View Full Version : Redemption Welcoming

12-29-2007, 02:36 AM
A little about our guild.

Redemption has been a growing guild that began since the game has been released. The guild was started by two brothers, Xantus and Gith, and for the purpose of creating a mature, family-style gaming environment. Since it's creation, Redemption has grown from it's two founders into a group consisting of well over 800 characters, roughly 150 members. While other guilds have come and gone over the last couple of years, Redemption has worked hard at staying focused on the two main "core values", and this has been the ultimate factor in the guild's success.

Of the two "core values" stated above, the first is that Redemption strives to keep a mature, family oriented gaming environment with adult humor. What this means is that while most who play this game at this point in it's development are adults, we take care to ensure that we are not offending others. While in some guild groups, general conversation and humor may be more adult than what most parents would want their children to hear, however, we are never dropping "f-bombs" in guild chat or offending others with off-color remarks. Each member of our guild takes great care in making sure conversations in party chat are qualified for all members of the party at all times.

The second "core value" of Redemption is that we help eachother in many ways. For some this means passing off items, for some others it means talking somebody through a build idea, for some others still it means teaching somebody a quest or raid. We have had guildies do nothing more than favor quests (with their favor capped characters) for the entire day simply because a guildie needed it, and we periodically organize "Guild Giveaways" where items that have accumulated are "auctioned" off to the highest roller. We have been called a "teaching guild" at times because of these very important and helpful characteristics.

As a disclaimer, on thing Redemption is not is an elitist guild. While we do have players who are outstanding players and regularly raid the toughest raids with 100% success rates, we certainly have others who really play this game part time to socialize and be around friendly people. With a depth-chart like Redemption has, it is safe to say there is much diversity in our guild when it comes to skill levels and personalities, and we are always more than happy to accept people who are interested in maintaining the values that contribute to the success of our family. We are a guild that loves nothing more than to drop an lfm in guild chat and create a party of guildies in no time, but we also enjoy pugging and meeting new players.

If you are interested in joining Redemption, or would like to know more, ask any member of Redemption which officer(s) are currently on. In most cases, there will always be an officer on, and we would love to meet you!