View Full Version : How about a Donation Window for Clerics?

11-15-2007, 02:35 PM
I don't play any clerics but I think it would be handy for clerics to be able to raise a donation window that lists what they paid for there wands/player (to that player) and the player can choose to donate or not....

I think clerics have a tough time in this game and either they should get a loot increase (maybe +20% loot) or be able to raise the donation window....

I'm sure most zerging fighters have no idea that heal moderate wands go for 4500 gold ...

I don't play clerics but would like to have more in the game!


11-15-2007, 02:36 PM
lol...can I claim that on my taxes, and do you give receipts...

11-15-2007, 02:43 PM
How about better loot tables for the cleric? I have it on random cuz it's better than the junk I get from the clerics one. How about raid items that have nothing to do with the Heal skill and more about the devotion side?

As for donating, I'm not to sure that is a great idea. It feels that the charity is enforced not given in good grace.

11-15-2007, 03:16 PM
I don't play any clerics but I think it would be handy for clerics to be able to raise a donation window that lists what they paid for there wands/player (to that player) and the player can choose to donate or not....

There is one. It's called the Trade window. And the Chat window.

11-15-2007, 03:23 PM
How about better loot tables for the cleric? I have it on random cuz it's better than the junk I get from the clerics one. How about raid items that have nothing to do with the Heal skill and more about the devotion side?

As for donating, I'm not to sure that is a great idea. It feels that the charity is enforced not given in good grace.
Who said anything about "charity" or "good grace"?

Pft, all you lawful good clerics out there...

My god despises you, fleshlings, as do I. Thank fate that I consider you of more use to me whole than broken. And to keep it that way, maybe coughing up a little plat wouldn't be such a bad idea.

11-15-2007, 03:26 PM
There is one. It's called the Trade window. And the Chat window.
I think he means something akin to the xp window that keeps track of related statistics, like exactly how many wand charges of each type of wand were expended by which player healing whom. Not only would this do more to encourage donations, but it would give people a better idea of just how much damage they are taking, which I am sure a lot would appreciate since all they really have to go on now is kill count when considering just how much their uber melee build is really contributing to a party.

11-15-2007, 03:43 PM
how about...rogues. palidans. bards. soc. rangers or anyone with umd CAN ALL HEAL AND SHOULD HEAL THEMSELF. clerics only mass heal or burst heal in battle...manage your mana clerics its really not that hard...when it is let the part know...........you dont need to beg for money, my cleric made more money than any character i built.... TEACH these other classes to heal themself while running or between battles its not that hard

11-15-2007, 03:50 PM
How about better loot tables for the cleric?

That is a suggestion I've made before, not to give cleric's more cash, but to encourage more folks to play their clerics. We all know how tedious playing a cleric can be... incentive would be nice.

11-15-2007, 04:26 PM
I don't mind spending the money.... as long as I get some good loot.. as for sp management i becomes a challange when you have people who are "zealous" in the pursit of cleaning the dungeon of foul vermin -

11-15-2007, 04:44 PM
If you're broke as a cleric, that's YOUR choice...

I've played a cleric (and a healing bard) to cap... I don't need or want donations...

It's simple... If it's a good party (but maybe a hard quest, or we have some bad luck), I'll use up as many wands and scrolls as needed... Most times, good parties run smooth and I easily make money on those runs...

If it's a bad party, I may use up a wand and a scroll or two, but then I STOP. I tell them, "Guys, I'm out of wands and scrolls, and low on SP.. We're going to have to play smarter".

And amazingly... lots of times a bad party will suddenly become a decent party, and we make it through playing smart (and without costing me any more money). Or maybe they'll hand me a bunch of wands, and we'll continue on playing like fools (but at least it's not costing me any more money)

And if they don't change tactics or don't hand me wands?? Well, exp is a lot easier to get in this game than gold... If someone dies, they die... If we wipe, we wipe... It's good lesson for all involved...

I CHOOSE not to spend all my cash helping bad players remain bad players... and therefore my cleric is rich and less people are bad players.

End of story.

11-15-2007, 04:53 PM
... or if you want a donation window added,then make it non-class specific so that everytime a rogue disables a trap the cleric can donate maybe 1/2 the cost of a heal scroll they no longer have to use??, or if the intimitank successfully uses intimidate the cleric can toss a few plats to him for saving the cost of healing the squishy?? or maybe if the zerger races ahead and doesn't die the cleric could throw some plat their way because they managed to get the quest done faster than it otherwise would have been and thus freeing up the cleric to go and run PotP again??

Or maybe?? if you don't like the cost involved running your cleric...
.... then you could stop buying all those heal scrolls,
.... maybe let the party know you expect the healing capable to pull their own weight??,
.... run another capped toon to gain some cash??
.... or maybe,and this may sound rediculous, you could do what alot of others do,and grind your way through PotP,Wiz King etc etc to gain some items to vendor or A/H??
.... or as a last resort you stop playing your cleric?

Donation window?? pffttt

11-15-2007, 04:58 PM
If you're broke as a cleric, that's YOUR choice...

I've played a cleric (and a healing bard) to cap... I don't need or want donations...

It's simple... If it's a good party (but maybe a hard quest, or we have some bad luck), I'll use up as many wands and scrolls as needed... Most times, good parties run smooth and I easily make money on those runs...

If it's a bad party, I may use up a wand and a scroll or two, but then I STOP. I tell them, "Guys, I'm out of wands and scrolls, and low on SP.. We're going to have to play smarter".

And amazingly... lots of times a bad party will suddenly become a decent party, and we make it through playing smart (and without costing me any more money). Or maybe they'll hand me a bunch of wands, and we'll continue on playing like fools (but at least it's not costing me any more money)

And if they don't change tactics or don't hand me wands?? Well, exp is a lot easier to get in this game than gold... If someone dies, they die... If we wipe, we wipe... It's good lesson for all involved...

I CHOOSE not to spend all my cash helping bad players remain bad players... and therefore my cleric is rich and less people are bad players.

End of story.


I basically do the same thing. If I feel a party is working out I will burn what I need to burn to keep that good party playing and standing upright. If the party is just zerging and not letting me do my thing, then why should I waste my money? I try to play mostly with my guild but Ill do what I need to do to get the money and xp.

11-15-2007, 05:17 PM
... or if you want a donation window added,then make it non-class specific so that everytime a rogue disables a trap the cleric can donate maybe 1/2 the cost of a heal scroll they no longer have to use??, or if the intimitank successfully uses intimidate the cleric can toss a few plats to him for saving the cost of healing the squishy?? or maybe if the zerger races ahead and doesn't die the cleric could throw some plat their way because they managed to get the quest done faster than it otherwise would have been and thus freeing up the cleric to go and run PotP again??

Or maybe?? if you don't like the cost involved running your cleric...
.... then you could stop buying all those heal scrolls,
.... maybe let the party know you expect the healing capable to pull their own weight??,
.... run another capped toon to gain some cash??
.... or maybe,and this may sound rediculous, you could do what alot of others do,and grind your way through PotP,Wiz King etc etc to gain some items to vendor or A/H??
.... or as a last resort you stop playing your cleric?

Donation window?? pffttt


As long as everyone is doing their part the party works out fine. I am not a rich cleric but I take the bad groups with the good groups and call it a day. I never ask for donations of any kind but you will always get a few who know what your going through, probally because they have played a healing class in DDO or another game.

I usually look forward more to the occasional "thank you!" or "you did a great job back there!" more :D

I like challenges and prefer to try to cap my cleric first. I knew it was gunna be costly but its something I enjoy doing anyways. The real point of playing the game is to have fun right? If your not having fun in the party tell them that your moving on or whatever.

Just my 2 cp's

11-15-2007, 07:25 PM
My cleric is fed by a 14 ftr/rng, but in groups I try to do my part by giving the cleric some res and heal scrolls and a wand or two at the start of a difficult run.

11-15-2007, 08:14 PM
Donations are nice and all, and I do donate to the cleric when the quest calls for it. I refuse to donate in something like SC, where there should be absolutely no need to use a single charge of a wand. However running Thernal is expensive for a cleric, at level 9 still don't have the heal spell but the fighters can have 250+ hps, that is a lot of healing.

When I run my cleric(s), I don't use any consumables (wands, scrolls) unless I think they are need to keep the quest going and I feel like the group is worth it. Paladins and Rangers who expect the cleric to wand whip them are both selfish and stupid. Unless it's a new player (at which point I give them a wand and explain that they can use it on themselves) I simply don't wand whip them, I keep you up and looking good in combat, afterwards if I'm on wands you are on your own.

11-15-2007, 09:56 PM
I knew there would be the typical kneejerk naysays, but the trade window is not all that convenient especially to bring it up several times in a row....

Whether the cleric wants to pass the hat or not is up the cleric; I'm just postulating that a hat to pass around interface would be very handy


11-16-2007, 09:09 AM
I don't play any clerics but I think it would be handy for clerics to be able to raise a donation window that lists what they paid for there wands/player (to that player) and the player can choose to donate or not....

I think clerics have a tough time in this game and either they should get a loot increase (maybe +20% loot) or be able to raise the donation window....

I'm sure most zerging fighters have no idea that heal moderate wands go for 4500 gold ...

I don't play clerics but would like to have more in the game!


Or... you could build your character and play it in a manner where you didn't need a sentient shrine following you around. I know it is possible as I play my Cleric with people who do it.

11-16-2007, 09:12 AM
That is a suggestion I've made before, not to give cleric's more cash, but to encourage more folks to play their clerics. We all know how tedious playing a cleric can be... incentive would be nice.

The incentive is -playing- with people instead of babysitting them. :p

11-16-2007, 09:25 AM
dont see the need for this, i have a lev 14 cleric with about 250k plat in his bank i accept donations when offered but would never ask for them. I will tell the mana sponges to stop zerging or run the rest of the quest without heals if they are draining the resorces.

11-16-2007, 10:28 AM
If you're broke as a cleric, that's YOUR choice...

I've played a cleric (and a healing bard) to cap... I don't need or want donations...

It's simple... If it's a good party (but maybe a hard quest, or we have some bad luck), I'll use up as many wands and scrolls as needed... Most times, good parties run smooth and I easily make money on those runs...

If it's a bad party, I may use up a wand and a scroll or two, but then I STOP. I tell them, "Guys, I'm out of wands and scrolls, and low on SP.. We're going to have to play smarter".

And amazingly... lots of times a bad party will suddenly become a decent party, and we make it through playing smart (and without costing me any more money). Or maybe they'll hand me a bunch of wands, and we'll continue on playing like fools (but at least it's not costing me any more money)

And if they don't change tactics or don't hand me wands?? Well, exp is a lot easier to get in this game than gold... If someone dies, they die... If we wipe, we wipe... It's good lesson for all involved...

I CHOOSE not to spend all my cash helping bad players remain bad players... and therefore my cleric is rich and less people are bad players.

End of story.Preach it, Brother! QFT++

11-16-2007, 10:35 AM
If you're broke as a cleric, that's YOUR choice...

I've played a cleric (and a healing bard) to cap... I don't need or want donations...

It's simple... If it's a good party (but maybe a hard quest, or we have some bad luck), I'll use up as many wands and scrolls as needed... Most times, good parties run smooth and I easily make money on those runs...

If it's a bad party, I may use up a wand and a scroll or two, but then I STOP. I tell them, "Guys, I'm out of wands and scrolls, and low on SP.. We're going to have to play smarter".

And amazingly... lots of times a bad party will suddenly become a decent party, and we make it through playing smart (and without costing me any more money). Or maybe they'll hand me a bunch of wands, and we'll continue on playing like fools (but at least it's not costing me any more money)

And if they don't change tactics or don't hand me wands?? Well, exp is a lot easier to get in this game than gold... If someone dies, they die... If we wipe, we wipe... It's good lesson for all involved...

I CHOOSE not to spend all my cash helping bad players remain bad players... and therefore my cleric is rich and less people are bad players.

End of story.


Donations welcome, but I would never use something like a Begging Window, which is what it would become known as if ever it came to be. Also like the people on the street, give them $5 and they spend it on what they want, but buy them a meal and you know where your money went. I seldom give money, but I often hand over CSW wands to the needy.

11-16-2007, 10:36 AM
how about...rogues. palidans. bards. soc. rangers or anyone with umd CAN ALL HEAL AND SHOULD HEAL THEMSELF. clerics only mass heal or burst heal in battle...manage your mana clerics its really not that hard...when it is let the part know...........you dont need to beg for money, my cleric made more money than any character i built.... TEACH these other classes to heal themself while running or between battles its not that hard

I agree. My cleric only makes money - and I frequently get confused looks from others when I turn down their donations with "dude, not necessary." Granted, my cleric is far from my only toon, and I do play him somewhat selectively. But back in the day, I remember PUG-ing him up to level 8 before I even bought wands. With an even moderately self-sufficient group my bard can usually keep up on healing without using more than 1 cure mod wand/half hour.