View Full Version : Help System Update? / Mentor System

12-02-2007, 08:20 PM
So, I was recently a little A.D.D. prone, and decided to run around the Harbor. I saw a player (Not sure if they were new or not) asking about multi-classing. I sent him a tell, and he told me that the info on multi-classing had said (I looked it up):

Multi-classing can be done until level 10.

Now, obviously, the level cap isn't 10. I helped him out, told him that even if you multi-class, you can continue to 14, and 16 once the level cap is raised. That's not my concern, though. . .

The level cap was 10 quite awhile ago. And that info is still in the Help Desk.

How many more questions have old information in them?

It would probably be a large job to go through each and every question, reading them, and updating to the correct information. But, it would probably be very helpful, especially to a new player. Case in point: The player who didn't know multi-classers could go beyond level 10.

This is probably another good time to bring up the Mentor system again, heheh. :cool: I don't remember who first came up with the idea (So I can't take credit for this), but a system for players to flag themselves as mentors would be very nice. Have a symbol next to their name in the Who list, so new players (Or just curious ones!) can go to them for help.


Additional ideas:

New intro quests, to teach players confusing aspects of the game. (Not just kobolds and sewers. "Something colorful, and fun.") - Idea by Arianrhod.

12-03-2007, 08:16 AM
I think it would be a good idea to do a whole new series of intro quests to teach new players some of the many confusing aspects of the game. Something colorful, and fun. The harbor quests right now are pretty much nothing but kobolds & sewers, and it kind of turns people off when that's all they see of the game.

12-03-2007, 10:31 AM
I can agree with that, about all kobolds and sewers. I remember playing sparingly when I first bought DDO, because it seemed like everything I was doing was either going into someone's basement, or going into sewers. Something new would be kind of refreshing, even if it's meant more for new players to get the hang of things.
