View Full Version : How about the Great X-bow love in Mod 6!

11-19-2007, 12:12 PM
NEW - Great Crossbows now deal 2d8 damage, with a 18-20/x2 critical threat range. This should be retroactive to all existing Great Crossbows.

Not that I actually use the things but I'm glad that they are being made somewhat useful for those people who gave up a feat to use them.

11-19-2007, 12:19 PM
I have always wanted to build a WF great Crossbow user... I think it would be a kick to see a girl lugging that huge thing around...

But I can never find them...

So I need more xbow loving...Put more of em in the game so I can take advantage of that great damage!

Can you make them PINK?

See ya in Stormreach,


11-19-2007, 12:27 PM
Can you make them PINK?

Only if they also implement Greater Pink Bane and Protection from Pink so I can smash said pink items with ease or keep myself from taking pink damage while around them.

11-19-2007, 12:32 PM
makes me question if Storm (heavy crossbow from DQ) is supposed to emulate a great crossbow or just be a bit better (and bigger) than normal heavy crossbows. it happens to have the image & damage of a great crossbow.

wonder if it'll get changed too.

11-19-2007, 04:32 PM
I was just thinking, I might even make a great xbow user because of this change just to do something different.