View Full Version : Screw it... I'm done

11-29-2007, 10:36 AM
The forums have been on a downward slide for months now. All you read about is ****ing and moaning (I'm well aware of how hypocritical it is for me to say that in this post, a pre-emptive 'thankyou' to anyone who would like to point that out) outrageous trade requests, downright hostility of anyone responding to a question. The general forums went a while ago and even our own server boards started to see the beginings of this as well.
To top it off, I got this in my pm box this morning...


So I'm done.
I only post this because I have trades in the works and wanted to say if you want to complete the trade, send an in-game mail message to 'Klaymoore' because I'm not comming back to the boards.


11-29-2007, 05:55 PM
Sorry to see you leave the game. Can I have that wounding of puncture light crossbow?

I did trade you your first paralyzer and think that you should keep me in mind for when you give away all your gear. Nice knowing you have fun on the other side.

11-29-2007, 06:41 PM
He's not quitting the game, just the forums. ;)

11-29-2007, 07:59 PM
Like my mom used to tell my lil Sister, "Just ignore him and he'll leave you alone." :D


Have you heard any good home mortgage commercials lately.

I guess the 2 dont necessarily go together, but the point is that these guys pester us all if you let them.
I'm sure they have every weapon in the game at this point, so dont let it get to you. Dont let them win,
you need to step above this and ignore it. You might actually get a real hit after all.

I gotta admit one thing though, if Turbine advertised as much as they do, this game would have Mr. T doing
its commercials by now!

11-29-2007, 08:34 PM
If you're going to stop posting on the forums is it really necessary to make this thread?

The vast majority of the people playing the game never post on the forums, do they all make a post saying they won't use them?

I just fail to see what this thread hopes to accomplish...

11-29-2007, 09:48 PM

11-30-2007, 02:15 AM
If you're going to stop posting on the forums is it really necessary to make this thread?

The vast majority of the people playing the game never post on the forums, do they all make a post saying they won't use them?

I just fail to see what this thread hopes to accomplish...

his point was to tell people to contact him only through the game as he won't be back on the forums, specifically people who have seen his trade list and were looking to do a trade.