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12-12-2007, 07:24 PM
I apologize if you allready read this, people were saying they couldnt find this info.

Goal: To be crowned Harbormaster by building the best character within the following parameters.

1. No enhancements points used.
2. No leaving the harbor.
3. No using the mailbox.
4. No trading.
5. Your entry must join the Unenhanced guild while 1st level.
6. Your character must have the last name Unenhanced.

Remember this is for fun.

Jox Unenhanced is the guild leader, Xenatech is sucessor, or send tells to any of my characters.

On Jan 15th Noon PST we will close this contest and release info for the second portion.
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.


PVP Melee
PVP Casters
Solo times on irestone norm/hard/elite With screenshot.

Also, no free toon slot, help be a judge: Judges Needed!

12-14-2007, 07:04 AM
well obviously its going to be something like a bard/ barbarian because barbarian can get rage without using the enhancement points,
bard can get the spells, and 1 songs per lvls, fascinate and inspire courage without using enchacements, and they gets spells aswell
maybe a 1bard, 1 barbarian and as much sorc as u can get before u xp cap on every harbor quest?

12-21-2007, 11:14 AM
Due to the holidays, and the amount of prizes, this contest will be extended to Jan 31st.

