View Full Version : Fighter Build Question

12-30-2007, 09:26 PM
I want to make a dex-based two weapon fighter. If I use the weapon finesse feat then how important is strength to my character? How many points should I invest in it? Also, would it make more sense to go with a TWF ranger rather than the fighter? Thanks.

12-31-2007, 12:23 AM
str is still important to a finesse fighter as your damage is based off of it just your to hit is affected by your dex modifier. normally for any melee character i try to dtart with max str provided i reach the minimum i will need in other areas. to get superior 2wf u will need a base dex of 19(including tomes)what you could do is start with 17 dex get a 2 dex tome for 1750 favor and still max str all the way through this would eliminate the need to take weapons finesse, and still have a very good to hit as well as very good damage.
in regards to going ranger over fighter one advantage rangers get is the two weapon fighting, improved two weapon fighting, and greater two weapon fighting granted to them for free.(lev 2,6, and 11 respectively) alos with the addition of tempest (+2 ac +10% melee attack speed) being added as a ranger enhancement provided u reach level 6. That is another good reason to consider ranger for 2wf's. devs mentioned that its possible they will add tempest 2 later on which would grant superior 2wf for free as well and will require ranger lev 15. In addition rangers are getting the spell rams might this mod which will jump up damage substantially. really many clases make awsome 2 wf's. i love my barbarian 2wf that dual weilds heavy picks. i have critted in main hand for 230(death nip) and 185 in off hand (+5 holy of righteousness heavy pick) with the barb crit rages i crit main hand on 15-20 and off hand 17-20.

so really only advice i can give you is try a few diffrent builds out and see which one u like best or run with a few builds of the types your considering and see which one works best for you.
gl and happy new year.

12-31-2007, 04:46 AM
Hey thanks for the help. Initially I wanted to make a TWF Dwarf barbarian but when reading the forums I couldn't really find anything very specific for that. Do you think that would be a good race for that? Can you give me some suggestios for beginning attributes as well? Thanks again.

12-31-2007, 08:08 AM
when planning out a twf fighter its important to decide how far you are willing to go to get dex tomes and if superior twf will be imprortant to you.
twf -15 base dex
improved twf 17 base dex
greater twf 17
superior twf 19 base dex

so if u plan to take superior twf at some point u will need a base dex of 19. the 19 can be your starting dex or starting dex and a combination of tomes and stat points gained at level up. ideally what i do is start the character with a 16 dex and plan on running reaver until i loot a 3 dex tome thus allowing me to have option to take superior twf, while not haveing to burn an extra 6 stat pts at charachter creation. i always start with 18 str or as close to that as i am able. also dont make con a dump stat twf your going to have a much lower ac especially on a double raged barbarian so hps are going to be your friend.

the 3 races i would consider for a twf barb are: drow, dwarf, and human. each have their own advantages and disadvanges. you can use other races those are just my prefrence. wf could be a great choice for some but i dont enjoy playing wf so i wont go into them.
dwarfs: good chioce bonus to con to start ,dwarf toughness enhancement as well as barbarian toughness enhancement for tons of hps. dwarven tactics as well as some racial benefits against giants etc. dwarven spell resistance enhancement.
human: extra feat(twf barbd are feat starved) human adaptabilty(gets u highest poss str in game currently) human healing enhancement.
drow: starting dex of 10 so easy to reach 16 and stillhave points to allocate. enchantments saves enhancement. 10 starting int if you were to go ce route(not reccomended) starting 6 con on a barb is a disadvantage.... rage lasts longer based on con so the higher u start with the better.drow do get racial enhancements for short swords and rapiers so if you were going with a wounding pucturing rapier build they are a great choice.

My 14 barb twf is a drow primarily i use heavy picks have death nip(+5 heavy pick of maiming with seeker 8 on it. and 19-20 crit range) and in off hand a +5 holy of righteousness heavy pick i found rr drow. with improved crit peirce and crit rage one and 2 my crit range is 15 -20 on death nip and 17-20 on holy pick. i have power attack as well as the barbarian enhancements for power attack damage. also the barbarian damage boost enhancement. this build is gear intensive and has a pretty sick str in the right conditions. with madstone rage pot rage barbarian rage and blood rage(scourge choker) have seen my str as high as 48 although 50 is possible. with bard buffs crits on primary hand can reach 230 range(just pick damage doesnt include maiming damage) and 190 in off hand. couple that with greater twf(currently no superior twf) and the damage really adds up.

i would go with starting stats something like this:

str 18
dex 16
con 16 (lower if need be but not less than 14)
dex 10 (8 if u really need the stat points)
int whatever minimum is for the race u choose
wis 10 min but 12 is better for the saves
char minimum

if you have points left over i would either shoot to get con as high as poss or start with 17 dex so u only need a +2 dex tome to hit 19 for sup twf.
power attack
imp twf
greater twf
imp crit peirce(or whatever you main weapon of choice will be)
superior twf when its released
oversized twf(if you find your having diff to hit using 2 heavy weapons) optional not recommended and not currently in game
also i wouldnt try this build as a 28 pt build i would either use 32 pt build race or drow to do it.

so hope this helps if i jumped around a bit sorry was up all night playing so im kinda tired lol. im currently leveling up a hybrid char. that will be 6 ranger 4 barb 6 fighter twf to take advantage of the tempest enhancement that rangers get.

if ya have any more questions let me know

12-31-2007, 01:13 PM
That helps a lot I really appreciate it. I'm just playing the trial right now though so can't make a 32 point character. Maybe I'll just try a paladin for now and make the TWF later if I decide to keep playing.

12-31-2007, 02:15 PM
If you want to play around with a TWF character during the trial, a ranger would probably be your best bet, since they get the feats for free (and don't have to meet the dex prereqs, at least for the first 2). To do it with a fighter, you'd need a pretty high dex (because the 2-weapon fighting feats have dex prerequisites), so elf (with dex enhancements) might be a good way to go.

12-31-2007, 03:50 PM
If you want to play around with a TWF character during the trial, a ranger would probably be your best bet, since they get the feats for free (and don't have to meet the dex prereqs, at least for the first 2). To do it with a fighter, you'd need a pretty high dex (because the 2-weapon fighting feats have dex prerequisites), so elf (with dex enhancements) might be a good way to go.

agreed the build i made really is one u need drow or a 32 pt build to make it all that it can be. rangers rock there is no queston you can have just as much fun playing a twf ranger as the build idea i posted and be more versatile. Im just a sick crit numbers kinda guy and that tends to show in most any build i make. Any way hope you are enjoying the game its a blast and there are some very cool people playing it, that are always a blast to run with. one of the games strongest features are the groups you can get into. signing off as im about to do my pregame liver exercises for the middle weight title fight its going to go through tonight :)
be safe all and see ya in stormreach later tomorrow afternoon lol.