View Full Version : Auction Buyout and Sell All confirmations

12-10-2007, 11:47 AM
Requesting a confirm button be installed after
the sell all button to differentiate from the
repair all option. Same issue with the buyout
button on the auction house. I have bought out
items in the millions of gp when all I intended
to do is turn to the next page of the auction
house. Please install a confirm buyout at such
and such price as well as a sell all items
button for these 2 instances.

Selling all my unbound loot was no fun either.
Have done that a few times as well and in either
case customer support has provided no



Answer 12/3/2007 via Website
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12-10-2007, 12:25 PM
Ive bought something once because the buyout button is right next to the bid button.

A confirmation would be much appreciated.

12-10-2007, 12:30 PM
Ive bought something once because the buyout button is right next to the bid button.

A confirmation would be much appreciated.

Lost a ton of plat because of this, and already suggested it in another thread.

12-10-2007, 01:19 PM
I don't read the buttons I click on. Fix them please. :rolleyes:

12-10-2007, 01:21 PM
I don't read the buttons I click on. Fix them please. :rolleyes:Mercules, it's not just that. It's poor UI design; big buttons that are too close together. If the bid and buyout buttons were separated, we wouldn't need a confirmation.

12-10-2007, 02:23 PM
Mercules, it's not just that. It's poor UI design; big buttons that are too close together. If the bid and buyout buttons were separated, we wouldn't need a confirmation.

Trust me... I understand that people make mistakes because things are not laid out clearly. In our software when someone goes to print out a report from a test they have multiple versions of the report. Our software defaults to the first report in the list in a box that states, "Please select the report you wish to print." People see that that box is filled in and just skip it. They don't pause to think, "They offer me a drop down box... maybe I should check what is in it." and then can't print out a report as they have no pre-paid usages for -that- report and needed to select a different one. It later defaults to the last report you chose for that test.

Personally, I think the flaw is with the end user, but I can see the need to make it more clear to them since they refuse to read directions or even the text above and in the box.

This is the same case. Yes it makes it easy to do if you turn off your brain. Solution, don't turn off your brain. People get in too much of a rush to bother being sure. Confirmation boxes are fairly silly as the people who don't read the button label are even LESS likely to read a full sentence full of text and usually just click "Yes" anyway.

Our software example again. "This test is invalid because of the way the respondent answered the questions has generated a highly elevated score. If you continue you will get basic T scores and values but no interpretation. Do you wish to continue?" Of course they do... and spend $40 on a report that will give them as much info as the $6 report they are not printing out... and then call and complain about how our software let them print an invalid report without warning them. These are PHDs we are talking about although I would make an argument about some of them being the dumbest smart people I've ever met.

12-10-2007, 05:19 PM
Selling all my unbound loot was no fun either.
Have done that a few times as well and in either
case customer support has provided no

At this risk of sounding like a prick, how many times does it take to learn a lesson?

Yes, a confirm button might be nice but seriously, learn after the first time.

12-10-2007, 05:38 PM
I don't read the buttons I click on. Fix them please. :rolleyes:

Take your trolling elsewhere. We don't care about your objections to this much-needed and sensible change.

Windows doesn't let you format your hard drive without confirming it - if a program as bad as Windows can have this feature, so can DDO.

12-10-2007, 05:42 PM
they already changed how the buy/sell system works once, because people weren't paying attention and selling things they wanted to keep

how many confirm buttons is enough?

12-10-2007, 06:09 PM
At this risk of sounding like a prick, how many times does it take to learn a lesson?

Yes, a confirm button might be nice but seriously, learn after the first time.

aye, once for me, now anything of decently reasonable value and use is securely locked. luckily all i sold were my weapons to a broker, so i was able to retrieve them, at a signifigant markup, of course.

12-11-2007, 08:47 AM
On the same note I would like a confirmation button to appear when I press W to move forward, and when I press S to move back....oh, and I want this everytime I press them..that way I won't fall of the asteroid (or whatever) when we are about to kick Velah's ass....

I think that is reasonable!

12-11-2007, 09:04 AM
Usually I don't have problems with special requests.... usually.

How many times has this happened to you?

If you are selling items in your inventory by accident, LOCK THEM DOWN

If you are buying items off the AH by accident, BE MORE CAREFUL

If you are buying items off the AH by accident A SECOND OR THIRD TIME, don't drink and DDO.

Yes, I sold an item (smiting mace) by accident before we had locking ability. I almost sold a paralyzer afterwords but I WAS WATCHING.

No I've never "sold all" by accident. If you think you clicked repair all and EVERYTHING in your unlocked inventory needs repaired, wouldn't you second guess if you really clicked "repair all"? Do your items take that much damage?


12-11-2007, 10:17 AM
Take your trolling elsewhere. We don't care about your objections to this much-needed and sensible change.

Windows doesn't let you format your hard drive without confirming it - if a program as bad as Windows can have this feature, so can DDO.

Formatting your hard drive is a little different than buying an imaginary item from an imaginary auction house. You are asking to put a confirmation box on top of every single item I buy at the AH because YOU can't read the button you pushed. People don't format hard drives so much that the extra confirmation would be annoying, but people DO buy enough from the DDO auction house that the confirmation would be annoying.

Please think about the ramifications of changes before assuming they would benefit everyone the same way. Videogames are dumbed down enough. People are never held accountable for their actions or decisions. How much more pampering do you want? Would you like a confimation for the confirmation? What if you didn't read the first one?

12-11-2007, 10:18 AM
Take your trolling elsewhere. We don't care about your objections to this much-needed and sensible change.

Windows doesn't let you format your hard drive without confirming it - if a program as bad as Windows can have this feature, so can DDO.

Ever play around with Vista with all the User Access Control in place? There actually CAN be too many confirm windows. I've always found them to be stupid since the people who would actually bother to read them rarely need them and those who need them rarely bother to read them. I just had another call from someone who had a confirm screen pop up asking if they wanted to print an invalid test(at $40 a pop) and they printed it out and then were surprised when they didn't have any interpretation attached. That confirm window they clicked Ok on told them they wouldn't. Too late now, have the kid retake it and eat the $40 dollars. Oh, wait... I'll count this as a learning experience and give you a free report. I track those, BTW, and I have only had one person out of hundreds call back again with the same issue. I didn't refund his usage that time and he hasn't made the same mistake again.

12-11-2007, 12:52 PM
A developer said here that confirmation boxes would be added for the AH (in mod.6 I guess).