of spellcasters and non-spellcasters in DDO there are a couple dozen other threads on the boards where you can currently do that.

01-06-2008, 11:39 PM
Looks interesting.

I like the idea(s) in theory.

But balance seems like it would be a real dog.

01-06-2008, 11:46 PM
VERY cool. Would be awesome if this was implemented.

01-07-2008, 12:03 AM
It's all from this Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 book (http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Dungeons-Dragons-Fantasy-Roleplaying/dp/0786939222). Certainly not everyone's style, but it is Dungeons and Dragons.

It's true, there has been alot of non-core 3.5 books printed that are of dubious use to DDO, let alone a PnP campaign.

Yes. But I don't want this to be a debate about that. If you'd like to have a chat about the relative strengths of spellcasters and non-spellcasters in DDO there are a couple dozen other threads on the boards where you can currently do that.

Well that's the problem. As you yourself have pointed out big changes are unlikely to happen- and this is a big change in favor of melee. Thus casters and mobs have to be further inflated to keep up. If the designers are hesitant to draw things closer to their PnP roots in favor of game balance how likely are they to just kick everything in the game even further down a power spiral?

This does look cool on paper (er computer screen) and it's obvious that you put alot of work into it. I just don't see it happening.

01-07-2008, 12:09 AM
MT you have too much free time... in the words of Capt Jack SParrow ... "You need to find a girl mate"

on a more relavent note... I like it


01-07-2008, 12:15 AM
It's true, there has been alot of non-core 3.5 books printed that are of dubious use to DDO, let alone a PnP campaign.


Well it is WotC at least... Its not like a third party publisher or anything. Actually I'd be fairly excited to see this become available over all... I'd kind of perfer these ideas working off existing classes instead of adding the BoNS Classes anyway. It would add a number of options and interesting builds to the list and give the game a new dynamic to play with


01-07-2008, 08:22 AM
As you yourself have pointed out big changes are unlikely to happen-

Yes, and I admit in the OP that this is not likely to be implemented, since it's too big of a system.

and this is a big change in favor of melee.

I disagree. Everyone who cares to has access to this system. They don't all get equal access, and higher level Full-BAB classes are going to get more out of it. But higher levels are where the Full-BAB classes need help in comparison to spellcasters.

01-07-2008, 08:44 AM
See below, yeah I hit edit but it saved it below for some reason.

01-07-2008, 08:46 AM
You know alot of the abilities and class abilities for 4.0 were inspired by those.....

Yikes! That's a big quote!

And yes. I know that, but I suppose I should've pointed that out for everyone else. Thanks. :D

01-07-2008, 08:48 AM
The abilities for 4.0 were inspired by the Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords:

That is the direction they are moving in, giving all players a diverse option to handle different scenarios. I do not think this will mean all characters can handle all situations or that group play will be diminished.

I think what it means if you wanna make a melee that is really good at area A) Fire damage/Immunity, you can when you could not before. He may still suffer in another area, but with a different melee build you might be accomplished in area B).

01-07-2008, 09:09 AM
Overall I like the idea of it, I am not crazy about the weapon restrictions especially on the Bard 2 (would also like 3 for the Bard personally). How do they work with TWF? Do you just need one of the valid weapons or two? Rapier should be on one of the Bards choices.

My only other comment is that after thinking a bit about these I would probably pass do to excessive AP cost. There are just too many things now, at least for my main a Bard to try and fit in. I can't imagine trying to sqeeze these in on top of song enhancements, spellsinger, etc.... Especially for cool down type abilities that while "neat" would probably not result in a ton of DPS over time.

01-07-2008, 10:42 AM
Overall I like the idea of it, I am not crazy about the weapon restrictions especially on the Bard 2 (would also like 3 for the Bard personally). How do they work with TWF? Do you just need one of the valid weapons or two? Rapier should be on one of the Bards choices.

Honestly, I think there are weapon restrictions according to the book, but I might be wrong. I'll have to check. Each discipline definitely has "favored weapons" but I'm not 100% sure of how that works mechanically.

My only other comment is that after thinking a bit about these I would probably pass do to excessive AP cost. There are just too many things now, at least for my main a Bard to try and fit in. I can't imagine trying to sqeeze these in on top of song enhancements, spellsinger, etc.... Especially for cool down type abilities that while "neat" would probably not result in a ton of DPS over time.

And honestly, that's kind of how I'd want it. Most classes would find themselves having to make a serious choice as to whether to commit to a lot of maneuvers, or going with the other stuff they have access to. Especially spellcasters. Mostly, I'd just want this to be there as an option who want more things for their characters to do during combat.

01-07-2008, 10:47 AM
Honestly, I think there are weapon restrictions according to the book, but I might be wrong. I'll have to check. Each discipline definitely has "favored weapons" but I'm not 100% sure of how that works mechanically.

And honestly, that's kind of how I'd want it. Most classes would find themselves having to make a serious choice as to whether to commit to a lot of maneuvers, or going with the other stuff they have access to. Especially spellcasters. Mostly, I'd just want this to be there as an option who want more things for their characters to do during combat.

On a similar note, I did notice that in 4.0, many weapons are bound to a particular ability and vice versa.....kind of like how but stunning blow DC weapons are blunts in DDO. I think they might even move cleave to only slashing weapons, but that is just speculation on my part.